Should be Tactical IMHO - I don;t think I've heard of many bugs other than "this one be too hard" 
Most of its issue may be compatibility with the other tweaks, there are many open issues - but all is fine as long as it is not simply standard autoinstall.
Mulgore & Xavia:
Could you elaborate on the problems? (the mod has very shitty voice-acting but I don't consider that as expert stuff)
Honestly, this was from memory - I have not installed them for ages due to some bad experience way back then, I was not investigating issues at that time yet - so yes, if nobody else had an issue, forget about it
I agree. Move to Expert because it is still WIP and practically a megamod - similar reasons like NeJ and TS-BP
New Travel System:
Overwriting issues were fixed in v2 of the mod
Tales of Anegh:
Please elaborate. Lots of stuff in that mod is fixed by the BWPFixpack (including some overwriting blocks)
I have it in my current install - I will see in some time what fixpack has done - if I still find issues I will report - otherwise ok for the time being,
Zyraen's Miscellany:
Exactly what problems does it cause? Again - not being a part of BWS is not an option - the BWS should enable installing every BG mod under the sun but give fair warning about what you're installing
My argument was rather, that BWP marks all the components as being meanwhile covered better elsewhere, so I am not seeing anything this mod still does within BWS - but your every-mod-under-the-sun cuts that.
Should be installable. Mark the kit as Standard and let a bug report come
Install failure doesn't break the game anyway.
Kirara-Zaiya Suldananesselarelalarellses component:
Keep expert because it overwrites like hell (unless the BWPFixpack does something about it - I remember taking a look when Hoppy was around and both of us didn't wanna touch it with a foot long pole
Probably right - I was not aware the tactical part was by overwriting - maybe those components are in a way expert as the only way to beat those enemies is by the way the author wanted it - and unless you are a prophet almost the only way to beat them is by looking up their cre files and scripts and find their weak spot. And after all - those harder battle are not truely a part of the mod's storyline and somehow unconnected to the main plot.
I'd keep BP expert until all these NPC problems are reported and we have confirmation that there are no more 
Edited by Roxanne, 21 November 2015 - 11:40 PM.