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Breagar NPC mod from Ascalon

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#1 -Sogdiane-

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Posted 21 December 2017 - 02:54 AM

Hi all,


Not sure it is the right place to post it but anyway.


Does anybody tried the Breagar NPC mod? 


So far, it is a nice mod as far as you can translate the remaining German parts of it.


There is a quest given by the "Silberne Zwergin" (silver she-dwarf ?)  according to which I am supposed to kill a giant in the Cloudpeaks.


I've been to the specific map called Cloudpeaks (where the Lena and Samuel quest takes place)  but I couldn't find him.


So, if anybody has already completed the quest could he/she be kind enough to give me some clues?


Thanks a lot 



#2 Roxanne



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Posted 21 December 2017 - 03:31 AM

Hi all,


Not sure it is the right place to post it but anyway.


Does anybody tried the Breagar NPC mod? 


So far, it is a nice mod as far as you can translate the remaining German parts of it.


There is a quest given by the "Silberne Zwergin" (silver she-dwarf ?)  according to which I am supposed to kill a giant in the Cloudpeaks.


I've been to the specific map called Cloudpeaks (where the Lena and Samuel quest takes place)  but I couldn't find him.


So, if anybody has already completed the quest could he/she be kind enough to give me some clues?


Thanks a lot 

It is the area west of the Nashkel mines where you find Albert and his dog. You find the giant on the southern edge of the mountain that covers the middle of the map. (Cloudpeaks is that whole southern region on the border to Amn, the naming of that one single area always was a little misleading,)


And, yes, it is a pretty unique mod, I polished my little german with it and played it in BGT. I always felt sad that it was not translated or made compatible with EET...

Edited by Roxanne, 21 December 2017 - 03:32 AM.

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#3 -Sogdiane-

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Posted 21 December 2017 - 05:16 AM

Hi all,


Not sure it is the right place to post it but anyway.


Does anybody tried the Breagar NPC mod? 


So far, it is a nice mod as far as you can translate the remaining German parts of it.


There is a quest given by the "Silberne Zwergin" (silver she-dwarf ?)  according to which I am supposed to kill a giant in the Cloudpeaks.


I've been to the specific map called Cloudpeaks (where the Lena and Samuel quest takes place)  but I couldn't find him.


So, if anybody has already completed the quest could he/she be kind enough to give me some clues?


Thanks a lot 

It is the area west of the Nashkel mines where you find Albert and his dog. You find the giant on the southern edge of the mountain that covers the middle of the map. (Cloudpeaks is that whole southern region on the border to Amn, the naming of that one single area always was a little misleading,)


And, yes, it is a pretty unique mod, I polished my little german with it and played it in BGT. I always felt sad that it was not translated or made compatible with EET...



Roxanne, you are my savior as always.



The name "Wolkenspitze" was a bit misleading indeed given that Cloudpeaks is a whole region rather than a specific map with a bit restrictive name.


Turning the mod into an EET-playable version  wouldn't be a waste of time for sure. 


I have had no trouble so for grabbing the gist of the story or the quests.


Thanks a lot once more 

#4 jastey

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Posted 21 December 2017 - 12:00 PM

There is an EET version in testing but it has some issues still. I hope I can fix them soon beginning of next year. Link to download: https://kerzenburg.b...ead.php?t=43850

#5 Roxanne



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Posted 21 December 2017 - 12:07 PM

There is an EET version in testing but it has some issues still. I hope I can fix them soon beginning of next year. Link to download: https://kerzenburg.b...ead.php?t=43850

Good to hear. If I remember well, Braegar was (one of) the first (?) continuous mod NPCs back in BGT.

He has some prequisites for EET - still I know from Sandrah that it is some work to convert even such an NPC to EET. What probably makes him difficult is that the BG1 part installed right there as the mod was constructed to work also on the separated games.

Edited by Roxanne, 21 December 2017 - 12:08 PM.

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#6 -sogdiane-

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Posted 21 December 2017 - 11:18 PM

There is an EET version in testing but it has some issues still. I hope I can fix them soon beginning of next year. Link to download: https://kerzenburg.b...ead.php?t=43850

Good to hear. If I remember well, Braegar was (one of) the first (?) continuous mod NPCs back in BGT.

He has some prequisites for EET - still I know from Sandrah that it is some work to convert even such an NPC to EET. What probably makes him difficult is that the BG1 part installed right there as the mod was constructed to work also on the separated games.



Good news for sure.



By the way, is there any walkthrough for the mod (even in German)? 

#7 jastey

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Posted 22 December 2017 - 01:45 AM

On the downloads site from Kerzennburg forums is a walkthrough for the 5.x version of Breagar that is a bit different content wise as far as I know, I don't know of and uptodate walkthrough, unfortunately. One of the glitches of the EET version is that Breagar does not get spawned in ID, ahem... And also, basic content for SOD needs to be added - generic reactions at the appropriate places and the transition from one camp to another in case he is not in party etc. I don't think this was all considered by White Agnus yet. If Breagar is in party and cheated into ID, the EET version is quite stable.

#8 Roxanne



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Posted 22 December 2017 - 02:23 AM

On the downloads site from Kerzennburg forums is a walkthrough for the 5.x version of Breagar that is a bit different content wise as far as I know, I don't know of and uptodate walkthrough, unfortunately. One of the glitches of the EET version is that Breagar does not get spawned in ID, ahem... And also, basic content for SOD needs to be added - generic reactions at the appropriate places and the transition from one camp to another in case he is not in party etc. I don't think this was all considered by White Agnus yet. If Breagar is in party and cheated into ID, the EET version is quite stable.

Braegar's transition in BGT to BG2 was quite different compared with what is needed in EET > he was moved by the Belt dialogue prior to the actual BGT transition (at least in the version I once studied) and his inventory was dropped into the dungeon where he waited (the room with the 2 golems). It was complex due to his artificial arm as an inventory item. EET may just use MoveGlobal here, with a script for EET vs BG2-standalone alternatives

As for SoD, it makes sense to add him there, even if the dwarven quest may challange some creative addon for him? All versions I know of were pre-SoD..

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#9 -Sogdiane-

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Posted 02 January 2018 - 12:49 AM

On the downloads site from Kerzennburg forums is a walkthrough for the 5.x version of Breagar that is a bit different content wise as far as I know, I don't know of and uptodate walkthrough, unfortunately. One of the glitches of the EET version is that Breagar does not get spawned in ID, ahem... And also, basic content for SOD needs to be added - generic reactions at the appropriate places and the transition from one camp to another in case he is not in party etc. I don't think this was all considered by White Agnus yet. If Breagar is in party and cheated into ID, the EET version is quite stable.

Braegar's transition in BGT to BG2 was quite different compared with what is needed in EET > he was moved by the Belt dialogue prior to the actual BGT transition (at least in the version I once studied) and his inventory was dropped into the dungeon where he waited (the room with the 2 golems). It was complex due to his artificial arm as an inventory item. EET may just use MoveGlobal here, with a script for EET vs BG2-standalone alternatives

As for SoD, it makes sense to add him there, even if the dwarven quest may challange some creative addon for him? All versions I know of were pre-SoD..



A late thank you for both of you.


I had been away for sometimes.


I wish you an Happy New Year.  

#10 -TheGreatGandalf-

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Posted 16 January 2018 - 04:01 AM

Is there any news on a full translation still in the works?

#11 jastey

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Posted 16 January 2018 - 08:41 AM

Not that I am aware of.

#12 -sogdiane-

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Posted 18 January 2018 - 07:39 AM

Not that I am aware of.

Hi jastey and Roxanne.


It appears that I have to register to the kerzenburg forums if i have to have access to the walkthrough.

Anyway, I found the ogre and killed it. Is there anything else expected in BG1 with this great mod?  

#13 Roxanne



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Posted 18 January 2018 - 07:49 AM

Not that I am aware of.

Hi jastey and Roxanne.


It appears that I have to register to the kerzenburg forums if i have to have access to the walkthrough.

Anyway, I found the ogre and killed it. Is there anything else expected in BG1 with this great mod?  


The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#14 -Sogdiane-

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Posted 18 January 2018 - 09:58 AM

Not that I am aware of.

Hi jastey and Roxanne.


It appears that I have to register to the kerzenburg forums if i have to have access to the walkthrough.

Anyway, I found the ogre and killed it. Is there anything else expected in BG1 with this great mod?  


No kidding!   Bien vu!

#15 -PaulaHillm-

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Posted 27 January 2018 - 10:06 AM

Not that I am aware of.

Hi jastey and Roxanne.


It appears that I have to register to the kerzenburg forums if i have to have access to the walkthrough.

Anyway, I found the ogre and killed it. Is there anything else expected in BG1 with this great mod?  


No kidding!   Bien vu!


#16 enderandrew

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 07:30 PM

I installed this along with most every mod available in BWS all at once. I saw Breagar in Candledeep who gave me a brief fetch quest. His dialogue is in English in my English install, but the quest and journal entry was in German.
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#17 Roxanne



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Posted 07 April 2018 - 08:54 PM

I installed this along with most every mod available in BWS all at once. I saw Breagar in Candledeep who gave me a brief fetch quest. His dialogue is in English in my English install, but the quest and journal entry was in German.

No bug - it is not yet 100% translated. Since German is the original language, the game reverts to it when no English text is available for a string. It is indicated in BWS and EET compatibility list. Translation is worked on.

Edited by Roxanne, 07 April 2018 - 08:54 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#18 rodcaelum

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Posted 11 October 2019 - 06:50 PM

Hi all,


Not sure it is the right place to post it but anyway.


Does anybody tried the Breagar NPC mod? 


So far, it is a nice mod as far as you Nox Vidmate VLC


can translate the remaining German parts of it.


There is a quest given by the "Silberne Zwergin" (silver she-dwarf ?)  according to which I am supposed to kill a giant in the Cloudpeaks.


I've been to the specific map called Cloudpeaks (where the Lena and Samuel quest takes place)  but I couldn't find him.


So, if anybody has already completed the quest could he/she be kind enough to give me some clues?


Thanks a lot 

generic reactions at the appropriate places and the transition from one camp to another in case he is not in party etc. I don't think this was all considered by White Agnus yet. If Breagar is in party and cheated into ID, the EET version is quite stable.

Edited by rodcaelum, 11 October 2019 - 08:20 PM.

#19 jastey

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Posted 12 October 2019 - 02:22 AM

Breagar has basic SoD content and should transition into the BGII part of EET fine. Unfortunately, BeamDog made several changes to game ressources with the 2.5 patch so the mod is not officially supporting SoD 2.5. For example, his reaction to Thrix might be broken or he could interject at wrong places, apart from that it should work.

#20 Gertwenger

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Posted Today, 01:23 AM

Kicking a dead thread, but I have a full english translation for Breagar. But this is for content from 2013 or thereabouts so I don't know how useful it would be. I did it myself but please keep in mind neither English nor German are my first language so its passable at best.  If anyone wants it I'll share the .tra files.  

Mod Contributions:


Breagar NPC, Devin NPC, Severian NPC, Macholy's Tweak Pack, Sovereign Quest Mod, Derat's Unused Kits.



Chiara NPC, Malthis NPC,Huple NPC,Uldar NPC, Thael NPC, Gloran NPC, Shar-Teel NPC, Lester NPC, Larsha NPC, Avi Maya NPC, Rukrakia NPC, Frenneden NPC, Elvanshalee NPC.


NPC Expansions:

Sarevok Recovery (Expansion) Mod, Garrick Tales Of a Troubadour.


Merchant/Item Mods:

Vendedor Merchant, YL Items.


Kit Mods:

Shadow Ranger Kit, Rune Singer Kit, Blade Singer Kit, Priest of Bhaal Kit, Pirate Kit.


Content/Quest Mods:

Macholy's Living, Nameless Melody Inn, Dawn of Vampirism, Umbra of TROW, Tomoyo and the Underground City, Hidden Adventures, Haendler Mod, Derat's Ogre.