Clean-Up.bat includes this block:
:: Delete gen_biff's HUGE prod
%IF% StopLBar del StopLBar
start "pulse bar" "%BWIP%\pulse_bar.bat"
type NUL> RunningBar
rmdir /s /q "generalized_biffing\prod"
I looked at the contents of the generalized_biffing folder in one of my installs after running generalized biffing on all files, and I see many BCS scripts in the generalized_biffing\prod sub-folders but I see none in the backup folder.
generalized_biffing.tp2 uses WeiDU's MOVE command, and it has a backup folder, so I'm not sure why all of these files didn't get copied to the backup folder also.
If you were to run the cleanup script on my current install, it would delete the prod folder and sub-folders (because of the block above), and those files aren't in the original override folder now because generalized_biffing moved them, so... if I then re-installed generalized_biffing, those files would be gone.
I've highlighted the part above that I don't understand: the
WeiDU documentation seems to imply that unless you specify that no backups should be made, every MOVE'd file should be copied to backup.
Edited by agb1, 17 January 2016 - 03:37 PM.