Hi All
I've encountered some serious banter issue related to Imoen and wolf Haiass (or whatever his name is):
- Sandrah won't talk to Imoen and all-cross banters do not seem to work (e.g. first discussion with Sandrah after death of Gorion - option "continue" is available, but discussion ends and Sandrah won't joint the party - that changes when I remove Imoen from the party - Sandrah will joint, but no cross-banter wih Imoen appears after she rejoins; other example is the shop in Nashkel - conversation with the shopkeeper and Sandrah goes on and apparently Imoen should say something too, but then the same thing occurs - "continue" leads to the end of the discussion);
- whenever I initiate a discussion with Haiass there is some mentioning him being close to Sandrah etc., but pressing "continue" ends the discussion; removing Sandrah/Imoen from the party does not help here.
I have a bunch of other mods installed (I used BWS) and was wondering what might be causing this issue - maybe it is Imoen Romance mod or sth? Anybody has had similar problems? I've gone through this whole topic and have not spotted anything about that.
Just in case it's helpful, I've attached save file.
Other than the fact that you have Sandrah in the party nothing points to anything bugged in my mod. Sandrah is just the indicator that something is wrong with Imoen's dialogue. The savegame does not reveal anything suspicious. There is a lot of backlog from talks that did not finish (just like in your description).
So it all points to some install error. Most likely Bimoen.dlg has a problem. (The Haiass issue is a side effect of this.) It is best to post your Weidu.log and WeiDU-BGEE.log which are both in your game folder. Did you install any dialogue adding mod after EET_end?
PS - I can play with your savegame in my install without problems, all cross-banters work with my dialogue files.
A likely explanation is that Imoen's banter file is not correctly associated.
This is done in EET in a file called BGBanter.2da. It should have this entry :
Just for a quick test you can go to your override folder, look for that file and make a backup somewhere on your computer - then extract this file into override
BGBANTER.rar 1.08K
245 downloads and see if it repairs.
Edited by Roxanne, 01 April 2017 - 09:31 PM.