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Sirene NPC for BG2:EE discussion

bg2ee npc kit

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#1 Artemius I

Artemius I
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Posted 07 January 2017 - 05:12 PM

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File Name: Sirene NPC for BG2:EE
File Submitter: Artemius I
File Submitted: 07 Jan 2017
File Category: BG:EE Mods

 Sirene NPC Mod for BG2:EE by Artemius_I
 Introduction & Details
This mod adds a new joinable NPC to the game: Sirene, a tiefling paladin of Ilmater. She has a custom kit: Martyr.
She can be found within the High Hall of the Radiant Heart, in the corridor past the entrance. She will only join a non-evil PC.
Her level is dependent on the PC's upon joining.
STR: 16
DEX: 17
CON: 16
INT: 10
WIS: 14
CHA: 17
Total: 90
As a tiefling, she also has 10% fire and cold resistance.
She has both a friendship path and a romance, which can be initiated by a PC with 12 or above charisma and of either gender. PCs who knew her from BG1 can bring up their past for a few extra talks.
If your reputation drops below 9, she will stop her friendship and romance talks and warn you. If it drops below 5, she will leave permanently.
She is compatible with all NPCs except Dorn and Hexxat, who she will come to conflict with quickly and force you to choose between them.
 Martyr Kit
MARTYR: Martyrs are worshippers of Ilmater, the good god of suffering, endurance and martyrdom. Paladins of Ilmater's order are compassionate and train themselves to become protectors of their allies and to alleviate the suffering of others.
- Hit Die: d12
- May use the Sacrifice ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
SACRIFICE: The martyr heals the target for 1d6+1 per level hit points and deals 1d6+1 per level nonlethal damage to <PRO_HIMHER>self.
- May use the Martyrdom ability once per day starting at level 5. Gains an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
MARTYRDOM: The target gains a +4 bonus to armor class and 50% resistance to physical damage for 5 rounds while the martyr loses the same amount.
- 12th level: Gains 10% resistance to physical damage. An additional 5% is gained at levels 16 and 20.
- 15th level: May use the Ilmater's Grace ability once per day.
ILMATER'S GRACE: The martyr regenerates for 3 hit points per second for 1 turn.
- -1 penalty to THAC0 every 5 levels (starting at level 1).
- May not cast Protection from Evil.
- May not Turn Undead.
- May not use ranged weapons.
 Friendship & Romance
Sirene can be befriended by a PC of any alignment, race or statistics though she will not join evil protagonists. A PC with 12 or more Charisma of either gender and any race or class can start a romance with her. Bear in mind that Sirene will not 'come on' to you immediately as vanilla romances do, and you actually have to show interest at some point during her friendship talks for the romance to take over. If she knew the PC from Baldur's Gate 1, the romance can start from their very first talk, while those who just met her will have to talk to her a few times. Show her you're interested, whether by rehashing a former relationship, flirting with her during her talks, or... buying her something nice?
Sirene comes with crossmod content, which includes banters with the following mod NPCs: Fade, Foundling, Yvette (Lava Del'Vortel) and Pai'Na (myself)
Sirene also reacts to the following quest mods: Innershade, Tales of the Deep Gardens, I Shall Never Forget (Lava Del'Vortel)
Sirene also reacts to the following NPCS for the Romantic Encounters (multiple authors) mod (for technical reasons, this component may be installed separately):
- Weathermistress Ada
- Anishai
- Aran Linvail
- Bjornin
- Chanelle
- Desharik
- Eldoth
- Garren Windspear
- Hendak
- Ilona
- Jarlaxle
- Lais
- Laran
- Mekrath
- Rebecca
- Renal Bloodscalp
- Ribald Barterman
- Saemon Havarian
- Sheri D'Avignon
- Talak
- Isabelle
- Anne (will break romance)
- Cernd
- Captain Cernick
The reactions are harmless and will not break the romance (except for Anne)
Unzip the files into your Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition folder (usually C:/Program Files/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/Data/00783) and run Setup-Sirene.exe
 FAQs - Non-spoilers
Q: I had Sirene in my party in BG1 and acknowledged it to her. What changes?
A: You get one more dialogue in which you can set your previous relationship, and she gets a few more banters with NPCs from BG1, as well as one with Keldorn.
Q: Does Sirene have any personal quests?
A: Technically no quests, but there are encounters.
Q: Where are the encounters?
A: The first is a waylay that occurs when leaving Athkatla via the City Gates. The second is near-impossible to miss so long as you go to any Athkatlan district in Chapter 6 (except the Graveyard). There is also one in ToB - which she will begin via dialogue upon reaching the North Forest.
Q: Romance conflicts?
A: Not directly. However, Sirene will eventually ask you if you're interested in anyone. Choosing anyone except Sirene herself will terminate the romance.
Q: Can the Brimstone +1 be upgraded?
A: Yes, at Cromwell's. Requires a demon heart and 5,000 gold.
Q: Are there any new items?
A: There are over a dozen usable items included with this mod. Two can be upgraded and three are Sirene-exclusive.
Q: New areas?
A: Three in SoA, one in ToB. Each one has a specific encounter you can deal with, but only the first is mandatory.
Q: New spells?
A: Several. Some are mutually exclusive, owing to a certain choice Sirene must make.
Q: Does Sirene have conflicts with any other party members?
A: Sirene will not, under any circumstances, be in a party with Dorn or Hexxat.
Q: Which party members are good ideas to take with Sirene?
A: Sirene is written to fit in well with good-aligned parties, but she has plenty of dialogue with most party members. She has at least four banters with Keldorn, Anomen, Mazzy, Imoen, Jaheira, Valygar, Viconia and Yoshimo, so any of the above are good choices. She has the least to say with Jan and Korgan. Additionally, keeping Sirene and Valygar in the party for long enough may result in a tiny bonus...
Spoiler FAQs can be found in the readme.
Author: Artemius_I
Sirene: Isandir
Sirene (alternate): sporeboy - http://sporeboy.devi.../Kitty-10791404
T'samon: csdigitaldesign - http://csdigitaldesi...rlock-180803919
Areas, BAMS: Lava Del'Vortel
Soundset: Bioware
Music: Neverwinter Nights
 Known Issues
The Sacrifice and Martyrdom abilities can be selfcast. Don't do it for obvious reasons.

Click here to download this file

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

#2 -Enquiry-

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 02:38 PM

Would it be possible to use this with the regular (non-EE) game?


Thanks. :)

#3 Artemius I

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 03:33 PM

No. It will not work with vanilla BG. I've given my permission for other modders to make it compatible if they're interested but I currently have neither the ability nor the will to do it myself.

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

#4 Samriel

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 06:57 AM

A pretty nice mod.


The only shame(for me at least) is that it isn't possible to corrupt her a bit more. Maybe not to a giggling villain but to true neutral or chaotic neutral perhaps. And that she cannot be convinced to join evil chars. Maybe with a 18 char and/or a decent reputation?

#5 -Enquiry-

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Posted 10 January 2017 - 03:26 AM

Thanks for the reply. Let's hope someone with the expertise does work on it then, the mod does seem interesting and it would be good to be able to use it.

#6 Artemius I

Artemius I
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Posted 10 January 2017 - 04:26 PM

SPOILERS (highlight to read): You can change Sirene's alignment to chaotic good. That was the most I was comfortable with doing. She's not the easily corruptible type.

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

#7 -PietiaS-

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 05:45 PM

Sirene`s story and personality are terribly cornball (and politically correct), but still – it is very good work, congratulations. It was fun to play BG with her.


I bumped in to some minor bugs, mostly in ToB part of modification:

-In SoA, I advised her to kill -SPOILER CHARACTER-, after it, her dialogs didn’t started (and she didn’t get new powers). The” good” path of this quest worked OK.


-In Saradush prison, when I helped ghost prisoner, she tried to say something, and it breaks the game. The screen faded out and… alt + F4 was only solution ;)


-Her second “Post-rest talk” love talk and after “Abazigal and Sendai defeat” love talk didn’t started.

#8 Artemius I

Artemius I
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Posted 30 January 2017 - 07:00 PM

Thank you for the bug notices. I clearly didn't test the ToB section thoroughly enough, they'll all be fixed in the next update.

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

#9 Artemius I

Artemius I
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Posted 07 February 2017 - 02:52 AM



I cannot reproduce bugs #1 or #3. The spirit dialogue was fixed. Newest version will be updated soon.

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

#10 nullset

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Posted 14 August 2017 - 11:42 AM

Hi. This is to let you know that there is a problem with the construction of your BG2EE flirts in c0sire2j.d. When you use the RandomNum() trigger, a number is selected and, if none of the other conditions for that random number is satisfied, the dialogue is broken (NO VALID LINKS etc...). So, every possible random number must be represented and each must provide a validly triggered reply. This makes putting conditions on those replies tricky. Luckily, when I hit it, it didn't break my game, but it could happen.

#11 nullset

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 05:28 PM

You definitely have problems with your interjections interfering with those of other mods that were installed prior to your mod. On my first runthrough, I had installed Sirene last, and the initial contact with Demogorgon was screwed up. On my second runthrough, I installed Sirene first, and there was no problem with Demogorgon. I have my suspicions about other areas of interjection intersection with other NPC mods, but have not taken the time to make a thorough investigation of it.

May I bring to your attention INTERJECT_COPY_TRANS4 which incorporates the protections of both ICT2 and ICT3.


I like your mod very much. I hope you will accept these comments as an attempt to help you make it even better.

#12 -Beregost-

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 10:11 PM

In BG2 a messenger showed up and Sirene said we had to leave by the gate to meet someone. Apparently I'm supposed to get a random encounter after leaving from the gate but I don't.

#13 Roxanne



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Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:33 AM

In BG2 a messenger showed up and Sirene said we had to leave by the gate to meet someone. Apparently I'm supposed to get a random encounter after leaving from the gate but I don't.

If you mean her encounter in a random area, then...yes It is a random encounter that happens at sometime when you travel between areas just like the Jaheira poisoned man encounter. You cannot really force it to a specific point in the game to happen. It is random.

It happens sometimes when you travel OUTSIDE of city areas.

Edited by Roxanne, 21 February 2018 - 12:34 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#14 Aehnkantos

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Posted 04 April 2018 - 12:04 AM

I have made an account entirely for the purpose to espouse the quality of this mod. I'd chosen to simply try this mod in Baldur's Gate to see how I liked it, sure that I'd eschew all modded companions in favor of the "canon" choices, as I often have for many other RPGs. But the quality of the integration of game events, the interesting play on sacrifice for the party with what is usually a tanking class, and most importantly the consistently reticent yet supportive personality of Sirene throughout the course of Baldur's Gate and Siege of Dragonspear makes this one of the best mods I've ever downloaded for any game. Now firmly questing through Shadows of Amn, I'm pleased to see where her story will take the party.



#15 Psionica

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Posted 28 June 2019 - 07:34 PM

I love this mod, Sirene is full of banter with me and my party members. All this before I set off for Imoen. I am currently romancing her and it is progressing nicely. It is also the first time ive done the cleric stronghold arc and she interjects in those as well. I am looking forward to seeing how the mod progresses the rest of SOA then TOB. Thanks again Artemius I for making this. :)



"Love" that's a very rare thing, when u find it you better safeguard it. ---Shirley Manson

#16 Lina

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Posted 15 April 2020 - 01:49 AM

Hi, so i recently changed computers and tried to install with mod, and i keep getting an error message when i do it. 


[action list near line 1462, column 19 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0Sir25j.d] PARSE WARNING at line 1465 column 1-61
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [LeaveAreaLUA].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~StartCutSceneMode()
EndCutSceneMode()~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 124, column 38 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0SireEE.d] PARSE WARNING at line 128 column 1-36
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [EscapeAreaMove].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("OHH_hexxatjoined","LOCALS",0)
EscapeAreaMove("AR0406",600,1045,SW)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 154, column 43 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0SireEE.d] PARSE WARNING at line 157 column 1-41
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [MoveBetweenAreas].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("ohh_hexxatjoined","LOCALS",0)
MoveBetweenAreas("AR4500",[1788.1148],SE)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 29, column 91 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0Sire2P.d] PARSE WARNING at line 29 column 1-79
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [EscapeAreaMove].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("C0SireneKickedOut","LOCALS",1) EscapeAreaMove("AR0406",1317,2055,NW)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 53, column 91 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0Sire2P.d] PARSE WARNING at line 53 column 1-79
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [EscapeAreaMove].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("C0SireneKickedOut","LOCALS",1) EscapeAreaMove("AR0406",1317,2055,NW)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 26, column 20 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Dialogue/C0snote.d] PARSE WARNING at line 29 column 1-65
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [LeaveAreaLUA].
        Expecting type "integer".
WARNING: cannot verify action ~StartCutsceneMode()
        EndCutsceneMode()~: Parsing.Parse_error
[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Scripts/c0sir1.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 30 column 1-45
Near Text: )
        Type mismatch in "Face" argument of [CreateCreature].
        Expecting type "integer".
ERROR: parsing [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Scripts/c0sir1.baf]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: error compiling [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Sirene_BG2/Scripts/c0sir1.baf]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: compiling [Sirene_BG2/Scripts/c0sir1.baf]!
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
help please? I love this mod and can't sin enough praises for it

#17 jastey

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Posted 15 April 2020 - 04:10 AM

This mod is explicitely for the Enhanced Edition.

#18 Lina

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Posted 15 April 2020 - 03:55 PM

I have the enhanced edition, which is why i am a bit confused as to why it didn't want to install. are there any known conflicts?

#19 jastey

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Posted 15 April 2020 - 11:04 PM

Oh. If you are indeed installing to BG2:EE then I do not know why it refuses the letter orientation syntax. ???

#20 Lina

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Posted 16 April 2020 - 12:29 AM

i removed all the other mods and tried from the start, and now it appears to be working. might be my computer, i have had to change to an older one because my normal one is having issues. thanks for your help!  :lol2:

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