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Greenhorn's questions, bugs and findings about BWS

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#141 Greenhorn

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 08:24 AM

 There are several bugs and incompatibilities regarding various fighter kits:


1. Knight FIGHTER kits from Paladins of Faerun kitpack and Enhanced BG2 mod are incompatible with Knight PALADIN kit from ROT  :o ( only got paladin kit with the same name )

2. Samurai kit from Sorcerer's place is incompatible with the same kit from RTT kitpack, only got RTT version ( luckily it wasn't opposite, this is waay better choice ) 

3. Gladiator kits from ROT and RTT are mutually exclusive, only got RTT gladiator. 

4. Guardian kit from TDD has minor bug, in its description is stated that humans and dwarves can take it, this is true only for short, bearded fellows ( Guardians guard gardens I guess  :P )

5. Worst for the end, there is little known spanish mod called Uldar, barbarian half- orc ( it doesn't even have english README and it's spanish is very short without slightest hint what this mod actually do ) which tweaks Barbarian class to this:


BARBARIAN: the barbarian can be an excellent warrior. Although not as disciplined or as skilled as a normal fighter, can voluntarily let berserker rage carry him, becoming a very strong and tough opponent.
-  Get +1 attack and +1 damage.
-  Barbarians are immune to back stabbing.
-  They can rage once a day for every 4 levels of experience they have (starting with a daily use at 1st level). The barbarian rage grants a +4 Constitution and Strength for 5 rounds, but also a +2 to Armor Class and a +2 to saves vs. magic (for the same time). Also grants immunity to Charm, Freeze, Fear, Labyrinth and Confusion spells and those related to the wasting levels of experience.
-  Upon reaching 11th level, the barbarian gains a 10% slashing, piercing and blunting resistence or caused by projectiles. More, gets an additional 5% upon reaching 15th and 19th level.
-  The barbarian spear 1d12 to determine the hit points instead of 1d10 as the warriors.
-  The barbarian can not use full plate nor plate armors.
-  Can only become specialized in weaponry.~ 

but in doing so probably introduces nasty bug, barbarians roll only fighter 1d10 hit dice and lose barbarian 1d12  :(  :angry:

I don't know is this bug has anything with this component from Anthology tweaks:


  • Low Variance Rolls - All classes will only roll a d4 die and add a static modifier to make up the difference, resulting in a small spread of values at level up. So a barbarian, who normally rolls a d12 for HP, will instead roll d4+8 for a range of 9-12 HP instead of the normal 1-12. Mages and other classes that already roll d4 are unchanged; d6 rolls become 1d4+2, d8 rolls become 1d4+4, d10 1d4+6, and so on.

Be warned: without an Enhanced Edition game or TobEx, barbarian characters will interact badly with this component due to their hardcoded nature.

In addition to changes to barbarian class this mod introduces various undocumented creature changes: 


*Modificaciónn del Kit de Bárbaro******//
COPY ~Uldar/Barbaro/CLABFI05.2da~ ~override/CLABFI05.2da~
STRING_SET 45869 @35
//COPY ~Uldar/Barbaro/KITLIST.2da~ ~override/KITLIST.2da~
//SET_2DA_ENTRY 34 4 1 ~BÁRBARO: el bárbaro puede ser un...~
//*****Monstruos Mejorados**********************///
// Cambio del script wtasight.bcs por el wtarsgt.bcs
// El motivo es que en el cuerpo a cuerpo se deje de usar armas a distancia
COMPILE ~Uldar\Monstruos\wtasight.baf~  
// Minotauros, Hombres-Lobo Mayores y Moles Sombrías Mejorados
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/Minotauros~ ~override~
//Minotauros(Clase Guerrera y Nivel 7 ): AMMINOT.CRE ICMIN01.CRE UHOGRE03.CRE
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/HL-Mayores~ ~override~
//Hombres-Lobo Mayores(Regeneración e Inmunidades):WEREGR01.CRE SHWOLF.CRE WEREGRDR.CRE
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/Moles~ ~override~
// Trolls y Yuan-tis. Quest.
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/Yuantis~ ~override~
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/Trolls~ ~override~
//Trolls (Características): No se incluye a los trolls pequeñajos
// Salamandras, Principes Sahuajin y Drows
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/salam~ ~override~
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/sahu~ ~override~
COPY ~Uldar/Monstruos/drows~ ~override~

and who knows what else, so heads up! 

EDIT: in addition to all these things this mod reintroduce old bug which was fixed by fixpack, barbarians now get + 2 PENALTY to their saves vs. spells instead -2 bonus  :angry:

Edited by Greenhorn, 12 March 2016 - 04:02 AM.

#142 Greenhorn

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 04:00 AM

Couple of incompatibilities with ranger kits, seems that ROT Wilderness samurai beats TDD "ordinary" samurai,  :D they are mutually exclusive, ROT Silent hunter didn't make it to my install, and Might and guile Elven archer does not add but  actually replaces regular one...

#143 subtledoctor

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 07:54 PM

and Might and guile Elven archer does not add but  actually replaces regular one...

Technically, nothing is replaced. The ranger kits screen for elves shows the Elven Archer, the ranger kits screen for non-elves shows the Archer. If you have ToBEx installed, the ranger kits screen for halflings (!) shows the Slinger instead. This is all intentional.

You can add the generic Archer to elves by adding a line to K_R_E.2da.

Edited by subtledoctor, 12 March 2016 - 07:54 PM.

#144 Greenhorn

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 02:14 AM

and Might and guile Elven archer does not add but  actually replaces regular one...

Technically, nothing is replaced. The ranger kits screen for elves shows the Elven Archer, the ranger kits screen for non-elves shows the Archer. If you have ToBEx installed, the ranger kits screen for halflings (!) shows the Slinger instead. This is all intentional.

You can add the generic Archer to elves by adding a line to K_R_E.2da.

You are right, checked Kivan and he has regular Archer kit both in BG and SoA, so all is good. Unrelated to this, there is minor bug with TDD Justifier druid kit, it should only be available to half- elves according to it's description but humans can use it too. I think that I bothered  all of you long enough with my trifles, it is high time to start playing this thing so let adventure begin!  :lol:

Edited by Greenhorn, 13 March 2016 - 01:23 PM.

#145 The Imp

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 02:29 AM

Unrelated to this, there is minor bug with TDD Justifier druid kit, it should only be available to half- elves according to it's description but humans can use it too.
Like with others, you can remove that by removing the kit number from the K_D_H.2da -file.
You know, there's no Elf druids in the Faerûn.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#146 Greenhorn

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 04:07 AM

Unrelated to this, there is minor bug with TDD Justifier druid kit, it should only be available to half- elves according to it's description but humans can use it too.
Like with others, you can remove that by removing the kit number from the K_D_H.2da -file.
You know, there's no Elf druids in the Faerûn.

Are you absolutely sure?  :D But there are HALF elven here and there... But on with another bugs I found, did anybody know that these illusions in Obe's training warehouse drop items? Beside that, damage from melee attacks  from hobgoblin and kobold archers is quite real.  :o  :P One real annoying thing ( related to Tobex probably ) are multiple successful saving throw messages, can I  fix it somehow?  

#147 Greenhorn

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 04:09 AM

- deleted double post because of some connection hiccup -

Edited by Greenhorn, 13 March 2016 - 05:17 AM.

#148 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 04:58 AM

Sure, quite yeah, the elves in the realms are not some hippie dudes, but stoic guardians of their own realms. Yes, they have Silvanus as their cleric patreon, but that's the less wilder part of the nature, compared to the earth mother (Chauntea).
The half elves can be druids cause they are half human. Just like most half-orcs.
The illusionary hobgoblins are damaging you --- again probably cause the item revision(very old issue that was solved) or some other mod forgot to NOT patch these idiots.

That ToBEx multisave throw should be fixed ... if you just edit the .ini the certain way. My shs connection is really flaky at the moment, so I won't bother to find a thread for now. Which is why I won't quote either...

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#149 Greenhorn

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 05:14 AM

Sure, quite yeah, the elves in the realms are not some hippie dudes, but stoic guardians of their own realms. Yes, they have Silvanus as their cleric patreon, but that's the less wilder part of the nature, compared to the earth mother (Chauntea).
The half elves can be druids cause they are half human. Just like most half-orcs.
The illusionary hobgoblins are damaging you --- again probably cause the item revision(very old issue that was solved) or some other mod forgot to NOT patch these idiots.

That ToBEx multisave throw should be fixed ... if you just edit the .ini the certain way. My shs connection is really flaky at the moment, so I won't bother to find a thread for now. Which is why I won't quote either...

Yep, connection is unstable to say the least, anyway, patience is virtue... :)

#150 Greenhorn

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 09:01 AM

That ToBEx multisave throw should be fixed ... if you just edit the .ini the certain way. My shs connection is really flaky at the moment, so I won't bother to find a thread for now. Which is why I won't quote either...

Hmm, been looking for some solution to this, I should probably disable saving throw fix and/or magic resistance fix in Tobex/core/ini? 

#151 The Imp

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 09:05 AM

I should probably disable saving throw fix ... in Tobex/...core.ini? 
Yep, I would remember that to be it.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#152 Greenhorn

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 07:48 AM

Sadly, this is still relevant, at least in my game: 


Dual-wielding for thrown weapons tweak from RPG Dungeon kit pack  causes all items affected to have buying price of 1gp in the stores


Cheaters everywhere ( including myself  :whistling: ) rejoice! 

The weapons affected are:
Boomerang Dagger +2
Fire Tooth +3 (the dagger, not the crossbow)
Dwarven Thrower +3
Throwing Axe +2
Hangard's Axe +2
Rifthome Axe +3
Azuredge (compatible with Item Upgrade, if IU is installed BEFORE this mod)
K'logarath +4 (ToB only)


#153 Greenhorn

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 07:01 PM

Fair warning, don't install this component of Anthology tweaks : 


  • Low Variance Rolls - All classes will only roll a d4 die and add a static modifier to make up the difference, resulting in a small spread of values at level up. So a barbarian, who normally rolls a d12 for HP, will instead roll d4+8 for a range of 9-12 HP instead of the normal 1-12. Mages and other classes that already roll d4 are unchanged; d6 rolls become 1d4+2, d8 rolls become 1d4+4, d10 1d4+6, and so on.

Be warned: without an Enhanced Edition game or TobEx, barbarian characters will interact badly with this component due to their hardcoded nature.

it's bugged, doing opposite of it's purpose, it minimize hit points and you can't get maximum even on easy level. I will possibly have to reinstall whole BWS because of this piece of...  :crying:  :angry:  :wall:

#154 Quorwyf

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 08:09 PM

Isn't there another mod that has a Low Variance Roll component? I can recall reading about that option recently but I know i've never heard of Anthology Tweaks before now.

#155 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 01:21 AM

Isn't there another mod that has a Low Variance Roll component? I can recall reading about that option recently but I know i've never heard of Anthology Tweaks before now.
The cd_tweaks(aka Anthology Tweaks) is the BG2 Tweakpacks just revised by CamDawn to fit to all the Infinity Engine games.
I myself haven't taken a look at the implementation, but it sounds like Greenhorn you run into the same thing as the Barbarian would. The bgmain.exe has some hardcoded stuff, and you should go to the G3 forum to report exactly what happened. So it can be replicated ...

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#156 Greenhorn

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 03:22 AM

Isn't there another mod that has a Low Variance Roll component? I can recall reading about that option recently but I know i've never heard of Anthology Tweaks before now.
The cd_tweaks(aka Anthology Tweaks) is the BG2 Tweakpacks just revised by CamDawn to fit to all the Infinity Engine games.
I myself haven't taken a look at the implementation, but it sounds like Greenhorn you run into the same thing as the Barbarian would. The bgmain.exe has some hardcoded stuff, and you should go to the G3 forum to report exactly what happened. So it can be replicated ...

I did it Jarno, here is the root of problem:


This is because the "static modifier" part of the hpxxx.2da files is broken.  I mentioned this to @CamDawg over on the Beamdog forums, not sure if he noticed it.

But yeah at least for now, the "low variance rolls" component does not work.

How the hell can I be rid of it without breaking whole installation? 

#157 subtledoctor

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 03:46 AM

It's a different bug than the non-ToBEx barbarian thing. And it might not be bugged in every game. And it might be fixed in the upcoming 2.0 patch.

But in BGEE 1.3, at least, the hpxxx.2da files do not completely work as advertised... since this component relies on those files working, it gets messed up.

If anyone wants something like this, use the "NWN-style" component instead. (That one does not use the bugged part of the .2da files.)

#158 Greenhorn

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 05:22 AM

This component screw every class, kit and multiclass in the game not just barbarian. And installing "NWN-style" on top of it all doesn't help. Seems my only option is some manually hacking, but since I have flue and temperature this will have to wait...

#159 subtledoctor

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 07:50 AM

That's because "NWN-style" was changed as well. The easiest way is to install NWN-style from BG2Tweaks v16 onto a different game and copy the hpxxx.2da files from there into your override folder here.

And from now on, if possible, if you're playing an EE game, I would disable BWS biffing your install.

#160 Greenhorn

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 08:53 AM

That's because "NWN-style" was changed as well. The easiest way is to install NWN-style from BG2Tweaks v16 onto a different game and copy the hpxxx.2da files from there into your override folder here.

And from now on, if possible, if you're playing an EE game, I would disable BWS biffing your install.

Thanks for help and advice, I will heed them, and no, I'm not playing EE currently, I'm on  "classic" BGT this whole  year probably.  :)