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full list of powers for the seven dwarven rings

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#1 markyboy156

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Posted 14 September 2017 - 04:34 PM

hi all

i want a full list of abilities and powers that the seven Septs of the Dwarves rings have
or i should say for the seven dwarven rings of powers
From the lore of my own (homebrewed) world: The Septstones.

In my world, there are seven Septs of the Dwarves (great underground city-states, each with their own culture), based on gemstones (Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Amethyst and Opal (plus the


Obsidian Sept, but that's for Duergar)).

The Septstones basically are just symbols of power. They are rings worn by the Thanes of the Septs, the [elected among the same bloodline] leaders of each Sept. Each is a potent magical ring (major artifact level), but what makes them important to the dwarves is what they represent.dition

i want full background on these rings and full list of each rings abilities
for d&d 3.5 e or 4th edition or 5th edition and for rolemaster editions as well thanks and any other info available thanks
if no body can find any info
can anybody please put together the powers and abilities and full background and info these rings have

#2 markyboy156

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Posted 14 September 2017 - 10:55 PM

hi all

ive noticed on the internet that theres a relic in 3.5 edition called the axe of the dwarvish lords i have found the abilities and background for this axe on the internet

but what im after is the relic 3.5 edition  and 5th edition d&d relic axe of the dwarven kings
some people on the internet says it exists on the internet but i cant find background
and the special powers that the axe has [suspicious link deleted]
does anybody have any background and a list of the special powers it has please
and post it here for me please

if no body can find any info could somebody please make me a background on the axe
and a list of special powers it has as well please thank you kindly

Edited by Creepin, 16 September 2017 - 01:14 PM.

#3 markyboy156

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Posted 15 September 2017 - 05:45 AM

hi all

i read on the internet of a dwarven spell or item that allowed you to call upon it once per year
that allowed you to call upon all the powesr of the dwarves
it gave you an additional 3000hp plus it allowed you to give a number of character classes all powers of the classes from lvls 1-20 and gave you numerous other abilities
but calling upon the power also kills the person who uses it as well

can anybody remember from the internet what it was called i cant remember if it was a dwarven item or spell
need the info badly thanks

#4 markyboy156

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Posted 15 September 2017 - 09:40 AM

hi all

i read on the internet when a dwarf wants to be a stereo typical dwarf as a character class
it allowed you to be the profession dwarf

it allowed you at lvl 1 to be a natural warrior at lv1 at -3 lvls lower than your character lvl and at 5th lvl allows you to ignore the -3 character lvl
it gave you dwarven abilieties as a character class from lvl 1-20
at lvl 16 it gave you regeneration as a ability
and before that lvl it also allowed you to fast heal
does anybody still have this printed webpage on the internet thanks
its i believe for d&d 3.0 or 3.5

#5 Creepin

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Posted 16 September 2017 - 01:13 PM

I have merged your four separate topics into one and moved it to a more appropriate location. Please refrain from flooding forums with multiple topics of the same kind at a time.

I am also heavily suspicious of that link to that half-dead forum in one of your posts, it has the vibe of an elaborated spam, so the link is hidden for now pending further consideration.

Edited by Creepin, 16 September 2017 - 01:50 PM.

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