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bgee sod bg2ee golems iwdee

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#61 DavidWallace

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 03:04 PM

That's intentional: DEMOGOR2 is Demogorgon's primary combat script and SCS rewrites it from scratch.
If you want him to drop something, put an instruction in a new script - e.g

and assign that script to Demogorgon in one of his unused script slots (e.g., at 0x248)

Looks like this code change works quite well - with the slight disadvantage that I have to assume the correct dying conditions for the creature, or the items will either be dropped too soon or never.

If you want a more robust alternative, you could check for SPRITE_IS_DEADDEMOGORGON in the area script and create the objects accordingly; the problem is that you couldn't reliably drop them in the right place.

#62 Argent77

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 03:43 PM

I fear that would complicate things even further. Afaik, Demogorgon can also appear outside of WK if you take too long. Mods may add even more locations where he could turn up.

I've posted another suggestion how to deal with this problem in the SCS topic on G3 (since it's not only about this mod).

#63 K4thos

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 07:14 PM

If you want a more robust alternative, you could check for SPRITE_IS_DEADDEMOGORGON in the area script and create the objects accordingly; the problem is that you couldn't reliably drop them in the right place.

if this means that demogorgon actually plays his dying animation (don't remember) even scripted via Kill() like SCS Sarevok than you could try, Argent77, patching his CRE file like this:

COPY_EXISTING ~nameOfDemorgon.cre~ ~override~
    opcode = 232 /*Cast Spell on Condition*/
    target = 1 /*Self*/
    parameter2 = 16 /*Target dies*/
    timing = 9 /*Instant/Permanent*/
    resource = "SPELL"

where the SPELL resource is used to spawn invisible creature at the same spot and run a script that drops an item. Unfortunately there is no opcode that could be used to directly drop an item iirc.

Can't promiss that it will work but this way you wouldn't need to worry about other mods overwriting the same script slot in Demogorgon file without checking if the slot is already occupied.


edit: corrected mistake, you actually need additional SPL and EFF to spawn that CRE without graphical effects. Here are all required files: https://dl.dropboxus...3122/invcre.zip


edit2: alternatively if the death animation doesn't play you can use this condition instead:

COPY_EXISTING ~nameOfDemorgon.cre~ ~override~
    opcode = 232 /*Cast Spell on Condition*/
    target = 1 /*Self*/
    parameter2 = 19 /*Target HP < 'Special'*/
    timing = 9 /*Instant/Permanent*/
    special = 30
    resource = "SPELL"

and than in the script assigned to invisible cre limit amount of item spawns to only 1 via variable check.

Edited by K4thos, 07 February 2017 - 08:12 PM.

#64 Argent77

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 02:53 AM

Demogorgon is "killed" via DestroySelf() action. There is no dying animation, only a few visual effects. Even his death variable is set manually. The current solution of using additional script blocks is probably the most viable. To improve it further I can only try to replicate the exact dying conditions for the unlikely case that some mod is changing it.

Edited by Argent77, 08 February 2017 - 02:54 AM.

#65 Argent77

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 04:50 AM

Small update: I was able to replicate the exact dying conditions with the following WeiDU code:

COPY_EXISTING - ~demogor2.bcs~ ~override~
      ~^IF[%WNL%]\(\(.+[%WNL%]\)*[ %TAB%]+Global("DemoEffects","LOCALS",0)[%WNL%]\(.+[%WNL%]\)*\)THEN[%WNL%][ %TAB%]+RESPONSE #[0-9]+[%WNL%]\(.+[%WNL%]\)*[ %TAB%]+SetGlobal("DemoEffects","LOCALS",1)[%WNL%]\(.+[%WNL%]\)*END$~
        TEXT_SPRINT condition ~%MATCH1%~
PRINT ~%condition%~   // the exact condition


(It's using a very thorough pattern to exclude potential additional script blocks evaluating the required global.)

Edited by Argent77, 08 February 2017 - 04:51 AM.

#66 Argent77

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Posted 21 February 2017 - 06:39 AM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v4.0


  • Added two new golem types (Doll Golem and Bone Doll) which can be commissioned during the BG1 part of the game (see golem_information.txt for more details)
  • Added mod support for pure BG:EE installations (without SoD)
  • Added "Spell Revisions" compatibility
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with SCS
  • Several minor fixes and improvements

#67 Gel87

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 06:24 AM

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Argent77" data-cid="592883" data-time="1486216731"><p>
This is a quick preview about what I'm currently planning for the next release:<br />

Diablo II creatures? ^^

#68 Argent77

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 09:01 AM

That's right. I think they are fitting for these kinds of creatures.

#69 Gel87

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 09:50 AM

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Argent77" data-cid="593328" data-time="1488128515"><p>
That's right. I think they are fitting for these kinds of creatures.</p></blockquote>

They are awsome, and so does your mod looks like, i Will try it on my next walkthrough, shame i havent it installed atm as i play dual mages (mindflayer + banshee) atm. Soon done with bgee, so i guess i could install before i import to bg2ee :P or can i install now to test it on sod aswell? :)

#70 Argent77

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 10:38 AM

You can safely install the mod *before* starting SoD if you want to have SoD-specific content. You can even install it late for the BG1 part, but at the risk of key items not appearing if you have already visited certain areas.

#71 Gel87

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 10:59 AM

You can safely install the mod *before* starting SoD if you want to have SoD-specific content. You can even install it late for the BG1 part, but at the risk of key items not appearing if you have already visited certain areas.


Okay thanks :) Ill try it out :D


I've kinda only miss to kickstart the sarework quest, been pretty much all over, baldurs gate, all outside areas, drizzt killed, durlags done, the werewolf iseland etc all done xD

#72 Argent77

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 11:13 AM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.0

This release contains several notable changes.

1. To avoid installation issues on macOS or Linux (and possibly Windows as well) I have slightly changed the names of installation script and mod folder.

2. Added a nice mini-quest that takes place at the temple in the Forest of Mir (BG2:ToB). It includes a new map and an item that was unavailable without cheating until now. Translations for English, French and German are already included. Polish translation will follow a bit later.

More details in the changelog below.


  • Renamed setup file and mod folder to conform to naming conventions on Unix-like operating systems
  • Added new quest to retrieve a golem-specific artifact (BG2:EE/EET)
  • Added new Tweaks component "Identify all items"
  • Added new Tweaks component "Add Teleport ability to golems"
  • Worked around a game bug in the dialog of Ore Merchant Jerlia
  • Fixed a condition when de'Arnise golems should turn hostile
  • Fixed incorrect names of BG1 golem manuals
  • Fixed spellings in French translation

#73 Roxanne



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Posted 15 August 2017 - 01:12 PM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.0

This release contains several notable changes.

1. To avoid installation issues on macOS or Linux (and possibly Windows as well) I have slightly changed the names of installation script and mod folder.

2. Added a nice mini-quest that takes place at the temple in the Forest of Mir (BG2:ToB). It includes a new map and an item that was unavailable without cheating until now. Translations for English, French and German are already included. Polish translation will follow a bit later.

More details in the changelog below.


  • Renamed setup file and mod folder to conform to naming conventions on Unix-like operating systems
  • Added new quest to retrieve a golem-specific artifact (BG2:EE/EET)
  • Added new Tweaks component "Identify all items"
  • Added new Tweaks component "Add Teleport ability to golems"
  • Worked around a game bug in the dialog of Ore Merchant Jerlia
  • Fixed a condition when de'Arnise golems should turn hostile
  • Fixed incorrect names of BG1 golem manuals
  • Fixed spellings in French translation

It may be a good idea to re-name the new Tweaks component "Identify all items" to "Identify all mod items" to avoid misunderstanding?

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#74 Argent77

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Posted 16 August 2017 - 12:17 AM

Good idea. I'll clarify it in the next release (which shouldn't take too long).

#75 Argent77

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Posted 20 August 2017 - 01:37 AM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.1


  • Added Polish translation for artifact quest
  • Improved component name "Identify all mod items"
  • Fixed a potential loophole in the artifact quest that could result in forcing the player to reload

#76 Argent77

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Posted 29 September 2017 - 02:37 AM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.2


  • Made clay golem construction available to clerics
  • Added cleric-specific workshops to their respective temple strongholds
  • Fixed missing ambient sound on quest-related map
  • Corrected Nym's default combat script
  • Several spelling fixes and improvements

#77 Argent77

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Posted 25 October 2017 - 09:24 AM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.3


  • Adjusted cleric level requirements for building clay golems
  • Cleric Stronghold quests don't interfere with golem construction anymore
  • Made golem slow and haste more compatible with Spell Revisions
  • Improved combat scripts: enemy mages should not use Energy Blades against clay golems
  • Several textual fixes

#78 Kurigohan&Kamehameha

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Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:04 PM

New version: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.3


  • Adjusted cleric level requirements for building clay golems
  • Cleric Stronghold quests don't interfere with golem construction anymore
  • Made golem slow and haste more compatible with Spell Revisions
  • Improved combat scripts: enemy mages should not use Energy Blades against clay golems
  • Several textual fixes


Hello, I really want to be able to play this mod since I'm building a conjurer character. Unfortunately, though, whenever I try to install it gives me a parsing error at /scripts/a7!gxma.baf. I think this is because I used the modmerge tool since I started troubleshooting on a fresh copy of BG1EE w/ SOD and it initially installed without an issue until I used that too and retried. Is there any way you can make this mod work with it, since (from what I've gathered) it's necessary for most mods? Or am I doing something wrong here?

#79 Argent77

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Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:13 PM

I can't say much without seeing the error message. Can you attach the file SETUP-A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION.DEBUG for inspection (or post the content in a spoiler block)?

#80 Kurigohan&Kamehameha

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Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:18 PM

I can't say much without seeing the error message. Can you attach the file SETUP-A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION.DEBUG for inspection (or post the content in a spoiler block)?


Of course. This is the .DEBUG file on my clean install. I installed the mod successfully on it, ran modmerge, and retried installing the mod. It's the same error as the one I got when I tried on my main install with other mods on them. I don't know why that's the case since it seems to be working for other people.

Attached Files

Edited by Kurigohan&Kamehameha, 01 December 2017 - 03:19 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bgee, sod, bg2ee, golems, iwdee