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Big World Enhanced Edition - Aec'Letec Fight

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#1 Davias

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 10:24 AM

I think something is wrong with the fight against aec'letec. In know it is a very tough fight, but despite my potions of invulnerability, mirrored eyes, etc for his attacks he always do the same thing after a few turns when all the guards are dead: etherealness and regenerating.
I don't know how I can prevent that. He recovers fully each time and attacks the group anew until all my chars are dead after he hit them a few times with his level drains.
I know he is a very hard enemy and i have fought him a few times before but something seems wrong this time...
Here are my WEIDU-log


#2 Davias

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Posted 13 March 2017 - 08:35 AM

Ok, sorry I have found it out. It was the atweaks mod and etheraelness was introduced by it. He can only cast it two times in a row. :)