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[MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

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#61 Lightbringer23

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 10:56 PM

Hi Roxanne,


I have a question about that Northern Tales (light) version uploaded to BWS.  I'm looking for Haeball, and I understand he's in that tower in Larswood.  However, I can see no way to get inside.  No stairs, door icon, map change wheel, nothing.  I have begun the Book quest.  I have tried accessing that tower at multiple stages: first talking to Shaella (pre-candlekeep), after talking to Brother Hasdar (post-candlekeep), after talking to both Lobar and Oepaste, and after killing Brother Hasdar (both pre and post candlekeep).  All same results.


Any ideas?  Should I just plan to see him during the cult/orc questline, and not involving him in the book search?

#62 Roxanne



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Posted 08 February 2017 - 11:30 PM

Hi Roxanne,


I have a question about that Northern Tales (light) version uploaded to BWS.  I'm looking for Haeball, and I understand he's in that tower in Larswood.  However, I can see no way to get inside.  No stairs, door icon, map change wheel, nothing.  I have begun the Book quest.  I have tried accessing that tower at multiple stages: first talking to Shaella (pre-candlekeep), after talking to Brother Hasdar (post-candlekeep), after talking to both Lobar and Oepaste, and after killing Brother Hasdar (both pre and post candlekeep).  All same results.


Any ideas?  Should I just plan to see him during the cult/orc questline, and not involving him in the book search?



It looks that in some installations the entrance is missing - since the NTotSC is considered interim until the *real* version (long. long anounced) comes out, I have not investigated this issue. I assume it is some mod changing entrances/travel things.

The Sandrah Saga

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#63 Lightbringer23

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 11:50 PM

No worries, did a little more digging and it looked like Aurora's Shoes was known to cause the entrance to disappear.  However, Aurora's Shoes is not involved. IDK


Got inside with the CLUA.  Incidentally, I didn't know the Console commands had changed with EET ;)  NTotSC is a funky little mod.  Enjoying it so far.

#64 Roxanne



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Posted 09 February 2017 - 04:41 AM

No worries, did a little more digging and it looked like Aurora's Shoes was known to cause the entrance to disappear.  However, Aurora's Shoes is not involved. IDK


Got inside with the CLUA.  Incidentally, I didn't know the Console commands had changed with EET ;)  NTotSC is a funky little mod.  Enjoying it so far.

Running changelog for BG2900.are will be helpful also for K4thos (doing the *real* mod) to see which may be an offending mod.

The Sandrah Saga

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#65 Sam.

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 06:56 PM

Just a quick note, I believe Sandrah uses an outdated version of fl#add_kit_ee.tpa.  The latest version can be found here.  Sadly, updating this function did not resolve this error like I hoped it would.  Back to hunting I guess...

"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden


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#66 Roxanne



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Posted 10 March 2017 - 10:37 PM

Just a quick note, I believe Sandrah uses an outdated version of fl#add_kit_ee.tpa.  The latest version can be found here.  Sadly, updating this function did not resolve this error like I hoped it would.  Back to hunting I guess...


I will check and update - it may not worsen things, I hope.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#67 -Korax-

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 11:21 PM

I have a little problem.

I am unable no initiate dialogue with Sandrah, I am currently on the "beach event" and she asks me to tell her when i'm ready to leave but when i try to talk to her nothing happens. Is that normal? How do i continue?. Everything else works fine.

#68 Roxanne



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Posted 11 March 2017 - 12:30 AM

I have a little problem.

I am unable no initiate dialogue with Sandrah, I am currently on the "beach event" and she asks me to tell her when i'm ready to leave but when i try to talk to her nothing happens. Is that normal? How do i continue?. Everything else works fine.

There is a bug introduced last week by EET_end.


Here is a solution


The Sandrah Saga

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#69 -Korax-

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 02:19 AM

Another thing.


I'm enjoying new the quests and banters but is there any way to avoid sandrah turning me and my whole party into part of her harem?. I mean I'm fine with her flirting with random people, seems reasonable considering she is young and lustful and some of the banters are hilarious. But for example while she adresses the matter of coran with the pc ,saying he/she shouldn't feel jealousy, (I think the talk is reasonable although i was dissapointed i couldn't just say "that's disgusting" or " fine,do whatever the hell you feel like") she also gets into a very deep and serious relationship with kivan to the point he considers staying alive because of her love. Which i think it is cute ,but she does all this while being the pc's lover and without ever addressing the issue like she did with coran's advances.


Maybe this particular case is because the mod is still unfinished since it seems unreasonable for the pc not to have any kind of reaction, it's just innmersion breaker i can't think of any way to justify it. Apparently similar things happen with some other npcs (minsc,branwen,etc).  So will you add some way to adress the matter in a future update? Or is it there already and i just missed it?. If that's not the case is possible to keep sandrah in the party without having to romance her? or to break the romance? (Like romancing shar-teel who would never accept sharing the pc) that way i may be able to see my companions in the face again and my elven mage will keep some dignity.


If none of the above is possible i guess i'll end up uninstalling the mod which is a pity because i find the plot interesting but i just can't stand how awkward and unrealistic  it feels. I mean, i already said that her being kind of a "free spirit" is good but 2 good friends and comrades in arms (like kivan,minsc and the pc can be) sharing a lover (and not just a casual one, but someone they love) without none of them acknowledging the harem is ridiculous. And in a realistic group dynamic of 6 people traveling,fighting and surviving together it would end up in bloodshed.

Sorry for my english, i try to be careful but it's not my mother tongue.

#70 Roxanne



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Posted 12 March 2017 - 03:31 AM

is there any way to avoid sandrah turning me and my whole party into part of her harem?

Not without setting specific globals to end those affairs you do not want. (This may be done via dialogue at some point).


At this stage of developpment there are no exclusions/conflicts or such enabled. The full spectrum of possibilities is presented still.


My sinister plan is to provoke reactions like yours. I make all of those possibilities available to get a feedback of which ones should have priority and disable others, etc...


In all my tests i change my party frequently to try out as much as I can. I have no idea of how other players do that.

There are many options of how to deal with that in the future - at the present she even has a romance path with male and female PCs and/or male/female NPCs in the party.


The solution can be just as simple as providing some dialogue options like *Keep your hands off ThisOrThatNPC" (which stops that path then.) This way the player chooses which freedom you grant her or not.


PS - the feedback I received so far was not helpful - everybody enjoyed this *I can have it all* just like the popular *multiple romances* tweak for the PC. Even, of course, this is pretty unrealistic. My plan is to change that in a future release but - like I said - I am not yet sure which way to take.



Edited by Roxanne, 12 March 2017 - 09:34 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#71 Lightbringer23

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 12:33 PM

is there any way to avoid sandrah turning me and my whole party into part of her harem?

Not without setting specific globals to end those affairs you do not want. (This may be done via dialogue at some point).


At this stage of developpment there are no exclusions/conflicts or such enabled. The full spectrum of possibilities is presented still.


My sinister plan is to provoke reactions like yours. I make all of those possibilities available to get a feedback of which ones should have priority and disable others, etc...


In all my tests i change my party frequently to try out as much as I can. I have no idea of how other players do that.

There are many options of how to deal with that in the future - at the present she even has a romance path with male and female PCs and/or male/female NPCs in the party.


The solution can be just as simple as providing some dialogue options like *Keep your hands off ThisOrThatNPC" (which stops that path then.) This way the player chooses which freedom you grant her or not.


PS - the feedback I received so far was not helpful - everybody enjoyed this *I can have it all* just like the popular *multiple romances* tweak for the PC. Even, of course, this is pretty unrealistic. My plan is to change that in a future release but - like I said - I am not yet sure which way to take.



I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this.  Honestly Sandrah's tendency to want to want to get intimate with so many people while maintaining a serious relationship with the PC was one of my biggest hangups with the otherwise awesome Sandrah Saga.


I can give some feedback.  I don't know if it will qualify as helpful, but I'll try. I've admittedly only played a little of Sandrah Saga (and poked around a little in the dlg files), before postponing it for a later run once IWD/Vault/Bone Hill/ and others are ready for EET. I'm currently "beta"-ing a run as a baseline for EET, while experimenting with XP ratios and power levels.


Personally, here is what I would like.  It may not be realistic, but what the heck -- that's why we play games.


Maybe initially free spirit.  Once PC and Sandrah relationship gets serious, no more flings with random shopkeepers or temple priests. Before PC and Sandrah are serious, it is doable, but not after.


Intra-party romances: Only the ones that the player is OK with.  I am a male player and my territorial instincts get activated when my CHARNAME's love interest is having serious affairs with other male party NPCs.  As it sits, I will not have them in the party.  It's a shame, as I rather enjoy Ajantis and Kivan as characters.  I was unsure what to do about the Drizzt Saga. Maybe not install it, but I would regret missing all the content and tie-ins to Sandrah's story. I fully agree with Korax's analysis.  


It may be hypocritical, it may be unrealistic, but it is what it is for me. I just don't want CHARNAME to share Sandrah with other males.  CHARNAME can share Sandrah with female NPCs, but that's my own preference.  Am I biased?  Of course I am! :P  I'm sure other players would have other preferences, possibly the exact opposite for a female player (sharing Sandrah with male NPCS, but not female NPCs), but I wouldn't know.


Allowing customization options (like that "hands off this one") sounds good to me.


Now, in-world context it could be handled in all kinds of more gentle, compassionate, and more realistic ways than "I want it the way I want it".  Dialogues showing the PC feeling hurt or betrayed. If intra-party romances are involved, showing the growing relationship between them all gradually, etc.


I really like what I've seen where Sandrah develops a relationship with the other NPCs and it's clear that CHARNAME is on board with it as well.  To be fair, what I've read of the Ajantis interactions is really well done.    It's just as a male player, I can't abide the competition with my PC.  I imagine a female PC with the full jastey's Ajantis Romance within Sandrah Saga would be breathtaking.


I don't know how much more crossmod content you're willing to do, but I would love to more between Sandrah and Isra.  From what I've seen the Isra mod romance is really well written, and I can see a lot of potential for interactions between Sandrah and Isra with CHARNAME. 

#72 Roxanne



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Posted 12 March 2017 - 01:03 PM

is there any way to avoid sandrah turning me and my whole party into part of her harem?

Not without setting specific globals to end those affairs you do not want. (This may be done via dialogue at some point).


At this stage of developpment there are no exclusions/conflicts or such enabled. The full spectrum of possibilities is presented still.


My sinister plan is to provoke reactions like yours. I make all of those possibilities available to get a feedback of which ones should have priority and disable others, etc...


In all my tests i change my party frequently to try out as much as I can. I have no idea of how other players do that.

There are many options of how to deal with that in the future - at the present she even has a romance path with male and female PCs and/or male/female NPCs in the party.


The solution can be just as simple as providing some dialogue options like *Keep your hands off ThisOrThatNPC" (which stops that path then.) This way the player chooses which freedom you grant her or not.


PS - the feedback I received so far was not helpful - everybody enjoyed this *I can have it all* just like the popular *multiple romances* tweak for the PC. Even, of course, this is pretty unrealistic. My plan is to change that in a future release but - like I said - I am not yet sure which way to take.



I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this.  Honestly Sandrah's tendency to want to want to get intimate with so many people while maintaining a serious relationship with the PC was one of my biggest hangups with the otherwise awesome Sandrah Saga.

Stuff like this has been on my agenda for long (too long maybe). Sometimes I need a little spark (or butt kicking) to get things done.

Now I started, there will be something in that direction pretty quickly. (To be honest, I test it already.)

I can give some feedback.  I don't know if it will qualify as helpful, but I'll try. I've admittedly only played a little of Sandrah Saga (and poked around a little in the dlg files), before postponing it for a later run once IWD/Vault/Bone Hill/ and others are ready for EET. I'm currently "beta"-ing a run as a baseline for EET, while experimenting with XP ratios and power levels.


Personally, here is what I would like.  It may not be realistic, but what the heck -- that's why we play games.


Maybe initially free spirit.  Once PC and Sandrah relationship gets serious, no more flings with random shopkeepers or temple priests. Before PC and Sandrah are serious, it is doable, but not after.


Intra-party romances: Only the ones that the player is OK with.  I am a male player and my territorial instincts get activated when my CHARNAME's love interest is having serious affairs with other male party NPCs.  As it sits, I will not have them in the party.  It's a shame, as I rather enjoy Ajantis and Kivan as characters.  I was unsure what to do about the Drizzt Saga. Maybe not install it, but I would regret missing all the content and tie-ins to Sandrah's story. I fully agree with Korax's analysis.  

There is nothing with Ajantis.

The Drizzt thing has a different meaning and will develop into something completely different.

It may be hypocritical, it may be unrealistic, but it is what it is for me. I just don't want CHARNAME to share Sandrah with other males.  CHARNAME can share Sandrah with female NPCs, but that's my own preference.  Am I biased?  Of course I am! :P  I'm sure other players would have other preferences, possibly the exact opposite for a female player (sharing Sandrah with male NPCS, but not female NPCs), but I wouldn't know.


Allowing customization options (like that "hands off this one") sounds good to me.

I have just drafted a prototype for such an option - with a bit of sophistication of course. She will claim different reasons for doing what she does (including healer aspects for Kivan, Xan or Minsc). You can tell her to stop it or await further development.

You cannot always expect her to comply with your request.

Trying to control her completely may lead to a breakup.

In other words, I tried to make this more than just a switch on and off. In addition, it is legitimate that it all ends in disagreement between the two of you.

Now, in-world context it could be handled in all kinds of more gentle, compassionate, and more realistic ways than "I want it the way I want it".  Dialogues showing the PC feeling hurt or betrayed. If intra-party romances are involved, showing the growing relationship between them all gradually, etc.

Some of the romances/affairs already include some kind of solution - like for a female PC you enter a challenge who gets Coran first...

Or the male path for Shar-Teel vs. Sandrah.

I really like what I've seen where Sandrah develops a relationship with the other NPCs and it's clear that CHARNAME is on board with it as well.  To be fair, what I've read of the Ajantis interactions is really well done.    It's just as a male player, I can't abide the competition with my PC.  I imagine a female PC with the full jastey's Ajantis Romance within Sandrah Saga would be breathtaking.

Sandrah vs. Ajantis was removed long ago. There is an Ajantis romance mod that forbids such an idea. Ajantis is no-go zone for Sandrah, all they ever talk about is Waterdeep weather.

I don't know how much more crossmod content you're willing to do, but I would love to more between Sandrah and Isra.  From what I've seen the Isra mod romance is really well written, and I can see a lot of potential for interactions between Sandrah and Isra with CHARNAME. 

Isra serves a goddess of love and beauty - there is logical crossmod for them. But...they have a bit too much in common.


At this time I limit the new stuff to the vanilla NPCs. The mod NPCs with crossmod contents mostly contain some breaking point already, depending on whether they contain romance contents or not.


Not to forget the ones that do not end between the sheets and may be the most interesting, e.g. Edwin, Khalid and Jaheira, Minsc, Eldoth.

Edited by Roxanne, 12 March 2017 - 01:08 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#73 Lightbringer23

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 01:19 PM

  I imagine a female PC with the full jastey's Ajantis Romance within Sandrah Saga would be breathtaking.

Sandrah vs. Ajantis was removed long ago. There is an Ajantis romance mod that forbids such an idea. Ajantis is no-go zone for Sandrah, all they ever talk about is Waterdeep weather.


See that's what I get for poking around in dlg files without knowing what actually makes it into the game. :P  I read the text of what (apparently) was removed and it was beautifully written.  Too bad, but having played BG1 Ajantis Romance, I can see why it would need to be removed. Props to jastey for her very good mod, too.


Interesting information on the rest of the things I mentioned.  I look forward to what you do with it.



I don't know how much more crossmod content you're willing to do, but I would love to more between Sandrah and Isra.  From what I've seen the Isra mod romance is really well written, and I can see a lot of potential for interactions between Sandrah and Isra with CHARNAME. 

Isra serves a goddess of love and beauty - there is logical crossmod for them. But...they have a bit too much in common.


At this time I limit the new stuff to the vanilla NPCs. The mod NPCs with crossmod contents mostly contain some breaking point already, depending on whether they contain romance contents or not.


Not to forget the ones that do not end between the sheets and may be the most interesting, e.g. Edwin, Khalid and Jaheira, Minsc, Eldoth.

Too bad about Isra.  She really is one of my favorite romancable NPCs.  I guess I'll find out what it is that they have in common too much.  I'll have both Sandrah and Isra from Nashkell to the Throne in my Saga playthrough.


I have to say I really like the expanded spin you put on the vanilla NPCs.  I love the way Khalid and Jahiera work out, and especially your take on Minsc (who is one of my favorite NPCs).  I'm beginning to see your interpretation of Minsc as "canon" in my own head for any BG game I play now.  I greatly look forward to seeing what happens with Shauhauna (sp?) when I get to play the full Saga.


Never did like Edwin.  You do a great job making him truly despicable and pathetic. (Assuming I'm not again reading dlg text that was removed from the game).   I almost feel sorry for him.  Well, not really, but it's as close as it's going to get.  Great tie ins with the Reds and Mystra.


Hope spoiling myself a little through the dlg files is not too much of an irritant to you.  I do it with novels too.  Find out the broad strokes of what happens, then take my time enjoying the full content and context at my leisure. Odd and nigh blasphemous, I know -- especially since I am a novelist, myself -- but hey, it's what keeps the pages turning :D

Edited by Lightbringer23, 12 March 2017 - 01:33 PM.

#74 Roxanne



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Posted 12 March 2017 - 01:45 PM

The bad thing about judging a mod by reading just dlg files is really that you get stuff out of context. Things do not appear in the order they will in the game, you do not see the interactions between different files etc.

Just take Edwin - you may have just grabbed the initial stuff when the two of them meet. And obviously are destined to clash. This is just an ouverture.


(Yes, that unused Ajantis stuff is still there. I may recycle and adapt some of it for another, more flexible paladin one day.)


Writing some crossmod contents for another mod - at least from my side - is always meant to be some kind of compliment to that mod. I would not feel the urge to do it if that mod was not interesting and well done. (This is why there is almost nothing for those SoD NPCs or someone like Qayle, but a lot for e.g Chloe or Irenicus.)


PS - I have very ugly experience with people who published excessive reviews about my mod (and other mods) but only on the basis of having overflown some dlg and tra files and not even having started a game with it. (I do not mean you.)

Edited by Roxanne, 12 March 2017 - 02:00 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#75 Lightbringer23

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 01:52 PM

The bad thing about judging a mod by reading just dlg files is really that you get stuff out of context. Things do not appear in the order they will in the game, you do not see the interactions between different files etc.

Just take Edwin - you may have just grabbed the initial stuff when the two of them meet. And obviously are destined to clash. This is just an ouverture.


(Yes, that unused Ajantis stuff is still there. I may recycle and adapt some of it for another, more flexible paladin one day.)


I have very ugly experience with people who published excessive reviews about my mod (and other mods) but only on the basis of having overflown some dlg and tra files and not even having started a game with it.


Completely understandable.  I'll stop poking around and just sit tight until I get the chance to see it all in game :)

#76 -Korax-

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Posted 12 March 2017 - 03:02 PM

Stuff like this has been on my agenda for long (too long maybe). Sometimes I need a little spark (or butt kicking) to get things done.

Now I started, there will be something in that direction pretty quickly. (To be honest, I test it already.)

Good to know it's in your agenda, keep up the good work.



You cannot always expect her to comply with your request.

Trying to control her completely may lead to a breakup.

In other words, I tried to make this more than just a switch on and off. In addition, it is legitimate that it all ends in disagreement between the two of you.

On that note, maybe sandrah is a bit too sensible and easy to piss off?. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think there is currently no way to keep sandrah without having to romance her. There is a dialogue to state that you don't want to be part of her "experiments" but i think that if you choose that option she gets sad and leaves and if you don't sleep with her she just cries and disappears. She can even leave in the middle of an important matter -that "wrong horse talk"-. All companions let you know they don't like your attitude before they decide  to leave. Maybe a few ultimatums and tolerancy would be good.

Anyway, i'm enjoying the mod too bad not all the crossmod material is ready to EET.

#77 Roxanne



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Posted 12 March 2017 - 09:48 PM

Stuff like this has been on my agenda for long (too long maybe). Sometimes I need a little spark (or butt kicking) to get things done.

Now I started, there will be something in that direction pretty quickly. (To be honest, I test it already.)

Good to know it's in your agenda, keep up the good work.



You cannot always expect her to comply with your request.

Trying to control her completely may lead to a breakup.

In other words, I tried to make this more than just a switch on and off. In addition, it is legitimate that it all ends in disagreement between the two of you.

On that note, maybe sandrah is a bit too sensible and easy to piss off?. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think there is currently no way to keep sandrah without having to romance her. There is a dialogue to state that you don't want to be part of her "experiments" but i think that if you choose that option she gets sad and leaves and if you don't sleep with her she just cries and disappears. She can even leave in the middle of an important matter -

Is that not realistic? Things come to an end when enough tension/frustration has built up. Depending on the circumstances there is a chance to pick her up again (or finally feed her to the demons.)

that "wrong horse talk"-. All companions let you know they don't like your attitude before they decide  to leave. Maybe a few ultimatums and tolerancy would be good.

The new stuff has this - you can argue with her a number of times. But there are limits There is a counter of how often you do that -

"I was willing to make some compromise and I did, <CHARNAME>. But you will not live my life for me and you will not rule all my decisions."






Anyway, i'm enjoying the mod too bad not all the crossmod material is ready to EET.

EET is growing constantly. I did the conversion for some abandoned mods myself. Problem is with mods that are still maintained by the author who is too busy or unwilling to make their mod compatible. But then - there are new mods coming that were not available for the old game - like Sirene or Foundling.

Edited by Roxanne, 13 March 2017 - 12:59 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#78 -Korax-

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 01:15 PM

The new stuff has this - you can argue with her a number of times. But there are limits There is a counter of how often you do that -

"I was willing to make some compromise and I did, <CHARNAME>. But you will not live my life for me and you will not rule all my decisions."

Sorry but, is the new stuff already implemented?. I can see those dialogues in the .d files but the only one that shows is the "glad to know you and imoen get along" line.

#79 Roxanne



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Posted 14 March 2017 - 01:27 PM

The new stuff has this - you can argue with her a number of times. But there are limits There is a counter of how often you do that -

"I was willing to make some compromise and I did, <CHARNAME>. But you will not live my life for me and you will not rule all my decisions."

Sorry but, is the new stuff already implemented?. I can see those dialogues in the .d files but the only one that shows is the "glad to know you and imoen get along" line.

If you see this, then you have a version with the new options. However, you only see those that are valid for your current party and situation, e.g. if Coran is in your party, he is not romancing the PC, you have Sandrah, there is something developping between the two and it gets beyond some stage THEN you get the option to intervene.  There is no *I do not want you to ever look at another guy but me.*


Also, at this stage I have only considered those relationships that do not already have some ending in one way or another in their original form (i.e. many end in some way or another already by themselve - as long as you keep her, Sandrah always comes back to you sooner or later like a moth to a bhaalspawn).


If you looked at it in the d-file, you also will see the conditions.

Edited by Roxanne, 14 March 2017 - 01:33 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#80 hideyuki

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Posted 25 April 2017 - 12:32 PM

Hey Rox, I was wondering if u could say few things: does Sandrah have like extra lines for certain classes? for example cleric of helm/ilma/talos or bard or like PLD or something else? or some other gems hidden like that? :o