Reading through the linked posts I realise with increasing fascination that I sincerely answered questions and - also - reacted to what I identified as the start of bad rumors thinking I am dealing with different persons here. Also, looking at the alts at BeamDog you see a pattern of one alt increased the "like" helpful" and "insightful" counts for another. (I don't know how the "helpful" batch is given, but if it is related to the count of "insightfuls" then referring to that as a prove of Roxanne's helpfulness is more than sarcastic. Also, it's kind of obvious now that at least half of her helpful answers here were to questions she posted herself as a guest. So, in the end, I don't know how helpful she was, really.)
Ok, you got me here - I did not think about self-promoting by using alts. Still, there were real people genuinely asking question about BWS, EET and game-install troubleshooting, and Roxanne/Paula was helping them too.
May be it's because I was mostly on receiving end of that conversations, I feel less ashamed of talking to alts than thankful for help, but I do with all honesty take it more as (like subtledoctor said) an oddity than an evil intent (though, have to admit, self-promotion does not look good).
Probabaly, that would be truly the best solution:
I wished SHS would disable guest posting.
Good way to control post counting.
That's what I call obvious.
Roxanne, I know, no one can convince you otherwise, but it's still no more true than declaring "EET is hated on Beamdog forums". People love EET and people do want mega-mods (and God they need installing tools like BWS!). But there are rules on the forums we are all gathering. Breaking them is not an option. If moral aspects are at question for you, just take it as a wish to follow the rules.