Original Author: Yovaneth
EET Author: White Agnus
On the web: Download and discussion forum
Version: beta 2.0
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X (not tested)
When I first played EET beta (back in Winter 2014, when there was several issues with water, lava and stuff), I felt, there is something missing.... (I loved to play BGT with the Graphics Overhaul and the atmosphere was that good, that I thought I have to do something to bring this mod to EET...

In summer 2015 after I joined K4thos contributing to EET, I started working on converting this mod to work on EET. First I tried to use the BG:EE Version, but there was several issues with water and stuff, then I ported the BGT Version and it was better, but not that good. After purchasing photoshop, I tried to fix some little bugs and after several weeks of frustration (with scrambled wed files and stuff) I got some proper version...

Changes for the EET Version:
- Merged several areas from BGEE and BGT version of the mod
- Fixed several little graphical errors and bugs in wed files
- Used tileconv (by argent77) and also his macros to install the mod
Current ToDos:
- write a readme (I hate writing readmes...

- fix some minimaps (some of them looks not as good)
- fix several little door issues
The installation of this mod could take 30 minutes until 2 or more hours (regarding your hardware)
Feel free to post here, if you encounter some bugs, with this version.
The current release is also ready for BGT!
Edited by White Agnus, 17 January 2016 - 09:00 AM.