There obviously is no @91... line in my tp2 file or any other file (baf, d,..) and I get the message even when completely removing all tra references...
Anyone seen this before?
PS: this is my current wip tp2 file
BACKUP ~Dreamwalker/Backup~ // So WeiDU can uninstall AUTHOR ~Ulb~ //README ~Dreamwalker/readme.pdf~ // Shows readme file ALWAYS INCLUDE ~Dreamwalker/lib/functions.tph~ // Borrowed from Argent77 for dynamic animtion slot search code INCLUDE ~Dreamwalker/lib/handle_charsets.tpa~ // Borrowed from Edwin Romance: convert strings to UTF-8 for BGEE/BG2EE INCLUDE ~Dreamwalker/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~ // EE compatibility patch, updated version by Subtledoctor ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY UBnoconvert BEGIN END // No exception, everything needs to be converted ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY UBreload BEGIN UB#DW END // UB#DW.tra needs to be reloaded? LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS // There is no "language" folder so the root of all languages is Dreamwalker INT_VAR infer_charset = 1 STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL ~Dreamwalker/translations~ noconvert_array = UBnoconvert reload_array = UBreload END ACTION_IF (NOT GAME_IS ~soa tob iwd2 pst bg1 totsc iwd how totlm tutu tutu_totsc bgt ca iwd_in_bg2 bg2ee eet iwdee~) THEN BEGIN // Check if BGEE/SOD COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/25STWEAP.2DA~ ~override~ // Add working 25STWEAP.2DA copy from BGII so ADD_KIT command doesn't break END END LANGUAGE ~English~ ~english~ ~Dreamwalker/translations/english/UB#DW.tra~ //LANGUAGE ~Deutsch~ ~german~ ~Dreamwalker/translations/german/UB#DW.tra~ BEGIN ~Dreamwalker Shaman Kit~ REQUIRE_PREDICATE (GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet~) ~This mod is only for BGEE, SOD, BG2EE, EET~ // Internal name of the kit ADD_KIT ~UB#DW~ // Appended to CLASWEAP.2da ~UB#DW 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1~ // Appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ // Appended to ABCLASRQ.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 12 0 12 0~ // Appended to ABCLSMOD.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 0 0 0 0~ // Appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 0 0 0 0~ // Appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 0 0 0 0~ // Appended to ALIGNMNT.2da ~UB#DW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ // LG LN LE NG NN NE CG CN CE // Appended to DUALCLAS.2da ~UB#DW 0 0 0 0 0 0~ // Path to my CLAB.2da file ~Dreamwalker/files/CLABUB!D.2da~ // PC races and classes allowed to use this kit, from KITTABLE.2da ~K_SH_H K_SH_HO~ // Usability flags, added to the end of the KITLIST.2da entry ~0x00004000 21~ // HLA table to use; see LUABBR.2da ~UB!DW~ // List of starting equipment for PCs starting in ToB. Appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2da ~LEAT20 * HELM019 BAG27A RING06 RING31 CLCK02 BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC14 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAMM07 SW1H27 STAF08~ // vanilla shaman equippment // Lower, mixed, and help kit names and descriptions, added to KITLIST.2da SAY @1 SAY @1 SAY @2 // Call EE compatibility patch LAF fl#add_kit_ee STR_VAR kit_name = UB#DW END /////////////////////////////// // Install Spirit Animations // /////////////////////////////// // Nightmare Animation LAF FIND_FREE_ANIM_SLOT INT_VAR slotMin = 0xe000 slotMax = 0xefff RET slot END ACTION_IF (slot <= 0) BEGIN FAIL ~No free creature animation slot found.~// No free creature animation slot found. END LAF TO_HEX_NUMBER INT_VAR value = slot minDigits = 4 RET hexNumber END APPEND ~animate.ids~ ~0x%hexNumber% SHA_WOW~ UNLESS ~SHA_WOW~ CLEAR_IDS_MAP COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/Nightmare/exxx.ini~ ~override/%hexNumber%.ini~ COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/Nightmare/Animation~ ~override~ //COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/Nightmare/Sound~ ~override~ /////////////////////////////// // Copy Stuff Over // /////////////////////////////// // Bluk Copy COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/copy~ ~override~ // Items COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/items/UB!DW2B.ITM~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY NAME2 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/items/UB!DW2D.ITM~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY NAME2 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/items/UB!DW2E.ITM~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY NAME2 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/items/UB!DW2F.ITM~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY NAME2 ~Attack~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name // Creatures COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2B.CRE~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Nightmare~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2D.CRE~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Nightmare~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2E.CRE~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Nightmare~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2F.CRE~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Nightmare~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name // Projectiles ADD_PROJECTILE ~Dreamwalker/files/UB! // Spells COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DW0A.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Shamanic Dance~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Allows the Dreamwalker to select a Shamanic Dance~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DW0B.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Dream Dance~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~...~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DW0C.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Nightmare Dance~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~...~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DW3.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Dream Dust~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Makes sleepy sleepy!~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells WRITE_SHORT 0x098 ~%UB!DWPR%~ COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DWH1.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Dream Form~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Half Dream, half damage done, half damage taken, doulbe speed.~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells COPY ~Dreamwalker/files/spells/UB!DWH2.SPL~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Dream Escape~ // unidentified name for items OR spell name SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Total protection, no damage done, no abilities, quadruple speed.~ // unidentified description for items, spell description for spells // Compile Scripts And Dialogues. COMPILE ~Dreamwalker/files/UB!DW2.baf~ /////////////// Patch Creatures with proper Animation CLEAR_IDS_MAP COPY_EXISTING ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2B.CRE~ ~override~ WRITE_LONG 0x28 (IDS_OF_SYMBOL (~animate~ ~SHA_WOW~)) COPY_EXISTING ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2D.CRE~ ~override~ WRITE_LONG 0x28 (IDS_OF_SYMBOL (~animate~ ~SHA_WOW~)) COPY_EXISTING ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2E.CRE~ ~override~ WRITE_LONG 0x28 (IDS_OF_SYMBOL (~animate~ ~SHA_WOW~)) COPY_EXISTING ~Dreamwalker/files/creatures/UB!DW2F.CRE~ ~override~ WRITE_LONG 0x28 (IDS_OF_SYMBOL (~animate~ ~SHA_WOW~))