Yeah, it's said in the mods readme. Ouh, yeah, I don't read those either. Cause the silent DON'T in the front of it.
I installed over 150 mods with an automated install and didn't read all readmes/don't remember all contents of those I read? No... how could it possibly happen? Grand apologies for my ineptitude...
No, but in all seriousness, I'm just trying to help people around here catch bugs and doing my best to coherently report what I find out of place to signal possible issues. Why must you criticize my every misstep? I'm just a casual player who tries to do something more useful than coming only with crash reports breaking my playthrough... 
And speaking of non-game-breaking reports:
<possibly intended> 16. One of the 'enemy' spawns, probably from BG Spawn mod, sometimes spawns groups of Amnish Soldiers - noticed them spawning on reload instead of kobolds in Nashkel mines area. They're friendly, but they have the mine-guard dialogue and look pretty funny spawning in a square randomly in the forest then doing nothing.
<minor> 17. Elander Gloves of Might - the item description says they add +1 to STR, meanwhile they add 4 and subtract 2 from DEX. Additionally I've already looted two instances of those (and I have a mod that should remove duplicates of items, I guess it doesn't touch wherever these are from), and they are worth 1gp when trying to sell them to a vendor.
<cheese warning> 18. Learn-through-Use mod allows everyone to get 5 proficiency points in weapon skills - I don't know if it's intended or not, or if it can be prevented or not. I just ShadowKeeeper them back to 2 when it happens and move on.
<so-so> 19. Can't return Unshey's girdle - she won't talk to me when I return, there's only the red "Unshey has nothing to say to you."
<minor> 20. Some new items don't honor class restrictions - a shop in FAI called Hammerfist Forge sells 2 helmets useable by Kensai class (War Helm, Helm of Health), meanwhile items from another mod doesn't honor tweak settings that allow multiclass clerics/druids to use arrows, for example. Arrows name is Poisoned Arrow with "Deth Stik" in description. My guess it DSotSC? On a side-note, the former shop is nicely affected by Aurora, which suggests it indeed can, and should, affect store prices from new vendors (and mostly does from what I've seen so far).
<minor> 21. Regular throwing daggers weigh 0. Poisoned ones weigh normally, 1 per dagger.
<biggish, but perhaps my fault> 22. Game Over on Party Dead - I installed this mod over everything as I have not seen it in BWS, sneaked under my radar somewhere. So maybe it lacks some follow-up or whatnot because of that. But generally it works, in some cases it works perfectly, but sometimes it activates, but PC keeps on fighting until specific enemy/enemies die. Only then does she faint and the mod proceeds after combat/right away (if no enemies remain) without issue.
On a side note, I love those new small quests like the ogre seeking a bunny friend and similar. Fun additions.
Also, second instance of Firebead (in Beregost) suffers from the same 1-time hostility. But so far just his two incarnations and the dude in FAI. Nobody else smacked me to say hello.
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 03 December 2015 - 02:43 PM.