My big free time time is over, so I thought I’d consolidate all of the findings into one post for clarity. I moved what was in this post to one of the posts below just in case. I will have less time to play now, so the reports wouldn’t be many – I think I caught most of what I was to catch in SoA. I’ll update this post with new findings in the future, and I’ll also fill in the ToB part once I’ve played it and I’ll post in the topic to note the update.
I hope this list and files will be of some help. I did my best to make it useable.
But first and foremost: Huge thanks to everyone involved in the modding scene, the creators of BWP, BWS and all you helpful guys who keep making this thing better and constantly working out various kinks and making more and more mods compatible *tips hat*. I doubt I’ll play BG again this decade, but I’ll keep my thumbs crossed for your efforts nonetheless!
I’ve divided everything into three sections: BG1, BG2, ToB.
General Notes:
- I played BG1 on a bit different installation than BG2
- There are two files attached for BG1 install and two for the BG2-ToB one (WeiDU.log and BWS selection in case someone wanted to have a look in the software/recreate the installation)
- Not all of these points must be bugs – some I cannot judge, so please use your own judgement in deciding whether they’re problems or not
- Definite majority of issues I encountered were minor and not gamebreaking. Hurray!
- Both installations are primarily led by BP with SCS additions (BG1 SCS challenges part seems completely compatible with BP aside of 2 encounters [wizards and druids since those require SCS AI to install])
- I’ve grouped the bugs into groups based on their nature for easier checking
About the Installation, in case one fancied something similar to this one:
BG1 Notes:
- This was a thorough playthrough, I’ve done grand majority of quests (maybe 2-3 minor quests missed), but I skipped Durlag’s Tower (in a rush to BG2, heh, one day)
- I’ve checked all vanilla areas all over looking for oddities/run around doing weird, noob-like things to see if quests would break if I messed up order of things – they didn’t
- I did *not* play through the quests in additional areas of DtoSC and Bonehill, but at a glance they seemed fine. I got antsy about going to BG2 and didn’t want to get too much experience before that either.
BG2 Notes:
- I have taken every NPC (but Jan… I can’t stand Jan D:<) with their own quest into team at some point and completed their quests + carried them around through their related Stronghold
- I am using Multiple Strongholds and am completing all of the Stronghold quests (as of this moment, Planar Sphere is the one still unfinished)
- I have *not* played through the Assassinations quest line (I’m too do-goody, it turns out ;( )
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#Imanel Silversword in Wyrm's Crossing causes a CTD - taught by my voice file experience I'd say she's missing some resource, but the console won't tell me what. She crashes the game when she tries to talk, but also when I tried to kill her with Ctrl+Y when she was coming to talk.
[gameplay & quests]
#Game Over on Party Dead – oftentimes PC won’t faint/become untargettable blue after falling below 1 HP, but will instead continue fighting (and more importantly, aggroing enemies which is just a plain cheating way to play a fight) while being immortal until some enemies die/the fight ends. After which PC will faint properly and rise up. There’s no workaround, using ctrl+Y won’t make PC faint either. I love the idea of the mod and I love when it works (cause when it does, it does it well). I don’t know why it fails so often.
#Tazok brawl doesn't end - didn't mean to join bandits this time around, but went ahead and tested it for the sake of testing. Who knew - I caught a possible bug. We've beaten Tazok within and inch of his life but his defeat dialogue wouldn't trigger and he kept mashing us while being comfortably immortal. Should've let him battle it out with my occasionally-immortal Charname for the ultimate duel. Ctrl-Y didn't change a thing either.
+Can't return Unshey's girdle - she won't talk to me when I return, there's only the red "Unshey has nothing to say to you." It has nothing to do with charisma or a character talking.
+There are two Svlasts in the Firewine ruins – one on the bridge, one beside it. The former doesn’t give the quest about the coming zombie. There seems to be a zombie involved still, but it’s not the right one? I don’t know, a wee bit confusing.
+I recall a quest about a ghost and some flowers by the entrance to Firewine. It wasn’t there – I don’t know which mod it was, but in case it was one I had installed (and I think I got every quest mod installed), I couldn’t find that quest.
+There’s no Book of Ulcaster anywhere – checked the pile where it should be, but the more I was checking it the more the book wasn’t there. There was a whole new level of the dungeon with items so OP I had to put them away in a “dark hour” bag though, heh.
~Gullykin halflings are psychic – you can’t pilfer the house of the evil hafling in Gullykin after his admission and death. The guards show up and you’re nabbed.
+Ascalon’s quest of Wolves and Men – the guril berries part won’t work. Thalantyr doesn’t give the potion after the mini cut-scene. It works fine with the blood and the belladonna.
[ai & battles]
+Dogs behave funny - those little orange ones. They're a bit like bears, but they turn red after a while not on approach. Also they run away when wounded and disappear from the map. The silliest part of this is Bandits' wardogs attack bandits. There's also a bunch of dogs added in Gnoll Stronghold (saw them as I walked through on invisibility). They're all friendly and I'm certain those there shouldn't be. Same with the bandit dogs of course, but now I know they also are placed/spawn in more places. I did have a druid in the party since the very beginning, so in theory he could be at fault, but the dogs were neutral on entire map with the druid not moving from the starting point and the wolves/bears still attacked us (the wolves then fled after one died which sure does work as intended).
+Healthy enemies like to walk to different areas – for example, down the stairs/leave a house. It makes sense if they’re wounded, but two guys went downstairs during the battle on top of the Iron Throne making the battle way easier. They were both full hp waiting a floor below. It doesn’t happen often since there’s not many areas that permit it, but at times it can turn into a Benny Hill show with an enemy going back and forth and refusing to be cornered Never ending fun during solo runs!
~Kobold Shaman in Nashkel mines level 3 doesn't cast spells - I recall seeing some Kobold Scribes while testing before and they were casting fine. All other humanoid shamans work well (Ogres, Orcs, Gnolls etc). Didn't see more Kobold Shamans anywhere yet so I don't know if it's just this one or all of them (if there even are more in the game).
~Several creatures who should be hostile, aren’t:
_Black Talon Elites in the camp are not hostile. There's like 3 or 4 of them total so whatever, it's enough to smack one and each of them around turns red. But still. Just those there though, any I've met in different areas are properly hostile.
_In Cloakwood mines level 1 in the west some guard doesn't get hostile even after picking "I don't think so" dialogue option that should make him attack.
_There's a bunch of assassins waiting on the bridge to BG (nobles+elven warriors bunch). Aside of one elven warrior rest doesn't go hostile after dialogue end.
_There's a bunch of friendly kobolds in Mulahey's cave (near Xan).
# DsotSC/NTotSC/Dark Horizons items allow soloing of everything basically, just get a little bit HP and roll over the world. I would suggest, strongly, to use BP-Balancer to remove ALL Overpowered items. I chose “some” and that option just won’t do.
_Doufas' Sabre item is oooooou peee… It's like Celestial Fury put in BG1 and given additional attacks. I can't not use it, but I kinda wish I didn't have it so early. I've had it for a while, I think the assassins in Gnoll's Fortress drop it. I gave it to my squishy char so she can't roll over everything with it... and yet she still does: CMSWQ08 I installed these mods for additional encounters and assassins and the start of the game was really fun with those, but I don’t think it was ultimately worth it with how easy the rest of the game became after I got through that initial difficulty wall.
_Najana/Vallius assassins drop waaay too much swag for those without much taste for cheese - a shield +6 AC is just one of them. They drop a bunch. CMSHLD03 is the shield's tag to identify mod. I see it's probably the same as the Gnoll Fortress group, Dark Horizons. These guys also drop a helmet useable by a Kensai.
~Learn-through-Use mod allows everyone to get 5 proficiency points in weapon skills – It might even be intended and possible to explain, but I find it’s worth to note that it ignores the normal class limitations. I love the idea of the mod and I will always use it despite that, but it does make me visit SK every now and then. Would be nice if there was an option to lock the proficiencies to what was normally in BG and not take the advantage away from fighter classes, but it’s more a choice kind of thing, not bug. The mod works great, its inability to distinguish between long and short bow being the only downfall. I’ve set the following thresholds for points: 30-100-300-750-1500. I’d recommend a bit higher for longer playthroughs, but I find it a fine enough setting.
[items & vendors]
+Some mod vendors aren't affected by the Aurora price management
_Those I spotted so far are Kurz from TeamBG I believe and and Maltz. Some others around Friendly Arm Inn as well. Maybe they're all from the same mod even? They got their caravans.
_ Thalantyr also opposes Aurora: His prices are very low compared to other affected merchants. One merchant added to FAI temple sells few of the same items he does and on much higher prices. Which means Aurora must be affecting some mod merchants for sure, but somehow manages to skip Thalantyr. Install order perhaps?
_Sorcerer Sundries also not affected by Aurora prices.
_ Winthrop sells a very cheap Bag of Holding - it's like 200-300 gold worth. Probably not buyable while in Candlekeep but still looks fishy. Don't know which mod adds it but it seems silly. Also clearly not affected by Aurora's prices unlike all other vanilla merchants I've met so far. And non-vanilla fellow in FAI too.
+Normal weapons/armor don't seem to break at all - and with Hard Times armors should be breaking too. So far not a single broken item here/nothing broken found on enemies. Could be coincidental but not one anywhere at all? I don't know. Will report if anything breaks.
~Ajantis can't use his family shield - he has equipped family Ivastarr shield, but it's red and he can't actually use it. I remember there being a similar issue with Xan's blade a long time ago. Maybe something similar as it's character-only item.
~Elander Gloves of Might - the item description says they add +1 to STR, meanwhile they add 4 and subtract 2 from DEX. Additionally I've already looted two instances of those (and I have a mod that should remove duplicates of items, I guess it doesn't touch wherever these are from), and they are worth 1gp when trying to sell them to a vendor.
~Some new items don't honor class restrictions - a shop in FAI called Hammerfist Forge sells 2 helmets useable by Kensai class (War Helm, Helm of Health MAHELM01), meanwhile items from another mod doesn't honor tweak settings that allow multiclass clerics/druids to use arrows, for example. Arrows name is Poisoned Arrow with "Deth Stik" (DW#KOB02) in description. My guess it DSotSC? On a side-note, the former shop is nicely affected by Aurora, which suggests it indeed can, and should, affect store prices from new vendors (and mostly does from what I've seen so far).
~Regular throwing daggers weigh 0. Poisoned ones weigh normally, 1 per dagger. DAGG05
~Helm of Ethical Insight unusable by almost anyone - frankly, it's said Neutral characters won't benefit from it, and the only person in my team who CAN use it is neutral. Not even fighter/druid (no restriction for either) can. SK tag: HELM02. Tiny thing, but it sounded fun and I wanted to test it out! ;P
~Ring of Nimbleness seems un-cursed and with wrong description - I don't have it in eq to check in SK cause the gnome took it, but it's found in the Shipwreck. I remember it being cursed - and the gnome also says so. Now it's not - can put it on/off whenever. Also, description says it gives +2 DEX, in reality it does that and also -1 STR and -2 CON. Could even make sense (sneaky curse, not in description) if only it was unremovable. I guess the same goes for those gauntlets I wrote about above. Cursed Items revision perchance? But those gauntlets are stronk. Worth the tradeoff. I don't know.
~Full Plate Mail "Ebon Plate", useable by Kensai but not F/M/C for some reason - DSEBPLAT.
~There are some items dropped by new druid encounters in Cloakwood (for example the mines area Arch Druid or the one before) that are inconsistent - in description, for example, some armor says AC 0, but gives -4 AC more than normal AC 0 armors. I sold all of those items this time around, but I remember during my previous playthrough I didn't and I had weird things happening with AC as it randomly jumped to values like -23 but got normal after clicking some items around in the inventory or just for no reason at all. One time I open it's -23 two seconds later (no buffs/debuffs, just city walking) it's -14 etc. I don't have those items now but I have an old save with those weird things happening so if someone wished to look into it I could just provide inventory lists. I don't know exactly which items cause the oddities. They're so random.
Inconsistent bracers: BRAC08
[various notes]
+Learn through use adds Long Bow proficiency even when using short one - I seem to recall this being a known issue mentioned somewhere (in the readme even, perhaps) and possibly un-fixable, but reporting in case I remember wrong.
+Casting divine spells is armor is also prolonged - the mod that allows spellcasting arcane spells in armor (with casting time penalty) makes cleric/mage combinations cast divine spells with penalties as well. Imp said it’s what it says, but it doesn’t say in-game and I believe in BWS the options also don’t account for it. Everywhere it only says “arcane”.
~SCS Ease of Use and divine Stoneskin - not so much a bug as mods being unaware of each other, I think. I'm not sure what adds Stoneskin [SPPR347] to druids (Spell Revisions?), I tried to avoid installing new spells so ones I got are few and inbetween. Could be Spell Revisions or some class rebalancing mod. Either way, the only issue here is that auto-casting out of combat option in SCS EoU AI doesn't account for those new additions - perhaps it can also affect the alternative versions of healing spells - such as Cure Moderate Wounds that heals 12, not a dice roll.
~SCS Ease of Use and Sorcerers – SCS script doesn’t account for Sorcerers for some reason. Sorcerers won’t cast their stoneskin/armor spells. It could well be intended though, seeing how it would automatically remove some choice in how to use spells I guess.
[oddities & visual]
~W_Gui glitches when looking at items - it's beta, so it's got a right to and it doesn't prevent anything, just not looking aesthetic. But just saying, in case it didn't always happen. The glitch appears on the right side where the character portraits are.
+Paperdoll issues, visual mismatch in inventory - some armors (all armors? But no robes) change the position of the paperdoll in the inventory slightly. They move it to the right. That in turn causes weapons to become mismatched and float to the side. On the other hand, helmets look mismatched otherwise, sitting to the side of the head significantly. I’ve found the bug mentioned here and there, it seems to be some sort of incompatibility with Item Revisions mod. I had to skip most of the 1PP components in my BG2 install to avoid it. Funnily enough, in that install, my Kensai is still misplaced, but putting armor on anyone moves them to the right position and no mismatching occurs.
~One of the 'enemy' spawns, probably from BG Spawn mod, sometimes spawns groups of Amnish Soldiers - noticed them spawning on reload instead of kobolds in Nashkel mines area. They're friendly, but they have the mine-guard dialogue and look pretty funny spawning in a square randomly in the forest then doing nothing.
~Nashkel Inn has constant battle music going on - just that one area so far. I remember long ago I had a botched up BWP install which messed up music everywhere making entire Athkatla constantly play battle tunes... luckily not this time.
~Cat Familiar moves the screen while moving - I've never used that familiar mod before, so I don't know if it's intended or not, but it feels clunky. When a Cat Familiar moves around the screen follows him like with a locked camera mode of some sort. Other two work normally. Not a mod for me though, I realized. They familiars are still squishy and I'd be afraid to let one travel outside and having to constantly let him out and put back in just gets boring (though it is a nice immersion touch for those that like it, I’d much prefer if he just conversed with me from time to time). I miss the dragon’s voice though, it was so adorable :<
~1PP wise, the vanilla ram-horns helmet shows wrong on the paperdoll - I don't remember if it used to show ram horned one, but I believe it did. Now it shows the cross-face one. Still the paperdolls mostly look bad because of the mismatch and floating helmets I mentioned way up.
~There’s a hobgoblin with a human model in Firewine bridge area.
~The fat shadows near the Temple of Bhaal make really loud sounds.
~There’s a spell-mirroring animation randomly under characters – doesn’t seem to have any sort of consistency, this bug. I’ve murdered a few innocent souls thinking I’d steal a lovely cloak off their corpses, but there was never any The spells weren’t mirrored either, I think it’s just a visual anomaly.
~Characters standing aflame periodically – a weird bug which I think is caused by the mod-introduced vampire wolf lords (a guess, still). It makes characters start displaying animation of being hit by Melf’s Minute Meteor that doesn’t go away ever. I removed the affect via SK with no negative consequences – a screenshot of it is available here , post #107.
~When talking to Liia Janath, the part with Imoen’s response is borked up – there’s text instead of “continue” button a and the responses are all messed up. No valid replies or links and all that. Inconsequential in the long run, it’s enough to just press Enter to skip it.
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#Azen Encounter in Irenicus Dunegon – one of the Time Assassins in the beachy part caused a crash. A few times. I Ctrl+Yd him and moved on. A while later I reloaded the save to check in console what happened, but he wouldn’t crash anymore. Sneaky.
#No rest for the dead – the game likes to crash on me when characters are dead and I try to rest. It doesn’t always happen, it doesn’t seem area related or character related. I have absolutely no clue what’s this about. No problem resting after they’re brought back to life.
[ai & fights]
#Enemies going randomly friendly – this is a biggie. Every now and then during fights enemies will go green without my casting any sort of domination spell or having nymphs around or any suck. At first they’re uncontrollable and there’s a ‘talk to’ cursor above them, then they turn into controllable minions.
_I am pretty much certain it only happens during fights where enemies possess ways of taking control of party members – vampires, mages/priests with domination, Sirine/Nymph fights and the like.
_I suspect that turning party AI off prevents this from happening, which could mean something strange in those scripts? I’m using some SCS Ease of Use and some BP scripts.
~The crowd favorite 1-turn-of-death bug strikes again! (fixed now, isn't it? but listing those still, in case someone wanted to check if it's gone in BG2 as well )Only a few characters, once more.
_Ulrien of Colmyr in Mithrest Inn fancied a death spell the moment I entered the establishment, but just once. Next time not even a magic missle.
_Githyanki Captains near the entrance to Ust’Natha suffer from this syndrome as well, though less lethally.
#Taluntain the Pink Dragon smites with the power of pink on sight – when his Imp took me to the store, Taluntain was actually in his dragon form and fightful mood. Had to reload and use NI to change him to ally/neutral to be able to talk to him and trade.
~Xzar is having a bromance with nearby Ruffian – I like to kill the Docks ruffians loitering about. This time though, it seems that one of them got an ally. Xzar went quickly hostile the moment I served justice to the sorry thug.
+Some wizards, like Mekrath, don’t prebuff and die in 2 hits – if they’re lucky. One, if they’re not. I don’t know if that’s intended, but it makes for some pretty facerolley encounters, sadly.
#Some fellas don’t go hostile even though they should:
_The mini-sewer party (near Quallo) – their leader is called Callendous, is that helps.
_Ortus Hammerstrike, one of the dwarves near the entrance to Firkraag’s lair.
#Some mages think they’re ogres – MUST CRUSH. MAGIC IS FOR WEAKLINGS.
_Conster, Firkaag’s mage is one of the club.
_Malmae, from Sir Ajantis mod is his buddy.
_Ilyich’s mage at the first level of the dungeon, too.
_Two liches in the Asylum library.
#Some mages think they’re tables – they go red, but don’t cast, don’t buff, don’t hit anything even.
_Haz, in the Shadow Thieves hideout, is one such.
_Tolgerias, during the first part of the fight in the Planar Sphere. Works fine during the second one.
_High priestes Senitysomething in Sahuagin city. The one with the prophecy. We were storming the city so everyone was hostile and she wouldn’t do anything during the battle.
+BP AI player scripts won’t let me use some items/cast specific spells when I need to – they keep overriding my actions which basically makes me unable to use them if I want to do anything but scratch my butt during fights and hope for the best They seem to not only make character ignore my item-use commands but even stop casting longer-cast-time spells and do whatever they think they should do. I don’t know if that’s how it should be?
~Glabrezu spawned by the trap in the Guarded Compound acts like player’s summon – randomly it either becomes friendly saying “Very well, I shall follow you” or goes hostile. It doesn’t desummon ever, since it’s not actually summoned though. Silly demon.
~There’s an enemy Myrlochlar in Ust’Natha near the human slaves – it shouldn’t be hostile at that point.
[gameplay & quests]
#Beholders prevent saving in the area they died in – happened in the Asylum, happened in Ust’Natha inn, happened in Ust’Natha after Phaere quest. Didn’t happen in Sahuagin city, because who in their right mind would kill the Spectator <3
It just gets stuck on “monsters nearby”. True Seeing reveals nothing, moving away does nothing, leaving the area and resting and returning does nothing. Pretty annoying bug.
#Slayer change not happening – a major bug here. I believe it’s linked to the component Bodhi Hunts you in Spellhold. She does hunt, and in the minotaur room she doesn’t give her “here mousey mousey” talk, but regular hunt one. I checked if it doesn’t happen later, but it doesn’t. the post-change dialogue happens randomly after the last Wraith test, without the change itself. I tracked this bug in NI and found out what’s what (though not why it is so):
_The Bodhi who hunts the player and has the “mousey mousey” talk: PPBODHI4
_The missing variable needed to trigger that talk on her next spawn: J#BodhiUltimatum, GLOBAL, 1
Once I added that variable and spawned PPBODHI4 by console, the dialogue, fight, and the following change happened as they should. The second one too.
+Firkraag does not compute, form-wise – I don’t think it’s a bug, per se. I did, but then I investigated and I don’t anymore. But it sure looks like one. Upon entering his lair, he is in human form. The journal says “wow, dragon!”, Firkraag says, “neat, huh?”, romantic encounters say, “no no, don’t make it smaller, please!”.
And the fight, either RB or BP, says, “ha, just wait for it, he’s gonna TURN INTO A DRAGON! …in a few phases”. I think he’s meant to start the fight as human and only turn into dragon later, which he does, but it goes against every dialogue, plot, and journal entry. Would surely confuse any player who doesn’t know everything by heart (and confuse those that do in a different way, like me).
+Sir Ajantis & Firkraag’s dimension – it’s a cool little quest that I was surprised and intrigued by, but I’ve got a small note – the dimension is supposed to be a trap-like version of the hills and enclave, yet you can just leave and go to Athkatla or Druid Grove or whatever else at will. Would be nice if world travel was blocked in that alternate map. That’s all. It’s easy to accidentally break the quest as it is.
+Anomen started as Lawful Neutral and his quest never happened – no idea. Puzzled.
~There are some new wild animals after returning from grove to Trademeet – small thing and doesn’t seem repetitive, but I don’t know why a few new animals appeared to fight the militia after Faldorn’s death. Is that how it’s supposed to be?
~Item Randomiser removes Ring of Human Influence from Kalah – it’s actually mentioned in the lamp quest that follows though (Unfinished Business?) and it’s needed for the best outcome of Burglary of the Bookkeeper quest one gets really early in the game. I found it in Ribald’s store and had to pay 22k gold to make that stupid gnome happy… No, but in seriousness, I guess this one item should maybe not be randomized?
#CtB Surayah quest messenger actually finds the team in Brynnlaw and says we’ve got two says to appear at a banquet – it makes no sense. Can’t there be some chapter requirement for those? It’s either console, abusing Ribald’s genie, or losing the quest. Not to mention having bled and paid huge money for a ship and then some random messenger got on another one to deliver a silly invite
~There’s two of Laniz, and they bring the groundhog day to BG – there’s a drow, Laniz, standing on the small plateau near house Jae’llat. And one standing on the house. The one from the plateau challenges PC to a duel (so fun, too! Cool scripts, talks, mini-cheats, I laughed. Don’t kill him too fast!). The thing is, after the duel, he’s still there. Both of them. You can go for another duel (it seemed different when I dueled the one from the house, though they share the dialogue, somehow). Just fishy all over.
+The Guarded Compound battle is so easy – is there no mod that modifies it? Or did something malfunction for me? I just rolled over everyone there not long after leaving the dungeon. I recall it being quite a battle last time.
+The fight with Irenicus in Spellhold was silly easy – I literally only got to cast insect swarm and it was over. I started casting at the very beginning of it. Wanev managed to stop time, and I guess he got the most action out of everyone. Seriously, the Adamantite Golem was a bigger challenge.
[items & vendors]
~Wand of Cloudkill keys drop from stuff in Lower Tombs – like, a whole bunch of them. I think they fall from Battle Horrors or Doomguards, but only in the vampire crypts. Pf.
~Sahuagin bolts of paralyzation weigh 1 lbs each – is that intended? I mean, yeah, the fish are a bit bigger than us, but I’m not sure those things should be that heavy still…
~Either fighter/druid or Kivan can’t use drow chains/plates - I changed him from ranger to fighter/druid at the start. He can’t use those armors. I’m not sure if it’s because of his character limitations or something about the class. Either way, I think it’s a bug.
[various notes]
~BWS won’t allow to install “stackable shells/heads/pelts” component for BG2 – but wyverns/ankhegs/winter wolves still appear in BG2.
[oddities & visual]
+Neh’taniel mod seems to cause some oddities.
_First, Sion in the Guarded Compound won’t teleport away to the second floor, gives some note, and spawns a dying Amnish Soldier. I am not sure it’s caused by Neh’taniel mod or a mix of two, but I guess it could be since Sion mentions an undead traveling with us (there’s none, we haven’t even met Neh’taniel yet).
_Secondly, Bodhi, during Bodhi’s hunt, also seems to talk about Neh’taniel traveling with us (still haven’t even met him yet). It also seems to disable her hunt for that level (the one with Dace and Kobolds).
~Vendor from Clan DLAN, Eman Rahc, has botched dialogue - it makes no sense and has weird options. Can still trade with him, but something went wrong there.
~Beholders have a beef with some thievery – I’ve no idea what this one is about, but during fights beholders will sometimes display a line of text about some thievery that just shouldn’t happen… Doesn’t seem consequential. No thievery plot has gone awry. That I noticed.
~Upon “Cure Disease” some characters will say in chat “Off with you beggar! Begone!” – how rude!
~Resurrection at temples works like Raise Dead. Character still has 1 hp.
~There’s a banter going on between drunks in Mae’Var’s tavern spoken by 1 fella – seems like the dialogue tags aren’t assigned or something. I loved those additions to the Stronghold there, especially the waitress Just this little bug there.
+There seem to be very few reputation gains – not even 1 point for the whole slavers plot anywhere. In BG1 there have been plenty so there was a mod limiting them, but in BG2 there never were so many. I’ve actually given myself the deserved points by SK because I was stuck at 9 forever despite all my heroic deeds… Jaheira can’t get her pin without the reputation. Reviane must be killed without the reputation. It actually matters in BG2 and buying it in temple feels… cheap. And unrewarding.
~Vampires aren’t quite as gassy – most of the vampires seem to just die this time around, instead of turning into gaseous form. No problem with Bodhi summoning or killing the important ones in the graves, so not the most important bug for sure.
~Umber Hulks rated R – there’s a bunch of Umber Hulks in the Asylum that, uhm, are involved in suspicious activities. They fight and all when fight starts, but it’s funny to see them all stuck in a broken animation while scouting the area humping everything from their buddies to walls to an unfortunate mysterious dog…
~During one rest in the Asylum I was attacked by… and army of clones of Heinonny – and by an army I mean like 10 of him. All Heinnony. What the hell is Irenicus up to in that place?
~The Dace cutscene is weird – it shows him running off to the library for some reason where he randomly dies.
~In the Vecna mod, closed doors are bugged, visually – they’re gray squares. It’s in that area where there’s Ankheg hunt in BG1. Elysium here I believe?
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Ice Golem in Watcher's Keep is UNKILLABLE - and by that I mean not even ctrl+Y works. The poison mist is in, mists are then killable, but not the golem. I have a feeling it might be caused by the Vecna mod which introduced other unkillable monsters. But it's just an inkling.
The Snake in Watcher's Keep (poison) is killable with mist still in the room.
The Fire Giant in Watcher's Keep level 2 doesn't spawn at all! - had to use SK to add the key. Same with the ice one obviously, since the golem was unkillable. The floor is pretty bugged. Other 4 worked just fine, aside of the instant-win mentioned right below.
The Watcher's Keep quest can be solved without doing anything - I left the Keep once, it ported me to the snakes area. I reentered the Keep, left once more and got experience points for completing the quest and sealing Odren inside.
Ravager form causes death - I don't know how it should work, never used it. Now I saw it on accident and investigated. It happens randomly it seems, I was slapping some teammates around and the MC just dies at some point. Could be some conflict with BP/Ascension I guess? I saw somewhere mentioned that it's SCS component and can conflict with Ascension in some way (not death-way, but still). I don't know if that's what happening, but could be.
Watcher's Keep, level 4, strangest bug to date possibly
Not just WK bug - during the fights post Lum's machine, when you summon enemies near four colored tanks, during one of the fights (didn't catch which one but I checked the save right before them and it was bug free)..... one of my character's names got changed to "Knight of the Order". Yep. No clue SK to the rescue as always, but I lold.
EDIT: happened again during the Ritual Quest. SK doesn't actually help much. Resetting the name # to #00FFFF or whatever the "custom name" is allows me to change the name in SK. But in game it then appears as blank. Lots of hassle to export the char, move to MP, then load there, import him, save, move save again... only to find out that all my bags of holding didn't transfer and I'd have to do it all over again So I gave up and just picked Celestial Fury name in SK and "roleplayed" it into a nickname for him since that's his weapon... I've never seen a bug like this. I wonder if it will affer Mr. Celestial Fury too. It stroke the same character twice so far.
EDIT2: There it goes again, Celestial Fury becomes knighted & turned into an immobile green flame once more (the flame thing didn't happen the first time, did the 2nd one though, it can be remedied by SK by changing the creature type. The character becomes a flame in the 'appearance' tab)... Here's a chat-snap:
Could it be the True Sight?
EDIT: no. Killing the priest on Time Stop didn't help. Moving the character to another room to fight other monsters did, on the other hand. Could it be the script that spawns the Water Elementals there? (Abazigal's Enclave, 2nd swim tunnel). Damn I'm so baffled
Crash, Watcher's Keep area snake fight - [the one from some mod which ports the team to snakes issuing a challenge] something there crashes the game soon after the fight begins. I tried to check in the tobex console what's up, it spewed a lot of "NOSOUND.wav" missing and some "TEST2.wav", but I don't know if it's the case. Such a random crash. I just slaughtered the newt thingies on time stop and it was fine.
Crash, Smuggler's Vave in Amkethran is inaccessible - "An Assertion failed in ObjCreature.cpp at line number 21821".
The Ritual music is wrong - I remember it used to be one of the battle tunes, in my install it's some forest stroll music. Fight or not.
Attached Files
BG1 Played Final-SCS-BP Selection.ini.txt 19.71K 300 downloads
BG1 Played WeiDU.log 84.26K 237 downloads
BG2 Played Final-BP-Lead Selection.ini.txt 18.39K 327 downloads
BG2 Played WeiDU.log 60.4K 264 downloads
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 14 July 2016 - 06:36 AM.