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Can I get permission to add Clairis and lord Daerthmac to my mod?

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#1 Lassal

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 09:48 PM

Hello. Don't know whom to ask.

I am working on mod Vampire World.

And I ask permission, can I alter some area/etc scripts and use Clairis and Daerthmac to be ressurected and joined party in my mod?

And can I change castle of C & D to player's stronghold? (reuse it after defeating foes).

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/

#2 jastey

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 10:48 PM

I wouldn't know who could give permission to this, either. All of the modders who started stickied threads in this forum weren't active for at least two years. Concerning the fortress, I'd say just do it but maybe check for compatibility with other mods (maybe someone else had the same idea), and for the NPCs - it's a difficult question. I don't have much experience with DSotSC so maybe others could give their opinion, too.



But I have a question to you: There is a more up-to-date DTotSC version for BGT (and EET) from k4thos here. It's supposed to replace the current BGT one you find here at SHS.

If you consider working DSotSC into your mod, my advice would be to consider the newer version from k4thos.

#3 Roxanne



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Posted 22 October 2017 - 11:05 PM

1. K4thos has optained permission to maintain the mod from the original author, so he would be the person to ask.

2. Agree with jastey that the BGT/EET version would be the one to use, it is up-to-date and bug free.

3. If you let the original quest in Castle Daerthmac finish, i.e. the vampires are dead and you have the baby, you have the option to go to their sarcophagus and put wooden stakes through their hearts to lay them to rest. If you use this point to offer resurrection instead, there should be no compatibility problem with anything...you will justcontinue after the original is finished.

4.I have added myself some Sandrah content to the castle, so I have looked at that code carefully. If you do that as described in point 3 above and let the original plot finish and set its globals and all, then there is no hinderance to use the Castle afterwards as a stronghold. In my mod, I use some areas from DSotSC or NTotSC in similar ways - after they have done the job for the original mod, I use the areas and maps for further contents.

Edited by Roxanne, 22 October 2017 - 11:05 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#4 Lassal

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Posted 23 October 2017 - 08:37 AM

Wrote to K4thos in private messages. I hope I'll get permission.

For now I view Lord Daerthmac as a aristocrate vampire fixed on idea of vampires ruling the world as supreme beings. And Clairis fall in love with him and do his orders blindly.


PS I made Clairis and Daerthmac joinable.

When the quest is finished either way (they are joined or fleed or killed), butler woman appears and asks for 100 000 gold to get castle owned.

If castle is bought, she provides rest, sells some vampire items (like cloaks of korkorran).

And she sells undead guards like skeletons, vampires, ghouls.

They can be moved to different areas of castle.

On the outside of castle there can be attacks of vampire hunters, so this will help to overcome them by numbers (vampires party is easily defeated by them).

Maybe later I will do attacks in the inside of castle, so guards will be needed there as well.

It's like an RTS strategy in BG:-)


Hope K4thos will allow to publish this.

PS Strategy with guards I plan to implement also in Bodhi Stronghold (there also vampire hunters attacks can be made). 

Edited by Lassal, 30 October 2017 - 08:42 AM.

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/