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Crash when I click New Game

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#1 -agnes-

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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:40 AM

So my BWS install was successful. Everything was installed, no problems. Or so i thought.


When I click New Game the game crashes and this is what tobex says about it:


-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Mon 11 May 2015 19:22:10)
[Mon 11 May 2015 19:22:24] ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x9892C8 File: ChDataTypes.cpp Line: 1591 Expression: !(x >= pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth || x < 0 || y > pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight || y < 0) Message: (null)


What can I do? I installed with BWS just 2 weeks ago, and then it did not happen. The only thing I can remember changing this time was adding Improved Archer Kit, Afaaq the djinni companion and I chose this time the improved fonts in the updated gui of 1PP (as well as mixed case letters). I also removed extended palette from 1PP.


Weidu log:


#2 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 04:45 AM

I have so far tried:


Putting all TobEx features to "0" (except extended songlist, else the game crashes on startup)


Changed all sorts of graphics settings


Compatibility mode (all)


Nothing helps.


I am also suspicious about the fact that I installed 1PP updated fonts. One of the changes between my working game and this non-working game. But I don't know how to revert that without reinstalling everything. So I figured I could overwrite whatever 1PP font updates had done by installing W_GUI. So I did, and I got new fonts from that. But crash remains.


I will keep exploring but any suggestion is definitely welcome!


#3 dragonian

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:07 AM

Hm have you tried changing resolution? If you for one of the basic ones.

#4 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:15 AM

Thanks for the tip. Yes, I have. No difference.

#5 Bill Bisco

Bill Bisco
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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:44 AM

DJINNICOMPANION.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Infinity Animation creatures?: v1.2 I wonder if this is redundant in some way. These djinni and improved archer mods were added in the middle of the install rather than the end. How did you manage that?

#6 Argent77

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:58 AM

DJINNICOMPANION.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Infinity Animation creatures?: v1.2 I wonder if this is redundant in some way.

No, it isn't. It merely replaces several mod-specific creatures with the more realistic ones from Infinity Animation.

The error message usually indicates missing or corrupted graphics files. Your 1PP-related changes might have something to do with it, but that's only a wild guess.

#7 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:46 AM

These djinni and improved archer mods were added in the middle of the install rather than the end. How did you manage that?

It's the order of the BWS. I didn't change this manually. Looking at it, Improved Archer kit is a kit mod, and is installed at about the same spot as other kits. This seems correct. Djinni is installed in similar order as other NPCs and etc so it seems correct too. Also, I get your concern with the infinity animation component. I mean you could expect it to be installed after infinity animations, but I think it's enough to install infinity animations later (which I did) and it should work.

#8 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 09:02 AM

DJINNICOMPANION.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Infinity Animation creatures?: v1.2 I wonder if this is redundant in some way.

No, it isn't. It merely replaces several mod-specific creatures with the more realistic ones from Infinity Animation.

The error message usually indicates missing or corrupted graphics files. Your 1PP-related changes might have something to do with it, but that's only a wild guess.

Thanks. Can you please confirm that it is OK to install the infinity animations component before actually installing infinity animations?


And, thanks for informing me what that error message usually means. Yes, more and more points to 1PP. Maybe a incompatibility with the updated fonts and something. But it's odd since I have no other GUI mod. And I can't imagine what else could interfere. Unless that component of 1PP is broken completely. But I do see the new fonts before I click New Game. I'll continue investigate.


Can someone tell me how I can revert the GUI changes made by 1PP without reinstalling the entire thing?

#9 Ithildur

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Posted 17 May 2015 - 04:05 PM

I've seen quite a few posts about these types of crashes suggesting that the latest version of 1pp may indeed be the culprit, and that the errors are rather unpredictable as 1pp occasionally, but not always, seems to have some issues patching the bgmain.exe . It may be that your best bet is to reinstall 1pp and hope for the best, until someone can narrow down the issue and fix (or BWS reverts back to version 3x of 1pp)

Edited by Ithildur, 17 May 2015 - 04:05 PM.

#10 -Guest-

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Posted 18 May 2015 - 06:05 AM

I've seen quite a few posts about these types of crashes suggesting that the latest version of 1pp may indeed be the culprit, and that the errors are rather unpredictable as 1pp occasionally, but not always, seems to have some issues patching the bgmain.exe . It may be that your best bet is to reinstall 1pp and hope for the best, until someone can narrow down the issue and fix (or BWS reverts back to version 3x of 1pp)

Thanks. I think it patched the exe correctly in my case. Do you have any examples of known problems with 1PPv4 at this time? I'm trying to decide if I am going to skip it in my next install. That would be a tough decision but i'd do it if it's confirmed to cause problems.