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My ghost man dies in watchers keep final seal

Playing on Legacy of Baal difficulti

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#1 Gel87

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Posted 15 May 2018 - 01:55 PM



Playing on the hardest difficulti. Legacy of baal or smt its called, which means i cannot turn it down while playing and monsters deal psycho dmg and have psycho life/thaco and armor etc..


So im walking around in watcher keep final seal level with a ghost warrior, doing everything right(using walkthrough for that quest). So at the last place i meet a mummy, i use wand of missile on him and then spirit/ghost warrior continue to attack. Problem is that he dies... Because the mummy is stronger xD


How can i fix this? Can i mod him stronger? Immortal life or immune to psy dmg or smt? Any1 know his internal name? Of the creature..?


I was so ready to take on the imprisoned one this evening, but now i can give that up xD Maby i can mod some more dmg into his wand of missle or change the spell it cast into making mummy 1 lifed after cast?

Edited by Gel87, 15 May 2018 - 01:58 PM.

#2 Lemmy

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Posted 15 May 2018 - 02:16 PM

Creature may be FSMumm or FSMumm2


Maybe it helps to use console



That scene can't work in the Legacy mode because you can't influence your spirit fighter while enemies get all the extras. It's a bug you can't overcome without cheating.

#3 Gel87

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Posted 16 May 2018 - 06:10 AM

Creature may be FSMumm or FSMumm2


Maybe it helps to use console



That scene can't work in the Legacy mode because you can't influence your spirit fighter while enemies get all the extras. It's a bug you can't overcome without cheating.


Thanks for fast responce.

I don't really know how to use console. Maby you could help me?

I really don't want to change FSMumm or FSMumm2 as they are mummies in general and it would affect a bunch of other creatures.


I found a creature list on google. Found this: FSSPIR1 - Spirit Warrior. Looked like it could be this? Any1 know? Or any1 know if this is used any other place in the game? If so i could just change his dmg, then change it back after wards, or just use it as a temp overide file. I will check some after work this evening :) 

#4 Lemmy

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Posted 16 May 2018 - 07:22 AM

For console just hit CTRL+Pause and type C:SetGlobal("SpiritRoom","GLOBAL",12)  and enter etc.


FSSpir1 is your warrior creature and its unique. If you beef him up it won't have effects anywhere else in the game.

#5 Gel87

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Posted 16 May 2018 - 08:21 AM

For console just hit CTRL+Pause and type C:SetGlobal("SpiritRoom","GLOBAL",12)  and enter etc.


FSSpir1 is your warrior creature and its unique. If you beef him up it won't have effects anywhere else in the game.


Thanks a lot :D

100% piercing, slashing, crushing resists

20D20 dmg


Should do the work then xD For quicker walktrue as well xD

Ill make a simple override file for FSSPIR1.CRE then or give him an unicue wep or smt xD

#6 Gel87

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Posted 16 May 2018 - 12:24 PM

Something went wrong...

I copied the FSSPIR1.CRE and called it GELSPI1.CRE so it ended up in override folder.

Then i Copied its sword(SW1H4.ITM) and Called it GELSPI1.ITM.

Then i modified both.

Then i exported them to a folder. There i renamed the creature into FSSPIR1.CRE.


Then i Copied FSSPIR1.CRE from folder to override in data/0789753525858538smt/overide. It said that it already existed... So i pressed change file option from windows. But the wierd part it did not exist there from before in NearInfinity. But when i look at my override folder it got looooooooooads of shit not shown in same folder in nearinfinity.... It somehow contains normal stuff too... Is that normal?


So for now i had to manually put the GELSPI1.ITM in the original creatures hand, and then modify the original creature HP to 500, AC's to -15, thaco to -30 and psy res to 99% xD Then it bloody worked, and went fast cause creatures died in 2-3 strikes instead of fighting for a century on that difficulty. The failed attempt it died already to the ghost xD


But, why does override "windows" folder contains all this stuff that does not exists in same folder in nearinfinity?

The mods i have that i don't have control over content is Weimer's items upgrade, and the tweak mod..

#7 Lemmy

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Posted 16 May 2018 - 10:42 PM

In Near Infinity you can choose a view option in the menu point options > show override files .....

You can either have them all shown under Override or select a view where all files are shown under their type like cre or itm regardless of where they are stored. I prefer the "in ??? folders" option because it always shows the file version that the game will actually use.