The Old Gold v0.2
"Jewellers and goldsmiths use the name "old gold" to define gold that has been smelted at least 400 years ago. They also refer to it as a "dwarven gold" sometimes."
File Name: The Old Gold
File Submitter: Creepin
File Submitted: 19 Dec 2017
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods
It took me 5 months to create first five items and 12 months more to create another five, so while the prospect of 1.0 hangs somewhere just beyond horizon I figured I'd release what I have so far - hopefully to someone's liking, and who knows, perhaps I'll get some bug reports or feedback while I'm working on 0.3!

This mod is aimed to eventually add new items, spells, friends and enemies to the game, but most importantly to bring a feeling of warm and cozy nostalgia to those who know old D&D PC games. Love to these games was, in fact, what gave me inspiration to create this mod, so expect it to bring back both treasures and trinkets of the past.
Keep in mind though that this is v0.2, very much WIP, so there's only few items so far.
I plan to procure a place for the mod in BWP and, possibly, to update BWS accordingly, but that would happen when there's more content done. So far manual installation like in good old times is the only option. However the mod should install flawlessly upon BWP or BWS megamod. This mod is constructed in such way as to acknowledge many other mods and adjust itself accordingly, so the later in the install order you will install it, the better.This way some rule tweaks done by mods installed before may possibly be ignored by the content of The Old Gold (though I'm having a hard time coming up with a single example of such), but other than that all will be fine.
The mod will need at least BGT (won't work on pure BG2), but will detect other mods installed and adjust accordingly content-wise. Being a compatibility fanatic, I've tried to made this mod as compatible with the rest of BWP/BWS as possible. It should work flawlessly with bare BGT or any combination of mods under BWP/BWS.
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