Hello everyone. Spurred by the_bigg's post about putting his mods up for adoption, I have taken an axe to Refinements and updated it for the EEs. Basically, what I did was split up the HLAs into separate components for each class, and then check installing on BG2EE, and it seems to have worked.
Link to latest release
I'm posting here in case any of the mod's actual authors are around and have any feelings about it. The Bigg has suggested that it is not a problem but I feel like I ought to double-check, with this sort of thing. So please, the Bigg, T.G.Maestro, Littiz, if you guys are around, check it out and tell me whether I should 1) keep working on this, or 2) take it down. I'm happy to do either one.
the Subtle Doctor
EDIT - I just found that post by the Bigg, and he wrote: "the mod is released under the GPL V3, so anybody is free to make their own version of Refinements and upload it anywhere they please." So, I guess I will publicize this. As I said, it's barely been tested, but maybe some people can play around with it and we'll get it all working.
EDIT 2 - I just noticed that when installing the base HLA component and the thief HLAs, I do not see a bunch of duplicated kits in kitlist.2da. So I'm guessing that means the installation of Use Scrolls did not work. I'll keep poking around, see if I can get it right. Anyway I want to see if one of the new EE opcodes can allow that HLA to function without all the extra kits...
EDIT 3 - I seem to have fixed that.
UPDATE: version 0.3 should be in much better shape, I actually advise downloading it and playing with this now! (But I still consider it a beta, so report any bugs here.)
EDIT, umm, 6 or 7? I don't know, 4 months of forum posting was lost with no backups. But the point is, as of v0.6.1 this is basically feature-complete:
- HLAs can be installed on a class-by-class basis
- patches HLA tables rather than overwriting them
- specific compatibility code for RR HLAs (NOTE: with this version, RR should be installed before Refinements.)
- the Sword Angel kit works (installs, at least) on EE games
Now go out and try to find some bugs!!
Edited by subtledoctor, 08 June 2020 - 09:32 PM.