Hello!I am a german translator and Player of BG and the kerzenburg Forum. First of all, this modidea is fantastic. But there are questions...
There is no description what to do with the parts and how exactly to install this mod. I have pt1 and p2 - must they be merged?
BGT installer does not know Sandrah so it doesnt install. The files to downoad are often broken, or have errors.
For us as translators it woul be good as well to have the files traified, for better translation.
Thanks, I will happy to get an nanswer.
Thank you for your interest. Here are some answers.
The mod has actually three rar files if you want all of it
1.Sandrah-NPC must be installed first, it covers the BG1, SoA, and ToB contents, it should be installed on top of a full BGT installation as described in the readme.
2.Sandrah-RtF (Return to Faerun) has two rar files that shall be extracted into the game folder, the second part (due to size) contains the area maps (tiz files) and extracts into the same folder than the main part.
The BGT does not know her, she has just been posted for initial testing on the Spellhold forum and is probably not yet fit for wider use. To incorporate her later (if at all) into Big World would probably also need some modification for worldmap install.
With respect to tra files, the test version is english only and it is again too early to consider translations etc yet. It is still a mod under test.