Hello I am looking for technical help in creating a WeiDU install-able quest / dialog template that will fulfill this concept:
- Replace two preexisting area actors with N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 respectively and change the area actor coordinates of a Hobgoblin Elite.
- Amend Cloakwood mine level 4 Stephan journal entry.
- Talk to N.P.C. 1 and have him join the party as an extra option to his regular dialog.
- N.P.C. 1 will give a quest and a journal entry to the player to go to N.P.C. 2 who is locked in a room (which N.P.C. 1 has the key to N.P.C. 2's now locked room).
- Add a locked door to a preexisting area that is only unlockable by N.P.C. 1's room key.
- N.P.C. 2 is initially hostile to the player and once N.P.C. 1 sees N.P.C. 2 he will start an interjection with N.P.C. 2 that will make her not hostile.
- N.P.C. 1's interjection with N.P.C. 2 will give the player at least two options: recruit both N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 or have both N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 leave the player's party and leave the area (N.P.C. 1 quest completed journal entry).
- N.P.C. 1 will only join the party for two days before leaving IF N.P.C. 2 does not also join the player party (N.P.C. 1 quest failed journal entry).
- N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 are a duo and will leave together if one leaves the player party.
- N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 will be found and be recruit-able in the Shop of Silence after they leave the party.
- If the player floods the Cloakwood mine without talking to N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 prior, they will be in the Shop of Silence with 'unique starting dialog 1' that connects to their regular Baldur's Gate recruitment dialog.
- N.P.C. 1 will leave the player's party if his quest to find N.P.C. 2 is uncompleted and the player floods the Cloakwood mine (failed N.P.C. 1 quest journal entry). Two days later both N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 will be found in the Shop of Silence with 'unique starting dialog 2' which links to a 'Special Shop of Silence recruitment dialog'.
- Special Shop of Silence recruitment dialog: If N.P.C. 1's quest is failed both N.P.C. 1 and N.P.C. 2 will be found in the Shop of Silence two days later but will require 1000 gold in order to be recruited (this is a one time payment and after it is paid this dialog option will be replaced with the regular Shop of Silence recruitment dialog).
N.P.C. 1 is Stephan Ozsa'eltt, N.P.C. 2 is Natasha Faenlon. The .CRE files are already finished (Details Link: https://forums.beamd...-the-n-p-c-list)
Edited by WithinAmnesia, 15 October 2016 - 12:33 PM.