A "*" following a spell name in a table indicates a new ability, or a modified version of an existing one.
A "#" indicates a new ability whose description is given in the table of the corresponding base class.
-Shadowless Kick!*
-Dragon Fist* (requires: Shadowless Kick!*)
-Tiger Strike* (requires: Dragon Fist*)
-Greater Deathblow (requires: Deathblow)
-Faster than the Eye!*
-Monk Regeneration*
-Greater Evasion*
-Snatch Arrows*
Shadowless Kick!
This ability gives the Monk a one-time attack. This overwhelming assault is always successful, there is no need for a saving throw. The target suffers 5D8 crushing damage and falls unconscious for 1 round (no save). If the opponent fails its saving throw vs. breath at -4, the power of the kick will knock him back for a considerable distance.
Dragon Fist
High level Monks have the ability to focus Ki energies in their bodies in many ways. When using this ability all attacks made by the Monk in the next round will remove the target's Specific Protection (save vs. spell at -2) and one Magical Protection up to 8th level (no save). The victim must save vs. breath to avoid losing all Physical Protections. Creatures hit by Dragon Fist must also save vs. death at -4, or their Magic Resistance will be reduced by 19% for 6 rounds. This effect is cumulative. Dragon Fist always removes the strongest Protection spell from the target.
Requires: Shadowless Kick!
Tiger Strike
With this ability, the monk gains the ability to strike a mighty blow, knocking an opponent back for a considerable distance and stunning the opponent for 1 round. All attacks made in the first round are at maximum damage. The ability lasts for 2 rounds.
Large creatures such as a dragons or giants will not be knocked back or stunned.
Requires: Dragon Fist
Faster Than the Eye!
By the means of this high-level ability monks can increase their movement speed to unbelieveable heights for a single moment. During this time the monk is able to run to a limited distance without being stopped or hurt by anyone.
Monk Regeneration
Experienced monks can focus ki-energies in their bodies to regenerate themselves. The monk's regeneration rate will be increased by 2 HP/round. This ability can be picked three times and its bonuses are cumulative with every other regeneration effect on the character.
The natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a bonus of 4 to AC and 2 to all saving throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.
Greater Evasion
A more powerful version of Evasion, learned differently by monks than it is by rogues.
It decreases AC by 4 and adds 3 to all saving throws, in addition, Greater Evasion allows the monk to move so quickly that his movement rate is increased by 2 and he always escapes breath spells and spell-like abilities (he only takes half damage when appliable).
Greater Evasion lasts for 5 rounds.
Requires: Evasion
Snatch Arrows (///UNDER CONSTRUCTION///)
This passive feature further enhances monks natural ability to deflect arrows. Each time the monk becomes target of a ranged attack, he/she will have 33% chance to catch the projectile and immediately throw it back at the original attacker.
Highly enchanted weapons and projectiles (+3 enchantment or greater) cannot be snatched.
Requires: Evasion
This ability gives the Monk powerful physical protections for a very short time. It increases Slashing, Piercing, Crushing and Missile resistances to 75%, and increases Fire, Cold, Lightning resistances by 25%. There is a price for such protection however: by focusing ki-energies against physical attacks, the monks innate magic resistance will be nullified until this state expires. The effects of this ability last for 2 rounds. Multiple Chants are not cumulative.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-Summon Deva
-Resist Magic
-Holy Purge*
-Righteous Magic*
-Shield of Law*
By using this high-level ability the paladin becomes the ultimate weapon against creatures of pure evil and darkness. In the following 2 rounds each attack made by the paladin will receive a +6 damage bonus against undead and demonic creatures. In the first round all undead hit by the paladin must make a saving throw vs. death (with a -2 penalty) or be instantly destroyed.
Holy Purge
High-level paladins have the divine power to purge the essences of evil and corruption from their bodies. By the means of this ability the paladin cleanses himself and banishes all negative effects like Poison or Disease, Deafness, Blindness, and even Level Drain. The paladin will be freed from any curses as well.
Righteous Magic
This is a powerful combat spell that enhances the paladin's physical prowess, transforming him into a juggernaut of destruction. The effect adds 1 temporary hit point for every level of the caster, adds 1 point of strength for every three levels of the caster (to a maximum of 25), and inflicts maximum damage with every hit for 2 rounds. The other effects last for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.
Shield of Law
By using this powerful ability the paladin turns into a bastion of Law and will have unassailable protections against chaotic and evil creatures and effects. It grants complete immunity to all Necromancy spells, gives a 5 point bonus to save vs. death and AC is decreased by 5. Furthermore the paladin will be protected from Evil and all chaotic spells or effects like Chaos, Drunkenness, Fear, Berserk, etc.
This ability lasts for 10 rounds.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-Summon Deva
-Resist Magic
-Holy Purge#
-Righteous Magic#
Cavaliers hold a special contempt for Demons and other evil aligned creatures in their hearts. As they advance in levels they can this contempt to fight these opponents even more effectively.
By choosing this passive ability the cavalier's Charisma will be permanently increased by 1 and the paladin will receive +2 bonus to THAC0 and damage versus Chaotic Evil creatures. This bonus is cumulative with every other damage and THAC0 bonuses.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-Summon Deva
-Resist Magic
-Holy Purge#
-Righteous Magic#
-Shield of Law#
-Circle of Law* (requires: Shield of Law#)
Circle of Law
By using this powerful ability the Inquisitor turns into a bastion of Law and will gain unassailable protections against chaotic and evil creatures and effects. It grants complete immunity to all Necromancy spells, gives a 5 point bonus to save vs. death and AC is decreased by 5. Furthermore the paladin and his companions in a 15' radius area will be protected from Evil and all chaotic spells or effects like Chaos, Drunkenness, Fear, Berserk, etc.
This ability lasts for 10 rounds.
Requires: Shield of Law
Undead Hunter
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-Summon Deva
-Resist Magic
-Repulse Undead*
-Holy Purge#
-Shield of Law#
Repulse Undead
This powerful ability is similar to the 5th level priest spell Repulse Undead. The paladin emits waves of positive energy from the positive energy plane that sweep outwards from the caster. This waves disrupt any undead that attempt to attack the caster, pushing them away from him for several seconds. Each round for the duration of the spell a new wave is emitted, and all undead are affected, without a saving throw.
The duration of this ability is 1 turn.
Death Field
(Any School)
Level: 10
Duration: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 40' radius
Saving Throw: None
This is an extremely powerful anti-summoning spell. By casting it, the wizard attacks the life force of every opponent and destroys all summoned creatures in a 50' radius area around him. Summons have no saving throw vs. this spell and it bypasses their Magic Resistance (if any), while other creatures must save vs. spell at a -2 modifier to avoid certain death. Creatures with less than 8 Hit Dice are slain automatically.
Death Field has a drawback however: until the spell is finished - which takes 3 rounds after casting - the wizard cannot make any movement or action and will be completely vulnerable to attacks.
Aegis (Abjuration)
Level: 10
Range: 0
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This high-level Abjuration spell confers the mage very powerful protection for a short time. Physical resistances (Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, Missile) and Elemental resistances are all set to 85%, Magic Damage resistance is set to 60%. The mage gains a total AC bonus of 5 and her saving throws are reduced by 3 points. In addition to these bonuses, Aegis protects the caster from the first spell that would normally remove combat or spell protections. The spell lasts for [/b]5 rounds[/b].
Scribe Scrolls
This ability allows an experienced mage to create spell scrolls with incredibly shortened procedures.
The mage can attempt to create a specific scroll, choosing from a set composed by some of the most commonly encountered ones
(chances of success are lower for higher level spells):
1) Magic Missile
2) Fireball
3) Dispel Magic
4) Invisibility 10' Radius
5) Stoneskin
6) Chaos
7) Tenser's Transformation

9) Ruby Ray of Reversal
10) Maze
11) Time Stop
Notice that even if the process is succesful, enchantments placed in such a fast way are necessarily incomplete and unstable, so they will collapse and destroy the scroll itself in about 12 hours.
Dragon's Breath
(Any School)
Level: 10
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a disembodied head of red dragon to appear and breathe fire with the strength of an adult Red Dragon. In addition to the enormous 20D10 fireball, the force of the dragon's breath knocks everyone off their feet and away from the caster. The victim can save vs. breath to take half damage and not be blown backwards.
This spell will not damage party members.
(Any School)
Level: 10
Range: 90 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None
A more powerful and specialized version of Meteor Swarm, a medium sized meteor or comet strikes the earth damaging all enemies in its path and sending out a powerful shockwave that knocks away all creatures in the area of effect. Those knocked down must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1D4 rounds. The comet itself does 10D10 damage.
This spell will not damage party members.
Arcane Knowledge
As they spend more and more time studying the arcane arts and various magical artifacts, wizards become capable to learn and memorize an even greater variety of magic. This passive ability grants the mage a permanent 1 point bonus to Intelligence and 10 point bonus to Lore.
Bonus Mage Spells
This high level ability allows the mage to learn an extra 6th, 7th and 8th level spell.
Requires: Arcane Knowledge
Foresight (Divination)
Level: 10
Range: Self
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the character a powerful sixth sense in relation to his or
herself or another. Once the spell is cast, the character receives
instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the subject of the
spell. The character will never be surprised. In addition, the spell gives
the character a general idea of what action the character might take to best
protect him or herself - duck, jump right, close the eyes, and so on.
Whenever a saving throw is allowed, the character will always succeed and
AC is lowered by 15 points. The caster will be protected from Backstab as well.
Mirrored Clones (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 10
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The most powerful of the illusionary spells, only available to high level Illusionists.
Mirrored Clones creates two copies of the caster, perfect duplicates except for the fact that they have just 60% of the levels and hit points of the original individual. These duplicates are able to cast spells and attack under the control of the caster, who is also placed under a mislead-like effect for the entire duration of the spell.
Rune of Immunity (Abjuration)
Level: 10
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The absolute anti-magic protection, available only to high level Abjurers.
Upon the casting of this spell, an enchanted rune is placed under the target creature. In a few moments magical energies are collected to form an impenetrable barrier around the target , making it immune to all schools of magic for a short time. Not even friendly spells can penetrate this barrier, even though the protected creature may freely cast spells from the inside.
Rune of Immnunity can only be dispelled by Pierce Shield or Spell Strike.
Flesh Golem (Alteration)
Level: 10
Range: 20
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
By casting this terrible spell, the Transmuter makes an attempt to magically destroy an opponent creature's body and turn it into a Flesh Golem, controlled by the caster. The target must make a save vs. polymorph to avoid instant death and transformation, but even if the save is successful, he/she will suffer 3D6 +3 points of damage because of the physical shock. The newly created Flesh Golem will obey every command of the Transmuter.
Normally golems are created in a long process. The magical bonds in their bodies require tremendous amount of time and enchantments, otherwise they lose their powers in time, and the golem dies. The hastened methods of such transformation have their drawbacks naturally: any Flesh Golems created by this spell will fall apart after 1 hour.
Adamantite Form (Alteration)
Level: 10
Range: 1
Duration: 6 rounds +1 round/5 levels
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature Touched
Saving Throw: Special
This is an improved version of the mage spell Iron Form: it turns the target creature's body into living adamantite.
The new metallic body has many gifts for the subject. It reduces AC by 5, grants complete immunity to elemental and poison based attacks, and offers 90% resistance to magical and physical attacks. The target's Magic Damage Resistance is set to 25%. In addition, the adamantite body can only be harmed by +3 weapons or better. While the new form doesn't allow the use of weapons, the hands will be more than capable for battle - they both act as +4 weapons, deal 4D6 points of damage and receive the proper bonuses of Grandmastery.
Such a transformation can be very hazardous however and has its considerable drawbacks. The target creature must make a saving throw vs. polymorph. If he fails this save at -4, he becomes slowed for 5 rounds. If the save fails at -2, the target becomes stunned for 2 rounds because of the shock. A simple failed save (at 0) results in physical pain in the victim (4D8 points of damage) and a fatigued state right after the effects wear off. Even if the save is successful, the target will suffer a 30% spell failure until the spell's duration expires.
Reveal (Divination)
Level: 10
Range: 0
Duration: 15 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The definitive divinatory spell, only available to high level Diviners.
Once per round, until the spell expires, all hostile illusion/phantasm spells in an area large 70 feet in radius will be dispelled, while the main aligment of any creature not in the caster's party will be revealed (no save).
In addition, the wizard gains the ability to cast as innate "Reveal Area", up to once per round: this requires just a minimal and instantaneous shift of concentration (so that further spellcasting is not prevented), and allows him to focus on a specific portion of the current area and see from distance all that's happening there. Areas "spied" this way remain visualized in his mind for two rounds after each use of the ability.
Spell Worm (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 10
Range: Visual sight of caster
Duration: 5 Turns
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This high level spell infects the subject with progressive forgetfulness.
On a failed save, every round the subject loses his highest-level spell
or spell slot. Each subsequent round the subject loses another spell or
spell slot, moving to lower level spells once all the higher level spells
are gone. In the first round the target is allowed a saving throw vs.
spells with a -6 penalty. In the following rounds the save is -5, -4, etc.
From the 7th round till the spell expires the saving throw penalty is 0. If
the target makes its saving throw it is unaffected by the spell in that
round. While fighting the effects of a Spell Worm, the caster has a 20%
greater chance of spell failure every time he/she attempts to cast a
spell, unless a successful save vs. spell is made in the first round. The
spell lasts for 5 turns.
Malavon's Fury (Invocation)
Level: 10
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: Special
This devastating spell was created by a powerful drow wizard named
Malavon, somewhere deep within The Spine of the World. This is the
improved version of his spell called Malavon's Rage.
After casting it, this spell spreads a 30' area around the caster with
dozens of magically created darts of acid damaging everyone. Every
creature caught in the area of effect suffers 15D8 points of acid
damage (save vs. breath for half). Those who were struck by the spell
will suffer additional 1D8 points of damage/round for 3 rounds.
Malavon's Fury will not affect the caster.
Create Boneguard (Necromancy)
Level: 10
Range: 20 yards
Duration: Specific
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The Necromancer sends an unholy call to the long dead corpses buried deep beneath the earth. After animating some of them he constructs a horrifying abomination known as a Boneguard. At high levels (25+) the caster is able to create an Apocalyptic Boneguard, a very fearsome ally. Controlling these powerful undead creatures requires much concentration and is very draining to the caster; she will lose 1D8+5 hit points for creating a Boneguard and 1D12+5 hit points for creating an Apocalyptic Boneguard. Boneguards exist for 10 turns while Apocalyptic Boneguards exist for 7 turns.
This spell cannot be dispelled by any magical means.
Dark Pact (Necromancy)
Level: 10
Range: Touch
Duration: 50 turns
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Target creature
Saving Throw: Special
By the means of this spell the necromancer can increase the life force of one of his undead servants. The caster channels a fraction of his life force into the creature, increasing its current and maximum Hit Points for 50 turns. The spell drains 3D6 Hit Points from the mage which are then transferred to strengthen the undead creature and increase its health by 6D10 points. Given the nature of Dark Pact, the repeated process can result in an extremely tough undead. The necromancer must be careful though, since every time he casts this spell he must save vs. death at -2 to avoid losing one point of Constitution for 50 turns.
Dark Pact cannot be cast on self and living creatures.
Ruin (Necromancy) ///WILL BE DROPPED FOR V1, MAYBE FOR V2///
Level: 10
Range: 30 yards
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Saving Throw: Neg
This evil spell aims to destroy the target creature's life force. The victim will take 8D6 Magic damage immediately (no save), and will suffer additional 8D6 damage (save vs. death for half) every round until the duration expires. Furthermore, there is a 5% chance/round that the target will be turned to dust (no save).
The Necromancer must concentrate to maintain this spell, so he/she will be stunned for 3 rounds. Magic Resistance does affect this ability.
//2.3.8: Conjurer
Animate Magic Golem
Level: 10
Range: 50
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, the conjurer focuses a portion of his/her magic to create a golem of pure energy. This mindless creature obeys the caster's every whim until the spells duration expires, or until slain. The Magic Golem is completely immune to magic, this includes spells and enchanted weapons as well. It can only be harmed by non-magical weapons.
Damaging spells directed at the creature will heal it somewhat. Creating a Magic Golem is a very difficult process, and requires heavy concentration from the Conjurer. In the first 3 rounds after the spell is cast, he/she loses the ability to cast spells, and will move at half speed. Even after the 3rd round the Conjurer will suffer 33% spell failure every time he/she attempts to cast a spell as long as the creature remains summoned. This is cumulative after every active Magic Golem.
Elemental Summoning
Level: Quest
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Drawing power from the environment, this spell summons 2 16HD elementals randomly chosen from earth, air, water or fire. The elementals stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned. There is a 20% chance that a randomly chosen Elemental Prince(ss) will be summoned instead. The Elemental Princes rule over other elementals in their respective planes. The Elemental Princess of Air is Chan. The Elemental Prince of Earth is Sunnis. The Elemental Prince of Fire is Zaaman Rul. The Elemental Prince of Water is Ben-Hadar.
Destruction (Necromancy)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the reverse of Resurrection. On a successful touch from the priest, the spell strikes at the very life force of the victims body and literally destroys it. The next attack that the priest makes will inflict this effect, however he only has one round to make the attack before the spell fizzles. Also, if the priest misses the target creature, the spell is wasted. There is a saving throw vs. death at -4 to avoid instant destruction, but even if it is successful, the victim takes 3D10 points of damage.
Divine Shell (Abjuration)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This is perhaps the most powerful protection spell available for Divine spellcasters. It confers 75% Fire, Cold, Lightning resistance and 25% Magic Damage resistance bonus. The caster gains 20% temporary bonus to Maximum Hit Points, 5 points bonus to Save vs. Death, and becomes protected from Normal weapons. Mind affecting spells and anything that hinders free movement will have no effect on the Priest. In addition to these bonuses this spell will protect from every spell directed against the caster. It absorbs 15 level of spells, up to 8th level. The protection last for 1 Turn.
A high level priest is able to create a much closer and stronger connection to his/her deity. By this, the priest is able to cast more high level spells without resting.
Enlightenment will allow the priest to cast two additional 7th level spells.
Heretic's Bane
Experienced priests can focus their hatred against enemies of their faith in physical means as well. The priest will fight followers of other gods with a religious fury. Against priests and clerics of another ethos he/she will receive +5 bonus to THAC0, and a damage bonus of 10. These bonuses are smaller when facing opponents less dedicated to a religion (multi,- or dual-classed clerics). In this case, the priest will receive +3 to THAC0 and +5 to damage.
This is a passive ability.
Divine Intervention (good version)
Maintaining a strong connection to their gods, high level clerics may call to the heavens in time of great peril. Invoking a devoted prayer, they call directly for the intervention of their deities.
An intervention from the gods themselves may show very different faces however. Unlike Evil aligned clerics, the call of good aligned priests will never result in negative effects, but there is a higher chance that the prayer will be dismissed. The extents of such an intervention are quite diverse, from small bonuses to complete wonders.
This action is very draining to the priest, so a fatigued state shortly follows. Divine Intervention may be used once per day.
Requires: Enlightenment
Divine Intervention (evil version)
Maintaining a strong connection to their gods, high level clerics may call to the heavens in time of great peril. Invoking a devoted prayer, they call directly for the intervention of their deities.
An intervention from the gods themselves may show very different faces however. Unlike Good aligned clerics, the call of evil priests will always ne answered, but there is a chance that the prayer will result in disaster. The extents of such an intervention are quite diverse, from small bonuses to complete wonders.
This powerful prayer requires sacrifice from the priest, so he/she will lose 3D10 Hit Points immediately. Divine Intervention may be used once per day.
Requires: Enlightenment
Priest of Talos
Chaos Hammer (Invocation)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Combat
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds +1 round/every 3rd level after 20
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The caster of this dangerous combat spell brings into existence a hammer blessed by Talos himself. For the duration of the spell, the Priest of Talos may use the magic weapon without non-proficiency penalties. It strikes as a magical weapon with an enchantment and THAC0 bonus of +5 and can hit opponents far away from the caster. The hammer inflicts 2D10 +5 electrical damage upon a successful hit.
Besides these effects, this powerful weapon has the chance to cast one of the following spells on the victim:
- Blindness;
- Confusion;
- Greater Malison;
- Chaos;
- Chain Lightning.
Priest of Helm
Circle of Law (Abjuration)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Protection
Range: Self
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 15' radius
Saving Throw: None
By casting this powerful spell the Helmite priest turns into a bastion of Law and will have unbeatable protections against chaotic or evil creatures and effects. It grants complete immunity to all Necromancy spells, gives a 5 point bonus to save vs. poison/death and AC will be decreased by 5. Furthermore the priest and his companions in a 15' radius area will be protected from Evil and all chaotic spells or effects like Chaos, Drunkenness, Fear, Berserk, etc.
This ability lasts for 10 rounds.
//2.4.3: Priest of Lathander
Guardian Angel (Necromancy)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Saving Throw: None
The caster of this powerful protective enchantment bestows the target creature with the blessing of Lathander for a short time. The recipient cannot die until the spell expires. The target will be protected from all instant-death effects, Level Drain, and his/her Hit Points cannot go below 1 for 6 rounds.
The only effect that can result in the target creature's death is ability drain.
-Elemental Summoning*
-Elemental Prince Call* (requires: Elemental Summoning*)
-Aura of Flaming Death
-Storm of Vengeance
-Implosion (requires: Bless of Nature*)
-Volcano* (requires: Implosion)
-Nature's Wrath* (requires: Bless of Nature*)
-Mass Raise Dead
-Tranquility* (requires: Bless of Nature*)
-Fire Elemental Transformation*
-Earth Elemental Transformation*
-Bless of Nature*
Elemental Summoning
Level: Quest
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Drawing power from the environment, this spell summons 2 16HD elementals randomly chosen from earth, air, water or fire. The elementals stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned. There is a 20% chance that a randomly chosen Elemental Prince(ss) will be summoned instead. The Elemental Princes rule over other elementals in their respective planes. The Elemental Princess of Air is Chan. The Elemental Prince of Earth is Sunnis. The Elemental Prince of Fire is Zaaman Rul. The Elemental Prince of Water is Ben-Hadar.
Elemental Prince Call
Level: Quest
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Druids, having a more powerful link to the elements, can cast a stronger version of Elemental Summoning. This spell can summon the Elemental Princes themselves, randomly chosen from earth, air, water or fire. The Elemental Princes stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned.
Requires: Elemental Summoning
Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
Level: Quest
Range: 120 yds.
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 50' radius
Saving Throw: Special
This is the enhanced version of the 7th level spell Earthquake.
By the means of this powerful spell the druid lets loose the most devastating powers of Nature to wipe Her enemies from the face of Faerun once and for all. Mighty tremors shake the ground and massive eruptions of fire ignite the sky as a young volcano creates a rift in the earth raining fire on everything in a 50' radius.
There are three tremors that are caused by the earthquake. The first tremor causes all creatures affected to suffer 6d6 points of damage (save vs. spell at a -6 penalty for half damage). Those who fail their saving throws fall to the ground for four rounds.
The second tremor is less severe, causing 4d6 points of damage (save for half at a -2 penalty). The final tremor causes 2d6 damage (save for half).
In addition to the crushing effects, the deadly heat and chunks of boiling lava will damage every creature in the area of effect for 3D6 fire damage/round.
This spell will affect both enemies and friends of the caster, so care must be taken in its use.
Casting Volcano is very draining to the Druid both physically and mentally. She will become winded and won't be able to cast spells for 2 rounds.
Requires: Implosion
Nature's Wrath (Alteration)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Combat/Plant
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: 1 Turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 40' radius
Saving Throw: Neg
Druids only use this spell against Nature's most devoted enemies, for its powers are destructive and irreversable. When invoked, this spell enrages the land, so it will attempt to destroy all living and non-living creatures in its area of effect. Every creature takes 1D10 points of Poison and 1D10 points of Acid damage each round it is exposed to the deadly vapors. If someone fails a saving throw vs. poison at -2, he becomes poisoned. Another failed save vs. poison results in disease, and the victim will lose one point of Constitution for 5 rounds. This spell destroys all summoned creatures. Besides its destructive powers, Nature's Wrath has a more viscious characteristic: it attempts to stop creatures from escaping its area or at least slow them. Any target must save vs. spells at -4, or becomes entangled for a short time. Entangled creatures can still attack.
Sphere: Necromantic
Level: Quest
Range: Self
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 40' radius
Saving Throw: None
This high level druid spell creates an aura of healing energy around the caster that moves with him/her. Every friendly creature in its area of effect is healed 3D8 +10 Hit Points/round, and will be cleansed of every poison and disease. The Druid must concentrate to maintain the spell and will be slowed until Tranquility expires, which is 1 turn.
Fire Elemental Transformation
Level: Quest
Range: 0
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Harnessing the power of fire, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD fire elemental of immense strength. The elemental form has an AC of -7, a THAC0 of 1 and is completely immune to fire-based spells and anilities. It does 1D10 normal and 1D10 fire damage with its attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage.
Earth Elemental Transformation
Level: Quest
Range: 0
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Harnessing the power of the earth, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD earth elemental of immense strength. The elemental form has an AC of -4, a THAC0 of 2 and does 2D10 crushing damage with its attacks. It is somewhat resistance to cold, fire, acid and physical attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage.
Bless of Nature
High-level druids maintain a closer link to Nature herself. Developing an even stronger connection to the powers of Water, Fire and Wind will grant the druid a permanent +1 bonus to Wisdom, and 10% bonus to Fire, Cold and Lightning resistances.
Totemic Druid
Ancestral Spirit (Conjuration)
Level: Quest
Range: 10 Yards
Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/8 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Drawing upon the bond between druids past and present,
the druid can summon an ancestral spirit to fight by
his or her side. The ancestral spirit is a Great
Druid, retaining her full druidic powers - including
spellcasting - as well as the bonuses granted to a
spectral undead creature.
-Elemental Summoning#
-Elemental Prince Call# (requires: Elemental Summoning#)
-Aura of Flaming Death
-Storm of Vengeance
-Implosion (requires: Bless of Nature#)
-Volcano# (requires: Implosion)
-Nature's Wrath# (requires: Bless of Nature#)
-Mass Raise Dead
-Tranquility# (requires: Bless of Nature#)
-Bless of Nature#
-Feral Spirit*
Feral Spirit
High level shapeshifters can reach a total mastery of the lycanthropy that afflicts them, increasing the raw strenght of their animal side and the control they have over it.
Feral Spirit improves both the Lesser and the Greater Werefolf forms (AC is lowered, paws are treated like +3 weapons in regard of the enchantment level, resistances are augmented).
Furthmore, the druid becomes able to shapechange in the lesser form at will, without any limitation.
-Elemental Summoning#
-Elemental Prince Call# (requires: Elemental Summoning#)
-Aura of Flaming Death
-Storm of Vengeance
-Implosion (requires: Bless of Nature#)
-Volcano# (requires: Implosion)
-Nature's Wrath# (requires: Bless of Nature#)
-Mass Raise Dead
-Fire Elemental Transformation#
-Earth Elemental Transformation#
-Bless of Nature#
(Any School)
Level: Quest
Range: 90 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: Special
A druidic version of the wizard spell Comet available only to Avengers. A medium sized meteor strikes the earth damaging all enemies in its path and sending out a powerful shockwave that knocks away all creatures in the area of effect. Those knocked down must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1D4 rounds. The comet itself does 10D10 damage.
This spell will not damage party members.
-Mass Charm
-Enthralling Melody
-Sound Burst
-Avoid Death
-Enhanced Bard Song
-Use Any Items
-Alchemy (requires UAI)
-Scribe Scrolls (requires UAI)
-Magic Flute
-Lingering Song (requires Enhanced Bard Song)
Mass Charm
By focusing his willpower the Bard influences the actions nearby creatures by suggesting a course of activity. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out and break the enchantment. The creatures can attempt a saving throw vs. spells in order to avoid being controlled, but even if they succeed, there is still a 50% chance that they will suffer a mental breakdown. This will effectively cause them to enter a Berserk state (no save) and attack the nearest creature for one round.
This is a supernatural spell-like ability, therefore it completely ignores any magic resistance of the subject creatures. Anyone who successfully resists or frees himself from the Bard's control is much less suspectable to fall for it again, at least for a while.
Enthralling Melody
While the Bard softly hums this catchy tune, he can amaze and enthrall any audience, even those that do not understand his language. Listeners in the area of effect must successfully save vs. paralyzation or give the Bard their undivided attention, totally ignoring their surroundings. Even enemies become stunned in amazement for 5 rounds if they fail their save. In addition, even if the saving throw is made there is still a 50% chance that opponents will become so deeply immersed into the hypnotic song that they effectively become stricken with Feeblemindness (no save) for 1 round.
This is a supernatural spell-like ability, therefore it completely ignores any magic resistance of the subject creatures. Anyone who successfully resists or frees himself from the enthralling effect is much less suspectable to fall for it again, at least for a while.
Sound Burst
The Bard emits a magically powered shout in order to fill his surroundings with high pitched, stone shattering sound waves. Creatures in the nearby area take 15d6 points of magic damage and are also deafened for 5 rounds. (A deafened creature has an effective 50% chance of spellcasting failure.) A successful save vs. breath halves the damage and negates the deafness.
Note: This is a supernatural spell-like ability, therefore it completely ignores any magic resistance of the subject creatures.
Lingering Song
Once a Bard's musical talents have reached a significant level, his music can stay with the listeners long after the last note has died away. After the Bard stops playing, the effects of his or her song last additional rounds.
Requires: Enhanced Bard Song
-Mass Charm
-Enthralling Melody
-Sound Burst
-Avoid Death
-Use Any Items
-Alchemy (requires UAI)
-Scribe Scrolls (requires UAI)
-Magic Flute
-Improved Ambidexterity
Improved Ambidexterity
As it is typical to this kit, blades are well trained in the use of two weapons at once. This passive ability further increases their skills in dual wielding weapons and negates the +2 THAC0 penalty to off-hand weapons.
-Mass Charm
-Enthralling Melody
-Sound Burst
-Avoid Death
-Enhanced Jester Song
-Use Any Items
-Alchemy (requires UAI)
-Scribe Scrolls (requires UAI)
-Magic Flute
-Lingering Song (requires Enhanced Jester Song)
Enhanced Jester Song
This magical song is a great threat to the jester's enemies. All opponents who hear the song must make a saving throw vs. spells at -4 to avoid becoming slowed for 1 round, save vs. spells at -2 to avoid becoming confused for 1 round, and save vs. spells to avoid becoming uncounscious for a round. The power of the song grants the jester 10% magic resistance bonus, and -10 to AC.
Lingering Song
Once a Bard's musical talents have reached a significant level, his music can stay with the listeners long after the last note has died away. After the Bard stops playing, the effects of his or her song last additional rounds.
Requires: Enhanced Jester Song
-Mass Charm
-Enthralling Melody
-Sound Burst
-Avoid Death
-Enhanced Skald Song
-Use Any Items
-Alchemy (requires UAI)
-Lingering Song (requires Enhanced Skald Song)
-Bladed Weapon Specialization (excludes Blunt Weapon Specialization)
-Blunt Weapon Specialization (excludes Bladed Weapon Specialization)
-Set Spike Trap
-Set Exploding Trap
-Set Time Trap
-Greater Evasion
-Avoid Death
-Use Scrolls*
-Scribe Scrolls* (requires: Use Scrolls*)
An experienced thief knows many dirty tricks to hinder or decapacitate opponents in combat. For 3 rounds after the ability is activated, every attack of the thief has a chance to weaken his target. Anytime the thief makes a successful attack, the Strength of the victim is lowered to 10 for 18 seconds (save vs. death to avoid). In addition there is a 25% chance that the target will be either blinded, slowed, or will suffer extra 5D6 piercing damage (save vs. breath at -4 to avoid effects).
Cripple lasts for 3 rounds.
The natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a bonus of 4 to AC and 2 to all saving throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.
Use Scrolls
Thieves always rely on their shrewdness, and learn every kind of trick to survive their days of adventuring.
By observing mages who make use of their Art a smart thief may come to know enough of the mechanics of magic and spellcasting to learn to read and understand mage scrolls, and actually even cast spells through them.
Thieves of low intelligence probably won't be able to emulate mages with success, though.
Scribe Scrolls
This ability further enhances a rogue's aptitude to emulate tricks used by mages. While handling the procedure to perform a perfect and permanent incantantion is impossible without a devoted study of the Arcane Art, any rogue may learn enough to reproduce the very mechanics of the fast and handy process that some experienced mages use to create spell scrolls for immediate casting.
The rogue can attempt to create a specific scroll, choosing from a set composed by some of the most commonly encountered ones
(chances of success are lower for higher level spells):
1) Magic Missile
2) Fireball
3) Dispel Magic
4) Invisibility 10' Radius
5) Stoneskin
6) Chaos
7) Tenser's Transformation

9) Maze
Notice that even if the process is succesful, enchantments placed in such a fast way are necessarily incomplete and unstable, so they will collapse and destroy the scroll itself in about 12 hours. Notice also that the mechanics of this quick procedure don't grant by themselves the understanding of how spellcasting works.
Requires: Use Scrolls
Nerve Poison
As they advance in levels, assassins become masters of toxins and poisons. Using this knowledge they can create more dangerous poisons, which not only cause pain, but can also disable the victim's nervous system.
Nerve Poison has three main effects: first, it deals 1 poison damage/second for 12 seconds. Second, it has a chance to paralize the opponent for 5 rounds and grants 50% spell failure until expiration. Finally, it will deal extra damage every round in the following manner:
1st: 1D6 damage;
2nd: 2D6 damage;
3rd: 3D6 damage;
4th: 4D6 damage;
5th: 3D6 damage;
6th: 2D6 damage;
7th: 1D6 damage.
This ability will last 3 rounds.
Requires: Brew Poison
Brew Poison
Becoming more and more experienced with poisons and achieving a
greater level in their alchemycal skills, Assassins can attempt to create
their own different types of poisons. These weaker chemicals can be
used on a weapon as contact poisons. Creating these potions is a
difficult process, and it can sometimes result in accidents. The
poisonous potions are only useable by thieves.
Requires: Alchemy
Bounty Hunter
Swashbucklers serve as great fighters, but their training concentrates on movement and agility instead of pure strength and devastating blows. By further enhancing their acrobatic and dodging skills, swahsbucklers may become more formidable opponents in battle.
This passive ability permanently increases Dexterity and reduces Base Armor Class by one, and grants 2 point bonus to all saves vs. breath.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Greater Deathblow (requires: Deathblow)
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Tireless Rage*
-War Cry
-Greater War Cry* (requires: War Cry)
-Resist Magic
-Hardened Skin* (requires: Hardiness)
-Resistant Skin* (Requires: Resist Magic)
Tireless Rage
This is the improved version of the ability: Barbarian Rage. It gives a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, and makes the user immune to all mind affecting spells and any other effect that hinders free movement. Tireless Rage gives a 20% bonus to movement speed.
The main difference between Barbarian Rage and Tireless Rage is that the improved version lasts twice as long and has no negative effects like AC penalty, etc. The ability lasts 1 turn and the barbarian doesn't become winded when it expires.
This ability cannot be used together with Barbarian Rage.
Greater War Cry
With Greater War Cry, the barbarian emits a powerful and frightening yell that will leave all opponents in a 30' radius panicked with fear if they don't make their save vs. spell at -2. In addition to this effect, Greater War Cry will increase the combat effectiveness of nearby party members by granting them a THAC0 bonus of 3 and immunity to fear effects for 2 rounds.
Requires: War Cry
Hardened Skin
Choosing this passive ability increases the Barbarians physical resistance to Slashing, Piercing and Crushing damage by an additional 5%.
This ability can be chosen multiple times.
Requires: Hardiness
Resistant Skin
This passive ability inreases the Barbarian's natural resistances to normal fire and cold, and makes their bodies less vulnerable against magical damage. Said resistances are increased by 5% each.
Requires: Resist Magic
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-War Cry
-Resist Magic
-Improved Ambidexterity*
This innate ability grants the ranger greater endurance for 5 hours. He gains a 25% bonus to movement rate (non-cumulative with Boots of Speed), +1 bonus to saving throws and attack rolls, 1D8 +5 points bonus to maximum Hit Points, immunity to Fatigue and Uncounsciousness and a slight boost to regeneration rate (1HP/round).
This ability can be used once/day.
Improved Ambidexterity
As it is typical to this class, rangers are well trained in the use of two weapons at once. This passive ability further increases their skills in dual wielding weapons and negates the +2 THAC0 penalty to off-hand weapons.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-War Cry
-Resist Magic
With proper concentration a skilled archer can render his attacks more deadly and precise. By activating this ability the archer gains +6 to THAC0 with missile weapons and +10 bonus to damage for 2 rounds. Any creature hit by the Archer while using Precision must make a save vs. breath at -2 to avoid being knocked back, and must save vs. death (20%/successful hit) to avoid instant death.
Precision has some drawbacks: it requires concentration, so it makes defense almost impossible and leaves time for just 2 attacks per round.
The archer's movement rate will be decreased by 75% and AC will suffer a 5 point penalty until the ability expires.
Shadow Pool
Stalkers show some talent in adopting lesser arcane magics. As they
become more and more experienced, they'll get access to different
mage spells dealing with shadows and illusion.
After activating Shadow Pool, the Stalker can choose from several
illusion based spells. These are: Blur, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Non-
Detection and Detect Illusion. If the ranger takes any action (e.g.
attacking or spellcasting) before choosing from the spell selection, the
Shadow Pool fizzles.
-Whirlwind Attack
-Power Attack
-Critical Strike (requires: Power Attack)
-Smite (requires: Critical Strike)
-War Cry
-Resist Magic
-Improved Ambidexterity#
-Animal Affinity*
Animal Affinity
Beast Masters live surrounded by animals and the forces of Nature. As they advance in levels, they will reach a point where they may become a bit more "animal" and less "human".
By picking this passive ability the Beast Master gains a permanent bonus to Constitution and saving throws (1 point), except for the save vs. spells, where he/she will suffer a -1 point penalty. In addition to these bonuses Animal Affinity grants permanent Infravision.
-Energy Blades
-Energy Storm* (requires: Inner Focus*)
-Resist Magic*
-Channel Magic* (requires: Resist Magic*)
-Aqua Mortis* (excluded by: Scion of Storms*)
-Idol of Frost* (excluded by: Spirit of Flame*)
-Scion of Storms* (excluded by: Aqua Mortis*)
-Spirit of Flame* (excluded by: Idol of Frost*)
-Inner Focus*
-Spell Restoration* (requires: Inner Focus*)
-Shatter Magic* (requires: Inner Focus*)
-Spellcasting Speed Increase* (requires: Inner Focus*)
Energy Storm
High level sorcerers have great magical potential focused in their bodies. This terrible spell allows them to set loose these energies, which explode in a massive magical storm around the caster. This is a suicidal act and almost always results in the death of the sorcerer itself, so it should only be used in times of absolute peril.
The uncontrolled magical energy rages in a 30' radius area, damaging all who stand in its area of effect. After invoking it, the sorcerer has no control over the engulfing chaotic energies and will be stunned in the center of the magical storm. After devouring the caster's magical powers, the spell will eventually use up his life force, literally draining it from the sorcerer.
The storm inficts 7D10 magic damage (no save) to any creature in its area of effect (be it friend or foe) every 3 seconds after casting. The sorcerer's remaining spells will fuel the power of the storm, and will be lost. After a few seconds the raging energies will start to attack the life force of the caster, draining him of 2D10 +10 HP every 3 seconds. If the sorcerer somehow survives this magical onslaught, he will be left uncounscious for 6 rounds, and will be fatigued thereafter.
Energy Storm lasts 15 seconds.
Requires: Inner Focus
Resist Magic
This ability allows the sorcerer to temporarily tap a great inner power and fight off the effects of opposing magic. For 5 rounds the sorcerer's magic resistance is increased by 30%. This is cumulative with other forms of magic resistance so if the sorcerer has 10% magic resistance, the ability will increase this value to 40%.
Channel Magic
This high level ability of a sorcerer allows him to completely protect himself from all damaging magical effects and devour spells centered on him. For a short time the sorcerer will become immune to magical damage and certain death effects caused by spells like Power Word: Kill. In addition all spells directed at the caster will be absorbed (up to 8th level) and this allows previously cast spells to be recalled. There is no limitation to the number of absorbable spells.
To achieve these rusults, the sorcerer must completely concentrate on the magical energies around him and will lose spellcasting abilities until the duration expires, which is 2 rounds.
Note: innate abilities can still be used during the channeling.
Requires: Resist Magic
Aqua Mortis
Powerful sorcerers may develop the innate ability to "become one" with elements of magic for a limited time.
By invoking this ability the sorcerer will receive 110% resistance to Acid, which may bring him to a state of "affinity" with acid (so that damaging acid-based spells and effects will actually heal the caster somewhat). Every creature successfully attacking him will suffer an Acidic Backlash (no save). The caster will become immune to all poison and disease effects.
The disadvantage of this ability is that until it expires, Fire, Cold and Lightning resistances are reduced by 25%, so the caster becomes vulnerable to these elements.
This ability lasts one turn.
Aqua Mortis excludes the use of the ability: "Scion of Storms".
Idol of Frost
Powerful sorcerers may develop the innate ability to "become one" with elements of magic for a limited time.
By invoking this ability the Sorcerer will receive 110% Cold resistance bonus, which may bring him to a state of true "cold affinity" (so that damaging cold-based spells and effects will actually heal the caster somewhat). The caster's weapon will deal an additional 1D10 Cold damage and will slow the victim for 2 rounds (no save). Every creature in the near vicinity of the sorcerer suffers 2D10 damage every round (save vs breath for half) and will be slowed for 1 round (no save) because of the freezing aura that surrounds him. In addition, the aura has a 5% chance to instantly kill opponents by turning them into solid ice (save vs death at -4). Even if the saving throw is successful, the victim will suffer 20 points of cold damage. This ability hardens the casters body, and makes him resistant to slashing and piercing attacks.
The disadvantage of this spell is that Lightning, Fire and Acid resistances are reduced by 25% each, so the caster will become vulnerable to these elemental attacks. The effects last for one turn.
Idol of Frost excludes the use of the ability: "Spirit of Flame".
Scion of Storms
Powerful sorcerers may develop the innate ability to "become one" with elements of magic for a limited time.
By invoking this ability the sorcerer will receive 110% Lightning resistance bonus, which may bring him to a state of "affinity" with electricity (so that damaging lightning-based spells and effects will actually heal the caster somewhat). Pulsating with electricity, the caster's melee attack deals another 1D10 Electricity damage. Every creature successfully attacking the sorcerer suffers 1D10 Electricity damage and there is a 25% chance that it must make a save vs. spell at -2, or become stunned for 1 round. This ability grants a 25% bonus to Movement Speed.
The disadvantage of this spell is that Fire, Cold and Acid resistances are reduced by 25% each, so the caster will become vulnerable to these elemental attacks. The effects last for one turn.
Scion of Storms excludes the use of the ability: "Aqua Mortis".
Spirit of Flame
Powerful sorcerers may develop the innate ability to "become one" with elements of magic for a limited time.
By invoking this ability the Sorcerer will receive 110% Fire resistance bonus, which may bring him to a state of true "fire affinity" (so that damaging fire-based spells and effects will actually heal the caster somewhat). The caster won't be able to use any weapon until the spell expires, but his fist itself will serve as a melee weapon that deals 2D10 points of fire damage and has 25% chance per hit to lower targets Fire Resistance by 10%. Every creature in the near vicinity of the sorcerer suffers 2D6 fire damage every round because of the scorching aura that surrounds him. This ability makes the caster partially ethereal and grants immunity to Normal Weapons.
The disadvantage of this spell is that Lightning, Cold and Acid resistances are reduced by 25% each, so the caster will become vulnerable to these elemental attacks. The effects last for one turn.
Spirit of Flame excludes the use of the ability: "Idol of Frost".
Inner Focus
To enhance their magical capabilities, Sorcerers must advance to a higher level of inner focus. Learning this ability grants the Sorcerer +1 bonus to Charisma and to save vs. spells permanently.
Spell Restoration
Having an innate spellcasting talent, Sorcerers may develop natural abilities to further enhance their arcane powers. This innate ability will restore 1 spell/spell level up to lvl 6. It requires some concentration, hence the longer casting ti