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#41 Miksip

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Posted 06 October 2017 - 02:46 PM

@The Imp

It must be old knowledge, since BWP accepts "Baldur's Gate" folder even with the wrong [Alias] in baldur.ini. seems it doesn't check it.

But it doesn't accept "Baldurs Gate" even with right [Alias].

and it doesn't accept it only when i choose to install the megamod (option 2).

But then again it will accept manually entered path to "Baldurs Gate" folder or whatever you want to name it when i choose to prepare for installation (option 1).

There is a difference between those options in the code which checks directory for "Baldur's Gate 1".

Thats what i'm trying to tell.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#42 tomkaz

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Posted 06 October 2017 - 05:56 PM

Hi Leonardo:


I am installing a game using BWP v17.  I am modifying (no pun intended) the game with "individual.bat".  I found some code that might be a typo.


In section 2.1, there is some code that would install components TDD #0 and TDD #1.  Then after section 2.19, there is additional code that also will also install components TDD #0 and TDD #1.  I do not know if I misread the code (I do that a lot) in these two sections or this is a real typo.


Also in that area there is one comment line that starts with ::B (no space) and another line has a call statement that has 2 spaces before the quotation mark by the first component.  Sorry I lost track where these are but I will look for them and let you know what I find.


Aside from these, the structure of v17 is much improved over v16.


Thanks again for the great work,



Edited by tomkaz, 06 October 2017 - 05:57 PM.

#43 Miksip

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 07:27 AM

You need PCU utility for some mods, but install pack didn't find it and i couldn't find it in the folders either.

So i used Platform Conversion Utility (RC2) from here http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/507-utility-platform-conversion-utility-rc2/.

Is it right version?



BWP v14 deprecated mods: The MTS Crappack v4

But then it still asks it "for entire compatibility with Big Picture".

Am i doing something wrong again?

Edited by Miksip, 07 October 2017 - 08:38 AM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#44 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 09:04 AM

During configuration of the megamod you are prompted to choose whether you want to install TDD before BGT or after. Dependent of your selection a marker will be set that operates the correct installation.

Yes, that's the right tool.

You don't need MTS Crappack any more.

#45 Miksip

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 01:38 PM

IFSRUNSSOBVC is not recognised


P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#46 tomkaz

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 05:44 PM

Hi Leonardo:


I am about finished with modifying my Individual.bat file.  So far enjoying the setup.  But I did stumble on a few a few misplaced codes.  Numbers refer to the numbers of the mods in BiG World Progect v17.


3.15 (T/was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur) has lots of code in BiG World Progect v17.  No code in Individual.bat file between code for 3.14 (Wedges BGT Adventure Pack Alpha 0.2) and 4.1 (Herbs and Potions Add-in for Baldur's Gate 1 v1.0.3)  One line of code in Individual.bat file between 14.23 (Reunion v1) and 14.24 (Almateria's Restoration Project 8.2.6)  The line of code is:
[Call %EINST% karatur "0"].
I assume the code should be moved to between the code for 3.14 and 4.1.
15.16 (Smiling Imp Cross Banter Mod) has lots of code in BiG World Progect v17.  No code in Individual.bat file between code for 15.15 (Faren v3) and 15.17 (P&P Celestials v6).  One line of code in Individual.bat file between 15.8 (Alternatives v12) and 15.9 (The Longer Road v1.5.1)   The line of code is:
[Call ".\%BWIPI%\SmilingImpCrossBanter.bat].
I assume the code should be moved to between the code for 15.15 and 15.17.
Can't wait to get the game going,

Edited by tomkaz, 08 October 2017 - 05:49 PM.

#47 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 11:28 PM


Thank you for your reports. I have just uploaded a new version of Installpack.

#48 Miksip

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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:47 AM

When programm asked I choose to clean up my installation at the end but it seems to have started early. After it finished there was a window with notification that "press Enter" and nothing else.


Latest line in my weidu.log says: ~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #202 // 1ppv4: Spell tweaks: v4.1.0 BWP Fix


which corresponds to line 2062 in individual.bat - Call %EINSTI% 1pp "202" 2


and 19.8 one Pixel Productions v4 (3) in manual.


But i have still mods to install after that. Can you look into it, please?

Edited by Miksip, 09 October 2017 - 11:20 AM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#49 Miksip

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 12:52 AM

Tried a second time. Now without clean up.

Last line in Weidu  "~VECNA/SETUP-VECNA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Vecna: v23 BWP Fix" and it finished soon after that. Too early again.

I still have some mods left not installed

Attached File  BWP not installed mods.txt   2.98K   251 downloads

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#50 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 04:04 AM

Finally I found the error - it was a missing "call". Thank you for your report. A new version of Installpack is uploaded.

#51 Miksip

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 07:48 AM

@Leonardo Watson


Thank you!

Edited by Miksip, 10 October 2017 - 07:48 AM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#52 Miksip

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 02:38 PM

And good day again.

while trying light install to check for problems i encountered 2 cases of FINDSTR: Bad command line


Also i have question about "Might and Guile" and "Six's Kitpack". Even through i didn't install them and there were no files in the folder but still i was asked to resolve the conflict. Is it normal? 

Edited by Miksip, 10 October 2017 - 02:40 PM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#53 tomkaz

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 06:58 PM

Hi Leonardo:


I found a few more minor typos, at least I think they are minor.


BiG World Project ENGLISH v17
pg 23 #1.11 astScriptPatcher 1.1  The comments are in German.
#19.10 Aurora's Shoes and Boots v5.2.  First line in this section is:
%EINST% aurora "0 10"
Is that correct?  I expected to see:
CALL %EINST% aurora "0 10"
I think that is the "CALL" error you already fixed.
#19.19 The Tweaks Anthology v3 (2).  The line: 
The components 3031 "100% spell learn" and 3190 "Rest Anywhere" can be considered as a cheat an thus are skipped.
This is a comment, but is missing "REM " or ":: " at the beginning of the sentence.
Some time back I post a comment (#48) which there were two typos I did not understand.  They are ::BP at the beginning of the line and BPbb"1080 in a call statement.  I use Computer Hope a lot to understand DOS code.  I thought these were typos, but is there another meaning for this code?  The lower case "b" letters represent blank spaces.
I really enjoy your style of coding with DOS.  I like to decode BWP files as they at times are very interesting puzzles which keeps my mind working.

#54 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 11 October 2017 - 10:59 AM




while trying light install to check for problems i encountered 2 cases of FINDSTR: Bad command line

That are code snippets from process.bat. It's corrected now.



Also i have question about "Might and Guile" and "Six's Kitpack". Even through i didn't install them and there were no files in the folder but still i was asked to resolve the conflict. Is it normal?


It is corrected now.



pg 23 #1.11 astScriptPatcher 1.1  The comments are in German.

I will change tat with BWPv17.1


Some time back I post a comment (#48) which there were two typos I did not understand.  They are ::BP at the beginning of the line and BPbb"1080 in a call statement.  I use Computer Hope a lot to understand DOS code.  I thought these were typos, but is there another meaning for this code?  The lower case "b" letters represent blank spaces.

That's a typo.


A new version of Installpack is uploaded. All reported issues are fixed now.

#55 Miksip

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 10:19 AM

Some kinda bugs:


1) After every install there is a line "FINDSTR: Search string too long"



2) Then there is that ping showing up from time to time



3) And Mazzy's dialog file out of nowhere



4) I have read process.bat a little and this line makes me confused

:: Don't use "if errorlevel 1" within nestled a conditional branch, use "if errorlevel 1" instead. Instead of "if not errorlevel 1" use "if not errorlevel 1"


5) Conflict about Rylorn and "Evil Paladin Kit" pops-up even through i didn't install Rylorn and should have no files for him. I don't have this mod at all.


6) There is a notice by BWP that MTSCrappack is missing and it should be added, but at the end it is not installed and not used in any way. But notice remains.


7) There is no notice in manual about conflict: Butchery vs Revised Battles - Firkraag. But there is in individual.bat. Was a little suprised why Butchery didn't install.


8. "The One Drizzt" - no mention in manual that it is "currently not compatible with DrizztSaga v3". But there is in individual.bat. Was a little suprised.


Not sure if this is the right place, but let's start here:


9) 9.4 Boards of Magick Item Pack (BoM) - something strange with it. Can't understand why it didn't install and what it doing anyway.

Attached File  SETUP-BOM.DEBUG   43.68K   241 downloads


10) 13.31 Crossmod Banter Pack v15- doesn't install due to error.

Attached File  SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.DEBUG   154.7K   210 downloads


11) 5.9 Ascalons Breagar v7.00b - doesn't install due to error.

Attached File  SETUP-ACBRE.DEBUG   29.63K   235 downloads


12) 5.21 Tenya Thermidor v1.5 - doesn't install due to error.

Attached File  SETUP-TENYATHERMIDOR.DEBUG   39.03K   255 downloads


13) 17.29 Morituri Kit v3 - doesn't install due to error.

Attached File  SETUP-MORITURI.DEBUG   1.4K   210 downloads


14) 15.22 Rjali NPC v8.5 - doesn't install due to error.

Attached File  SETUP-RJALI.DEBUG   129.29K   234 downloads




15) Could it be possible to make clean-up delete all the directories and files that are not needed? I mean that after clean-up finished there were 196000 files left in Baldur's Gate II directory, so I cleaned it manually - reducing that amount to only 4000 files. You can run a check for every folder name in main BG2 directory and if it is not found in the list then it gets permanently deleted. Same for files. I think it will be faster and better than current method.

Edited by Miksip, 13 October 2017 - 10:21 AM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#56 tomkaz

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 11:45 AM

Hi Leonardo:
I modified most of Individual.bat v17.0.2 to the way I wanted.  It was easy the way Individual.bat matched BiG World Project v17, However, now I have come to a snag in Section 20. I completed my edits up to mod 20.1. Below is the code from Individual.bat mods 20.21 to the end.
Please ignore the REMs and dashed lines.  My way of segregating the code for various mods.
From mod 20.28 to the end I believe there is no code in Individual.bat as the function of those mods is to clean up errors in them.
I follow the code by checking for the TP2 file names in BiG World Project.   However, when I got to mod 20.22, I had difficulty matching the TP2 names with mods 20.22 through 20.27.  I would appreciate some help.  I especially want to insure I get a good GUI mod and Widescreen mod installed correctly.
Thanks for the great work with BWP.  The explanations of the functions of mods made is easy to select the type of mods i enjoy and the warnings of the  conflicting components really helps in selecting mods for a mega-mod game.
REM 20.21 High quality music SoA/ToB
REM --------------------------------
Call ".\%BWIPS%\HQmusic.bat
findstr /I /M "BGT.TP2~.*#.*#0./" %ELOG%>nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
Call ".\%BWIPI%\define_GUI.bat
) else (
FOR /F %%a IN ('type GUI_input.txt') DO Call %EINST% GUI "%%a"
REM 20.22 High Quality music for Tutu/ToSC
REM -----------------------------------------------------
findstr /I /M "TUTUGUI" %SET%>nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
Call %EINST% TutuGUI "0"
%IF% BWP_widescreen_input.txt Call %EINST% TutuGUI "1"
findstr /I /M "W_GUI" %SET%>nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
Call %EINST% W_GUI "0 11"
%NMAC% %IFN% BWP_NoWide Call %EINST% widescreen "0" "TYPE BWP_widescreen_input.txt"
Call ".\%BWIPI%\close1.bat"
findstr /I /M "NEJHalruaa CSoBDivine" %SET%>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
Call %EINSTI% Divine_Remix "1000"
Call ".\%BWIPI%\close2.bat"
:: Copyright 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 by Leonardo Watson
:: This file or parts of it may not be copied or changed without permission except for personal use.
REM 20.23 High quality music for BGT
REM 20.24 BGT Graphical Interface
REM 20.25 LadeJari's Tutu GUI v1.8
REM 20.26 W_GUI beta 0.6b
REM 20.27 Widescreen Mod v3.07
REM 20.28 Creature Slot Fixer v2
REM 20.29 Innates Set to Level One
REM 20.30 Are Patcher v Alpha 11
REM 20.31 Cre Patcher v Alpha 1
REM 20.32 Item Patcher v Alpha 6
REM 20.33 Lolfixer
REM 20.34 Sandrah Item Restautation
REM 20.35 Divine Remix v8 bete (2)
REM 20.36 Generalized Biffing v2.2
REM 20.37 NPCs Enhanced for Everyone v2.6.4

#57 tomkaz

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 05:51 PM

Hi Miksip:


I had some of your problems with v16.  Something, maybe Clean Up, deleted all my TP2 files from the game.  Then when I went to install a new game, no mods were installed.


I was using a file with all the extracted mods.  That also got emptied of TP2 files.  So I recommend you make a zip folder of your extracted mods to install a new game.


I thought there was a warning about Drizzt.  There is a warning about Octavius Drizzt and Drizzt is not Stupid in v16.   Hope this helps some.




The Drizzt that has the warning is #13.18, The One Drizzt v1.41.  The warning is "currently not compatible with DrizztSaga v3".



Edited by tomkaz, 14 October 2017 - 10:22 AM.

#58 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 14 October 2017 - 10:29 AM

I'm be dismayed at so many errors.



1) After every install there is a line "FINDSTR: Search string too long"

I noticed that long ago but until now I could not find out what causes that messege. Once it appears it will be repeated after every installed mod.


2) Then there is that ping showing up from time to time

That is intended and happens at every "%WAIT%". This way there the installation makes a short break that shall prevent that the previous file gets read before it is saved. Every time findst searches in a tp2 file for a component of the previous installed mod there must be a short pause. I don't know no other way to pause the instalation shortly.


3) And Mazzy's dialog file out of nowhere.

That also works as intended. During installation a file named "BWP_workspace" is created. Inside some additional changes are made. One of them is to repair MAZZYP.d that is corrupted be a previous installed mod.


4) I have read process.bat a little and this line makes me confused

Obviously the former content was overwritten by "Search and replace" once. It should read:

:: Don't use "if %errorlevel%==1" within nestled a conditioned branch, use "if errorlevel 1" instead. Instead of "if %errorlevel%==0" use "if not errorlevel 1"


5) Conflict about Rylorn and "Evil Paladin Kit" pops-up even through i didn't install Rylorn and should have no files for him. I don't have this mod at all.

solved in BWPv17.0.4


6) There is a notice by BWP that MTSCrappack is missing and it should be added, but at the end it is not installed and not used in any way. But notice remains.

deleted in BWPv17.0.4


7) There is no notice in manual about conflict: Butchery vs Revised Battles - Firkraag. But there is in individual.bat. Was a little suprised why Butchery didn't install.

I will add it to the guide with BWPv17.1


8. "The One Drizzt" - no mention in manual that it is "currently not compatible with DrizztSaga v3". But there is in individual.bat. Was a little suprised.

I will add it to the guide with BWPv17.1


9) 9.4 Boards of Magick Item Pack (BoM) - something strange with it. Can't understand why it didn't install and what it doing anyway.

You have tried to install the wrong version. Look into your Debug file: "SKIPPING: [Boards of Magick item pack!]
    Game is not Enhanced Edition"


10) 13.31 Crossmod Banter Pack v15- doesn't install due to error.

That mod should have been installed without any error. Are you sure you had disabled your virus scanner?


11) 5.9 Ascalons Breagar v7.00b - doesn't install due to error.

Same as above. There is a note about this in the guide. "The error is most likely caused by an activated virus scanner."


12) 5.21 Tenya Thermidor v1.5 - doesn't install due to error.

That is very strange. I don't know what happened there. I never had this error. Your Debug says: "[RunAwayFromNoLeaveArea] not found in ACTION.IDS" That is nonsens. The regarding line should read: "ActionOverride("Neb",RunAwayFrom("tenya",60))" In addition to it neither the Fixpack nor the Installpack touches this file.


13) 17.29 Morituri Kit v3 - doesn't install due to error.

Do you have the right file? My version is v3.


14) 15.22 Rjali NPC v8.5 - doesn't install due to error.

That is a similar error as with Tenya. I don't know how this can happen. I never had such an error. Did you try to re-install? That surely would cause errors.


15) Could it be possible to make clean-up delete all the directories and files that are not needed?

I thought about to add this function. This would mean however you weren't able to debug any more.


I don't understand what is your problem here?

Clean-up does not delete tp2 files.There must be another issue.

#59 Miksip

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 08:08 AM

@Leonardo Watson


9) Boards of Magick Item Pack

I have tried to install v2.1.3 while in manual mentioned v2.0

Maybe tp2 was changed in new version?

In individual.bat line 665 Call %EINST% BoM "0" - installs Enhanced Edition. To install Classic Edition you need "1". Tested.

Also, debug says "Installing [Boards of Magick item pack!] [v2.0 BWP Fix]", but i have v2.1.3. Well, in the end it installs anyway so no biggie.

10) Crossmod Banter Pack v15

I don't have virus scanner :)

It seems that BWS downloaded wrong version, maybe it is not for classic.

wrong link - http://lynxlynx.info...Baldurs_Gate_II

right link - http://gibberlings3....ds&showfile=704

I will write about it in BWS topic later.


11) Ascalons Breagar v7.00b

Still doesn't install.

version 7.00b 20150212 - https://github.com/w...hive/master.zip

There is new pull request there, maybe it will solve the problem. For now i will send mail to author.

version 6.09a still workds fine for me. https://kerzenburg.b...eagar-6.09a.zip


12) Tenya Thermidor

I had latest version v1.5c which doesn't work with BWP. so rolled back to v1.5, now it installs.


13) Morituri Kit v3

BWS downloaded wrong version again - http://www.baldursga...php?topic=142.0

right one you can find here - http://chosenofmystr...topic.php?t=142


14) Rjali NPC v8.5

Maybe the problem is with new version? did you try to install it? or do you still have v8.1?

Since this is the mod for BG2EE, i don't think that i should bother the author.


15) you can create new folder and move all Debug files and anything else you need there.

Edited by Miksip, 15 October 2017 - 08:09 AM.

P.S. Don't listen to The Imp - it is voice of the Devil.

#60 tomkaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:23 AM

Hi Leonardo:


I'll try to straighten out my last post when I install my mega-mod game.  


I selected my mods and now to find them.  I will try to trace the installation to see what goes where.  Some mods look new to me.  I do not remember which mod it was, but I found one that was a EE format mod that I could unpack and rearrange it into a BGT mod format.  Is that typical of all EE mods?


I hope to have it install in two days, that is if I can locate all the new mods.


Thanks for effort you have made to make all these mods work with each other.  I think we all appreciate it.

