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Issues with Creature and Animation Soundsets

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#1 skellytz

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 12:40 PM

The aim of this thread is to describe and offer possible solutions for an oversight regarding BG1 monster animation soundsets in BG2 and, by extension, BGT. All the insights provided below stem from a discussion we've had during the development of the new Infinity Sounds.


First, I'd like to give a little general background on soundsets. Next, I'll describe two bugs concerning attack sounds. Afterwards, I'll discuss how all this information ties in with the BG1 creatures present in BG2.


At the end, I'll try to offer possible solutions to the issues discussed in this post.



This is how monster soundsets work in Baldur's Gate games:


BG1: Creature soundsets are stored in the creature file (CRE).


BG2: Creature soundsets are in table-based files (2DA) linked to animation codes in the game executable. The soundsets within CRE files are still respected if present.


BGT: All the BG1 creature files are copied with the embedded soundsets intact; now the game uses both in-CRE and in-2DA sounds.


When a creature has both variants of soundsets present, the in-CRE soundset has the priority only for battle cry and selection sounds. All in-CRE and in-2DA attack, damage and die entries are recognized and have a chance to be played back simultaneously. (fixed by TobEx AfterLife)


Note: The volume of attack sounds is directly controlled by the file "SNDCHANN.2DA." The in-CRE attack sounds are adjusted by the "SWINGS" value, while the in-2DA sounds are modified by the "MONSTER" entry. The in-CRE attack slot has a minor hardcoded pitch variance. All the in-2DA sounds also have a hardcoded pitch variance.



There are actually two attack sounds bugs:


In-CRE soundsets: There are four attack sound slots: ATTACK_1, ATTACK_2, ATTACK_3 and ATTACK_4. The game only recognizes the first slot, "ATTACK_1," for sound effect playback; the other slots are ignored. (fixed by TobEx AfterLife)


In-2DA soundsets: There is a general ATTACK sound slot and additional slots available for specific animation cycles: SLASH, BACKSLASH and JAB. The original BG2 ToB recognizes only the first and the last column in each slot; the middle columns are ignored. Moreover, the SLASH, BACKSLASH and JAB sounds are completely unrecognized by the game and aren't played back at all. (fixed by TobEx)



Here's what many would consider a big oversight:


BG2: Many BG1 monsters are available in BG2 with all their soundsets ported to the in-2DA format; most of the respective creature files were stripped of the embedded soundsets.


The problem with this approach is that the 2DA files are always linked to specific animations, as represented in the file "ANISND.IDS." While looking at the entries, it's easy to point out some issues:


Notice that the entries "WOLF," "WOLF_WORG" and "WOLF_DIRE" all share the same animation code; therefore, all three creatures use the same 2DA file for soundsets. This means that they all use the exact same sound effects: in an unmodded game, it's the soundset originally belonging only to the "dire" type of wolves. Thankfully, "WOLF_WINTER," "WOLF_VAMPIRIC," "WOLF_DREAD" and "WOLF_SHADOW" all have their own codes.


According to the listed codes, all spider variants also share one soundset. This is not true; the file "ANISND.IDS" contains errors. BG1 spiders have separate soundset codes for each palette variant.


Note: The entries present in "ANISND.IDS" aren't recognized by the game; it's only a reference chart. All the animation codes are stored within the game executable and cannot be changed by simply modifying the IDS file.


BGT: As mentioned before, BGT uses both in-CRE and in-2DA soundsets due to the fact that it simply copies creature files from BG1.


The first problem here is that BGT doesn't adjust creature soundsets at all. Now, whenever a BG1 monster makes an attack, there is a chance for both in-CRE and in-2DA sound effects to be played. The in-CRE attack sounds are always played with each attack, while the in-2DA are chosen at random from the available columns. In an umodded 2DA, the middle and the third slot are typically "nosound" for BG1 creatures which means complete silence upon such attacks. (fixed by TobEx AfterLife and Infinity Sounds)


This is precisely why when fighting BG1 monsters in BGT, players hear the original attack sounds at an acceptable volume with each attack (in-CRE; volume adjusted by "SWINGS" and well below 100) and then, every once in a while, they get to hear two overlapping sound effects, the second one being the in-2DA sound at the maximum volume (adjusted by "MONSTER": 100). Naturally, the second overlapping attack sound belongs to the creature whose animation is linked to the 2DA soundset causing inconsistency. (fixed by TobEx AfterLife and Infinity Sounds)


BGT + TobEx: With all the information above, it's now easy to understand why sometimes as many as three overlapping attack sounds are played back simultaneously: the in-CRE one, the general ATTACK in-2DA one and any of the SLASH, BACKSLASH or JAB ones. Simply put: it's a mess. (fixed by TobEx AfterLife and Infinity Sounds)



The wolves described before were just an example; there may be more creatures suffering from the same issues. Here are possible solutions to these problems:


Solution #1: Patch all the affected BG1 creature files to remove any in-CRE attack sounds and rely on the animation-specific 2DA files. Correct the affected 2DA files to utilize the best possible attack sounds for all the BG1 monsters which share the same animation code. Naturally, some attack sound variants will be lost.


Solution #2: Patch all the affected BG1 creature files to use the in-CRE attack sounds and set their in-2DA slots to "nosound." The game will respect only the in-CRE soundsets. Obviously, the extra attack sounds will be lost due to the bug described earlier. Also, certain creatures introduced by mods that rely on the default 2DA files may lose sounds.


Solution #3: Use the TobEx injector to enable the in-CRE attack sound slots. Impossible without Ascension64. (Done! Thanks to Insominator's TobEx AfterLife)


Solution #4: Patch the game executable to assign unique codes to the creatures which share the same animation. Unfortunately, with Erephine gone, this solution is virtually unfeasible. (Done! Thanks to Insominator's TobEx AfterLife)


Solution #5: Use Infinity Animations to create unique animation codes for the affected BG1 creatures at the cost of taking up the BG1-monster slots.


I've tried to explain everything as plain as possible. Hopefully, now you understand the problem and could either comment or offer more suggestions.


Feedback: Do you consider taking up the available Infinity Animations slots just to fix the BG1 monster attack sounds a total waste?

Edited by skellytz, 09 February 2022 - 07:23 PM.

#2 The Imp

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 01:12 PM

Question, what happens when you just edit the:


To be:



Also, I think that the the 0x7A00 equals to 31232, which is the actual giant spider animation... that has the sounds attached, via the mspi.2da. ... also I have seen lately that the .ids files don't give a cheese ball if they are correct or totally off by light years.. the 2da files are what gives the games it's actions. The .ids files are the in game script assets, while the .2da files are the actual in game used tables.

Edited by The Imp, 20 February 2016 - 01:22 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#3 skellytz

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 01:20 PM

Yeah, that's exactly the problem I mentioned: the file "ANISND.IDS" isn't read by the game executable at all. It's more of a reference chart. The actual animation codes are inside "BGMAIN.EXE," so we want to use Infinity Animations to add new codes for the two affected wolf types.


Also, like I said before, BG1 spiders aren't affected. They all have separate 2DA soundset files.

#4 Lollorian


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 10:07 PM

Totally IMHO but...


Solution 1 & 2: Loss of data

Solution 3: Depends on A64 (or someone knowledgable in DLL injection)

Solution 4: Depends on Erephine (or someone knowledgable in understanding decompiled code)


Solution 5 gets my vote :)


Also, awesome research :D Makes me wanna reinstall shit and muck with it again!


And also, not targeted to OP but does anyone have input on the EE changes to the OP's notes?

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#5 skellytz

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 03:00 AM

So far, I've confirmed that the three wolf types, "WOLF," "WOLF_WORG" and "WOLF_DIRE" share the same animation soundset 2DA. They should be separate. All the other BG1 creatures seem to be fine, but we need more in-game tests.


I believe Infinity Animations was originally designed as a solution to problems with animation codes. With over 95% slots still unoccupied by any additional content, I honestly believe all the people actively participating in this forum would give us a green light. We're talking two unpaletted BG1 Simple Monster slots: one for "WOLF_WORG_SOUND_FIX" and one for "WOLF_DIRE_SOUND_FIX".


And also, not targeted to OP but does anyone have input on the EE changes to the OP's notes?


Unfortunately, BGEE suffers from the exact same problem as BGT; it uses both in-CRE and in-2DA attack sounds resulting in both being played back simultaneously. Moreover, they haven't taken a look at the 2DA files to add these extra attack sounds.


At the same time, as I mentioned in the first post, BGEE is also affected by the in-CRE attack sound slots bug.


So, the bottom line is that players have never had a chance to hear alternative monster attack sounds originally created for BG1. We're going to restore them for Infinity Sounds.


Edit: Please note that in order to fully restore the alternative attack sounds for BG1 monsters, we'll use a combination of solutions #1 and #5. If any IA content contributor expresses disapproval, we'll simply make do.

Edited by skellytz, 21 February 2016 - 03:29 AM.

#6 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 04:31 AM

If this will stop BGT ogrillons from saying "you mess with me, you mess with you" every freaking attack, I will donate pizza and beer.

#7 Sam.

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Posted 24 February 2016 - 03:56 PM

I am fine with Solution #5, assuming Solution #1 and Solution #2 cannot be combined to achieve the same (or equivalent) "loss-less" results.


If I may ask, what is the plan for the EEs?

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#8 skellytz

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Posted 26 February 2016 - 05:19 PM

I am fine with Solution #5, assuming Solution #1 and Solution #2 cannot be combined to achieve the same (or equivalent) "loss-less" results.


That's cool.


I'll have to patch all the 2DA soundet files to restore proper BG1 sounds and correct some BG2 flaws, so I'll use some form of Solution #1 regardless. TobEx will be highly recommended to enable middle-column sound slots in 2DA files.


Personally, I'd never go with Solution #2 in any combination as there currently isn't any platform which enables additional attack sounds within CRE files. Nope -- not even BGEE!


If I may ask, what is the plan for the EEs?


When it comes to soundsets, BGEE has the same issues as BGT.


The new version will support BG2, BGT, BGEE and BG2EE. As far as I remember, the IDS entries have been externalized, so I'll restore the wolf soundsets if it won't cause any conflicts. Otherwise, I'll use a lossy method for these few creatures.

#9 skellytz

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 03:49 PM

I've uncovered yet another method used for the playback of attack sounds. Seems like a good place to record this find.


Previously, there'd been an assumption floating around that a few animation slots have hardcoded attack sounds. Diving into the executable reveals that these attack sounds aren't linked to animations at all; they are tied to specific items used by several weapon-changing monsters.


So far, I've found out that the following monster-only items are affected:


1. Ankheg


ANGHEG1.itm --> ANKHG06.wav

ANGHEG2.itm --> ANKHG05.wav


2. Lesser Basilisk


BASIL1.itm --> BASIL06.wav

BASIL2.itm --> BASIL05.wav


Bug note: These are typical unintentionally-omitted letters resulting in missing attack sounds (the Basilisk Gaze in most scenarios). The actual items present in the game have a double "L": "BASILL1.itm" and "BASILL2.itm," respectively. An EXE patch would be quite easy for those, but the community-friendly method is to copy, rename and swap the items for the affected basilisks.


3. Greater Basilisk


BASILG1.itm --> GBASI05.wav

BASILG2.itm --> GBASI06.wav

BASILG3.itm --> GBASI07.wav


Oversight note: Unfortunately, despite what ANIMSND says, Lesser Basilisks and Greater Basilisks share the same 2DA soundset: "MBAS.2DA.";  "MBAS2.2DA" isn't recognized by the EXE. The attack sounds issue is resolved through item-weapons, while distinctive battle cries and selection sounds can be simply drawn from the respective in-CRE soundsets.


4. Ettercap


ETTERC1.itm --> ETTER05.wav

ETTERC2.itm --> ETTER06.wav


Note: The attack sound effect "ETTER07.wav" is never used in most scenarios. It can be added to the 2DA soundset for more flavor.


5. Wyvern


WYVERN1.itm --> WYVER05.wav

WYVERN2.itm --> WYVER06.wav


Note: "WYVER07.wav" isn't used properly. It's the same situation as Ettercap above.


6. Winter Wolf


WOLFWI1.itm --> WWOLF07.wav

WOLFWI2.itm --> WWOLF06.wav


Note: "WWOLF05.wav" is present in the wolf's 2DA (33% chance to be played back).


All these weapon-specific sounds take priority over in-CRE attack sounds; however, they overlap with in-2DA sounds.


Edit: Updated to show ITM-WAV links.

Edited by skellytz, 14 March 2016 - 05:25 AM.

#10 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 11:40 PM

I feel stupid for asking -- because it blows my mind they would do this -- did you just say the attack sounds are hardcoded to the ITM files (in these specific instances)?  If so, could you pass the info to Argent in the Near Infinity thread?

#11 skellytz

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 05:34 AM

I feel stupid for asking -- because it blows my mind they would do this -- did you just say the attack sounds are hardcoded to the ITM files (in these specific instances)?




The developers probably had a good reason to do this. It dates back to BG1: the in-CRE soundset doesn't differentiate between ranged and melee attacks. They did this to allow for different attack sounds to be played depending on what kind of weapon it is.


I've updated the previous post with more precise info.

#12 Argent77

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 07:02 AM

@Fiann I don't think there is anything I can do in NI if the stuff is hardcoded into the game's executable.

Btw, in IWD:EE (and most likely in BG:EE and BG2:EE as well with the upcoming patch) creature properties are defined by INI files. These files include sound slots, visual properties and more (including size of selection circle). The filename is constructed from the hexadecimal number of the creature animation ID plus ".INI" extension. For example, Ankheg animation ID is 0x3000 -> 3000.INI is used to define creature properties. Example from IWD:EE:


#13 skellytz

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 12:30 PM

The main problem I see here is that modders like to replace creature weapons with renamed/prefixed variants.


Let's say a modder tries to make Winter Wolves more powerful. They change the properties of the wolf's weapons and rename the files accordingly. This effectively strips the monster of those unique attack sounds as the game's looking for the specific file names.


Despite being bugged, the in-2DA soundset is actually a cool idea; it has more sound effect options than necessary. For example, it allows you to set sound effects only for melee weapons (ATTACK) and separately for ranged weapons (SHOOT). They simply left that hardcoded bit intact for legacy purposes (that's: didn't bother).


Therefore, one solution would be to either patch the EXE to nullify these legacy entries or rename the weapons to avoid sound overlapping and rely only on 2DA soundsets. But this also means adding Greater Basilisks to Infinity Animations list, because they share the 2DA with Lesser Basilisks.


Otherwise, people should be simply wary of these few items when they mod the affected monsters.


Btw, in IWD:EE (and most likely in BG:EE and BG2:EE as well with the upcoming patch) creature properties are defined by INI files.


Thanks. I'll check out the new patch when it comes out and decide what to do with BGEE and BG2EE from there.

#14 The Imp

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 01:09 PM

Let's say a modder tries to make Winter Wolves more powerful. They change the properties of the wolf's weapons and rename the files accordingly.
Nope. Just no. Cause you can do that by overwriting the .itm.

But say you wish to have more powerful Winter Wolf variant, and then you can't do that cause the old one needs to still exist. And then you run into the trouble that one mod edit the old file and then you get mismash of sound files. But arguably you could assume that that's intentional... As not having the same attack sounds could be good... unless the sound quality is of concern. As people tend to make add better quality sounds ... instead of the stock sounds.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#15 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 01:19 PM

@Argent:  Not necessarily for editing, but just for it to show up.  Can you see any reference to a sound (presumably a wav) in those particular ITMs?

#16 Argent77

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 03:03 PM

No, there is none. If I understand it correctly then the item name itself is used by the game's executable to determine which sound to use. The content of the item resource is irrelevant in this case.

#17 skellytz

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Posted 18 March 2016 - 01:13 PM

Bad news. :crying:


It's just as I feared: more BG1 monsters share the same 2DA soundset code.


Bear: all the variants use MBER. MBER2, MBER3 and MBER4 are completely ignored by the EXE.


Dog: they all use MDOG. MDOG2 isn't recognized.


Doppleganger, Greater Doppleganger: they share MDOP. MDOP2 is ignored.


Ghoul, Ghast, Revenant: these use MGHL. MGHL2 doesn't work.


It's all pretty clear when you take a look inside the EXE -- they messed it up.


Anyways, this means using the 2DA solution to restore additional attack sounds is taking a big hit; it's probably way too many wasted animation slots.


The developers didn't leave enough nulls between the affected animation codes to allow for a proper EXE patch, either. A skilled patchsman might be able to insert some bytes and instructions elsewhere in the EXE, but that's not likely to happen.


Here's one more, dating back to BG1: all the Green Slime creature files use Olive Slime animation. There are separate animations for Green and Olive slimes, but the Green animation variant isn't assigned to any creature.


There aren't any Olive Slime creature files, though, so nobody's ever noticed. It might be a good idea for a monster restoration.

#18 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 18 March 2016 - 03:02 PM

Well, at least we know ahead of time what won't work.  Would you mind looking over this list for accuracy?  Feel free to add any comments or notes.  I'm trying to more fully flesh out file type descriptions.


ACAT cat

ACHK chicken

ADER deer

AMOO moose

APHE pheasant

ARAB rabbit

ASQU squirrel

MAIR air elemental

MAIS air elemental, small

MAKH ankheg

MASL solar, red

MBEH beholder

MBER bear, brown

MBER2 bear, polar

MBER3 bear, cave

MBER4 bear, black

MBES beholder, small

MCAR carrion crawler, white

MCOR malebranche (horned devil, cornugon)

MCWL carrion crawler (no animation exists)

MDEM demogorgon

MDJI djinn, purple, no legs

MDJL djinn, purple, legs

MDKN death knight

MDLI demilich

MDOG dog, tan

MDOG2 dog,

MDOP doppelganger, gray

MDOP2 doppelganger, purple

MDR1 red dragon

MDR2 black dragon

MDR3 silver dragon

MDR4 green dragon

MDR5 blue dragon

MDR6 brown dragon

MDR7 blue dragon

MDSW dancing sword

MEAE earth elemental

MEAS earth elemental, small

METN ettin

METT ettercap

MFIE fire elemental

MFIG fire giant

MFIS fire elemental, small

MGCL leopard

MGCP panther, black

MGH2 ghoul, dark

MGHL ghoul, pale

MGHL2 ghoul, red

MGIB gibberling

MGIC ice golem

MGIT githyanki

MGLA glabrezu (type III demon)

MGLC clay golem

MGNL gnoll

MGO1 goblin w/axe

MGO2 goblin w/bow

MGO3 goblin elite w/axe

MGO4 goblin elite w/bow

MGWE werewolf, large

MHOB hobgoblin

MIGO iron golem

MIMP imp

MKOB kobold

MKUL kuotoa, large

MKUO kuotoa

MLER lich, black

MLI2 lizardman, 1-handed weapon

MLI3 lizardman, spellcaster

MLIC lich

MLIZ lizardman, 2-handed weapon

MMAR marilith (type V demon)

MMEL Melissan

MMIN mind flayer

MMIS mist creature (nishruu, etc)

MMUM mummy

MMY2 myconid, blue

MMYC myconid, red

MNO1 neo-orog, red

MNO2 neo-orog, black

MNO3 neo-orog chief (BG2 Tazok)

MOGH half-ogre (BG1 Tazok)

MOGM ogre mage

MOGN ogrillon

MOGR ogre

MOR1 orc w/axe

MOR2 orc w/bow

MOR3 orc w/axe 2

MOR4 orc w/ranged

MOR5 orc shaman

MOTY otyugh

MRAK rakshasa

MRAV raver (pit fiend)

MSA2 salamander, blue

MSAH sahuagin

MSAL salamander, red

MSAT sahuagin, tall

MSHD shadow

MSHR shrieker

MSIR sirine

MSKA skeleton warrior 1

MSKB bone golem

MSKL skeleton

MSKT skeleton warrior 2

MSLM gray ooze

MSLM2 green slime

MSLM3 olive slime

MSLM4 mustard jelly

MSLM5 ochre jelly

MSLY slayer

MSNK snake

MSOL solar, blue

MSPI giant spider

MSPI2 huge spider

MSPI3 phase spider

MSPI4 sword spider

MSPI5 wraith spider

MSPS small spider

MTAN tanari (balor)

MTRO troll

MTRS troll, small

MUMB umber hulk

MVAF vampire, female

MWAV wailing virgin

MWER werewolf

MWFM pseudo dragon

MWIG wight

MWLF wolf, dire

MWLF2 wolf, winter

MWLF3 wolf, dread

MWLF4 wolf. vampiric

MWLS wolf, shade

MWWE water weird

MWYV wyvern

MXVT xvart

MYU1 yuan-ti (green, bare)

MYU2 yuan-ti (red, armored)

MYU3 yuan-ti (small, spellcaster)

MZOM zombie

#19 skellytz

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Posted 19 March 2016 - 10:00 AM

Would you mind looking over this list for accuracy?  Feel free to add any comments or notes.  I'm trying to more fully flesh out file type descriptions.


OK, I'll take a look.


In the meantime, I reported the bugs on Beamdog Forums as three separate issues:


Creatures should use unique 2DA soundset codes


Creatures should use alternative attack sounds (CRE Soundset)


Creature attack sounds from 2DA files should not overlap attack sounds stored in CRE files

#20 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 19 March 2016 - 04:16 PM

Ah, that is good stuff.  I literally do not have enough space for another test install, otherwise I'd put this on my plate, too.  Thanks for taking care of this.


If you remove the sounds from the CRE file, do any of the 2das you listed get used?  Or is the engine ignoring the 2das anyway?