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[MOD] The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers

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#1 Argent77

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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:35 AM

The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers

Download latest release (2.3 MB)

This mod introduces the "Chaos Sorcerer" kit which can be seen as the Wild Mage counterpart for the Sorcerer class. It is available for BG1:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) and IWD:EE. All patch versions are supported. The mod is currently available in English, German, Polish, Russian and French.
Chaos Sorcerer
A Wild Magic Sorcerer kit for BG:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE

Unlike Wild Mages, who struggle to comprehend the chaotic magic of damaged and distorted parts of the Weave, Chaos Sorcerers learned to derive their power from the Elemental Chaos itself a plane that is largely unknown to most inhabitants of Toril.

The Elemental Chaos is a place of primeval entropy and discord, and not even the most seasoned practitioners can account for the inherent unpredictability of such forces. As a result chaos sorcerers have to rely on their agility and strong reflexes to slip out of the way of their own, often unpredictable, spells. Being exposed to this particular type of magic gradually increases the caster's resistance to all forms or magical energy. A basic understanding of the nature of Chaos is required to walk this most dangerous of paths.

  • May cast the 1st-level spells Chaotic Weave and Surge Control (automatically added to spell list).
  • May cast the 2nd-level spell Unluck (automatically added to spell list).
  • May cast the 3rd-level spell Chaos Shield (automatically added to spell list).
  • May cast the 5th-level spell Conjure Chaos Elemental (automatically added to spell list).
  • May cast the 7th-level spells Nahal's Wildstrike and Conjure Greater Chaos Elemental (automatically added to spell list).
  • 1st level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
  • 5th level: +1 bonus to Dexterity.
  • 6th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
  • 8th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
  • 11th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
  • 15th level: +1 bonus to Dexterity.
  • 16th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
  • 16th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
  • 21st level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
  • 24th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
  • Incurs a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
  • Alignment restricted to chaotic good, chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.
  • May cast fewer spells per level per day.
  • Upon casting a spell, there is a 5% chance of incurring a wild surge.
WILD SURGE: A wild surge generates a completely random magical effect from the spell being cast. Its effects may be either beneficial or detrimental to the Chaos Sorcerer and his/her allies.
  • Casting level varies slightly whenever he/she casts a spellanywhere between five levels lower and five levels higher than the Chaos Sorcerer's true level.

The mod does also make some changes to the spell selection of Wild Mages:
  • New level 1 spell "Surge Control" applies a slim chance to avert the next Wild Surge.
  • New level 2 spell "Unluck" can be seen as the negative counterpart of the "Luck" spell.
  • "Chaos Shield" merges with "Improved Chaos Shield" and becomes a level 3 spell that starts with a +15 wild surge bonus and improves to +20 and +25 at higher levels.
  • New level 7 spell "Nahal's Wildstrike" surrounds the target with an aura of chaotic energies. Each time the target casts a spell will trigger a wild surge with unpredictable results.
These additions are also available to the Chaos Sorcerer. However, "Nahal's Reckless Dweomer" is replaced by "Chaotic Weave".

Feel free to post your thoughts, suggestions, questions or any bugs you encounter.

Edited by Argent77, 03 August 2019 - 04:23 AM.

#2 Argent77

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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:36 AM

The mod comes with a list of new or updated Wild Magic-specific spells (and a new HLA for the Chaos Sorcerer).

Spell "Chaotic Weave" (Chaos Sorcerer):

Spell "Conjure Chaos Elemental" (Chaos Sorcerer):

HLA "Chaotic Eruption" (Chaos Sorcerer):

Spell "Surge Control" (all Wild Magic related kits):

Spell "Unluck" (all Wild Magic related kits):

Updated spell "Chaos Shield" (all Wild Magic related kits):

Spell "Nahal's Wildstrike" (all Wild Magic related kits):

The subcomponent "Add Primordial Artifacts" scatters several powerful artifacts all over the game. Each item is dedicated to a specific primordial and grants some unique abilities to the Chaos Sorcerer.
The items can also be combined with each other to unlock many more powerful and destructive spell-like abilities, ranging from a harmless Fire Blast over a Sandstorm to an all-destructive Armageddon.


Edited by Argent77, 21 October 2017 - 05:02 AM.

#3 Argent77

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Posted 12 October 2017 - 04:54 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v1.1


  • Added compatibility section to readme.
  • Changed spell description of Chaos Shield to be more universal.
  • Worked around an issue with Spell Revisions that made NRD a forced spell choice for Chaos Sorcerers.
  • DEX bonus doesn't show as "green number" in Record Screen anymore.

#4 Argent77

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 04:22 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.0


  • Added new subcomponent: Add "Primordial Artifacts"
  • Added new spell 'Conjure Greater Chaos Elemental'
  • Added (Improved) Chaos Elemental creature stats to spell descriptions
  • Various optimizations and bug fixes

#5 Argent77

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 01:09 PM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.1

This is a quick bugfix release. Last version didn't properly add one of the primordial artifacts to an SoD area. It will also fix some minor issues with starting equipment if you start a new character in SoD or ToB.

#6 Vonburen

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 05:32 AM

Nice mod, does this use BGEE exclusive resources or it could potentially be altered to work on a classic (non EE) install?

#7 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 05:58 AM

Nice mod, does this use BGEE exclusive resources or it could potentially be altered to work on a classic (non EE) install?

It's pretty much impossible to do this in the nonEE game as the change class is still a little janky in the game, as you can't make a Sorcerer/Mage kits, you need to make a different class one and have a spell that converts the characters class and kit to what ever the end result would be. It's a mess. This is experience speaking.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#8 Vonburen

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 06:06 AM

I was thinking about converting the spells to non-EE myself, that should be possible since similar effects  are already included in the classic game (looking at the wild mage mod).  This mod, southern edge district  and OlvynChuru's High Power caught my attention but I'll probably be a while  until  my next  full modded install (so that I could look into the possibility of a conversion). Last one took 28 hours, lol

Edited by Vonburen, 22 October 2017 - 06:07 AM.

#9 Argent77

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 08:10 AM

Porting the spells shouldn't be too much of a problem, since effect opcodes (with one or two exceptions) are also supported by the classic game engine. However, I don't think it's possible to port the kit itself for the reason The Imp already mentioned - classic BG2 doesn't allow kits for the Sorcerer class.

#10 Argent77

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Posted 25 October 2017 - 03:52 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.2


  • Increased overall power of primordial artifacts when combined
  • Improved spell "Surge Control"
  • Fixed an installation bug in the "Add Primordial Artifacts" component

#11 Argent77

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Posted 06 November 2017 - 10:45 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.3

  • Added Polish translation (thanks Cahir)
  • Increased duration of spell "Conjure Greater Chaos Elemental"
  • Improved IWD:EE spell icons for "Conjure (Greater) Chaos Elemental"
  • Improved combat scripts of (Greater) Chaos Elementals and fixed some bugs
  • Innate effects and immunities of (Greater) Chaos Elementals should not be dispellable
  • Greatly improved and rebalanced spell "Chaotic Weave"
  • Added odds for all available spell lists of "Chaotic Weave" to readme
  • Made a number of Chaos Sorcerer-specific spells available to "Chaotic Weave" spell lists
  • Fixed magic school of Nahal's Wildstrike

#12 Argent77

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Posted 04 December 2017 - 08:50 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.4

  • Rebalanced duration of "Chaos Shield".
  • Improved combat scripts of (Improved) Chaos Elementals: Don't auto-attack charmed party members.
  • Removed an unneeded spell table from "Chaotic Weave".
  • Fixed script references to "Nahal's Reckless Dweomer", which caused issues with Neera's ToB quest line.

If you have installed one of the previous mod versions and are doing Neera's ToB quest, execute the following commands in the game console (copy and paste whole line) when you arrive at the Clearing, to advance the plot:

#13 -Zoros-

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Posted 27 December 2017 - 09:16 AM

How did you apply the random wild surge effect for miscasting? I am trying to do a conversion of the old wild-shaper kit into BGEE and need to work out how you make the new kit use the wild surge table. 

#14 Argent77

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Posted 27 December 2017 - 02:10 PM

The kit uses the same KITLIST.2DA UNUSABLE code as wild mages, which is apparently enough for the game to apply all the wild mage traits, such as 5% chance of wild surge per regular spellcasting. However, I had to jump through several hoops to work around the remaining (and unwanted) hardcoded stuff, like wild mage spells.

#15 Argent77

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Posted 03 August 2019 - 04:23 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.5

  • Added Russian translation (thanks Saigon1983)
  • Added French translation (thanks Deratiseur)

#16 Argent77

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Posted 04 January 2021 - 05:49 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.6


  • Improved effects of HLA "Chaotic Eruption"
  • Added Project Infinity metadata
  • Fixed potential display issues with component names in WeiDU.log and Project Infinity

#17 subtledoctor

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Posted 14 June 2022 - 01:28 PM

FYI this mod seems to be overwriting CLABMA01.2da, which is causing mods installed earlier not to work.


I'm not sure why this happens - the only relevant part of the mod that I found is in "spells_base.tph" where I see this check:


... and then it generates and copies in a fresh version of the file. On its face, that looks like it should work - maybe. I don't know why it is using FILE_EXISTS instead of FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME; if I was going to write that code I would write the condition as:


There was definitely a copy of clabma01.2da in my override folder when I installed the mod; I would expect both versions of the code above to return false given that circumstance. But maybe the latter version is safer? I don't know. All I know for sure is that several lines of the .2da file from another mod were missing after this mod was installed, and those lines were present in the version of the file in this mod's backup folder.


So, just FYI.

#18 Argent77

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Posted 15 June 2022 - 01:02 AM

Thanks. It should indeed be FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME. Will be fixed.

#19 subtledoctor

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Posted 15 June 2022 - 06:52 AM

Ah - I think I see now - FILE_EXISTS would work if it looked for ~override/clabma01.2da~

#20 Argent77

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Posted 19 June 2022 - 01:02 AM

New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.7


  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the "Tome and Blood" mod
  • Fixed a potential overflow of spell slots
  • Updated readme with DLC Merger information and additional compatibility notes
  • Added component labels for Project Infinity
  • Internal optimizations and improvements

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: kit, sorcerer, wild magic, bgee, bg2ee, iwdee