Edited by Ciswind, 09 August 2016 - 05:25 PM.

Avery and Asalie's scripts are not running as intended
Posted 09 August 2016 - 05:16 PM
Posted 09 August 2016 - 05:38 PM
Does the above script not have an IF at the start, aka is it not:
IF See("Nath") InParty("Nath") !StateCheck("Nath",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TalkAvery","GLOBAL",0) Global("FHSeeNath","GLOBAL",0) CombatCounter(0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("FHSeeNath","GLOBAL",1) StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END
The NPCs .cre should have "Nath" as it's death variable(the NI's .cre view'er refers to it as "script name")... offset 0x0280. To enable seeing the offsets, you just Go to Options -> Show Hex Offsets ..
You probably will want to check the save game, so open the Save -> it's a bit weirdly named save folders -> BALDUR.GAM -> Nath should be one of the Player character's and you open those with double click, then view the CRE tab instead/not of the "Game stats". And find what their script name's are. Player generated chars have "None" in that spot.
Edited by The Imp, 09 August 2016 - 05:43 PM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 09 August 2016 - 07:35 PM
Does the above script not have an IF at the start, aka is it not:
IF See("Nath") InParty("Nath") !StateCheck("Nath",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TalkAvery","GLOBAL",0) Global("FHSeeNath","GLOBAL",0) CombatCounter(0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("FHSeeNath","GLOBAL",1) StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) ENDThe NPCs .cre should have "Nath" as it's death variable(the NI's .cre view'er refers to it as "script name")... offset 0x0280. To enable seeing the offsets, you just Go to Options -> Show Hex Offsets ..
You probably will want to check the save game, so open the Save -> it's a bit weirdly named save folders -> BALDUR.GAM -> Nath should be one of the Player character's and you open those with double click, then view the CRE tab instead/not of the "Game stats". And find what their script name's are. Player generated chars have "None" in that spot.
The "IF" is there (inside the spoiler tag)
Death variable is named as "Nath"; offset as "3e4c h"
For the save game, Nathaniel is named as [*ATH08] (PC as [*HARNAME])
My guess is that 08 stands for the version of Nathaniel to determine its level when joining the party.
Still the death variable has no 08 behind "NATH".
Posted 09 August 2016 - 10:37 PM
What is your Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL")?
This is not checked by the scripts, but just look at the additional triggers in FHAvery.dlg. You may have a condition that is not covered.
Edited by Roxanne, 09 August 2016 - 10:38 PM.
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:10 AM
What is your Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL")?
This is not checked by the scripts, but just look at the additional triggers in FHAvery.dlg. You may have a condition that is not covered.
I remembered the RomanceActive global should be correct last trial.
Avery's dialogue was fixed once I CLUAed in ("FHSeeNath","GLOBAL",1).
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:40 AM
What is your Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL")?
This is not checked by the scripts, but just look at the additional triggers in FHAvery.dlg. You may have a condition that is not covered.
Sorry, that is not what I meant, there are globals like this
Global("FHBryceHere","GLOBAL") and
Global("FHTellAvery","GLOBAL") that are used by the quest and trigger Avery's responses.
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:45 AM
What is your Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL")?
This is not checked by the scripts, but just look at the additional triggers in FHAvery.dlg. You may have a condition that is not covered.
Sorry, that is not what I meant, there are globals like this
Global("FHBryceHere","GLOBAL") and
Global("FHTellAvery","GLOBAL") that are used by the quest and trigger Avery's responses.
All are not existed unless I CLUA them in.
Hence I suspect if the IF script is running as intended.
Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:38 AM
can anyone tell me where avery is
Posted 27 January 2018 - 07:42 AM
can anyone tell me where avery is