Sarevok related tweaks with/or 2700 [Put Sword of Chaos +2 in Sarevok's inventory] of BGT tweaks?

Brand New Installation
Posted 29 January 2016 - 12:19 PM
Posted 29 January 2016 - 12:34 PM
Sarevok tweaks doesn't change the item, just puts it in Sarevok's first weapon slot and flags it undroppable (so he'll fight with it but it won't be available to the player).
BGT Tweaks just puts the item in Sarevok's inventory (a droppable copy, not in hand). No changes to the item.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 30 January 2016 - 12:21 AM
agb1 Tried it, still crashes.
Posted 30 January 2016 - 02:40 AM
//00000: ~BP/SETUP-BP.TP2~ 0 0 // Big Picture, core component (required for most subcomponents): v181-b4611 BWP Fix//00001: ~SETUP-REVISEDBATTLES.TP2~ 0 0 // Improved Battles - "erebusant's Patching Version" v6: v6.3 BWP Fix//00002: ~SETUP-SPSTUFF.TP2~ 0 6 // Arcane Fist, by Drizzt1180: v10//00003: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 17 // Weapon Changes: V3 Beta 1.16//00004: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 1080 // Enchantment Doesn't Affect Speed Factor of Weapons: V3 Beta 1.16//00005: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 20 // Backstabbing Penalties for Inappropriate Weapons -> All Melee and Ranged Weapons Usable For Backstabbing: V3 Beta 1.16//00006: ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ 0 152 // PnP Fiends -> Mod-added fiends are also affected: v4.50b1//00007: ~IILEARNTHROUGHUSE/SETUP-IILEARNTHROUGHUSE.TP2~ 0 2001 // Learn Through Use//*00008: ~SETUP-LOLFIXER.TP2~ 0 11 // Item Stuff - Duplicate Item Effect Remover: 1012201500009: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix00010: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
So I tried to replace the item file from all backups listed above.
Every // causes crash with only windows message that application stops working.
the one with //* causes the crash error with message that BAM is corrupted. Generalized Biffing backup doesnt contain itm file. I also tired the file changelog made, with .00015 in name, again only windows message about application stops working. Seems there is more in the item that seem to be corrupted somehow. Any more ideas or should I replace the corrupted item completely with another sword?
Posted 30 January 2016 - 02:51 AM
//00000: ~BP/SETUP-BP.TP2~ 0 0 // Big Picture, core component (required for most subcomponents): v181-b4611 BWP Fix//00001: ~SETUP-REVISEDBATTLES.TP2~ 0 0 // Improved Battles - "erebusant's Patching Version" v6: v6.3 BWP Fix//00002: ~SETUP-SPSTUFF.TP2~ 0 6 // Arcane Fist, by Drizzt1180: v10//00003: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 17 // Weapon Changes: V3 Beta 1.16//00004: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 1080 // Enchantment Doesn't Affect Speed Factor of Weapons: V3 Beta 1.16//00005: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 20 // Backstabbing Penalties for Inappropriate Weapons -> All Melee and Ranged Weapons Usable For Backstabbing: V3 Beta 1.16//00006: ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ 0 152 // PnP Fiends -> Mod-added fiends are also affected: v4.50b1//00007: ~IILEARNTHROUGHUSE/SETUP-IILEARNTHROUGHUSE.TP2~ 0 2001 // Learn Through Use//*00008: ~SETUP-LOLFIXER.TP2~ 0 11 // Item Stuff - Duplicate Item Effect Remover: 1012201500009: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix00010: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP FixSo I tried to replace the item file from all backups listed above.
Every // causes crash with only windows message that application stops working.the one with //* causes the crash error with message that BAM is corrupted. Generalized Biffing backup doesnt contain itm file. I also tired the file changelog made, with .00015 in name, again only windows message about application stops working. Seems there is more in the item that seem to be corrupted somehow. Any more ideas or should I replace the corrupted item completely with another sword?
Sorry, I should have pointed out that in the process above you should have omitted the /* ones from biffing - that is not really a change done by biffing just re-organising the game resources.
With your current install you may just continue with a replaced sword on Sarevok like in the example where you did not have the crash - your Sarevok.cre has that sword of chaos a second time in his inventory and you can loot it once he died. (There should not be an issue with the one in inventory if Sarevok does not equip it or use it in battle). I would however suggest to make a save before you pick it up from dead Sarevok or try to use it with your PC or NPCs, just in case...
Edited by Roxanne, 30 January 2016 - 02:54 AM.
Posted 30 January 2016 - 04:24 AM
We could test the first theory by giving the sword to one of your party NPCs and starting a melee fight with them. CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SW2H16",1) will put one in your inventory. If that causes a crash then try again with a different 2H sword like SW2H01.
Of course you can work around this as Roxanne suggested but it would be nice to solve this mystery.
Edited by agb1, 30 January 2016 - 04:27 AM.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 30 January 2016 - 04:35 AM
Since they all cause a crash, even the oldest backups, maybe the issue is with the animation for 2H swords in general or at least for all creatures that use the same animations as Sarevok (I don't know if the game has different weapon animations for different races).
Sarevok has his own unique animation (like Elminster or Ellesime), thus animation problems with him may not appear on any other creature. (I have no idea how to check if some mod tweaked this??)
We could test the first theory by giving the sword to one of your party NPCs and starting a melee fight with them. CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SW2H16",1) will put one in your inventory. If that causes a crash then try again with a different 2H sword like SW2H01.
Of course you can work around this as Roxanne suggested but it would be nice to solve this mystery.
Posted 30 January 2016 - 04:52 AM
Maybe relevant - http://www.shsforums...tion-and-so-on/
Edited by agb1, 30 January 2016 - 04:54 AM.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 30 January 2016 - 05:10 AM
COPY ~RevisedBattles/sarevok/bmp~ ~override~
~RevisedBattles/sarevok/bam~ ~override~
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/
Posted 01 February 2016 - 11:37 AM
Hello again, thanks all, I solved it by replacing those swords..
Just curious about Ulgoth's Beard.. On map I have marked "Deserted Tower" .. is that for some mod?
Posted 01 February 2016 - 12:04 PM
Hello again, thanks all, I solved it by replacing those swords..![]()
Just curious about Ulgoth's Beard.. On map I have marked "Deserted Tower" .. is that for some mod?
It has always been there like this - still waiting for some mod to make use of it. Maybe your question gives someone an idea to do something with it?? (Maybe that someone is me?)
Posted 02 February 2016 - 10:56 AM
that would be nice
Btw, could you please look at this spell? Im unable to find what is wrong in that spell but it doesnt work. Its spell Skeleton Guard, 7th lvl spell for mages, it should conjure 4 skeleton warriors. Tried from scroll, doesnt work. Also tried with mage when I set his XP to level 18. From spellbok also doesnt work. Tried to CLUA creature which is in that spell, works perfectly. For sure I attach cre file too. I would be grateful if you give me advice how to fix that. or if you fix it
If you fix it, could you give me instructions what have to be done for future?
Many thanks
Attached Files
Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:23 AM
that would be nice
Btw, could you please look at this spell? Im unable to find what is wrong in that spell but it doesnt work. Its spell Skeleton Guard, 7th lvl spell for mages, it should conjure 4 skeleton warriors. Tried from scroll, doesnt work. Also tried with mage when I set his XP to level 18. From spellbok also doesnt work. Tried to CLUA creature which is in that spell, works perfectly. For sure I attach cre file too. I would be grateful if you give me advice how to fix that.
or if you fix it
If you fix it, could you give me instructions what have to be done for future?
Many thanks
This is a very old spell probably from NorthernTales...
It uses old code (67) to summon a creature instead of Use EFF File (177), so no way to work. You would need to create an eff corresponding to the spell and use skelwa02 to be summoned.
To see how it works compare that one to sppr301.spl and you will see what I mean.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:43 AM
So when I change teh effect to EFF, its the only thing I have to do? Im not experienced modder, but Im trying to do my best to learn
How could I do that in Near Infinity?
Edited by konva, 02 February 2016 - 11:50 AM.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:57 AM
It's more complicated than that; essentially if you want that spell to work exactly like the description you're going to have to create a new working eff file, which is pretty involved and I believe beyond what NI alone can do. It'll be easier (and more reliable) to swap out the spell (especially from such an old and unsupported mod) for a vanilla sppr301.spl (or the wizard version, a lvl 5 spell), or even a tweaked sppr301.spl to get something closer to what you're looking for.
In terms of game balance... getting 4 summons that powerful (assuming it's the standard 90% MR skeleton warriors) even with a lvl 7 spell seems pretty OP; compare to something like a single Mordy sword or lvl 6 elemental/invis stalker... 2 might be more in line. But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the other content from that particular mod isn't exactly well balanced.
Edited by Ithildur, 02 February 2016 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:58 AM
So when I change teh effect to EFF, its the only thing I have to do?Im not experienced modder, but Im trying to do my best to learn
How could I do that in Near Infinity?
You also need an EFF file
Put those two files into your override
NTSPWI71.SPL 298bytes
SKELWA02.bmp 272bytes
143 downloads RENAME THIS FILE TO Skelwa02.eff (The site does not allow eff files for upload)
PS - The spell is nonsense. At least in my game Skelwa02 is an enemy creature.This spell was to be used by your foe, not by your party. Why you have it?? Probably a bug. Why do you want to summon enemies?
Edited by Roxanne, 02 February 2016 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 12:00 PM
Well I managed to do this. I have figured that Skeletal Warrior is almost same than previously used. How do I edit duration to keep effect same as desc?
Attached Files
Posted 02 February 2016 - 12:08 PM
Well I dont want summon enemies Description says to fight by your side, so I guess they should be allied
youre probably right, its a bug
// how to add that new file, so game will know that the EFF exist? Via NI? How? Or how could I apply that so it could work?
Edited by konva, 02 February 2016 - 12:14 PM.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 12:16 PM
Honestly, you do not want to summon 4 skelleton warriors for 4 minutes in BG1. How you got that spell I have no idea. Northern Tales is not an overpowered mod that gives you such a spell, nor do your enemies use that - at least I have never seen it.
It is interesting as a discussion subject but it is not a bug to be fixed.
The only bug to be fixed here is the one that provided you with the spell.
Posted 02 February 2016 - 12:18 PM
Well, I agree its strong spell, but when we talk about fixing that, I also would suggest to move it to higher tier, like level 8. In city baldurs gate in sorcerous sundries I have bought that spell.