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Greenhorn's questions, bugs and findings about BWS

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#301 Roxanne



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Posted 06 November 2016 - 12:31 PM

Hmm, not exactly sure  is this a bug or intended behavior but I got slight issue with Thalantyr and Kivan. If you install BG1NPC mod ( which I did ) first time when you visit grumpy old mage in his tower with Kivan he recognizes gruff ranger and gives him nice spear as a present. At least that was the case when I last played BG TUTU years ago. Now Thalantyr's greeting dialogue is: "   Hello again, <CHARNAME>, how can I help you today?" and he and Kivan had nothing to say to each other. I am currently in chapter 3 and I also saved Melicamp. On the side note if you install BG1UB and NTotSC you get two tormented paladins named Svlast with slightly different enemies in Firewine bridge area so maybe it wouldn't be bad idea to put some kind of warning to avoid repetition of similar content... 

The Kivan episode should be in BGT, however there is a truckload of mods changing Thalantyr's dialogue after BG1NPC is installed and one of them could be the reason. You can run change-log on Thalan.dlg to find the possible culprit.


The Sylast issue is an old well-known bug and although I have seen various announcements of it being fixed it re-appears (even my current EET game has it once more...) I think I will miss it, should it ever be fixed...

The Sandrah Saga

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#302 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 01:02 PM

Hmm, not exactly sure  is this a bug or intended behavior but I got slight issue with Thalantyr and Kivan. If you install BG1NPC mod ( which I did ) first time when you visit grumpy old mage in his tower with Kivan he recognizes gruff ranger and gives him nice spear as a present. At least that was the case when I last played BG TUTU years ago. Now Thalantyr's greeting dialogue is: "   Hello again, <CHARNAME>, how can I help you today?" and he and Kivan had nothing to say to each other. I am currently in chapter 3 and I also saved Melicamp. On the side note if you install BG1UB and NTotSC you get two tormented paladins named Svlast with slightly different enemies in Firewine bridge area so maybe it wouldn't be bad idea to put some kind of warning to avoid repetition of similar content... 

The Kivan episode should be in BGT, however there is a truckload of mods changing Thalantyr's dialogue after BG1NPC is installed and one of them could be the reason. You can run change-log on Thalan.dlg to find the possible culprit.


The Sylast issue is an old well-known bug and although I have seen various announcements of it being fixed it re-appears (even my current EET game has it once more...) I think I will miss it, should it ever be fixed...

Thanks for help one more time Roxanne. Here is my change-log regarding Thalantyr's dialogue:


[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23900
Mods affecting THALAN.DLG:
00000: ~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ 0 0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core: 1.18 (28 Apr 13) BWP Fix
00001: ~SETUP-VAULT.TP2~ 0 0 // The Vault (erebusant's rework for BGT compatibility): v7.2 BWP Fix
00002: ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ 0 3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v12
00003: ~AC_QUEST/SETUP-AC_QUEST.TP2~ 1 0 // Ascalon's Questpack: 2.00b_160119
00004: ~THALAN/THALAN.TP2~ 0 0 // Thalantyr - Item Upgrade: v4.2.1
00005: ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ 0 1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.2_20151212
00006: ~GARRICK-TT/SETUP-GARRICK-TT.TP2~ 1 0 // Garrick : Tales of a troubadour: 1.24 BWP Fix
00007: ~SETUP-VYND.TP2~ 0 0 // Vynd for BGTutu, BGT and BG:EE: 1 BWP Fix
00008: ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ 0 6 // Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey: v1.3 BWP Fix
00009: ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ 0 19 // Melicamp: The Poultry Boy, by Lava: v1.3 BWP Fix
00010: ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ 0 31 // Dinner with Thalantyr, by jastey: v1.3 BWP Fix
00011: ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ 0 1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0_beta_160124
00012: ~KITTOMES/SETUP-KITTOMES.TP2~ 0 0 // Kit Tomes for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu: v2.0 BWP Fix
00013: ~SANDRAHNPC/SETUP-SANDRAHNPC.TP2~ 0 0 // SandrahNPC For BGT: v1.11.b
00014: ~SANDRAHRTF/SETUP-SANDRAHRTF.TP2~ 0 0 // SandrahRTF Installation: v1.09.b
00015: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
00016: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix

I put my money on " Garrick : Tales of a troubadour: 1.24 BWP Fix" as other mods after it work fine. On the other hand I could be completely wrong as I seen that even Rose NPC has interjection in old T dialogue. Last chance to get Kivan's spear is in this dialogue: " I sincerely hope you have some reason for bothering me.  I've already stated that I wish you to leave." from what I can see in InfExp. Oh well, no matter, I'm off to buy that nice ranger/druid spear from old Thorengrim in FAI before I finally pick Ajantis and then proceed to Waterdeep and Icewind dale...  :D

#303 Roxanne



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Posted 06 November 2016 - 01:43 PM

The Kivan interlude will only happen on the first visit to Thalantyr (and only if Kivan is with you at this time). So if you were there before without Kivan already, no chance. The second possibility you quote may only happen if no other trigger from any of the other mods turns out true (which may not happen in a long time with all the stuff you have installed - you may have to talk to T a number of times.).

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#304 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 03:02 PM

The Kivan interlude will only happen on the first visit to Thalantyr (and only if Kivan is with you at this time). So if you were there before without Kivan already, no chance. The second possibility you quote may only happen if no other trigger from any of the other mods turns out true (which may not happen in a long time with all the stuff you have installed - you may have to talk to T a number of times.).

Well, yes, that pretty much explains it. Still I don't get it why it has to be one time chance, I imagine it wouldn't be too much hassle to extend that Kivan's dialogue to all T's PIDs, but than again BG1NPC mod is older stuff which probably didn't take in account myriad of mods which came latter and involve Thalantyr in one way or another. If that is indeed mod makers intention (shrug) well, so be it... Thanks Roxanne.  :)

#305 Roxanne



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Posted 06 November 2016 - 03:32 PM

I imagine it wouldn't be too much hassle to extend that Kivan's dialogue

It is adding a single line...


In EET version it already exists.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#306 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 03:39 PM

I imagine it wouldn't be too much hassle to extend that Kivan's dialogue

It is adding a single line...


In EET version it already exists.

I guess I should really switch to EET. In the next couple of years anyway, as I will not finish my current BGT adventure with this snail pace anytime soon...  :P

#307 Greenhorn

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 07:00 AM

I believe that I stumbled on one of the last minor bugs in BG original game that are not yet fixed. The quest in question is Shoal the Nereid and Droth the ogre mag. This is probably quest that I most dislike in the first part of trilogy, as in order to get that nice helm ( which you can latter upgrade by Thalantyr or Taerom, your choice ) one of your party members must bite the dust. This time sacrificial lamb was Safana ( " this is probably most sane decision this party ever made",  :P at least now she has some valid reason to betray me in SoA ). I read somewhere, maybe in Dudleyville  walkthrough, I really can't remember, that female PC/NPC can reject Shoal's kiss of death. This is false claim, sadly. Anyway, after Safana took the bullet for the greater good, I had to dodge nasty little damsel in distress until I saw Droth approaching. Then I finally made swiss chesse of her with arrows ( it gave me some satisfaction, I'm not gonna lie  :D ). Her ugly mate tried to initiate dialogue with her ( What be this trouble Shoal?  Why you have not destroyed these small-pinks?  You're not to make me angry, water-child!) but after realizing she is dead trowed this line ( that I never seen before ) " Die, manlings!!  You kill my favorite toy!". Then he started to chant spells but the funny fact is that his circle never turned red, I guess game designers forgot to implement " Action Enemy ()". Oh, and beside actually being archetypical big, mean Ogre mage his race is actually human and he doesn't have  any alignment. :lol:

#308 Roxanne



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Posted 08 November 2016 - 08:49 AM

I believe that I stumbled on one of the last minor bugs in BG original game that are not yet fixed. The quest in question is Shoal the Nereid and Droth the ogre mag. This is probably quest that I most dislike in the first part of trilogy, as in order to get that nice helm ( which you can latter upgrade by Thalantyr or Taerom, your choice ) one of your party members must bite the dust. This time sacrificial lamb was Safana ( " this is probably most sane decision this party ever made",  :P at least now she has some valid reason to betray me in SoA ). I read somewhere, maybe in Dudleyville  walkthrough, I really can't remember, that female PC/NPC can reject Shoal's kiss of death. This is false claim, sadly. Anyway, after Safana took the bullet for the greater good, I had to dodge nasty little damsel in distress until I saw Droth approaching. Then I finally made swiss chesse of her with arrows ( it gave me some satisfaction, I'm not gonna lie  :D ). Her ugly mate tried to initiate dialogue with her ( What be this trouble Shoal?  Why you have not destroyed these small-pinks?  You're not to make me angry, water-child!) but after realizing she is dead trowed this line ( that I never seen before ) " Die, manlings!!  You kill my favorite toy!". Then he started to chant spells but the funny fact is that his circle never turned red, I guess game designers forgot to implement " Action Enemy ()". Oh, and beside actually being archetypical big, mean Ogre mage his race is actually human and he doesn't have  any alignment. :lol:

Did you check for any mod that has changed Droth.dlg. The Enemy() action is there in vanilla version.


PS - his race is correct in EET but indeed wrong in BGT.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#309 Greenhorn

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 09:19 AM

I believe that I stumbled on one of the last minor bugs in BG original game that are not yet fixed. The quest in question is Shoal the Nereid and Droth the ogre mag. This is probably quest that I most dislike in the first part of trilogy, as in order to get that nice helm ( which you can latter upgrade by Thalantyr or Taerom, your choice ) one of your party members must bite the dust. This time sacrificial lamb was Safana ( " this is probably most sane decision this party ever made",  :P at least now she has some valid reason to betray me in SoA ). I read somewhere, maybe in Dudleyville  walkthrough, I really can't remember, that female PC/NPC can reject Shoal's kiss of death. This is false claim, sadly. Anyway, after Safana took the bullet for the greater good, I had to dodge nasty little damsel in distress until I saw Droth approaching. Then I finally made swiss chesse of her with arrows ( it gave me some satisfaction, I'm not gonna lie  :D ). Her ugly mate tried to initiate dialogue with her ( What be this trouble Shoal?  Why you have not destroyed these small-pinks?  You're not to make me angry, water-child!) but after realizing she is dead trowed this line ( that I never seen before ) " Die, manlings!!  You kill my favorite toy!". Then he started to chant spells but the funny fact is that his circle never turned red, I guess game designers forgot to implement " Action Enemy ()". Oh, and beside actually being archetypical big, mean Ogre mage his race is actually human and he doesn't have  any alignment. :lol:

Did you check for any mod that has changed Droth.dlg. The Enemy() action is there in vanilla version.


PS - his race is correct in EET but indeed wrong in BGT.

Hi Roxanne, just checked it:


[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23900
Mods affecting DROTH.DLG:
00000: ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ 0 1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.2_20151212
00001: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
00002: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix

There is brief interjection by that yellow chicken Garrick :lol:  added by BG1NPC I presume, but that is all. And I double checked Droth's dialogue in InfExp, just to be sure, and after that line there is only <NO TEXT>, but no Action Enemy() like in other dialogue branches ends. 

P.S. Oh, and Viconia has brief interjection, I like that Drow, she has looks  and gut.  :P

Edited by Greenhorn, 08 November 2016 - 09:22 AM.

#310 Roxanne



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Posted 08 November 2016 - 11:02 AM

I believe that I stumbled on one of the last minor bugs in BG original game that are not yet fixed. The quest in question is Shoal the Nereid and Droth the ogre mag. This is probably quest that I most dislike in the first part of trilogy, as in order to get that nice helm ( which you can latter upgrade by Thalantyr or Taerom, your choice ) one of your party members must bite the dust. This time sacrificial lamb was Safana ( " this is probably most sane decision this party ever made",  :P at least now she has some valid reason to betray me in SoA ). I read somewhere, maybe in Dudleyville  walkthrough, I really can't remember, that female PC/NPC can reject Shoal's kiss of death. This is false claim, sadly. Anyway, after Safana took the bullet for the greater good, I had to dodge nasty little damsel in distress until I saw Droth approaching. Then I finally made swiss chesse of her with arrows ( it gave me some satisfaction, I'm not gonna lie  :D ). Her ugly mate tried to initiate dialogue with her ( What be this trouble Shoal?  Why you have not destroyed these small-pinks?  You're not to make me angry, water-child!) but after realizing she is dead trowed this line ( that I never seen before ) " Die, manlings!!  You kill my favorite toy!". Then he started to chant spells but the funny fact is that his circle never turned red, I guess game designers forgot to implement " Action Enemy ()". Oh, and beside actually being archetypical big, mean Ogre mage his race is actually human and he doesn't have  any alignment. :lol:

Did you check for any mod that has changed Droth.dlg. The Enemy() action is there in vanilla version.


PS - his race is correct in EET but indeed wrong in BGT.

Hi Roxanne, just checked it:


[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23900
Mods affecting DROTH.DLG:
00000: ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ 0 1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.2_20151212
00001: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
00002: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix

There is brief interjection by that yellow chicken Garrick :lol:  added by BG1NPC I presume, but that is all. And I double checked Droth's dialogue in InfExp, just to be sure, and after that line there is only <NO TEXT>, but no Action Enemy() like in other dialogue branches ends. 

P.S. Oh, and Viconia has brief interjection, I like that Drow, she has looks  and gut.  :P


Odd, those BG1NPC Interjects are not responsible. This looks like some local problem, because this is how the respective dialogue looks in my install (and I have BG1NPCs as well)

The Sandrah Saga

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#311 Greenhorn

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Posted 08 November 2016 - 11:26 AM

I assume you showed BGT dialogue, not EET? Anyway here is my situation:




I guess this is not big deal, end result is the same, evil ones are dead ( kinda feel little bad about Shoal, but who knows how many innocent souls she tricked in same way, besides that 5000 xp offer some consolation  :P ), I got the helm, Sandrah promptly resurrected Safana, and all are happy. Except Droth and Shoal, that is...  :lol:  ;)



#312 Greenhorn

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Posted 10 November 2016 - 04:35 PM

Ahh, it is hard to be pawn in the game between Gods. Battles in which my sweet Sandrah throws me can sometime be overbearing. Example of this is that after that tough battle against that party of unbearably snobbish elven bounty hunters from Dark horizon mod at BG gate I was right away headlong thrown in encounter against some Talos cultists. That group isn't pushover, especially after they got backup from that annoying bookhunters right behind my back in the middle of the battle together with some group of orcs and their shamans which decided to join the party.  :P But what I really can't digest are those force spell scripts. Yup, you are warrior in Blue dragon plate and still throw triple poison spells all at once at my party. I would swallow this if it remained on that. But then he start to throw symbol spells and prismatic sprays out of his arse every round next game turn. And that priest although silenced has no problem to chant all manners of arcane wizard mayhem. Except Vocalize which would make whole ordeal somewhat credible.  :lol: OK, with some effort I eventually bring down whole bunch nonetheless without losses and gone to that troublesome child with bowl in possession. She hasn't have a clue that I already have that damn bowl and I have no option to tell her that. Quite letdown after all that trouble. So I must prattle with annoying little harpy couple of times and then play hide and seek with her until Dynaheir manages to hit her couple of times with darts. Can't use anything else for fear I might kill her and I must send Sandrah and Pelligram hundred paces further because they are essentially uncontrollable and would torn apart Tenya in one second. Whole thing wasn't really worth of effort. Further more there was problem with that pair of Greater werebears from Power of imagination ability. When summoned they just remained on the bridge, unmovable and uncontrollable. Can't click on them also, instead of glove there was dialogue icon instead. That strange problem I have sometime with Pack mule mode also. Loading game solve both problems. For the end, there is strange bug with my Retaliator kit. When I finally reached level 9 I got whooping 21 hp. Up until now amount of HP on leveling was normal. So I gone back on earlier save to check out what is going on. Turns out that if I set game on normal and bellow I get normal amount of 16 HP ( 10 + 6 from CON ) but if I set it on CORE rules then I get each and every time exactly 21 HP at level 9. No idea what is going on...  :huh:

#313 Roxanne



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Posted 10 November 2016 - 10:28 PM

Ahh, it is hard to be pawn in the game between Gods. Battles in which my sweet Sandrah throws me can sometime be overbearing. Example of this is that after that tough battle against that party of unbearably snobbish elven bounty hunters from Dark horizon mod at BG gate I was right away headlong thrown in encounter against some Talos cultists. That group isn't pushover, especially after they got backup from that annoying bookhunters right behind my back in the middle of the battle together with some group of orcs and their shamans which decided to join the party.  :P But what I really can't digest are those force spell scripts. Yup, you are warrior in Blue dragon plate and still throw triple poison spells all at once at my party. I would swallow this if it remained on that. But then he start to throw symbol spells and prismatic sprays out of his arse every round next game turn. And that priest although silenced has no problem to chant all manners of arcane wizard mayhem. Except Vocalize which would make whole ordeal somewhat credible.  :lol: OK, with some effort I eventually bring down whole bunch nonetheless without losses and gone to that troublesome child with bowl in possession. She hasn't have a clue that I already have that damn bowl and I have no option to tell her that. Quite letdown after all that trouble. So I must prattle with annoying little harpy couple of times and then play hide and seek with her until Dynaheir manages to hit her couple of times with darts. Can't use anything else for fear I might kill her and I must send Sandrah and Pelligram hundred paces further because they are essentially uncontrollable and would torn apart Tenya in one second. Whole thing wasn't really worth of effort. Further more there was problem with that pair of Greater werebears from Power of imagination ability. When summoned they just remained on the bridge, unmovable and uncontrollable. Can't click on them also, instead of glove there was dialogue icon instead. That strange problem I have sometime with Pack mule mode also. Loading game solve both problems. For the end, there is strange bug with my Retaliator kit. When I finally reached level 9 I got whooping 21 hp. Up until now amount of HP on leveling was normal. So I gone back on earlier save to check out what is going on. Turns out that if I set game on normal and bellow I get normal amount of 16 HP ( 10 + 6 from CON ) but if I set it on CORE rules then I get each and every time exactly 21 HP at level 9. No idea what is going on...  :huh:

I think I repeat myself, but nevertheless - those battle accosted to Sandrah, yes, the mod spawns the enmies and they are by design tough - but the overbearing powers and spells are part of some other mod that tweaks the standard scripts those enemies use, If you want to dig deeper, just look up the scripts assined to CVTalop.cre for example and run change-log on those files to see what changed them. Same for the werebears etc. (Some of the reasons why Sandrah was withdrawn from BGT, too many mods mess up the game.)


The Tenya issue is solved finally by a mod (Tenya Termidor) but as far as I know this is only available for the EE's. Here she recognises the bowl and you get the option to already deliver it on the first talk. (In BGT I always solved the issue by keeping my party out of her sight and just having one NPC with high strength + HP remove weapons and talk to her. When she gets hostile you beat her with fists but do not kill her, so the second talk can fire.)

Edited by Roxanne, 10 November 2016 - 10:32 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#314 Greenhorn

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Posted 11 November 2016 - 02:02 AM

Ahh, it is hard to be pawn in the game between Gods. Battles in which my sweet Sandrah throws me can sometime be overbearing. Example of this is that after that tough battle against that party of unbearably snobbish elven bounty hunters from Dark horizon mod at BG gate I was right away headlong thrown in encounter against some Talos cultists. That group isn't pushover, especially after they got backup from that annoying bookhunters right behind my back in the middle of the battle together with some group of orcs and their shamans which decided to join the party.  :P But what I really can't digest are those force spell scripts. Yup, you are warrior in Blue dragon plate and still throw triple poison spells all at once at my party. I would swallow this if it remained on that. But then he start to throw symbol spells and prismatic sprays out of his arse every round next game turn. And that priest although silenced has no problem to chant all manners of arcane wizard mayhem. Except Vocalize which would make whole ordeal somewhat credible.  :lol: OK, with some effort I eventually bring down whole bunch nonetheless without losses and gone to that troublesome child with bowl in possession. She hasn't have a clue that I already have that damn bowl and I have no option to tell her that. Quite letdown after all that trouble. So I must prattle with annoying little harpy couple of times and then play hide and seek with her until Dynaheir manages to hit her couple of times with darts. Can't use anything else for fear I might kill her and I must send Sandrah and Pelligram hundred paces further because they are essentially uncontrollable and would torn apart Tenya in one second. Whole thing wasn't really worth of effort. Further more there was problem with that pair of Greater werebears from Power of imagination ability. When summoned they just remained on the bridge, unmovable and uncontrollable. Can't click on them also, instead of glove there was dialogue icon instead. That strange problem I have sometime with Pack mule mode also. Loading game solve both problems. For the end, there is strange bug with my Retaliator kit. When I finally reached level 9 I got whooping 21 hp. Up until now amount of HP on leveling was normal. So I gone back on earlier save to check out what is going on. Turns out that if I set game on normal and bellow I get normal amount of 16 HP ( 10 + 6 from CON ) but if I set it on CORE rules then I get each and every time exactly 21 HP at level 9. No idea what is going on...  :huh:

I think I repeat myself, but nevertheless - those battle accosted to Sandrah, yes, the mod spawns the enmies and they are by design tough - but the overbearing powers and spells are part of some other mod that tweaks the standard scripts those enemies use, If you want to dig deeper, just look up the scripts assined to CVTalop.cre for example and run change-log on those files to see what changed them. Same for the werebears etc. (Some of the reasons why Sandrah was withdrawn from BGT, too many mods mess up the game.)


The Tenya issue is solved finally by a mod (Tenya Termidor) but as far as I know this is only available for the EE's. Here she recognises the bowl and you get the option to already deliver it on the first talk. (In BGT I always solved the issue by keeping my party out of her sight and just having one NPC with high strength + HP remove weapons and talk to her. When she gets hostile you beat her with fists but do not kill her, so the second talk can fire.)

Yes Roxanne, it is true that too many mods mess up game as you already pointed out and I'm aware that this is not all Sandrah's doing. This is not attack on you or your mod but on all those undocumented things which "enhance" game. This is just example how whole game can turn in complete mess. I mean, c'mon two fighters in full plate armor and priest start battle against my 6-8 level party with casting absolute immunity on themselves, and then proceed with series of Energy drains.  :o  :D We can argue how "enhanced" enemies make game more harder, interesting and challenging if this weren't made in such cheap, cheesy and lame way. Inexplicable powers and immunities wielded even in incapacitated state by every peasant who turn red are just not my kind of fun. May the FORCE spells not RULE.  :lol:

Edited by Greenhorn, 13 November 2016 - 04:16 PM.

#315 Greenhorn

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Posted 11 November 2016 - 01:29 PM

Heh, better to write this now so that I don't forget it, like usual. There is minor bug with Dynaheir ( and maybe all other Invokers ). She can't learn conjuration spell Ghost armor because game won't allow her to use spells from opposition schools. This is leftover from original BG:TotSC I believe, as Invokers were only school of magic prohibited from 2 schools, Conjuration and Charm. Thank heavens this was changed to only latter in game sequel. Except this spell it seems, as she can learn other Conjuration spells while Charm/enchantment are colored dark red and scrolls from that school are unusable by her. She can USE scroll but not learn spell from it...  :lol:

#316 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 11 November 2016 - 05:43 PM

Heh, better to write this now so that I don't forget it, like usual. There is minor bug with Dynaheir ( and maybe all other Invokers ). She can't learn conjuration spell Ghost armor because game won't allow her to use spells from opposition schools. This is leftover from original BG:TotSC I believe, as Invokers were only school of magic prohibited from 2 schools, Conjuration and Charm. Thank heavens this was changed to only latter in game sequel. Except this spell it seems, as she can learn other Conjuration spells while Charm/enchantment are colored dark red and scrolls from that school are unusable by her. She can USE scroll but not learn spell from it...  :lol:

You are dreaming man...

Original BG2:

- Cannot wear any armor
- Can only wield Daggers, Staves, Darts, and Slings
- Abjurer: Cannot scribe/cast Alteration spells
- Conjurer: Cannot scribe/cast Divination spells
- Diviner: Cannot scribe/cast Conjuration spells
- Enchanter: Cannot scribe/cast Invocation spells
- Illusionist: Cannot scribe/cast Necromancy spells
- Invoker: Cannot scribe/cast Enchantment/Conjuration spells
- Necromancer: Cannot scribe/cast Illusion spells
- Transmuter: Cannot scribe/cast Abjuration spells

So to conclude:

What ever mod that changed that didn't include this spell in the changes that it made.

Edited to add the link.. duh duh.

Edited by The Imp, 12 November 2016 - 05:07 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#317 Greenhorn

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 02:59 AM

Heh, better to write this now so that I don't forget it, like usual. There is minor bug with Dynaheir ( and maybe all other Invokers ). She can't learn conjuration spell Ghost armor because game won't allow her to use spells from opposition schools. This is leftover from original BG:TotSC I believe, as Invokers were only school of magic prohibited from 2 schools, Conjuration and Charm. Thank heavens this was changed to only latter in game sequel. Except this spell it seems, as she can learn other Conjuration spells while Charm/enchantment are colored dark red and scrolls from that school are unusable by her. She can USE scroll but not learn spell from it...  :lol:

You are dreaming man...

Original BG2:

- Cannot wear any armor
- Can only wield Daggers, Staves, Darts, and Slings
- Abjurer: Cannot scribe/cast Alteration spells
- Conjurer: Cannot scribe/cast Divination spells
- Diviner: Cannot scribe/cast Conjuration spells
- Enchanter: Cannot scribe/cast Invocation spells
- Illusionist: Cannot scribe/cast Necromancy spells
- Invoker: Cannot scribe/cast Enchantment/Conjuration spells
- Necromancer: Cannot scribe/cast Illusion spells
- Transmuter: Cannot scribe/cast Abjuration spells

So to conclude:

What ever mod that changed that didn't include this spell in the changes that it made.


Urk!? Whaaat?! Now, that is surprise. Granted I never had a pleasure playing with Invoker in SoA and ToB  (obvious reasons, Dynaheir was dead and I never created PC Invoker ) but Dyna never had restriction on Conjuration/Summoning ever in TUTU or BGT in my earlier plays so I just assumed that was change made by ToB engine. Now I must bow my head in shame and run to hide in embarrassment... :blush:  :P

#318 Greenhorn

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 07:00 AM

Well, there is certainly many divided opinions about Invoker's opposition schools in BG2 SoA and ToB.





But this is what manual for SoA actually lists:



#319 Greenhorn

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 02:08 PM

This is probably unimportant and uninteresting topic but regarding to my earlier post about Dynaheir, Invokers, Ghost armor  and opposition schools, yes, it is definitely some bug in question  and not work of any mod as I just tried fresh game of ToB with clean, unmodded install with Invoker. Despite what manual and gamebanshee.com claim Invokers indeed have only Charm/enchantment school in opposition but not Conjuration/summoning like in old vanilla BG:TotSC. They are able to pick and learn all Conjuration spells including Ghost armor. 

#320 Greenhorn

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Posted 16 November 2016 - 05:53 AM

Hoarding money is always good thing with so many cool items you can now buy in first part of BGT, and there are several cheesy ways to do this. I'm really surprised that this component:" Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armors (Icendoan/grogerson) BGEE, EET, BG, BG2, BGT, Tutu" from Anthology tweaks does not use Destroy item action and instead load Taerom's inventory with shells until they start dropping on the floor for any cheating, scumbag player ( like me :rolleyes:  :lol: ) to pick them and sell again. Tough challenge to spend all of it. I hope I will be up to the task...  :P

Edited by Greenhorn, 16 November 2016 - 05:53 AM.