Wow, another version of the mod came out. Its great to see how this already quite nice mod keeps getting improved 
Welcome back
Its been a while since I posted due to busyness in RL but I've got some time again to play and so a few questions.
1. Is it possible to update the game with a newer version of this mod or does one need to uninstall the game and reinstall everything again?
2. If it is possible to update without reinstalling then do previous save files still work or does one have to start from the beginning as it could cause problems within the game?
Very very much has changed since v1.06 and not only in Sandrah itself but also in the mods that Sandrah interacts with. The greatest part of those changes are in the BG1 part and thus ripple further into the rest of the game. Sandrah herself but also Jen'lig have been largely improved, as well as the relationship and quests with Imoen.
In addition BWS for install help has been massively improved with the help of some new maintainers,
Due to this I would recommend to do a new install of the BGT, it will be worth it - not just for Sandrah.
3. Was the option to romance romance Isobel and Leyala added since version 1.06(the last I played) and if not whether there are plans/considering doing so(pretty please
Not very much was really done in the RtF portion of the game and those changes are still on hold at the moment.
The reason for it is that Sandrah will use EET instead of BGT in the near future, i.e. as soon as EET will be officially released, I do not know if you have followed this development, so in a nutshell - EET will really make a continuous game out of the trilogy not just two games patched together, there will be a continuos chapter sequence, worldmap etc - it will be a basis for the RtF part to really work as it were part of the game. Porting the mod from BGT is a lot of work, so the BGT version is from now on just subject to bugfixes.
4. Are there any plans to expand further Jenlig role in BG1 or maybe even prevent her from dying?
Jen'lig has been largely improved. She will become more and more reacting to her *commanders* instructions as she begins to accept your lead. Her quest in BG1 was suffering from a number of tweaks from other mods and often failed - I have made it now independent from such influences. Furthermore there are now journal entires to make it easier to follow her plot. You will no longer lose her so easily unless you decide to kick her out. She will leave you after Sarevoks defeat and return to you in ToB - she never was part of BG2.
5. Are there planned some new quests for BG1 and BG2 that help build up the bond(not necessarily limited to romance) between the PC and Sandrah?
For EET a large number of additional quests will be done as there will be an extra chapter between BG1 and BG2 introduced in the game and Sandrah will follow you through that new part and add additional contents. EET will also integrate the former IWD games in the way of megamods to the game - Sandrah will add new quests there rather than to the overcrowded Amn plot.
6. Was there done some( or is planned) changes in quests or at least new reactions from characters based on the gender chosen for the PC? Also whether is there plenty of content for evil aligned(but not acting on that) PCs as I recall you started working on it.
Sandrah's reactions and consequences from PC decisions are emphasized - both for good and evil characters. As a whole your behaviour has much more influence while your gamewise alignment became less important. The gender differences are mostly in the relationship between you, Sandrah and other NPCs (depending on their gender). The original idea of a good vs, evil path was replaced by a more generic approach where an evil PC has (almost) the same chances than a good one (if he/she tries hard enough) while a good one may just as easily fail when taking too many wrong decisions.
Well, that should be it for now. Maybe some technical questions later if I have to reinstall all. 
For the re-install I would suggest to use BWS if you have not done it before already - it has largely improved and should also prevent you from having installation issue to a large extend.
Edited by Roxanne, 20 January 2016 - 11:38 AM.