Gameover on party death i've tried two or three times. Its never really worked quite right for me.

[list in post #1] BP+SCS install reports BG1 & BG2
Posted 03 December 2015 - 10:30 PM
Posted 04 December 2015 - 12:04 AM
Well, in the past the non warrior classes didn't get the bonus attacks from the 1+ profs, and the mage that uses their sword and hits people with it should gain the same reward as a Swordsaint that has been missing 95% of the hits ... you don't have to agree completely, but that's the view of the mod(mechanism). If you wish to modify the script in the mod, go ahead, you can make it so that it takes 5000 hits to reach a mile stone one and we'll see whose having fun then. When you are at level 25 and should have 5 prof points in a few weapon, you get one. And of course 5001 has 2, 5003 has three and all that fun. It's as "realistic or absurd" as you make it.I have never played with this mod, so I don't know. Being able to exceed proficiency limits does seem quite cheesy.<cheese warning> 18. Learn-through-Use mod allows everyone to get 5 proficiency points in weapon skills - I don't know if it's intended or not, or if it can be prevented or not. I just ShadowKeeeper them back to 2 when it happens and move on.
Edited by The Imp, 04 December 2015 - 12:06 AM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 04 December 2015 - 06:39 AM
It's as "realistic or absurd" as you make it.I have never played with this mod, so I don't know. Being able to exceed proficiency limits does seem quite cheesy.<cheese warning> 18. Learn-through-Use mod allows everyone to get 5 proficiency points in weapon skills
Fair enough. It is a tweak after all. Personally I would prefer a variation that only allowed to gain proficiency up to the limits of the kit.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 04 December 2015 - 07:15 AM
Updated bp-test branch:
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 04 December 2015 - 12:17 PM
I really like the general customization and flexibility of Learn Through Use and the idea of the mod itself. Ability to check an option to limit the points to class/kit is the only thing that'd be nice, but I don't mind occasional ShadowKeepering so it's not an issue for me - but could be a nice option in the future nonetheless for those who like the idea, but not the cheese.
<minor> #23. SCS Ease of Use and divine Stoneskin - not so much a bug as mods being unaware of each other, I think. I'm not sure what adds Stoneskin [SPPR347] to druids (Spell Revisions?), I tried to avoid installing new spells so ones I got are few and inbetween. Could be Spell Revisions or some class rebalancing mod. Either way, the only issue here is that auto-casting out of combat option in SCS EoU AI doesn't account for those new additions - perhaps it can also affect the alternative versions of healing spells - such as Cure Moderate Wounds that heals 12, not a dice roll.
<minor> #24. Kobold Shaman in Nashkel mines level 3 doesn't cast spells - I recall seeing some Kobold Scribes while testing before and they were casting fine. All other humanoid shamans work well (Ogres, Orcs, Gnolls etc). Didn't see more Kobold Shamans anywhere yet so I don't know if it's just this one or all of them (if there even are more in the game).
<minor> #25. Nashkel Inn has constant battle music going on - just that one area so far. I remember long ago I had a botched up BWP install which messed up music everywhere making entire Athkatla constantly play battle tunes... luckily not this time.
<weird> #26. Cat Familiar moves the screen while moving - I've never used that familiar mod before, so I don't know if it's intended or not, but it feels clunky. When a Cat Familiar moves around the screen follows him like with a locked camera mode of some sort. My familiar rides in my backpack anyway so I couldn't care less, but it's an oddity I thought I'd mention. Other two work normally. Not a mod I need, I realized. They're still squishy and I'd be afraid to let one travel outside :<
<minor> #27. Helm of Ethical Insight unusable by almost anyone - frankly, it's said Neutral characters won't benefit from it, and the only person in my team who CAN use it is neutral. Not even fighter/druid (no restriction for either) can. SK tag: HELM02. Tiny thing, but it sounded fun and I wanted to test it out! ;P
<major> #28. Tazok brawl doesn't end - didn't mean to join bandits this time around, but went ahead and tested it for the sake of testing. Who knew - I caught a possible bug. We've beaten Tazok within and inch of his life but his defeat dialogue wouldn't trigger and he kept mashing us while being comfortably immortal. Should've let him battle it out with my occasionally-immortal Charname for the ultimate duel. Ctrl-Y didn't change a thing either.
<minor> #29. Several Black Talon Elites in the camp are not hostile - there's like 3 or 4 of them total so whatever, it's enough to smack one and each of them around turns red. But still. Just those there though, any I've met in different areas are properly hostile.
<minor> #30. Ring of Nimbleness seems un-cursed and with wrong description - I don't have it in eq to check in SK cause the gnome took it, but it's found in the Shipwreck. I remember it being cursed - and the gnome also says so. Now it's not - can put it on/off whenever. Also, description says it gives +2 DEX, in reality it does that and also -1 STR and -2 CON. Could even make sense (sneaky curse, not in description) if only it was unremovable. I guess the same goes for those gauntlets I wrote about above. Cursed Items revision perchance? But those gauntlets are stronk. Worth the tradeoff. I don't know.
<minor> #31. Full Plate Mail "Ebon Plate", useable by Kensai but not F/M/C for some reason - DSEBPLAT.
<minor if even> #32. The vanilla ram-horns helmet shows wrong on the paperdoll - I don't remember if it used to show ram horned one, but I believe it did. Now it shows the cross-face one. Still the paperdolls mostly look bad because of the mismatch and floating helmets I mentioned way up.
<cheese warning> #33. Doufas' Sabre item is oooooou peee - It's like Celestial Fury put in BG1 and given additional attacks. I can't not use it, but I kinda wish I didn't have it so early. I've had it for a while, I think the assassins in Gnoll's Fortress drop it. I gave it to my squishy char so she can't roll over everything with it... CMSWQ08
<cheese warning> #34. Najana/Vallius assassins drop way too much swag for those without much taste for cheese - a shield +6 AC is just one of them. They drop a bunch. CMSHLD03 is the shield's tag to identify mod. I see it's probably the same as the Gnoll Fortress group, Dark Horizons. These guys also drop a helmet useable by a Kensai.
The assassin parties are really fun and they add nice challenge, and they should be dropping some rewarding stuff, I think, but these items might be a wee bit of an overkill. I would've checked a box in BP balancer to remove all OP items, not just some, but I feared these guys would become too easy then. Perhaps I've made a mistake, so I'm leaving this as a warning for myself in the future/other people
I'll post no more cheese warnings about CMS-tagged items (are other CM-something from the same mod?) now that I know they're from one mod and which mod it is. I'll work on gathering willpower to just sell all of them, too, but that might be difficult
I'll see about Unshey later (had 19 CHA char talking to her so it must be something else), for now, the item tags:
One of the Kensai-friendly helmets: MAHELM01
Poison arrows ignoring removal of the multi-class bow restrictions: DW#KOB02
Weightless throwing daggers: DAGG05
Inconsistent bracers: BRAC08
All in all so far everything works pretty damn fine. The amount of powerful items is limited, and with steep difficulty and shop selling prices set to 500% those morsels make the challenges worth to battle through. The beginning is especially rough. That's cool, it makes finding a way to grow and finally be able to progress with the main quest without skipping battles by invisibility potions (which cost a fortune so it would require some thinking too!) very satisfying. Would probably be a bit easier if I allowed myself to buy from Aurora-untouched merchants, but yay for strong will. Not a bad mod composition IMHO, at least so far.
Areas checked (including all encounters/spawns/events/quests present):
Lion's Way
High Hedge
Coast Way
Fire Leaf Forest
Valley of the Tombs
Cloud Peaks
Trade Way North
Trade Way South
Xvart Village
Dryad Falls
Bear River
Lower Chiontar
Gnoll Fortress
Lonely Peaks
Lars Wood
Wood of Sharp Teeth
Sharp Teeth Waste
Red Canyons
Bandit Camp
Nashkel Mines
Friendly Arm Inn
Fisherman's Lake
Shipwreck Coast
Caves of Kozath
Firewine Bridge
Cloakwood Lodge
Cloakwood Falls
Cloakwood Crossings
Cloakwood Mines
Wyrm's Crossing
I might've missed something somewhere hiding in the corner of the map or unlucky pixel in the fog of war, but it's unlikely. I'm being rather thorough.
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 07 December 2015 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 05 December 2015 - 01:49 PM
I found a strange thing. No clue if it's a bug or if it's a feature so I won't SK it away now, but it seems it can be SKd away.
One of my characters started to display an animation as if he was being hit by Melf's Meteor every now and then. After a while another joined him. Now I got three. I tracked this thing to this affect:
Posted 05 December 2015 - 02:17 PM
I found a strange thing. No clue if it's a bug or if it's a feature so I won't SK it away now, but it seems it can be SKd away.
One of my characters started to display an animation as if he was being hit by Melf's Meteor every now and then. After a while another joined him. Now I got three. I tracked this thing to this affect:
Is it just the visiual effect or the spell itself (I am not familiar with SK screens - also it is only partly shown)?
There was a similatr report recently on stuck visiual effects http://www.shsforums...ld/#entry583469 Maybe there is some communality here (some mod recently introduced that produces these???).
Would be interesting to get a savegame like for the Viconia case.
Edited by Roxanne, 05 December 2015 - 02:17 PM.
Posted 05 December 2015 - 03:39 PM
Thanks @Quiet for the pointer. The conclusion in that thread doesn't match what I am seeing. Maybe I am doing something wrong: doesn't a file in override have priority over a file in a biff?
I am seeing Firebead cast a spell on CHARNAME in the first round after entering Winthrop's inn even after I replace firebe.cre with an earlier backup that doesn't use the BPMAGE6 script. I am testing this by creating a new game and walking into the inn.
It seems that you replace the wrong file:
Edit: I was wrong. I hadn't actually replaced the creature with the pre-BP 150 component. It is BP 150 (generic creature processing) that gives Firebead the BPMAGE6 script. By default he has the MAGE6 script. If I replace firebe.cre with the pre-BP version, he still casts a spell at CHARNAME (magic missile, because he is using a different script). So the problem seems to be that Firebead is initially hostile to CHARNAME for some reason, not the BP script itself.
firebe.cre - Firebead from Beregost.
fireb1.cre - Firebead from Winthrop's inn.
Posted 05 December 2015 - 04:19 PM
Oops! Thanks for catching that mistake.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 05 December 2015 - 04:31 PM
It seems to be just a visual effect that doesn't go away. The HELLHOUND part makes me think maybe the Vampiric Wolf Lord had something to do with it? I didn't pay enough attention when did that thing start appearing, but I've noticed 2 more characters affected in the same area one was in. And there was one way before at some point, and the first firey character has been with us for a long while. Just a theory. Like I said, I didn't think it could be it so I didn't pay enough attention.
Also, I checked newer save - the three fiery characters don't share that variable anymore, but removing it from just one who still has it seems to have done away with it nonetheless. I don't know. Weird thing.
As for the SK screen - this is all I can show on one image. I don't know what these things mean so I don't know if the part with the scrollbar is important/some specific part needed.
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 05 December 2015 - 04:36 PM.
Posted 07 December 2015 - 03:36 AM
Meh, I found a big bug in the BG2 part, don't know what causes it. I wanted to check something about Tolgerias so I used my SoA testing save to make sure I check it right - turns out Tolgerias battle doesn't work.
a) He's there only with 1 other mage (weren't there more?)
b) Amnish soldiers attack both the party and the mages
c) Tolgerias and the mage don't cast any spells - they only drink potions when low
With everything else working okay, I wonder why this one is broken. Perhaps someone would like to see what goes wrong there.
But I also wonder about making a bit different installation for BG2. Why? I'm not sure if it's just BG1 being BG1, but the game got real easy after I've scrapped through the earliest levels (which was very fun! Had to brain about what and when to do to get strong enough for X or Y things). Once I got my sorcerer to have Fireball (and others have HP for the equivalent level of course) and some gear (even trying not to use the blatantly most OP items aside of the earliest ones I got attached to), I'm just breezing through everything on Jenkins mode. Even Davaeorn whom I remembered to be a challenging party just got rekt. Didn't even need to pre-buff.
Hence it makes me think whether a BP-lead install isn't a lot easier than SCS? Of course, like I said, it could just be BG1 being easy, but I have no comparison so it'd be great if someone who does could tell me BP has plenty more components though when it comes to encounters and tougher battles. I'd need some advice from someone who knows both of these.
All right, with that said, other BG1 reports (no Tolgerias-like issues here so far at all, and I'm pretty far in):
<so-so> #35. There are some items dropped by new druid encounters in Cloakwood (for example the mines area Arch Druid or the one before) that are inconsistent - in description, for example, some armor says AC 0, but gives -4 AC more than normal AC 0 armors. I sold all of those items this time around, but I remember during my previous playthrough I didn't and I had weird things happening with AC as it randomly jumped to values like -23 but got normal after clicking some items around in the inventory or just for no reason at all. One time I open it's -23 two seconds later (no buffs/debuffs, just city walking) it's -14 etc. I don't have those items now but I have an old save with those weird things happening so if someone wished to look into it I could just provide inventory lists. I don't know exactly which items cause the oddities. They're so random.
<minor> #36. In Cloakwood mines level 1 in the west some guard doesn't get hostile even after picking "I don't think so" dialogue option that should make him attack.
<minor> #37. There's a bunch of assassins waiting on the bridge to BG (nobles+elven warriors bunch). Aside of one elven warrior rest doesn't go hostile after dialogue end.
<crash> #38. Imanel Silversword in Wyrm's Crossing causes a CTD - taught by my voice file experience I'd say she's missing some resource, but the console won't tell me what. She crashes the game when she tries to talk, but also when I tried to kill her with Ctrl+Y when she was coming to talk.
<minor> #39. Sorcerer Soundries also not affected by Aurora prices.
<minor> #40. I forgot about this, but there's a bunch of friendly kobolds in Mulahey's cave (near Xan).
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 07 December 2015 - 03:40 AM.
Posted 07 December 2015 - 04:01 AM
Meh, I found a big bug in the BG2 part, don't know what causes it. I wanted to check something about Tolgerias so I used my SoA testing save to make sure I check it right - turns out Tolgerias battle doesn't work.
a) He's there only with 1 other mage (weren't there more?)
b) Amnish soldiers attack both the party and the mages
c) Tolgerias and the mage don't cast any spells - they only drink potions when low
With everything else working okay, I wonder why this one is broken. Perhaps someone would like to see what goes wrong there.
But I also wonder about making a bit different installation for BG2. Why? I'm not sure if it's just BG1 being BG1, but the game got real easy after I've scrapped through the earliest levels (which was very fun! Had to brain about what and when to do to get strong enough for X or Y things). Once I got my sorcerer to have Fireball (and others have HP for the equivalent level of course) and some gear (even trying not to use the blatantly most OP items aside of the earliest ones I got attached to), I'm just breezing through everything on Jenkins mode. Even Davaeorn whom I remembered to be a challenging party just got rekt. Didn't even need to pre-buff.
Hence it makes me think whether a BP-lead install isn't a lot easier than SCS? Of course, like I said, it could just be BG1 being easy, but I have no comparison so it'd be great if someone who does could tell me
BP has plenty more components though when it comes to encounters and tougher battles. I'd need some advice from someone who knows both of these.
All right, with that said, other BG1 reports (no Tolgerias-like issues here so far at all, and I'm pretty far in):
<so-so> #35. There are some items dropped by new druid encounters in Cloakwood (for example the mines area Arch Druid or the one before) that are inconsistent - in description, for example, some armor says AC 0, but gives -4 AC more than normal AC 0 armors. I sold all of those items this time around, but I remember during my previous playthrough I didn't and I had weird things happening with AC as it randomly jumped to values like -23 but got normal after clicking some items around in the inventory or just for no reason at all. One time I open it's -23 two seconds later (no buffs/debuffs, just city walking) it's -14 etc. I don't have those items now but I have an old save with those weird things happening so if someone wished to look into it I could just provide inventory lists. I don't know exactly which items cause the oddities. They're so random.
<minor> #36. In Cloakwood mines level 1 in the west some guard doesn't get hostile even after picking "I don't think so" dialogue option that should make him attack.
<minor> #37. There's a bunch of assassins waiting on the bridge to BG (nobles+elven warriors bunch). Aside of one elven warrior rest doesn't go hostile after dialogue end.
<crash> #38. Imanel Silversword in Wyrm's Crossing causes a CTD - taught by my voice file experience I'd say she's missing some resource, but the console won't tell me what. She crashes the game when she tries to talk, but also when I tried to kill her with Ctrl+Y when she was coming to talk.
<minor> #39. Sorcerer Soundries also not affected by Aurora prices.
<minor> #40. I forgot about this, but there's a bunch of friendly kobolds in Mulahey's cave (near Xan).
# 36 and #37 I can confirm - had that every time in any of my x-times different installations but never cared enough to investigate.
#28 and #38 Who is in your party? (Is Kivan with you?)
Posted 07 December 2015 - 04:10 AM
Yes, he is, actually. Some of his banters bugging out? Could make sense with Tazok, but Ctrl-Y the Imanel chick shouldn't have much to do with him, no? Hmm.
Yeah, those issues are small, as are most of the ones I report (hurray for smooth playthrough!). At one point I was tempted to report typos, but I decided I'm nitpicking enough even for me If someone will feel like polishing to modded game to make it shinier they'll have enough non-breaking issues from my reports to dabble with as is
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 07 December 2015 - 04:16 AM.
Posted 07 December 2015 - 04:47 AM
Yes, he is, actually. Some of his banters bugging out? Could make sense with Tazok, but Ctrl-Y the Imanel chick shouldn't have much to do with him, no? Hmm.
Do you still remember who else was in the party at the Tazok event, aside from Kivan?
Yeah, those issues are small, as are most of the ones I report (hurray for smooth playthrough!). At one point I was tempted to report typos, but I decided I'm nitpicking enough even for meIf someone will feel like polishing to modded game to make it shinier they'll have enough non-breaking issues from my reports to dabble with as is
Posted 07 December 2015 - 05:14 AM
Kivan, Imoen and Edwin. That plus PC and my 2 custom chars.
Posted 07 December 2015 - 06:02 AM
Kivan, Imoen and Edwin. That plus PC and my 2 custom chars.
Thanks - but I was on the wrong track then - Edwin does not interfere with Tazok...nor Imoen,,,
I will look at other possibilities later,
Edited by Roxanne, 07 December 2015 - 06:03 AM.
Posted 09 December 2015 - 08:17 AM
I've tried making a new install just for BG2 to get rid of the issues I found in BG2, but from what I can see, Tolgerias just persists on being bugged, no matter what I do.
SCS-leading install? Tolgerias won't do anything after going hostile.
SCS/BP weird mix install? Tolgerias won't do anything after going hostile.
BP-leading install? Tolgerias won't do anything after going hostile
BP AI only install? Tolgerias won't do anything after going hostile.
That also includes the mage he has with himself. And Duergar mage from Irenicus Dungeon.
In the last two everything else seems to work. But these three are being veggies. Duergar at least shoots his sling, but that's it.
The only thing I can think of changing him in that case would be the Planar Sphere Mod, but I remember using it fine with one of the AIs.
I tried to see him creature file in NI, but there's 3 of them. In one of them two scripts were empty so I put the BP scripts from the other one, but nothing happened. The third one is very weird and I don't think it's the one spawning. Google doesn't say anything either. I don't know.
EDIT: I saw somewhere on-line people talking about Tolgerias starting to attack when they go low, so I battled my way with Amnish soldier's spear to low hp on the mage, they did teleport away and started to fight in the fire room. Why don't they fight at start though?
Edited by Munchkin Mooch, 09 December 2015 - 11:17 AM.
Posted 09 December 2015 - 10:29 PM
@Munchkin - remember any changes you make to the creature in the override folder will not take effect if you load a saved game where you already entered the area, because areas and creatures are copied into your save game file after the first time you encounter them. Did you also try enabling all of the ToBEx debug logging again to a) verify which creature it is; and b) see if any errors pop up?
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 10 December 2015 - 03:36 AM
No no, I entered the area freshly after trying to modify the creature. But I did it blindly and most likely without a mite of sense just to see if it does anything. But since not all creatures have all scripts, and these two DO move away when low HP as they should, it's probably not even about that, more like something goes wrong in first part of their script or something. They just won't fight before the teleport. And the Amnish soldiers attack them again in this installation.
I also found out it will be tolger2.cre (the one I modified on a hunch) since BP seems to only use that one according to the forums debugging some older bug (that I don't have).
No errors in the console.
I hope it's just a local bug exclusive to Tolgerias and his mage. Same with Irenicus' Dungeon Cambion and Duergar Mage. Those three just keep on being broken. I had the Cambion work (cast spells and attack) in one install, but I don't remember the combination that did it. But the Duergar and Illyich just won't do their jobs ever like Tolg.
Posted 10 December 2015 - 04:23 AM
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/