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BGT and the Enhanced Edition releases

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#21 K4thos

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 07:12 PM

Yeah, the water issue doesn't hold the release now thanks to Argent's tile2ee tool that can extract PVRZ files. 1 more beta run with full NPC party that also has content in BG2 would be welcomed to test recent changes in code, just to be sure that there are no regressions (PM me if anyone is interested). If there won't be any problems with the way NPC join and post dialogue files work now (they are no longer appended) than the current release could be official one without need for open beta. Feel free to download current version, but read the F.A.Q. in readme file first.

Edited by K4thos, 13 March 2016 - 11:57 AM.

#22 Bill Bisco

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 07:45 AM

Very glad that you'll be in the Beta K4thos. Wonder when they'll start it.

#23 Blash2

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 07:15 AM

@K4thos I look forward to playing EET! I am really grateful for the great work you're doing.
Isn't there a dedicated topic? I searched to no avail.

#24 The Imp

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 08:59 AM

Isn't there a dedicated topic? I searched to no avail.

That will come when the mod is officially released... and that's after the BG:Siege of the Dragonspear is released. Likely at least.

See K4thos hasn't actually officially said where he will release the mod. The non SoD version is available in the EET Github, but it's still been adjusted slitely, and so there's no official v1 yet. The BGSotDs version is there hidden, so K4thos can works on both of them at the same time.


And as you can see, the above linked feature request has been answered, I don't know how, but I am sure it will have a good result. Or at least a workaround that won't cause a the BG2 to think it's at chapter 13 at the start without the other parts knowing that it starts at chapter 13. 13 being just a number I randomly picked.

Edited by The Imp, 22 August 2015 - 08:59 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#25 Sai

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 03:20 PM

just a note - it's not a public beta yet, unless you want to deal with broken water. And yes, Adventure Y is meant to be used for the EET BG1->BG2 transition (currently transition starts right after killing Sarevok, but once Adv Y is released I will try to merge it in).


Wonderful initiative, this 'EET' !


Is there any news on EET ?

Edited by Sai, 24 October 2015 - 03:22 PM.

#26 K4thos

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 05:13 PM

well, the news is what The Imp said and what is written on the main page. It will be released day-and-date with next BG2:EE patch (it is needed for the new journal system mentioned in the link), which also means close to Siege of Dragonspear release.
Other than this I've finished implementing IWD:EE inside EET which allows you to travel to Eastheaven anytime and start doing that questline with your BG party, if you wish. The mod comes with additional 30 optional components which allows you to bring BG2:EE much closer to IWD:EE rules. I'm also planning to expand it with some IWD2 content (mostly first worldmap from IWD2 as later the story would clash with IWD1). The mod is called IWD-in-EET and works similarly to EET (supports mods installed on IWD:EE previous to installing the mod on BG2:EE). The mod currently sits on private repository.
Currently I'm also considering fully integrating Black Pits I and II into BG storyline (normal versions would be still available from the main menu as it is now) via optional component, although no decision has been made about it yet.

Edited by K4thos, 24 October 2015 - 11:51 PM.

#27 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 06:43 PM

For those like me, who are only familiar with the BG series, could you give a synopsis of the IWD stuff?  My very uninformed opinion is that IWD was much more hack-n-slash, and thus, not of great interest to those who were drawn to BG for its plot(s) and NPCs.

#28 K4thos

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 11:49 PM

For those like me, who are only familiar with the BG series, could you give a synopsis of the IWD stuff?  My very uninformed opinion is that IWD was much more hack-n-slash, and thus, not of great interest to those who were drawn to BG for its plot(s) and NPCs.
Fiann, if you're looking for IWD content review than I suggest checking some reviews. They usually highlight differences between the game and Baldur's Gate series. It's indeed far more hack-n-slash than BG, but compared to mega mods (other than NEJ obviously) it's still a lot more enjoyable experience in my opinion. As for the joinable NPCs - in IWD there aren't any. You could optionally install Kuylok's mod (also supported by IWD-in-EET), to add 5 of them although not sure about their quality as I never played with them.

Edited by K4thos, 25 October 2015 - 12:28 AM.

#29 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 01:43 AM

It'd be fun to integrate all the IE games into one megamod.

#30 The Imp

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 02:03 AM

It'd be fun to integrate all the IE games into one megamod.
More like one mega game... under one engine. Aka, you install the compilation, start the .exe and choose to play which ever "game" under that engine.
Which can then be megamodified by installing the BWSEE........... :P uuhhg bbrraaaiinns.

Edited by The Imp, 25 October 2015 - 02:14 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#31 Sai

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 03:01 AM

well, the news is what The Imp said and what is written on the main page. It will be released day-and-date with next BG2:EE patch (it is needed for the new journal system mentioned in the link), which also means close to Siege of Dragonspear release.
Other than this I've finished implementing IWD:EE inside EET which allows you to travel to Eastheaven anytime and start doing that questline with your BG party, if you wish. The mod comes with additional 30 optional components which allows you to bring BG2:EE much closer to IWD:EE rules. I'm also planning to expand it with some IWD2 content (mostly first worldmap from IWD2 as later the story would clash with IWD1). The mod is called IWD-in-EET and works similarly to EET (supports mods installed on IWD:EE previous to installing the mod on BG2:EE). The mod currently sits on private repository.
Currently I'm also considering fully integrating Black Pits I and II into BG storyline (normal versions would be still available from the main menu as it is now) via optional component, although no decision has been made about it yet.


Really?! So if I have Icewind Dale installed as well, it's also available? That's pretty dandy (I never much liked the Icewind Dale interface, it kept me from playing it). That's pretty neat. The EE people should perhaps offer you some compensation, I reckon this will lead to additional sales :)

#32 Blash2

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 03:21 AM

@K4thos, did I understand correctly? It will be possible to integrate IWDEE in the EET installation? That means that I will be able to travel back and forth to BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE as if they were one game? I'm amazed!

Since we're already here, I have another question to ask you. I noticed, reading BWS code on Bitbucket, that EET Tweaks has a "Protagonist can die" component. I remember activating it via .ini file some months ago on a BGT installation, but it worked quite crappy (for example, the main character generated a corpse on the ground that got carried over area transition), and I was told that that component was there for modding reasons only (for example cutscenes) and it had to be handled with care.
Will it now work flawlessly? Main character's death will be handled as any other's?

I also noticed there is an "Ironman mode" component. As I always play "no-reload" games, I'm really curious about it. Could you tell us more?
Thanks for all you're doing :)

#33 K4thos

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 04:00 AM

did I understand correctly? It will be possible to integrate IWDEE in the EET installation? That means that I will be able to travel back and forth to BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE as if they were one game?

yes. Glad you like it. IWD2 content (Targos, other areas from the first worldmap and the quest to solve the monsters problem) will be also available like this.


Since we're already here, I have another question to ask you. I noticed, reading BWS code on Bitbucket, that EET Tweaks has a "Protagonist can die" component. I remember activating it via .ini file some months ago on a BGT installation, but it worked quite crappy (for example, the main character generated a corpse on the ground that got carried over area transition), and I was told that that component was there for modding reasons only (for example cutscenes) and it had to be handled with care.
Will it now work flawlessly? Main character's death will be handled as any other's?

I'm not aware about ini tweak for vanilla engine but "Protagonist can die" from EET_Tweaks indeed should work as advertised - after installing it Player1 is treated exactly the same as any other party member when it comes to death. Keep in mind that currently it works only on BG2:EE and EET. BG1:EE version is not available yet because the engine is not on par with others (although it will be after next patch).

#34 The Imp

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 04:11 AM

I'm not aware about ini tweak for vanilla engine ...

It's a ToBEx .ini tweak made available by this mod, the reasoning is that it's a bit more than just an .ini tweak that changes the whole game, as I understand it(which is vague as they come). But without that mod, you should not go and edit the .ini file because of reasons that should be quite obvious including the mentioned body thing etc. Duh.


Did I ever say that I really appreciate the work you K4thos put in all this ? Well, I really do. Just so you know. :devil:

Edited by The Imp, 25 October 2015 - 06:59 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#35 Blash2

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 07:55 AM

Yes! That was ToBEx! I didn't remember. As for the "game over only on party dead" mod, I didn't know it was related to that tweak, since that mod made so that the protagonist fell unconscious instead of dying. It worked quite differently from the ToBEx tweak, and was quite buggy too, since someone reported that it might happen that the protagonist didn't get up.
Anyway, that's great news!!!

When BGEE and BGIIEE patches will be out (and the thought of the time to wait is painful, knowing Beamodog), will it be possible to apply the mod to the whole installation and not to a single game? I'm talking about Big World Setup, of course.

As for the IWDEE inclusion, well, man, "EET" is no longer the right name, as long as you're putting together six games XD

Can you tell us something about how ironman mode will be handled? :-)

Edited by Blash2, 25 October 2015 - 07:58 AM.

#36 K4thos

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 08:13 AM

Can you tell us something about how ironman mode will be handled? :-)
well, it needs this engine bug to be fixed to start working as advertised in the readme (which part of the readme description should I clarify?). It's already officially considered a bug for some time now, so there is a chance that it will be fixed in the next patch.
When BGEE and BGIIEE patches will be out (and the thought of the time to wait is painful, knowing Beamodog), will it be possible to apply the mod to the whole installation and not to a single game? I'm talking about Big World Setup, of course.
- if by single installation you mean EET (which merges BG:EE and BG2:EE using BG2:EE engine) than it already works for whole game.
- if you mean standalone BG:EE when playing without EET than it will start working with it after next BG:EE patch.
- if you mean when EET_Tweaks will be selectable from Big World Setup - probably soon, as ALIEN has been adding support for it recently (although you can install it manually even now).
- if you mean when EET will be included in Big World Setup - right after official release.
As you can see I don't really know what you meant :ROFL:

Edited by K4thos, 25 October 2015 - 08:18 AM.

#37 The Imp

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 08:17 AM

And here's yet another interpretation...

...will it be possible to apply the mod to the whole installation and not to a single game?

If K4thos makes it a single engine game that covers the stories with just different starting points, you are likely to only have the option to apply a mod to every incarnation or none at all, no micro installs, just like with the BGT-weidu that had a start point for BG1, SoA and ToB starts, this just has a few more, and the stories are not just a single continuous one, but multiple.

Edited by The Imp, 25 October 2015 - 08:18 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#38 Blash2

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 08:21 AM

And here's yet another interpretation...

...will it be possible to apply the mod to the whole installation and not to a single game?

If K4thos makes it a single engine game that covers the stories with just different starting points, you are likely to only have the option to apply a mod to every incarnation or none at all, no micro installs, just like with the BGT-weidu that had a start point for BG1, SoA and ToB starts, this just has a few more, and the stories are not just a single continuous one, but multiple.

True, but I'd say that if the mod is made to work with every single game, Big World Setup might let the user make a choice like "apply the mod for the whole game" and then manage the micro-installations for every single game without the user realizing it.
In this case I think it would be crucial, since it would be a mess to remember "in this game the protagonist can die, in this other game I have to avoid it".

Edited by Blash2, 25 October 2015 - 08:22 AM.

#39 Sai

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 09:01 AM

Say, K4thos, does EET come with version numbers? The depository (https://github.com/K4thos/EET) doesn't mention any, and I've begun taking snapshots.


Is the current version considered released 'enough' to be playable or is it just a test version? How useful would some testing be to you? I do not mind trying a playthrough with it installed.


(I got 'beta 0.9' from the .tp2 file at least)

Edited by Sai, 25 October 2015 - 09:04 AM.

#40 The Imp

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 09:19 AM

In that case, K4thos is likely to just not have the protagonist to be crucial at all. In any of the starts, yes, starts, see the story be whatever, the point of origin can't really be what dictate the mechanisms. Of course it could look funny to play the BG1->SoA->ToB from the perspective of Imoen when the Bhallspawn dies at the start of the game. :devil: But you might want to load the save all the same... I never played the Icewind Dale either if one of my chars died permanently, but in this you could do so... of course being at ToB and getting another level 1 NPC to get a cleric ... is likely to get everyone dead, anyways. :devil:


Sai, well the version is:

VERSION ~beta 0.9~

From the .tp2 ... of course that's actually a bit of a lie at least, cause I have seen too many updates for this to be the actual truth. But it's a github project, so we should give it a little room here. --- got so ninjaed.

Anyways K4thos has said that it's playable 'enough' to finish, and yes, testing would surely be appreciated.

Edited by The Imp, 25 October 2015 - 09:31 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.