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Greenhorn's questions, bugs and findings about BWS

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#281 Greenhorn

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Posted 05 October 2016 - 01:08 PM

Couple of more things I found while playing this megamod game, for starters it seems that Anthology tweaks components two handed bastard swords, axes and katanas seriously disrupt economy of the Sword coast. It makes me sad somewhat to enter the shop and see that buying price for such rare commodity as katana is only 1gp and selling prices for good dwarven axes +2 that fell in my hands are the same.

That's a roll off from the fact that the item that's sold and bought is not the original item, but the replica... aka, if you just buy the item, equip it and use the ability to make it one handed again, the sell price should reflect the actual one and so you can reduce the price from your gold sack. Or buy it couple times to do the same thing, as the buy and sell price should stack so the seller takes a cut each time.


Seems like the drow mod is bugged...

Yes, it can very likely be it, but that katana in store's inventory I never touched, nor axes, I didn't change them to one handed version, precisely because of this bug. Overall, whole idea of switching some weapons to one/two handed versions sound pretty cool on the first look, but unfortunately suffers from poor implementation. 


With respect to Sandrah - it seems you have now reached a point in the game where you see why she was withdrawn from BGT. None of those issues are in the mod but she suffers the consequences of what other mods did to your installation. e.g. Khattark is a bastard but he is a BG1 chapter 3 - 5 opponent unless some tweak makes him what you describe. Viconia and Sandrah have a lot of interaction unless Viconia was changed by some other mod (sounds like that). Sandrah claims her items back if someone else tries to use them but she does not destroy other things - except for some red wizard stuff, but then she informs you about it first. And Pelligram when injured would retreat from a battle to regenerate and she is vulnerable to most weapons although she resists some types of magic

So, in summary, Sandrah's odd behaviour has sources outside of the original mod and shows why she becomes frustrating in a mega mod installation with too many counteracting tweaks installed.


Yes, I'm sure that is true for some enemies in my game, worst thing about those "improved enemies" mods is that they make lots of undocumented and arbitrary changes. This Khattark ( may he be cursed forever) had all abilities ( and some more ) of Demon knight, same could be said of the Fat man, and I'm still in chapter 1. With regard to Viconia, one of her variables is this, hope it helps: VICBANTT 3636003. Her VICBANT1 and  VICBANT3 variables are both 2. Not sure really that  those are from your mod. Bah, about girdle I'm not upset at all, I can get 3 more of those at the least. About Pelligram, maybe it is true that some mod changes her, although Sandrah is installed almost last, her immunity to weapons ( skeleton warrior's + 1 swords, Khattark's cursed sword of berserking +3, Black talons arrows and swords, Hell hounds bites and claws are all ineffective against her) is absurd. 

P.S. Hmm, now I see in Infinity Explorer that Khattark used undropable SW2H99 version of the sword which is not enchanted... Maybe weapons of higher enchantment can hurt her, apologies in that case... 

Edited by Greenhorn, 05 October 2016 - 01:20 PM.

#282 Roxanne



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Posted 05 October 2016 - 02:05 PM

Sandrah and Viconia. According to those globals, you should be here


So unless you are in those areas or still not in chapter 3, they should continue with each other - otherwise SetGlobal("VicBant3","GLOBAL",3) per console and Sandrah should start a conversation with Vicci.



although Sandrah is installed almost last

The mod is still affected by many changes that are made to items/areas/spells and scripts (and this was intentionally). The mod uses existing game resources whenever possible, thus changes made to those even before Sandrah was installed are taken into account, i.e if some enemy script is extremely hard, monsters from the mod using the script are the same. This also applies to other general changes made to classes, Pelligram is not immune to anything but magic fire and magic cold, so no idea what goes on there?

Edited by Roxanne, 05 October 2016 - 02:08 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#283 Greenhorn

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Posted 05 October 2016 - 02:35 PM

Sandrah and Viconia. According to those globals, you should be here


So unless you are in those areas or still not in chapter 3, they should continue with each other - otherwise SetGlobal("VicBant3","GLOBAL",3) per console and Sandrah should start a conversation with Vicci.



although Sandrah is installed almost last

The mod is still affected by many changes that are made to items/areas/spells and scripts (and this was intentionally). The mod uses existing game resources whenever possible, thus changes made to those even before Sandrah was installed are taken into account, i.e if some enemy script is extremely hard, monsters from the mod using the script are the same. This also applies to other general changes made to classes, Pelligram is not immune to anything but magic fire and magic cold, so no idea what goes on there?

Hey Roxanne, thanks for help. I'm still in chapter 1 and just prepare to storm the mine. It is not easy cake walk like before with that group of duergar dwarves  from Dark horizons and all those traps from Vault mods. So, if I understood you  correctly those dialogues trigger in chapter 2? I will wait for it some more before I set them with console. Pelligram has global effect Immunity to weapons (120) given from her item DRAGUND.ITM ( her fist attack). Maybe she is simply immune to weapons of +1 enchantment and I didn't encounter enemies with more powerful armament? I saw that Hell hound attack has +1 power. 

#284 Roxanne



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Posted 05 October 2016 - 10:19 PM

Sandrah and Viconia. According to those globals, you should be here


So unless you are in those areas or still not in chapter 3, they should continue with each other - otherwise SetGlobal("VicBant3","GLOBAL",3) per console and Sandrah should start a conversation with Vicci.



although Sandrah is installed almost last

The mod is still affected by many changes that are made to items/areas/spells and scripts (and this was intentionally). The mod uses existing game resources whenever possible, thus changes made to those even before Sandrah was installed are taken into account, i.e if some enemy script is extremely hard, monsters from the mod using the script are the same. This also applies to other general changes made to classes, Pelligram is not immune to anything but magic fire and magic cold, so no idea what goes on there?

Hey Roxanne, thanks for help. I'm still in chapter 1 and just prepare to storm the mine. It is not easy cake walk like before with that group of duergar dwarves  from Dark horizons and all those traps from Vault mods. So, if I understood you  correctly those dialogues trigger in chapter 2? I will wait for it some more before I set them with console. Pelligram has global effect Immunity to weapons (120) given from her item DRAGUND.ITM ( her fist attack). Maybe she is simply immune to weapons of +1 enchantment and I didn't encounter enemies with more powerful armament? I saw that Hell hound attack has +1 power. 

I see, in this case dragund.itm has been modified by something (I give Pelligram the vanilla version but your installation ends up with a tweaked one!) The only method to prevent such would be to make a dedicated copy of the original item and give it to her, unless there is a mod that tweaks items by type and not by name - however I wonder if that should be fone at all (maybe a player wanting all these overpowered stuff wants it consistently?) Original dragund.itm immunity is only protecting from enchanted weapons (not any other weapons) which should not even be used by anyone in this early part of the game.


Stii guessing how you can be in chapter 1 with those vault + dark horizon stuff that is only triggered in much later chapters?

Edited by Roxanne, 05 October 2016 - 10:31 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#285 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 October 2016 - 01:22 AM

Sandrah and Viconia. According to those globals, you should be here


So unless you are in those areas or still not in chapter 3, they should continue with each other - otherwise SetGlobal("VicBant3","GLOBAL",3) per console and Sandrah should start a conversation with Vicci.



although Sandrah is installed almost last

The mod is still affected by many changes that are made to items/areas/spells and scripts (and this was intentionally). The mod uses existing game resources whenever possible, thus changes made to those even before Sandrah was installed are taken into account, i.e if some enemy script is extremely hard, monsters from the mod using the script are the same. This also applies to other general changes made to classes, Pelligram is not immune to anything but magic fire and magic cold, so no idea what goes on there?

Hey Roxanne, thanks for help. I'm still in chapter 1 and just prepare to storm the mine. It is not easy cake walk like before with that group of duergar dwarves  from Dark horizons and all those traps from Vault mods. So, if I understood you  correctly those dialogues trigger in chapter 2? I will wait for it some more before I set them with console. Pelligram has global effect Immunity to weapons (120) given from her item DRAGUND.ITM ( her fist attack). Maybe she is simply immune to weapons of +1 enchantment and I didn't encounter enemies with more powerful armament? I saw that Hell hound attack has +1 power. 

I see, in this case dragund.itm has been modified by something (I give Pelligram the vanilla version but your installation ends up with a tweaked one!) The only method to prevent such would be to make a dedicated copy of the original item and give it to her, unless there is a mod that tweaks items by type and not by name - however I wonder if that should be fone at all (maybe a player wanting all these overpowered stuff wants it consistently?) Original dragund.itm immunity is only protecting from enchanted weapons (not any other weapons) which should not even be used by anyone in this early part of the game.


Stii guessing how you can be in chapter 1 with those vault + dark horizon stuff that is only triggered in much later chapters?

Ugh, not good, here is my change-log regarding her item: 


[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23900
Mods affecting DRAGUND.ITM:
00000: ~BP/SETUP-BP.TP2~ 0 0 // Big Picture, core component (required for most subcomponents): v181-b4611 BWP Fix
00001: ~SETUP-REVISEDBATTLES.TP2~ 0 0 // Improved Battles - "erebusant's Patching Version" v6: v6.3 BWP Fix
00002: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v30 BWP Fix
00003: ~SETUP-LOLFIXER.TP2~ 0 11 // Item Stuff - Duplicate Item Effect Remover: 19022016
00004: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
00005: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix

Pardon my ignorance, but does her immunity to enchanted weapons means that she is immune to ALL magical weapons? Is there a difference between those two?

With regard to duergars, there is a nasty party of bounty hunters who are leftover from old ComForge mod which is incorporated in Dark horizons ( DH mod is stuffed with very unbalanced and bugged items, don't see a point listing all of them here, I will limit to only CTD if I encounter any) right from the chapter 1. About Vault, yes that it's content is triggered much latter, but judging from my experiences with it in old vanilla BG:ToSC it's traps are quite real and can be deactivated right from the start...

#286 Roxanne



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Posted 06 October 2016 - 02:04 AM

Pardon my ignorance, but does her immunity to enchanted weapons means that she is immune to ALL magical weapons? Is there a difference between those two?

Weapon types

- enchanted

- magical

- silver

- two handed

- cursed

- cold iron

Pelligram is only protected from the first - reason is not so much to make her powerful, it is rather an necessity (same for Haiass) to protect these companions to be hit by some very rare and specific weapons/spells because they would get into some state that cannot be reverted for non-party followers. If they get enchanted, you cannot free/restore/move them anymore and when you change between areas their unusable cre blocks your party. (a bit similar to the bug where an invisible creature keeps following you around, very annoying and only to be repaired with NI or similar - so I try to avoid this.). Problem with them is that you cannot kick them from the party or restore them at a temple etc...

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#287 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:13 AM

Pardon my ignorance, but does her immunity to enchanted weapons means that she is immune to ALL magical weapons? Is there a difference between those two?

Weapon types

- enchanted

- magical

- silver

- two handed

- cursed

- cold iron

Pelligram is only protected from the first - reason is not so much to make her powerful, it is rather an necessity (same for Haiass) to protect these companions to be hit by some very rare and specific weapons/spells because they would get into some state that cannot be reverted for non-party followers. If they get enchanted, you cannot free/restore/move them anymore and when you change between areas their unusable cre blocks your party. (a bit similar to the bug where an invisible creature keeps following you around, very annoying and only to be repaired with NI or similar - so I try to avoid this.). Problem with them is that you cannot kick them from the party or restore them at a temple etc...

Good to know that, thanks Roxanne. In the meantime here are couple of new priceless bugs which I have to thank SCS components " allow paired NPC to separate " and " remove Boo from Mins'c quick item slot to inventory slot" I think. When you kick Minsc and Dynaheir from the party Minsc leaves Boo in protagonist inventory. As a result our beloved Rashemi ranger gets addled and his only rejoining options are "wait here until we pick you" and " go to the Coronet" while playing first part of the game in chapter 1! My list of allies grows thinner it seems... 

#288 Roxanne



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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:42 AM

SCS in BGT after the two original mods were made one...I better not comment on it...



Edited by Roxanne, 06 October 2016 - 03:43 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#289 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:52 AM

SCS in BGT after the two original mods were made one...I better not comment on it...



Thanks for tip. But I think I shall keep her, at least for the time being. I grow quite fond of " little pussycat". Both of them actually...  :D  ;)

#290 Greenhorn

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Posted 17 October 2016 - 11:32 AM

Does anybody know perhaps what this error message means:




My error log shows this message: ASSERTION FAILED!

File: ObjAnimation.cpp
Line: 9947
Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?
CTD occurred  when Skeezer Lumpkin VI ( one of minor PC from DSotSC) switched from Staff mace ( one handed staff weapon) to Skeezer's staff of unpredictability ( his personal staff with array of wild magic abilities which is unremovable from his weapon slot). It was night battle on Lendore island ( Bonehill mod) with group of Orc mages. He used that staff before without problems, I'm curios why this crash happened. Perhaps one of magical effects which was incompatible with Orc mage animation? Off topic, of all bugs I encountered so far, I only currently remember this one: when Sandrah casts Heal wound ability on my character ( this happens whenever he gets much damage) she drops one of the cleric scrolls Heal serious wounds on the ground. Not sure is this ability available only if she has that scroll in her inventory or is it connected with it at all... 



#291 Greenhorn

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 01:44 PM

Hmm, seems that barbarian class is completely screwed in my current BWS. Thanks to that crappy component from Anthology tweaks v.1:~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3003 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Low Variance Rolls: v1(alpha) barbarian is able to get 4 points maximum from 1d12 dice. Subtledoctor showed me how to correct most other classes and kits earlier in this thread but unfortunately problem still persist for barbarians. Is there some way to fix this via NI maybe? Luckily only barbarians I have in my game are Lava's White NPC and Uldar NPC in the second part of the trilogy. Speaking of White, his quest in Ulcaster ruins is bugged, when we find NPC in question which is imaginatively named Man, his dialogue is broken, after his introductory "no, please" when you press continue in dialog bar conversation abruptly stops. Same goes for couple of characters in Sandrah mod, namely Nashkel refugee and some merchant named Hugnot. But reason for this is clear I think, they require Imoen in party and she and Jaheira are long dead ( and never forgotten ). I also noticed that there is inflation of some innate abilities, when you kick some NPC and bring them back they multiply, for example paladins cure disease ability from atweaks and lots of Mur'Neth's innates. This results that Shar-Tel ( she is paladin in my current game) has six cure disease abilities when she should have one per day, and Mur'Neth has eight or so uses of friends spell and multiple paralytic touch and transform to ooze special abilities. Now couple of things that really annoy me. First is how stupid these "enhanced" enemies mods and scripts are. They are responsible for absurd situations when for example spiders under influence of sleep spell shortly stop their nap to spit couple of webs on my characters who closed for kill and then peacefully resume their snoring. Or that pathetic Orc mages who sling spells faster than Irenicus which are not present in their spellbooks in the first place and even under effects of silence spell. Yeah, right, force spell scripts, lame and cheesy. If you want more interesting and harder fights some mod makers should be more creative and imaginative and above all else properly document in their respective readmes  all those crap they put in the game. I'm  also not big fan of drastically changing some NPC abilities ( for example Tiax now has useless shocking grasp instead summon ghast) but that is at least somewhat tolerable... 

#292 The Imp

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 01:59 PM

but unfortunately problem still persist for barbarians.

This is because ... assuming my memory is correct ... the BGT adds a min/maximum HP checker to the start of the game that screws over the Barbarians max HPs cause they get too many. Or the check is there in the vanilla game for what ever reason. It's unavoidable, but it will go over when you edit the char in a (EE/Shadow)Keeper, as they get a local set that excepts them from the check.

The way I slicked by it is that I changed the HP progression on level 2, not in level 1. So for example anyone that supposed to get +2 per level gets zero at level 1 and +4 at level 2, and then get +2 at each next level. That and changing the level up stage to be at 100xp on level 2, fixes the real issue. Also I usually also give a few additional HPs to make the start of the game more tolerable, so the fighter doesn't die to the first hit. Which is why most of the tabletop RPGs also recommend to be started at level 3, instead of level 1.

Edited by The Imp, 21 October 2016 - 02:11 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#293 Greenhorn

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 02:46 PM

but unfortunately problem still persist for barbarians.

This is because ... assuming my memory is correct ... the BGT adds a min/maximum HP checker to the start of the game that screws over the Barbarians max HPs cause they get too many. Or the check is there in the vanilla game for what ever reason. It's unavoidable, but it will go over when you edit the char in a (EE/Shadow)Keeper, as they get a local set that excepts them from the check.

The way I slicked by it is that I changed the HP progression on level 2, not in level 1. So for example anyone that supposed to get +2 per level gets zero at level 1 and +4 at level 2, and then get +2 at each next level. That and changing the level up stage to be at 100xp on level 2, fixes the real issue. Also I usually also give a few additional HPs to make the start of the game more tolerable, so the fighter doesn't die to the first hit. Which is why most of the tabletop RPGs also recommend to be started at level 3, instead of level 1.

So, if I understood you correctly in order to avoid that barbarian gets only quarter of possible hit points ( he can't get more than four of possible twelve, just checked it on easy difficulty ) all I have to do is edit him in SK? Say, for example that I remove extra warrior feats from Might and guile mod and add some extra hit points and the problem will be solved i.e. that particular barbarian character will gain normal barbarian hit point progression from now on? Or I must do some more complicated stuff from the second part of your message which  unfortunately I don't know how? 

#294 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 04:33 PM

The "CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3003 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Low Variance Rolls: v1" component might change a few facts.. but normally if you run into this, and for example your barbarian gets nerfed to 8 HPs at level 1, while you should have gotten say 16(as you get +4 from CON = 18 ), which can be found out by leveling up a few times(on normal difficulty), you level up one time, then save the game, and edit the characters max HPs in shadowkeeper to be 32 and save. And from there on out you should have no trouble. As you should be getting the +16 per level(of course you'll have to account the CON bonus if it's not +4 and your difficulty etc factors, but that is yours to determine).

Edited by The Imp, 21 October 2016 - 04:34 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#295 Greenhorn

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 05:05 PM

The "CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3003 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Low Variance Rolls: v1" component might change a few facts.. but normally if you run into this, and for example your barbarian gets nerfed to 8 HPs at level 1, while you should have gotten say 16(as you get +4 from CON = 18 ), which can be found out by leveling up a few times(on normal difficulty), you level up one time, then save the game, and edit the characters max HPs in shadowkeeper to be 32 and save. And from there on out you should have no trouble. As you should be getting the +16 per level(of course you'll have to account the CON bonus if it's not +4 and your difficulty etc factors, but that is yours to determine).

Thanks for tip Jarno, I will try it. 

#296 subtledoctor

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 05:52 PM

Pre-EE barbarians are screwy when it comes to modding hit dice. You can try fix things, but I've never seen fixes or mods for it that are completely reliable...

#297 Nightfarer

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 09:24 AM

White NPC: I already sent a patch to Leonardo a couple of days ago :cheers:

#298 Greenhorn

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 09:39 AM

White NPC: I already sent a patch to Leonardo a couple of days ago :cheers:

That is good to know, kudos on your work Nightfarer. I encountered more problems with this mod though, it seems that every dialog is broken in which he is involved when you press continue button, that was the case with Tiax's and Shar-Teel's dialogues at least. Seems that whole mod is broken for trilogy... 

Edited by Greenhorn, 22 October 2016 - 10:33 AM.

#299 Greenhorn

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Posted 24 October 2016 - 12:03 PM

File: ChDataTypes.cpp
Line: 1591
Exp: !(x >= pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth || x < 0 || y > pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight || y < 0)
Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?
---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

Damn, these night crashes are becoming terribly annoying. This happened at area with Nashkel mine when I get ambushed by some Flaming fist deserters scum while I raced to bring Samuel to Temple of wisdom in FAI. Almost certain it has something with this mod: BGGRAPHICS/SETUP-BGGRAPHICS.TP2~ #0 #0 // BGT Extended Night and Baldur's Gate Map Fixes: v1.8 BWP Fix.

Real eye candy but makes whole game painfully unstable. Wish that I can rid of it somehow. Oh, and one advice, never, EVER, modify save game with Shadow keeper while in room in which you can enter via this: KONTWK/SETUP-KONTWK.TP2~ #0 #11 // Rod of Refuge: v2.2 BWP Fix. For some reason you cannot go back to previous location and you get trapped in this nice, cozy room with no exit. I was trying to set right hit points of that barbarian fellow White and he deserted after five minutes with full inventory and treasure worth at least 50000 gp. Never liked him, should've listened my gut and chop his head right away.  :( Luckily my Boots of pub from Aurora mod one more time saved the day. Such good, good investment and my most treasured item...

#300 Greenhorn

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 12:16 PM

Hmm, not exactly sure  is this a bug or intended behavior but I got slight issue with Thalantyr and Kivan. If you install BG1NPC mod ( which I did ) first time when you visit grumpy old mage in his tower with Kivan he recognizes gruff ranger and gives him nice spear as a present. At least that was the case when I last played BG TUTU years ago. Now Thalantyr's greeting dialogue is: "   Hello again, <CHARNAME>, how can I help you today?" and he and Kivan had nothing to say to each other. I am currently in chapter 3 and I also saved Melicamp. On the side note if you install BG1UB and NTotSC you get two tormented paladins named Svlast with slightly different enemies in Firewine bridge area so maybe it wouldn't be bad idea to put some kind of warning to avoid repetition of similar content... 

Edited by Greenhorn, 06 November 2016 - 12:24 PM.