So I was finally talked to Pel'ja after I parked Narcissa, Aleigha and Fala'stra at the Outlook inn. That ancient elven mage was very chaty ( Ilesomeone). After I accepted suggested trio ( Althon, Vildamyr and Rihn ), summoned Candella and recruited Ilhara I told elven Pupetmaster that we are ready to depart to Myth Drannor. But to my surprise all of my party except Althon get stucked in upper left empty space limbo on the Vault of ages map while elven mage triggered another quest for Merchantius to explore some ancient Netherese castle. Then I got another list of NPC to form party again for that particular quest. I picked Rihn who was already in my party and then everything stopped. Whole party except that shady fallen paladin was imprisoned in the empty space. Fortunately after I selected Althon and talked with the mage I got another conspiratory dialog about Lords of Waterdeep and whatnot and only then my party got transported to Myth Drannor. I wander what would happen if I didn't pick up Althon this time, I would probably stayed helplessly stuck up. Can anybody please tell me what is this quest with de Amberville castle and what are conditions for its triggering?

Multiple overlapping conflicting cutscenes in the Vault of ages
Posted 15 April 2018 - 05:51 AM
Posted 16 April 2018 - 03:16 AM
Yea, from what I can see in InfExp dialogs are all mixed up. I presume when you tell Ilewtharyn that you are ready to go to Myth Drannor IF Althon is in your party you should get dialog when mage hands Merchantius some sort of Amulet of Seldarine. Instead you get cutscene where you are transported from area MD0001 ( Vault of ages ) instead to Myth Drannor ( MD1000) to duplicate version of Vault of ages ( MD0002) which triggers quest with ancient Netherese castle ( I'm dying of curiosity for details about it, no mention whatsoever in Readme or forums about it ). If you picked up Althon to be in the party for Myth Drannor you get the chance to talk with the mage while the rest of your party is imprisoned so you can go to your original destination. If not... then you are screwed, I'm afraid, that gamebreaking bug is truly original...
Posted 16 April 2018 - 04:11 AM
Also pictures might help a bit, as I have forgotten half of what's where in the CA.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 16 April 2018 - 05:06 AM
It's probably just a global that's messed.
Also pictures might help a bit, as I have forgotten half of what's where in the CA.
Well here is one which defies all laws of physics:
I have archived saves before and after this situation in case one of mod creators or maintainers suddenly magically reveal themselves out of retirement. I played this mod and this very quest with older versions of it and this bug is introduced with last version of 0.53 or perhaps with it's patch 0.53a. I'm mostly interested to know how to activate quest with that castle and acquire Magdalene NPC as I suspect this quest is revolving around her...