Alright everyone with my latest try using the BIg World setup, I am unable to save single player games and I am unable to start multiplayer games. People should be able to install every mod in the Big World Setup and play the game successfully.
If you can, I would like your help and suggestions in order to hopefully find this bug and get a working Mega Install.
I. Initial Method:
My initial attempt was a BWS Expert Install. I installed almost every mod that I could and left a lot of the suggestions intact. You can find my selections here --> 8.31K
II. Initial Mods:
My Weidu Log is Here -->
WeiDU.log 147.55K
It'd be easier to tell you what I didn't install:
I know that looks like a lot, but most of these mods I couldn't install through BWS because of restrictions.Otherwise with a few exceptions I installed everything. I don't entirely know about NeJ: The default expert suggestion looked like:
So I hope the above is accurate for installing NeJ2.
II. Troubleshooting Methods to find the gamebreaking Bugs
1. Remove Generalized Biffing and Uninstall mods one at a time backwards. Test new games with each uninstall until we arrive at a game where multiplayer games don't fail and single player games can save
Disadvantage: Time Consuming and some mods replace content and aren't fully Weidu. Possibly a lot of work in vain.
2. Start a new Install with everything the same except with the removal of all red highlighted mods
Disadvantage: If we aren't able to save SP games or start MP games, then we wasted our time. If we can, then we have to troubleshoot 1 at a figure out exactly why we're getting this error.
3. Ask someone to install your selections of BWS and see if they can duplicate your Errors.
Disadvantage: Unlikely to get anyone willing to do this. Unlikely they'd get a different result than me.
I think I'll start with Option 2.
Edited by Bill Bisco, 20 May 2015 - 07:02 PM.