Hey Spellhold Studios!
I thought I give it a try and ask help for scripting since I have one thing I just can't figure out.
I have run to a bit of a snafu in my BG:EE modding since I am not that familiar with weidu scripting. Basic scripting is rather easy, but these two go a little bit over my head. I need to move existing areas a bit (AR4400 and AR4300). However, in this I haven't gotten very far in. This one goes way over my head and I am not even sure what I should do with this one
PHP_EACH AB_AR4300 AS int => fx_off BEGIN
READ_SHORT fx_off fx_type
PATCH_IF fx_type = 35 BEGIN
READ_LONG 0x28 amountx
READ_LONG 0x2c amounty
WRITE_LONG 0x28 (%amountx% + 100)
WRITE_LONG 0x2c (%amounty% + 100)
Any suggestions are welcome, even if they have nothing to do with the scripts above Hopefully someone here can tell me how to actually do that
Edited by Zanso, 21 January 2016 - 12:29 PM.