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[Archived] Infinity Sounds v2 Beta

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#1 skellytz

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 02:22 PM

Infinity Sounds
v2 Beta

This mod is currently in beta. PM me if you'd like to try it out. The download link hasn't been posted here, because I need your help with testing and feedback. If you aren't interested in that, skip it for now and enjoy a more stable playthrough :)


New release available here.

I. Introduction
II. Supported games
III. Requirements
IV. Compatibility
V. Suggested mods
VI. Components

I. Introduction
In a nutshell, Infinity Sounds is a Baldur's Gate II mod which aims to improve certain sonic aspects of the game. The mod allows to, e.g., restore all the classic Baldur's Gate sounds, remedy a few audio-related issues, overhaul creature sounds, and tweak NPC soundsets.

Currently, the components are:

  • Restored BG1 Spell Casting Voices
  • Restored & Tweaked BG1 Spell Casting Sounds
  • Restored BG1 Weapon Attack Sounds
  • Restored BG1 Armor Hit Sounds
  • Restored BG1 Armor Movement Sounds
  • Restored BG1 UI Sounds
  • Restored BG1 Chunked Death Sound
  • Restored BG1 Gulp Sound
  • Restored BG1 PC Soundsets
  • Restored BG1 Sound Channel Volume Levels
  • Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
  • Additional Creature Existance Sounds
  • Restored BG1 Creature Existance Sound Delay
  • Restored BG1 Creature Rare Selection Sounds
  • Additional Creature Soundset Pitch Variation
  • Tweaked BG1 Joinable NPC Soundsets
  • Restored & Tweaked BG1 Ambient Sounds
  • Muted Tooltip Paper Sound
  • Muted Reputation Loss Sound

II. Supported games
The following games are currently supported:

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Baldur's Gate Trilogy

These games will be supported in future releases:

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Enhanced Edition Trilogy

III. Requirements
The following mods must be installed before Infinity Sounds for some components to work:
TobEx hack Animation Sound Fix and component Enable Animation Attack Sounds.

IV. Compatibility
If possible, try to install this mod dead last before biffing. Infinity Sounds does not add any new game content or change any of the game rules; therefore, it will most likely not benefit from patches introduced by other mods. At the same time, if other mods require the same, your install order will probably boil down to the convenience of quick uninstall.
In any case, avoid installing Infinity Sounds before mods which overwrite, add, or modify: spells, items, and/or creatures.
Component Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets creates unique creature weapons based on their existing properties to restore or tweak attack animations and sounds. It has to be installed after any other mods which patch creature weapons.
If you intend to use Lolfixer, install the component only afterward.

V. Suggested mods
Infinity Sounds tries its best not to duplicate other modders' work, and, unless necessary, does not include already existing community patches or tweaks.
Below is a list of recommended mods which offer audio-related fixes, tweaks, or content restorations. Generally, try to install any of these mods before Infinity Sounds. If in doubt, consult their respective readme files.
BG2 Fixpack corrects and restores a number of sounds.
BG1 Unfinished Business includes restored and fixed audio content.
Almateria's Restoration Project restores damaged, dying, and morale break sounds to over 1600 characters.
Lolfixer cleans up the game and fixes some issues, e.g., with existance sounds. Install only before Infinity Sounds.
Restored BG1 Palette Variants resolves a few conflicts between animation soundset codes.

VI. Components
Infinity Sounds includes a total of nineteen distinct components. Please read each description carefully before installing.

Restored BG1 Spell Casting Voices
This component replaces the default Latin spell recitation with the sinister and ritualistic incantations from BG1, including the infamous:

 *dark* Ha-dou-ken *intensifying* HAA-DOU-KEN!!! *evil*

 All the restored sound files have been cleaned of audible compression artifacts or any degree of clipping.

Restored & Tweaked BG1 Spell Casting Sounds
First and foremost, this component restores all the original sounds from BG1 to the appropriate spells. Additionally, it brings more consistency to many spells which awkwardly use sounds reserved for other spell casting schools.

Restored BG1 Weapon Attack Sounds
Most of the weapon swings and shots in BG2 sound much different than in the prequel. Flails, spears, bows, and crossbows are prime examples here. This component restores all the combat attack sounds from BG1.
Included are tweaked bow draw and release sounds which match the speed of the combat animations slightly better.

Restored BG1 Armor Hit Sounds
Much in a similar fashion as the above, this component replaces the default combat hit sounds with their BG1 counterparts. The former tend to be a bit more abrupt, while the latter have more emphasized thumps and that nice "hollow" tinge.

Restored BG1 Armor Movement Sounds
These are barely audible rustles, tings, and twangs as characters move around in armor. The BG1 variants are slightly less pronounced and more realistic.

Restored BG1 UI Sounds
For the most part, these are very similar; however, some meticulous players may wish to restore the original BG1 sounds for the UI panels and inventory management. The most noticeable difference is that the BG2 inventory variants have an additional rattle which many find annoying.

Restored BG1 Chunked Death Sound
If you enable gore in the game options, you will see a special death animation when HP go well below zero; however, the related "chunking" sound present in BG1 is missing in the sequel. This component reintroduces the chunked death sound to BG2.
An alternative version is available to those of a more... sadistic inclination.

Restored BG1 Gulp Sound
Not needed with BGT

In BG2, people drink in awkward silence. This restores the memorable sound played when characters take a swig of a potion. Cheers!

Restored BG1 PC Soundsets
Not needed with BGT; English only

This component allows you to select the original BG1 soundsets for your characters.

Restored BG1 Sound Channel Volume Levels
These are not to be confused with the volume sliders in the game options. The sound channels are divided into: narration, ambients, actions, swings, missiles, hits, casting, GUI, dialog, characters, monsters, footsteps, and armor movement. This component simply restores their BG1 values. The most noticeable difference is that BG1 has louder footsteps and armor movement sounds.
The suggested tweaked variant is mostly the same as the original one, except it keeps the BG2 ambient levels and boosts the volume of armor movement sounds.

Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
Requires TobEx hack Animation Sound Fix and component Enable Animation Attack Sounds
The biggest component of Infinity Sounds attempts to overhaul monster, animal, atmosphere, and non-joinable NPC soundsets. This includes, e.g., restoring missing sounds, character lines, and attack animations; revamping attack sounds, as well as refining both embedded creature and animation soundsets.
This component creates unique creature weapons based on their existing properties to restore or tweak attack animations and sounds. It has to be installed after any other mods which patch creature weapons.
If you intend to use Lolfixer, install this component only afterward.
Moreover, it is highly recommended to install Infinity Sounds along with Restored BG1 Palette Variants, a mod which resolves a few conflicts between animation soundset codes.
Below are the highlights of the component.
Monsters and animals

  • Creatures use proper attack sound alternatives without "silent attacks" or overlapping sounds.
  • All attack sounds are properly paired and synchronized with attack animation frame cycles.
  • Many creature types have restored jab attack animations and/or sounds: Antisolar, Boneguard, Dancing Sword, Demogorgon, Githyanki, Kuo-Toa, Marilith, Otyugh, Rakshasa, Sahaugin, Slayer, Snake, Solar, Troll, Umber Hulk, Yuan-Ti.
  • Properly distributed slash and backslash attacks for creatures without jab attack animations: Banshee, Black Lich, Carrion Crawler, Cornugon, Ettin, Ghoul, Ghast, Revenant, Giant Spider, Huge Spider, Phase Spider, Sword Spider, Wraith Spider, Small Spider, Glabrezu, Ice Golem, Lizardman, Marilith, Mummy, Ogre, Ogrillon, Orc, Orog, Salamander, Shadow, Skeleton, Tasloi, Wild Dog, War Dog, Moon Dog, Werewolf, Greater Werewolf, Wolf, Dire Wolf, Dread Wolf, Vampiric Wolf, Winter Wolf, Shadow Wolf, Worg, Xvart, Zombie.
  • Battle cries are played only upon acquiring a target, i.e., typically at the beginning of combat.
  • Restored the second selection slot sounds to many animation soundsets.
  • Restored existance sounds: Basilisk, Greater Basilisk, Banshee, Dragon Familiar, Gnoll, Mummy, Salamander, Seagull.
  • Restored BG1 soundset variants: Ghoul, Sword Spider, Greater Werewolf.
  • Restored missing BG1 animal sounds: Bat, Bird, Eagle, Seagull, Vulture.
  • Restored soundsets: Greater Wyvern, Groundhog.
  • Restored animal dying sounds: Cow, Horse.
  • Restored bow draw sounds: Orc, Yuan-Ti.
  • Custom attack sounds: Ogrillon, Werewolf, Greater Werewolf.
  • Ankheg: restored the sounds for emerging from and hiding in the ground.
  • Baby Wyvern: restored a selection sound.
  • Hobgoblin: attenuated the existance shout.
  • Sword Spider: less annoying chaining of attack sounds.
  • Wolf: restored proper morale break, selection, and battle cry sounds.
  • Winter Wolf: the breath attack sound no longer overlaps.

Non-joinable NPCs

  • Restored morale break sounds: Aldeth, Davaeorn, Greywolf, Krystin, Mulahey, Nimbul, Slythe.
  • Restored damage and dying sounds: Gellana, Hurgan, The Surgeon.
  • Restored selection sounds: Cadderly, Silke.
  • Breaking-the-fourth-wall lines moved to the rare selection pool: Drizzt, Gorion, Volo.
  • Aec'Letec: restored the original BG1 soundset.
  • Bjornin: changed the commoner line to the Priest of Helm variant.
  • Brage (cured): replaced the crazed selection sound with the more appropriate greeting line.
  • Butler (Mr. Colquetle's): changed the obnoxious peasant line to something more appropriate for a butler.
  • Husam: split the soundset into the "undercover" and the "revealed" variants.
  • Irlentree: restored a rare selection sound.
  • Jalantha Mistmyr: added a battle cry and a selection sound from the Priestess of Umberlee soundset.
  • Mr. Colquetle: changed the peasant line to the more appropriate townee type.
  • Oogie Wisham: changed the greeting line to something more Oogie-ish.
  • Ragefast: restored the greeting line.
  • Sarevok (BG1): restored a battle cry/selection line and removed existance sounds from the Duchal Palace variant.
  • Shoal: added a selection sound from the unused Nereid soundset.
  • Sil: added a battle cry from the Sirine soundset.
  • Tazok: added more battle cries from the selection pool.
  • Tranzig: amplified the soundset.
  • Winthrop: removed the inappropriate rare selection sounds which are from the regular innkeeper soundset.

Other than the above, the component redresses some minor soundset inconsistencies.

Additional Creature Existance Sounds
Requires component Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
These are also known as creature "idle" sounds and are played at random intervals, effectively acting as mobile ambients. While the previous component only restores such sounds to some creatures, this one offers more existance sounds to a number of additional monsters, animals, atmosphere, and NPCs. The new sounds have been carefully selected from the available audio resources.
Below is a list of creature types which receive brand new or additional existance sounds.

Monsters and animals

  • Ankheg
  • Basilisk
  • Greater Basilisk
  • Black Bear
  • Brown Bear
  • Cave Bear
  • Polar Bear
  • Carrion Crawler
  • Cat Familiar
  • Doppleganger
  • Greater Doppleganger
  • Dragon Familiar
  • Ettercap
  • Ghoul
  • Ghast
  • Giant Spider
  • Huge Spider
  • Phase Spider
  • Sword Spider
  • Wraith Spider
  • Gnoll
  • Gray Ooze
  • Green Slime
  • Mustard Jelly
  • Ochre Jelly
  • Horse
  • Leopard
  • Panther
  • Sirine
  • Hamadryad
  • Snake
  • Tasloi
  • War Dog
  • Wild Dog
  • Wyvern
  • Baby Wyvern
  • Zombie


  • Bartender
  • Beggar
  • Drunk
  • Harlot
  • Peasant
  • Commoner
  • Serving Wench

Non-joinable NPCs

  • Aec'Letec
  • Davaeorn
  • Joseph's Wife
  • Sarevok
  • Tazok

Restored BG1 Creature Existance Sound Delay
Requires component Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
In BG2, the default interval between existance sounds is much longer than in the prequel, which takes away from the experience. This component sets the delay to the closest matching the original BG1 behavior.

Restored BG1 Creature Rare Selection Sounds
Not needed without BGT; Requires component Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
In BG1, creatures have four rare selection slots which, if present, typically play tongue-in-cheek lines after the player (right)-clicks the given creature nine consecutive times. The BG2 engine treats these soundset offsets differently making them effectively unavailable. The only way to restore the sounds is to move them to the common selection slots, which also removes the nine-click trigger condition.

Additional Creature Soundset Pitch Variation
Requires component Restored & Tweaked Creature Soundsets
This component attempts to add a little bit more variety to creature soundsets and existance sounds by slightly altering their pitch every time they are played. The results are intended to be very subtle to keep Mickey Mouse away from your BG experience.

Tweaked BG1 Joinable NPC Soundsets
Not needed without BGT
In BG1, joinable NPCs have four rare selection slots which often play breaking-the-fourth-wall lines once the player has selected the given character nine consecutive times. The BG2 engine treats these soundset offsets as regular command action slots, which in BGT, leads to the rare lines being played much more often than intended. On the other hand, BG2 introduces two—only two, unfortunately—rare command slots which play only after the given character has been issued orders nine consecutive times.
This component does its best to distribute the original four rare lines between the remaining common selection slots and the two rare command ones. Careful thought has been given as to which sounds would be more annoying when frequently played from the selection pool.
Here is an example. In BG1, Edwin has the following rare selection sounds:

  • "I do not understand this 'mouse magic' that makes me do your bidding!"
  • "Elminster this, Elminster that. Give ME two thousand years and a pointy hat and I'll kick his arse!"
  • "Please don't disturb me while I plot to overthrow you!"
  • "They continue under the delusion that I care at all."

As you can see, 1 and 2 would be rather annoying when played every fourth and fifth time you select Edwin, whereas 3 and 4 would be more bearable. Therefore, 1 and 2 are moved to the two rare command slots, which will be seldom played, especially if the player keeps the default command sound frequency setting.

Restored & Tweaked BG1 Ambient Sounds
Not needed without BGT
This component adds a rooster crow and an additional horse whinny to the appropriate BG1 areas. It also restores an unused main day ambient to the Fishing Village area, which matches the rural environment a little better.
Moreover, the component attempts to slightly attenuate all the super-loud main ambients in BG1 areas to compensate for the higher volume of the ambient sound channel in BG2.
Muted Tooltip Paper Sound
Some players quickly get fed up with the paper-like sound played when tooltips roll out on the screen. Burn it.

Muted Reputation Loss Sound
This component disables the punishing sound which blares out when the party loses reputation points. The classic BG1 does not have this ridiculous sound.

Edited by skellytz, 23 May 2024 - 04:04 PM.

#2 temnix

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Posted 14 August 2017 - 08:48 AM

Say, Skellytz, have you removed the animation sounds from INI files? You know how it is: creatures have sounds from their CRE files, but also every animation has in-built sounds called on by its INI file. Both play and don't always overlap, so ogres cry twice when they die etc. And Silence doesn't do anything for the sounds in the INIs. The thing to do is to go through all of the INIs and delete the sound references, and that's what I've been doing. But while I was at it, I also made some changes and additions to body fall thumps, custom footsteps etc. There was just no point to doubling the work by making two separate mods, one without the additions and the other with. The reason I went to work on quieting down animations in the first place was that I needed zombies raised with my Animate Dead to only use their new, spell-added groaning sounds, and INIs played their old voice-overs alongside. I'm going to include this sound component with the Animate Dead mod as an option, but in case players don't like the body falls and other small additions there I would like to be able to recommend them another mod that silences the INIs. Does yours do this?

Edited by temnix, 14 August 2017 - 08:49 AM.

#3 skellytz

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Posted 14 August 2017 - 09:59 AM

I'm leaning towards 2DA (BG2, BGT) and INI soundsets (BGEE, BG2EE), so if anything, I typically remove a select few entries from CRE soundsets (e.g., attack sounds)


Now, I know it would be cool to just use CRE soundsets for everything to allow for individual creature customization; however, the benefits of 2DA/INI soundsets outweight the issues stemming from the animation system limitations. Without going into details, the in-CRE soundset is now considered obsolete and it just isn't worth focusing on. I doubt Beamdog will fix any of the issues with CRE soundsets I mentioned in my bug reports.


To answer your question: no, I haven't removed sounds from 2DA/INI soundsets (with the exception of a few animations that had incorrect or misplaced sounds).


I'll also have to take a look at the overlapping issue you mentioned. As far as I'm aware, in the original games only attack sounds from both 2DA/INI and CRE soundsets play simultanously; the engine prioritzes in-CRE soundsets for everything else. Maybe it's different now in BGEE? If you have them, see if you can reproduce the issue on the original platforms.

#4 Miloch



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Posted 14 August 2017 - 12:57 PM

I doubt Beamdog will fix any of the issues with CRE soundsets I mentioned in my bug reports.

Out of curiosity, what bugs? CRE soundsets are still useful for textual sound clips and those the INI/2DA files don't address (humanoid SELECT sounds etc.). But as you say, the INIs are preferable for most generic purposes.


There was an ancient bug in the 2DAs where only the first and last sounds in a series would play, but I'm pretty sure ToBEx fixed that. I'd assumed EE did with the INIs too (I recall mentioning it at the time certainly), but I thought I saw some report where this wasn't fixed?


For what it's worth, Tutu actually blanked the 2DAs and put the sounds on all the CREs (not the best solution; I think BGT went the other way). I guess the idea was that would be closest to vanilla BG1 behavior (which had no animation 2DAs).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 skellytz

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Posted 14 August 2017 - 02:26 PM

Out of curiosity, what bugs?

- ATTACK_2, ATTACK_3 and ATTACK_4 aren't ever played

- attack sounds don't match attack animations


CRE soundsets are still useful for textual sound clips and those the INI/2DA files don't address (humanoid SELECT sounds etc.).

Of course, but we're talking about monster animations here. Naturally, NPCs and the likes still rely on CRE soundsets. I also see the potential of using existing animations to create a unique monster type by applying visual effects and assigning a new in-CRE soundset. Sadly, it hadn't been fully realized and now BGEE allows you to add new animation codes with ease.


There was an ancient bug in the 2DAs where only the first and last sounds in a series would play, but I'm pretty sure ToBEx fixed that. I'd assumed EE did with the INIs too (I recall mentioning it at the time certainly), but I thought I saw some report where this wasn't fixed?

Take a look at my reports. These have been passed on to Beamdog. No progress as of yet.


For what it's worth, Tutu actually blanked the 2DAs and put the sounds on all the CREs (not the best solution; I think BGT went the other way). I guess the idea was that would be closest to vanilla BG1 behavior (which had no animation 2DAs)

2DA/INI are far superior and have given me a chance to restore a whole bunch of sounds that had never been used properly. BG1 (BGT) monsters still use their CRE soundsets and I don't change that. In fact, I'm in the process of tweaking CRE soundsets, restoring sounds and adding new IDLE sounds that can be only assigned through CRE files.


In other words, the combination of 2DA/INI and CRE soundsets is currently unavoidable. Personally, I'd also never go for removing in-2DA/INI sounds in favor of CRE soundsets.


#6 temnix

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 04:12 AM

Just in what ways are INI sounds superior? As I see it, they are the wrong solution and CRE sounds are the right solution. An animation - talking about monsters here - represents a creature type, not a subtype or an individual. It is "an ogre" or "a hobgoblin." I don't know how this actually evolved, but it seems to me that originally Bioware did not consider that monsters may be individuated, so the animation, the visual, was bundled with audio. In effect, the ogre animation WAS the ogre, very handy. Bioware did not intend to split monsters into subtypes and multiply them or differentiate them, much less treat them as human/demihuman animations. Their ideas about a monster did not run very far. When the designers wanted some variation, a stronger or weaker version of a creature, they simply renamed and at most recolored the animation, leaving sounds as they were (the Diablo way of getting variety). Sometimes they went as far as changing the assigned soundset, as with wolves - Vampiric, Dread etc. But it did not occur to them or it did not matter that creatures might be more than flat types. CRE sounds provide for individuation. They are for personal sounds on top of generic looks, since it's impossible to really individuate those. We cannot have monsters who are slightly lower, or taller, or fatter, or faster. We are stuck with these few images. But we are not stuck with limited sounds. There is no reason to add custom animations if one wants, for example, ogres to have different attack cries, death shrieks, groans and what not. They are not special ogres to be introduced - they are just ogres who get to have diverse voices like every creature ought to.


There are just not enough good appropriate sounds to diversify all creatures this way, broadly. To make ogres respond differently within a range. But when, for some reason or some use, a modder wants to add variety locally, he should be able to. He should not have to struggle with ingrained sounds because the game was once small and old-time designers were thinking in generics. And what do INI sounds add to the CRE sound range, anyway? Only the "turn head" sounds, which in practice are again often inconvenient or binding. Whatever it is ogres might do when idle - scratch their asses, fart, stomp, yawn - I don't care for that behavior to be fixed in everyone who happens to have the ogre animation. Every ogre in the world should not scratch his ass. Perhaps cows may be allowed to keep their moos in that slot so they keep mooing without being prodded, as an ambient, but that's because cows do that, and that is all they do.

Edited by temnix, 15 August 2017 - 04:16 AM.

#7 skellytz

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 06:26 AM

temnix, all I'm saying is that you may quickly realize stripping 2DA/INI soundsets late in the chain may or may not be worth all the effort. Moving the basic sound entries to CRE soundsets will require extra work (some compatibility-related) that might discourage you half-way through. Look how long it's taken me to tweak 2DA soundsets, and now I'm slowing trudging through the existing CRE soundsets. Changing CREs is a lot more time-consuming.


2DA/INI soundsets aren't necessarily superior by design -- they've enforced certain behavior which would only be a hindrance had modding been easier back in the days.


Still, as it is now, if I wanted to add a new monster type or sub-type, I'd add it as a new animation code and use the 2DA/INI soundset because:

- I want it to be dialog.tlk independent for convenience

- I want to be able to synchronize the animations with sounds by changing the frame offsets

- I want the hardcoded pitch variance for extra flavor

- I want attack sound alternatives

- I want the extra sound options, like SHOOT or SLEEP, but I don't want to disperse sounds between two soundset systems


If all you want is to add some variety to only a handful of monsters, like zombies, then I imagine it working as intended with some compatibility checks. But, in my opinion, going through all the monsters like that will be a lot of busy work that may not be worth it.


In any case -- I always keep my fingers crossed for any audio-related mod :)

#8 Miloch



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Posted 15 August 2017 - 10:03 AM

Take a look at my reports. These have been passed on to Beamdog. No progress as of yet.

Just to be clear, are you saying the middle sounds in a series in both 2DAs and INIs still do not play? Truly, this was supposed to be one of the first things they fixed with INIs, so it seems a strange regression.


If you still get no response, send it directly to Avenger (the DLTCEP maintainer) and ask if he can find and squash the bug in the code. He's usually pretty good at that. :)


As for everything else, there should just be a simple (I suppose CRE-level) switch to use 2DA sounds or ignore them (and use any CRE resources available). Either that or (as I think is the default behavior, no?) the CRE sounds should just override 2DA sounds (not play simultaneously).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#9 temnix

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Posted 17 August 2017 - 08:45 AM

The challenge for me, Skellytz, is to give old monsters new voices. Not replace them with different creatures, but take those same corpses just felled by the party (who I've learned to target) and then bring them back up on their feet under a necromancer's control. As per Animate Dead rules, they perform as zombies, so that's what I call them. These zombies can't have their old sounds, rather obviously. They shamble and they shuffle and they gurgle. I use scripts to give them different verbal constants, the CRE side of the situation, but they also play their fixed INI stuff. And since anybody who was alive in the first place is subject to reanimation, not just select or vanilla creatures but anybody, there is no choice but to go through all INI files and delete the sounds there.

Edited by temnix, 17 August 2017 - 08:46 AM.

#10 -Arthas-

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 07:56 AM

You are truly doing God's work. I'm happy you are out there.

How is the testing going? 


Edited by Arthas, 15 January 2020 - 07:57 AM.

#11 skellytz

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 08:28 AM

How is the testing going?

It actually went well, thank you. I'll release the new version once I've finished patching BGT (somewhere around summer). There will be one more awesome component: Restored Environmental Audio Support.

#12 -Arthas-

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 09:59 AM

There will be a time when BGT will be finished patching, you think? Or are you referring to the mod itself patching BGT?

Edited by Arthas, 15 January 2020 - 09:59 AM.

#13 Samriel

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Posted 05 January 2021 - 01:35 AM

How is the testing going?

It actually went well, thank you. I'll release the new version once I've finished patching BGT (somewhere around summer). There will be one more awesome component: Restored Environmental Audio Support.

Any plans to ever release this mod with its restorations and tweaks for a non BGT version or for BGEE?

#14 skellytz

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Posted 05 January 2021 - 02:02 PM

Any plans to ever release this mod with its restorations and tweaks for a non BGT version or for BGEE?

Yes, I'd like to get back to these projects as soon as I can.

#15 Maxion

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Posted 19 September 2022 - 04:14 AM

Any plans to ever release this mod with its restorations and tweaks for a non BGT version or for BGEE?

Yes, I'd like to get back to these projects as soon as I can.

Hello Skellytz


Just wondering about the state of the mod in regards for BG:EE or other versions as inquired by other people here. Is it abandoned for the time being? 


your mod coupled with Nostalgia pack would be the complete nostalgia experience for BG:EE

#16 skellytz

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Posted 19 September 2022 - 03:03 PM

Hello Skellytz


Just wondering about the state of the mod in regards for BG:EE or other versions as inquired by other people here. Is it abandoned for the time being? 


your mod coupled with Nostalgia pack would be the complete nostalgia experience for BG:EE

Hello and thank you!


We finished the beta tests quite some time ago. Andrea, the author of Nostalgia Pack, has given me tons of feedback. We've identified some minor issues that will have to be fixed. BGEE needs a little bit more work--the busy, unexciting kind--so, naturally I moved it down the priority list. I'll get back to it as soon as I finish BGT-BGEE game text update, but that's a lot of evenings, too. I'm sorry that it's taking me so long, but I definitely haven't given up yet.

#17 Isewein

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 05:16 AM

Really glad you're still working on it! It's become such an analysis paralysis to decide between BGT, EEs or EET. I'm indifferent as to the intrinsic merits of each, but so many great mods are available for either one of them only, and it seems like more of those are on the EE side of things these days.

Edited by Isewein, 25 September 2022 - 05:17 AM.

#18 Maxion

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Posted 02 October 2022 - 03:25 AM

Hello Skellytz


Just wondering about the state of the mod in regards for BG:EE or other versions as inquired by other people here. Is it abandoned for the time being? 


your mod coupled with Nostalgia pack would be the complete nostalgia experience for BG:EE

Hello and thank you!


We finished the beta tests quite some time ago. Andrea, the author of Nostalgia Pack, has given me tons of feedback. We've identified some minor issues that will have to be fixed. BGEE needs a little bit more work--the busy, unexciting kind--so, naturally I moved it down the priority list. I'll get back to it as soon as I finish BGT-BGEE game text update, but that's a lot of evenings, too. I'm sorry that it's taking me so long, but I definitely haven't given up yet.

Ok! no problem i was just curious about state of the mod. Thanks for the work you do!

#19 Blash2

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Posted 11 March 2023 - 09:28 AM

Hello Skellytz


Just wondering about the state of the mod in regards for BG:EE or other versions as inquired by other people here. Is it abandoned for the time being? 


your mod coupled with Nostalgia pack would be the complete nostalgia experience for BG:EE

Hello and thank you!


We finished the beta tests quite some time ago. Andrea, the author of Nostalgia Pack, has given me tons of feedback. We've identified some minor issues that will have to be fixed. BGEE needs a little bit more work--the busy, unexciting kind--so, naturally I moved it down the priority list. I'll get back to it as soon as I finish BGT-BGEE game text update, but that's a lot of evenings, too. I'm sorry that it's taking me so long, but I definitely haven't given up yet.



Could this mod be the solution I'm searching for? I want to keep my BG1EE characters soundsets through all EET, including Siege of Dragonspear. If possible, I'd also like to complete BG1EE missing sounds with the BG2EE ones.

I opened a thread on G3 forums but I found no solution: https://www.gibberli...undset-for-eet/

#20 skellytz

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Posted 11 March 2023 - 11:03 AM

Could this mod be the solution I'm searching for? I want to keep my BG1EE characters soundsets through all EET, including Siege of Dragonspear. If possible, I'd also like to complete BG1EE missing sounds with the BG2EE ones.

Infinity Sounds currently doesn't do this, but it's a nice suggestion for a future component.


If you don't mind editing script files yourself, you can try to prevent or modify the soundset changes on game transitions. Search for every "SetPlayerSound" and delete the lines or change the string references to match your preferred sounds in these files:


BG1 -> SoD



BG1 -> BG2 (EET)

EET\lib\bg2_bcs.tph (modify before installing EET)

Edited by skellytz, 11 March 2023 - 11:06 AM.