Wow, sounds great.
BTW, it's not MY mod, but there shouldn't be an issue to add this one line to the new mod and make everybody happy.
I think the DV for new Skie is "l#2sdskie"
Posted 14 February 2018 - 12:19 AM
Wow, sounds great.
BTW, it's not MY mod, but there shouldn't be an issue to add this one line to the new mod and make everybody happy.
I think the DV for new Skie is "l#2sdskie"
Posted 14 February 2018 - 12:25 AM
Wow, sounds great.
BTW, it's not MY mod, but there shouldn't be an issue to add this one line to the new mod and make everybody happy.
Wow, sounds great.
BTW, it's not MY mod, but there shouldn't be an issue to add this one line to the new mod and make everybody happy.
I think the DV for new Skie is "l#2sdskie"
No problem,
I will add this !InParty(""l#2sdskie") to my scripts and if the not-your-mod includes the global I mentioned above, there will be full compatibility.
Posted 16 February 2018 - 01:53 AM
Hi all
I want to do an EET playthroug with your Sandrah mods but there is a mod BWS can't download which is Dark Horizons.
I have an access denied on the site ( whichever link I try.
Could someone perhaps transfer the file somewhere?
Thanks to all
Posted 16 February 2018 - 02:30 AM
Hi all
I want to do an EET playthroug with your Sandrah mods but there is a mod BWS can't download which is Dark Horizons.
I have an access denied on the site ( whichever link I try.
Could someone perhaps transfer the file somewhere?
Thanks to all
1. Sandrah has some interactions with Dark Horizons mod - however it is not essential to have them both.
2. The link has currently some trouble, probably some server issue for the hosting site
3. You can get the respective Dark Horizon Version from here
Posted 16 February 2018 - 04:50 AM
Hi all
I want to do an EET playthroug with your Sandrah mods but there is a mod BWS can't download which is Dark Horizons.
I have an access denied on the site ( whichever link I try.
Could someone perhaps transfer the file somewhere?
Thanks to all
1. Sandrah has some interactions with Dark Horizons mod - however it is not essential to have them both.
2. The link has currently some trouble, probably some server issue for the hosting site
3. You can get the respective Dark Horizon Version from here
Thanks a lot Roxanne as always.
I'll download it since you bothered giving me the link. I'll give a look at the readme and see wether I am inspired.
Posted 16 February 2018 - 05:11 AM
Hi all
I want to do an EET playthroug with your Sandrah mods but there is a mod BWS can't download which is Dark Horizons.
I have an access denied on the site ( whichever link I try.
Could someone perhaps transfer the file somewhere?
Thanks to all
1. Sandrah has some interactions with Dark Horizons mod - however it is not essential to have them both.
2. The link has currently some trouble, probably some server issue for the hosting site
3. You can get the respective Dark Horizon Version from here
Thanks a lot Roxanne as always.
I'll download it since you bothered giving me the link. I'll give a look at the readme and see wether I am inspired.
You can just install it and decide in game whether to follow the mod's plot or not.
Posted 19 February 2018 - 03:23 AM
The Skie episode in Sandrah was designed with the idea that one day there would be a mod that solves the issue from SoD in a better way. Actually the only reason for Skie in Sandrah is that my mod needs to access BG City again in the second half of BG2 and I needed to open the town for the party again.
So you get compatibility in less than 5 minutes by adding
SetGlobal("SanSoDSkie","Global",6)to your mod. This should be done at some event/dialogue etc where story-wise a situation is achieved that the protagonist can return to BG City.
Doing this will open the city again but prevent the Sandrah events that otherwise lead to this state.
Sorry to bother you once more on this but it sounds like that other skie mod will not add this global to their mod, saying that disabling other mod's content is not good.
Isn't there any way this can be done within your mod somehow?
Posted 19 February 2018 - 03:36 AM
The Skie episode in Sandrah was designed with the idea that one day there would be a mod that solves the issue from SoD in a better way. Actually the only reason for Skie in Sandrah is that my mod needs to access BG City again in the second half of BG2 and I needed to open the town for the party again.
So you get compatibility in less than 5 minutes by adding
SetGlobal("SanSoDSkie","Global",6)to your mod. This should be done at some event/dialogue etc where story-wise a situation is achieved that the protagonist can return to BG City.
Doing this will open the city again but prevent the Sandrah events that otherwise lead to this state.
Sorry to bother you once more on this but it sounds like that other skie mod will not add this global to their mod, saying that disabling other mod's content is not good.
Isn't there any way this can be done within your mod somehow?
This sounds like a very weak pseudo-argument to me...I said already long ago http://gibberlings3....996#entry243919 and just recently here http://www.shsforums...-15#entry600235 that disabling my content is the right thing to do.
I always considered my Skie episode as a *last ditch* function the open Baldur Gate City again in late BG2. Nothing more.
Anyway, if you tell me some global and some place (area or such, I hate to use Baldur.bcs) I could evaluate, I could add something to my mod, like
IF GlobalLT("SanSoDSkie","Global",6) Global("OtherMod rescuedSkieandBGCityknows","Global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("SanSoDSkie","Global",6) END
I would need the equivalent of
Global("OtherMod rescuedSkieandBGCityknows","Global",1) from that mod and a hint which script may contain this block
Posted 19 February 2018 - 05:22 AM
For the record: It was I who said that disabling other mod's content is not good, not the mod's author, but when posting it I wasn't aware this is wanted behavior in this case, so to say.
For tracking whether Skie Cost of a Soul did the job I would suggest using
GlobalGT("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",30) // Quest progressed far enough
GlobalGT("L#2SDSendIt","GLOBAL",0) //daggr was sent back to BG without further action
Global("L#2SDFailedLater","GLOBAL",0) //quest is still running
Global("L#2SDBreakRule","GLOBAL",0)~ //PC did not spoil the rescue
Edited by jastey, 19 February 2018 - 05:23 AM.
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 19 February 2018 - 06:27 AM
For the record: It was I who said that disabling other mod's content is not good, not the mod's author, but when posting it I wasn't aware this is wanted behavior in this case, so to say.
For tracking whether Skie Cost of a Soul did the job I would suggest using
GlobalGT("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",30) // Quest progressed far enough
GlobalGT("L#2SDSendIt","GLOBAL",0) //daggr was sent back to BG without further action
Global("L#2SDFailedLater","GLOBAL",0) //quest is still runningGlobal("L#2SDBreakRule","GLOBAL",0)~ //PC did not spoil the rescue
I always forgot to ask which mod that was, now I see the name Skie Cost of a Soul. I have never seen that mod, probably a bean dog one..
Do you have an idea of how/when to check for those globals? Would it make sense to put those conditions into the Valen meeting when you have all the money for Brynnlaw (i.e. you would not get again a dagger from her)?
Just from the description of the second condition in OR that sounds like the player decided kind of do nothing, so maybe nothing was solved.
Edited by Roxanne, 19 February 2018 - 06:29 AM.
Posted 19 February 2018 - 07:24 AM
I just realized my suggestions are not that simple. Because, with Skie Cost of One Soul, it could be the player took the dagger out of Irenicus' Dungeon but never did anything with it / failed the quest so BG dukes would not be satisfied - which wouldn't help for Sandrah's mod, I guess.
I try to give you an overview of variables, I hope it's useful.
This is what I use for Ajantis to trigger the "No Skie mod active" content:
Global("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",0) //Skie Cost of One Soul Mod not active
Global("L#2SDToldImoenNo","GLOBAL",1) //Skie Cost Soul Mod active but dagger was not taken out of ID
This is what I would use to check whether the quest went alright, i.e. Dukes are happy:
~OR(2)GlobalGT("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",30) // Quest progressed far enough
GlobalGT("L#2SDSendIt","GLOBAL",0) //daggr was sent back to BG without further action
Global("L#2SDFailedLater","GLOBAL",0) //quest is still runningGlobal("L#2SDBreakRule","GLOBAL",0)~ //PC did not spoil the rescue
The dagger itself has the code:
If, on the other hand this variable is set:
then, from the mod's perspective, the dagger is lost and can't be used to help Skie.
The quest itself can be finished in the Athkatla Slums with a delay of I think three days.
I don't know how you would deal with the last instance for your own mod. But for the Valen meeting, you could check for
to make sure there aren't two sould daggers with the same soul in it in the game.
The mod is here:
Edited by jastey, 19 February 2018 - 07:24 AM.
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 19 February 2018 - 07:43 AM
I just realized my suggestions are not that simple. Because, with Skie Cost of One Soul, it could be the player took the dagger out of Irenicus' Dungeon but never did anything with it / failed the quest so BG dukes would not be satisfied - which wouldn't help for Sandrah's mod, I guess.
I try to give you an overview of variables, I hope it's useful.
This is what I use for Ajantis to trigger the "No Skie mod active" content:
Global("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",0) //Skie Cost of One Soul Mod not active
Global("L#2SDToldImoenNo","GLOBAL",1) //Skie Cost Soul Mod active but dagger was not taken out of ID
This is what I would use to check whether the quest went alright, i.e. Dukes are happy:
~OR(2)GlobalGT("L#2SkieDagger","GLOBAL",30) // Quest progressed far enough
GlobalGT("L#2SDSendIt","GLOBAL",0) //daggr was sent back to BG without further action
Global("L#2SDFailedLater","GLOBAL",0) //quest is still runningGlobal("L#2SDBreakRule","GLOBAL",0)~ //PC did not spoil the rescue
The dagger itself has the code:
If, on the other hand this variable is set:
Global("L#2SDFailedLater","GLOBAL",1)then, from the mod's perspective, the dagger is lost and can't be used to help Skie.
The quest itself can be finished in the Athkatla Slums with a delay of I think three days.
I don't know how you would deal with the last instance for your own mod. But for the Valen meeting, you could check for
to make sure there aren't two sould daggers with the same soul in it in the game.
The mod is here:
Thank you jastey and Paula for your good intention.
Trying to fit this into my mod is a dead end, since there is not really a way from the outside to check for these variations. The technically proper way would be to set my additional global by those events that set the other globals of the mod to something like *Dukes know Skie is safe* conditions. This is how my mod was constructed and it is obviously the better solution.
@PaulaM - I will send you an e-mail about the background of this dilemma, no need to further discuss this on a forum.
Edited by Roxanne, 19 February 2018 - 07:47 AM.
Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:12 PM
can you help us with a dispute here?
Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:16 PM
can you help us with a dispute here?
How about showing your face and name, *guest*?
Posted 21 February 2018 - 02:46 PM
Posted 21 February 2018 - 10:16 PM
Im playing through a megamod eet install right now and am so far enjoying the mod. It has its problems, for instance the romance which i ignore, but it also adds a lot, for which im grateful.
However i just got back from waterdeep and now I have Sandrahs pet with me. Unfortunately i cant get rid of it. Sandrah herself is overpowered but its doable, but the pet is too much. Im playing on insane, reduced xp, tactical mods installed etc but even then the pet is just too strong and takes out enemies like its nothing. With Haiass atleast i could talk and say something like stay put and dont follow me. Even if I try to kill Sandrahs pet it will just kill all my other team members.
It is starting to look like a gameplay breaker for me, since the fights are a big part of the challenge. Im in cloakwood right now and just looking for ways to send the pet into a fight where it will die (and hopefully stay death).
Any other suggestion on how I can handle this situation? Any place where I can leave it behind?
The pet leaves when Sandrah leaves. Both do not fit into an insane tactical game because they will be tweaked to unusable the way you describe. The whole EET game balance falls apart with those settings. The readme tells you this.
Suggest to kick Sandrah out and maybe take Branwen instead.
Edited by Roxanne, 21 February 2018 - 11:32 PM.
Posted 22 February 2018 - 12:44 AM
Something I have to ask is: the readme states that you need to do at least one of the Mystra-related quests.- either Tales of Anegh or the Grey Clan sequel. Is that the one where you go back to
Edited by Belegur, 22 February 2018 - 12:48 AM.
Posted 22 February 2018 - 02:11 AM
Something I have to ask is: the readme states that you need to do at least one of the Mystra-related quests.- either Tales of Anegh or the Grey Clan sequel. Is that the one where you go back toSpoiler, or is it an entirely different mission in BG2? If so, when does it begin, and are there any conditions for it to begin? There was a guide for Sandrah, but that was almost entirely centered on BG1 and SOD.
No it is not that one but a return during BG2
Edited by Roxanne, 22 February 2018 - 02:19 AM.
Posted 22 February 2018 - 08:49 AM
Im playing through a megamod eet install right now and am so far enjoying the mod. It has its problems, for instance the romance which i ignore, but it also adds a lot, for which im grateful.
However i just got back from waterdeep and now I have Sandrahs pet with me. Unfortunately i cant get rid of it. Sandrah herself is overpowered but its doable, but the pet is too much. Im playing on insane, reduced xp, tactical mods installed etc but even then the pet is just too strong and takes out enemies like its nothing. With Haiass atleast i could talk and say something like stay put and dont follow me. Even if I try to kill Sandrahs pet it will just kill all my other team members.
It is starting to look like a gameplay breaker for me, since the fights are a big part of the challenge. Im in cloakwood right now and just looking for ways to send the pet into a fight where it will die (and hopefully stay death).
Any other suggestion on how I can handle this situation? Any place where I can leave it behind?The pet leaves when Sandrah leaves. Both do not fit into an insane tactical game because they will be tweaked to unusable the way you describe. The whole EET game balance falls apart with those settings. The readme tells you this.
Suggest to kick Sandrah out and maybe take Branwen instead.
That's very unfortunate as I like the majority of the mod. I am also not an insane tactical player, I play on insane because of all the mods installed and hence the amount of exp to be gained (quite logical and even with the -50% exp it is only a normal difficulty level). I'm not the type that likes to reload 10 times for a battle. But right now I can send Pelligram into a battle solo against the 20 assassins together with the bandit leader that is awaiting me in cloakwood and it will just kill all of em and come out with half of its health. If I had it in the bandit camp, it could've probably wiped it out completely on its own and I just had to make sure none of my other team members would come in the line of fire. And that for a creature that is not even an NPC or has any intelligent abilities you have to master, just a pet you can send in and let attack.
I'm sorry to criticise but I find it strange to see how you can put so much work and detail in this mod, which truly is well appreciated, and yet disregard some other crucial aspects completely. The dialogue issues can be ignored but being overpowered to such an extent without any means to change it cannot. You state that the mod is not playable on the difficulty level where you cannot be killed (story mode or whatever its called, I truly wonder who plays like that), I assume because of personal preference in RPG's, but yet include elements such as Pelligram which make the game kind of the same, too easy and making tactics completely unnecessary. For me the EET balance falls apart with your mod then it seems.
Anyway, I'll try the Set global and if it doesn't work well then out she goes I guess.
Posted 22 February 2018 - 09:15 AM
That's very unfortunate as I like the majority of the mod. I am also not an insane tactical player, I play on insane because of all the mods installed and hence the amount of exp to be gained (quite logical and even with the -50% exp it is only a normal difficulty level). I'm not the type that likes to reload 10 times for a battle. But right now I can send Pelligram into a battle solo against the 20 assassins together with the bandit leader that is awaiting me in cloakwood and it will just kill all of em and come out with half of its health. If I had it in the bandit camp, it could've probably wiped it out completely on its own and I just had to make sure none of my other team members would come in the line of fire. And that for a creature that is not even an NPC or has any intelligent abilities you have to master, just a pet you can send in and let attack.
I'm sorry to criticise but I find it strange to see how you can put so much work and detail in this mod, which truly is well appreciated, and yet disregard some other crucial aspects completely. The dialogue issues can be ignored but being overpowered to such an extent without any means to change it cannot. You state that the mod is not playable on the difficulty level where you cannot be killed (story mode or whatever its called, I truly wonder who plays like that), I assume because of personal preference in RPG's, but yet include elements such as Pelligram which make the game kind of the same, too easy and making tactics completely unnecessary. For me the EET balance falls apart with your mod then it seems.
Anyway, I'll try the Set global and if it doesn't work well then out she goes I guess.
I am not sure how insane setting treats creatures like panthers or wolves. Description says that opponents deal double damage and those creatures are normally enemies in the game. I cannot say at which point that boost is applied to any creature.
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