Sorry, but if you use the BWS, you sure seem like you didn't play around with the selections screen.
So there is this little button that looks like this [ i ] right before the theme (version, size, translation)-string / right above the mods description.
If you click on that button, the homepage is opened.
You could also just search though the BiG World Setup\Config\Global-folder. All information that is available for a mod (except conflicts/dependencies) is written into a single file that is named like the setups name.
If you open the selection screen, you could also use the search box in the upper right corner to jump to the "return to Faerun" mod.
You can also use the box to search components. So if you wanted to look for mods that adjust quest
xp, you could try something like 50%.
If you look at the description at the bottom, you can see that there's this text:
Adds to the game new chapter which begins after the completion of original ToB game with Sandrah in your company and having finished her own quest.
Dependencies and conflicts::
SandrahRtF needs SandrahNPC.
So yes, this is an addition to Sandrah, a biiig
NPC mod that adds lots of banters, new areas and quests. So it#s not your usual "
npc" mod.
Edited by dabus, 01 May 2015 - 07:33 AM.