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Thalantyr Item Upgrade updated (again)

Thalantyr item upgrade bgee V4.0

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#1 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 07:36 AM

I've updated the Thalantyr item upgrade mod to work with the Enhnaced Editions (and EET).

Not much else to say, mod works, it's been a while since I first updated it, and it'll likely not receive many changes from now on. Thanks to everyone that's made PRs, submitted bug reports and helped me with testing and updating the mod. I wouldn't have fixed even half of those issues if any at all if it wasn't for you guys!

ReadMe (english)
ReadMe (spanish)
ReadMe (french)
ReadMe (german)
ReadMe (polish)
ReadMe (russian)

Please report any issues you have with the mod here.

Edited by Crevs Daak, 28 January 2024 - 08:48 AM.

#2 -my very bad english-

-my very bad english-
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Posted 22 February 2015 - 08:25 AM

So, where is the SETUP- thalan.exe for us vanilla BG players? Can't find it and until that turns out I will stick with the old 3.7. version.

#3 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 08:42 AM

You need to either copy one of the other mods "setup-modname.exe" files and rename is as the "setup-thalan.exe", or you can download the weidu windows binary archive from here, and extract the "weidu.exe" from it to the game directory and then rename it as the "setup-thalan.exe" and then run it. Chevs Daak is just sparing a little up & download space.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#4 -my very bad english-

-my very bad english-
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Posted 22 February 2015 - 09:17 AM

Ahh, same procedure like Beregost fix, I guess. I already installed old 3.7 v. as this was not crucial update as I can see, just EE compatibility and translation things. But anyway, thanks one more time good imp, your knowledge about all things Baldur's gate related and goodwill to share it with ignoramus cases like me are truly appreciated.

#5 Sergio

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 01:39 AM

Thanks! You are a boss! :D

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#6 -Solvord-

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Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:20 AM

I've got an issue:


in french


Install Component [UNDEFINED STRING:  EOJ?


Can somone help me?



#7 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 01 March 2015 - 12:42 PM

I've got an issue:
in french
Install Component [UNDEFINED STRING:  EOJ?
Can somone help me?
Is there a setup-thalan.debug file? could you post it here? what version of WeiDU are you using? did you touch any of the mod's files? does this happen if you use other languages as well? which version of the mod are you using? are there any other warnings? do you have some sort of anti-virus that could be causing probelms?

#8 Ser Elryk

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 02:00 AM

Hi, I ran into an issue. Posted about it here:



#9 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 02:35 AM

Yeah, this .tp2 code:

//Storage bags - not implemented for BG:TotSC
  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag01.itm~ ~override/thbag01.itm~
  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag02.itm~ ~override/thbag02.itm~
  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag03.itm~ ~override/thbag03.itm~
  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag04.itm~ ~override/thbag04.itm~
  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag05.itm~ ~override/thbag05.itm~

  COPY ~thalan/Sto/thbag01.sto~ ~override/thbag01.sto~
  COPY ~thalan/Sto/thbag02.sto~ ~override/thbag02.sto~
  COPY ~thalan/Sto/thbag03.sto~ ~override/thbag03.sto~
  COPY ~thalan/Sto/thbag04.sto~ ~override/thbag04.sto~
  COPY ~thalan/Sto/thbag05.sto~ ~override/thbag05.sto~

The first part works only in BG2, the EE versions need a fresh names, so.... they should be:

  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag01.itm~ ~override/thbag01.itm~
SAY NAME2 ~Gem Bag~
SAY DESC ~This small bag is ideally suited for holding gems.~

  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag02.itm~ ~override/thbag02.itm~
SAY NAME2 ~Scroll Case~
SAY DESC ~This sturdy container allows dozens of scrolls to be placed in it, safe from exposure to fire, rain, or lightning -- common hazards faced by any adventuring wizard.~

  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag03.itm~ ~override/thbag03.itm~
SAY NAME2 ~Potion Case~
SAY DESC ~Typically carried by travelling healers, this leather case folds open and allows the user to strap delicate potion bottles to its cushioned side with numerous leather thongs for safe storage during travel.


Weight: 5~

  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag04.itm~ ~override/thbag04.itm~
SAY NAME2 ~Ammo Belt~
SAY DESC ~This shoulder belt is ideally suited for holding sling bullets, darts, arrows or bolts.~

  COPY ~thalan/Itm/thbag05.itm~ ~override/thbag05.itm~
SAY NAME2 ~Bag Of Holding~
SAY DESC ~As with other magical bags, this one appears to be a common cloth sack of about 2 feet by 4 feet size. The bag of holding opens into a nondimensional space, and its inside is larger than its outside dimensions. Regardless of what is put into this item, the bag always weighs a fixed amount.~ 

... well, actually you have to also make the translations code for each of those, and then request a translation for them in here for say in Spanish, French, German and Russian languages, as you should be able to handle the Polish yourself and the above are of course the English.

Edited by The Imp, 11 March 2015 - 03:01 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#10 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 05:51 PM

[...] as you should be able to handle the Polish yourself and the above are of course the English.
Imp... I'm argentinean, not polish :)
Also, BG:EE seems to have all of those strings, so I don't have the need of adding them (also edited all the strings on all the languages to make the mod fully compatible with Enhanced edition games).

New version 4.1 is out!

Download v4.2
ReadMe (english)
ReadMe (spanish)
ReadMe (french)
ReadMe (german)
ReadMe (polish)
ReadMe (russian)

Mac OSX and GNU/Linux players should get the mod from here.

Note: I edited this post for v4.2 :)

Edited by Crevs Daak, 02 April 2015 - 01:07 PM.

#11 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 11:47 PM

Also, BG:EE seems to have all of those strings, so I don't have the need of adding them (also edited all the strings on all the languages to make the mod fully compatible with Enhanced edition games).

Ahh, yeah you could use the in game strings from the other languages... :wall:

-I'll just shut up now. K. :whistling:

Edited by The Imp, 13 March 2015 - 12:03 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#12 Ser Elryk

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:09 PM

Ran into another problem trying to install Thalantyr Item Upgrade with the updated BWS.


""##### Thalantyr Item Upgrade #####
### 0000: Thalantyr - Item Upgrade ###
Ready for installation
Setup-thalan.exe --no-exit-pause --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --quick-log --force-install-list 0 --logapp
[Setup-thalan.exe] WeiDU version 23800
Using Language [English]

Using .\lang\en_us/dialog.tlk

Installing [Thalantyr - Item Upgrade] [v4.1]

BG:EE install detected.
ERROR: no tabulated charset could be found for language english
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Thalantyr - Item Upgrade], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   0 files for [THALAN/THALAN.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled      0 files for [THALAN/THALAN.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("ERROR: no tabulated charset could be found for language english")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-THALAN.DEBUG to crevs.daak@gmail.com
Automatically Skipping [Thalantyr - Item Upgrade] because of error.
Using Language [English]

NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Thalantyr - Item Upgrade

C:\Games\Baldur's Gate Saga (EE)\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition>
ERROR: no tabulated charset could be found for language english
ERROR: Failure("ERROR: no tabulated charset could be found for language english")
Thalantyr - Item Upgrade (Thalantyr Item Upgrade) was not installed due to errors.

You can try to repair the problem and start the installation of the component again. In this case please select "retry" after the repair.

If you don't want to spent time for that now, you can also continue without the component or exit the program. The BiG World Setup will continue with the installation of that component.
Enter [r]etry, [c]ontinue or [e]xit."



Here's my Debug and Weidu Log:


Attached File  BiG World Debug.7z   23.8K   610 downloads


Attached File  WeiDU.log   22.16K   861 downloads

Edited by Ser Elryk, 12 March 2015 - 09:09 PM.

#13 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:42 AM

OK, fixed it by telling WeiDU not to convert the encoding on the english tra files in a forceful manner.

#14 K4thos

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:47 AM

I have error:



ERROR: Failure("ERROR: no tabulated charset could be found for language polish")


Probably trivial thing

tp2 is missing INT_VAR infer_charsets in LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS block

#15 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:53 PM

Nice found guys. Thanks for the help :)
I've updated the download links in this thread—they now post the whole branch instead of (possibly old) releases.

#16 Isaya

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Posted 21 March 2015 - 07:36 AM

This code ensures installing on BG1 will use the proper character encoding required by the polish version of Baldur's Gate:

    COMPILE ~thalan/dlg_bg1/thalanPL-BG1.d~ USING ~thalan/tra/polish/thalanPL-BG1.TRA~
    COMPILE ~thalan/dlg_bg1/thalan.d~ USING "thalan/tra/%LANGUAGE%/thalan.tra"

However something similar is missing for the game.tra file. As a consequence I believe the item descriptions are going to look bad for all special characters of the polish alphabet.

As the BG1 version of the polish game.tra is not included, you could reuse the conversion code found in BG1 UB to do the conversion on the fly when installing.

#17 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:46 AM

This code ensures installing on BG1 will use the proper character encoding required by the polish version of Baldur's Gate:
    COMPILE ~thalan/dlg_bg1/thalanPL-BG1.d~ USING ~thalan/tra/polish/thalanPL-BG1.TRA~
    COMPILE ~thalan/dlg_bg1/thalan.d~ USING "thalan/tra/%LANGUAGE%/thalan.tra"
However something similar is missing for the game.tra file. As a consequence I believe the item descriptions are going to look bad for all special characters of the polish alphabet.
As the BG1 version of the polish game.tra is not included, you could reuse the conversion code found in BG1 UB to do the conversion on the fly when installing.

Mmm... I'll what I can do... The code in BG1UB doesn't work quite right—my files' encoding is different and it's not even noted for which encoding it should be used.

#18 Isaya

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Posted 22 March 2015 - 08:49 AM

The polish game.tra file uses BG II encoding. If you have a text editor that allows to switch encoding, you can view the file using ANSI with Wincodw-1250 or CP1250 extended code to watch it with the BG II encoding. On Windows, notepad++ allows that.

If you see characters with a dashed l in a weapon description, as in the second word below:


Rodzaj biegłości:

as in text @2 (it seems to be used for profeciency), this is BG II encoding for polish.


BG1 UB provides BG II encoding texts, as is stated with the "BG2engine" marker in each tra file. The function included is based on game detection to determine the conversion. If the tra file includes the marker matching the required encoding at the beginning, no conversion is done.

For Thalanty upgrade, you would have to add the "BG2engine" marker in game.tra and thalan.tra, and you could get rid of the thalanPL-BG1.tra file and the code in the tp2 when compiling the dialog.



To get back to your initial call for testers, I installed the mod in French on BGEE. I can confirm that the characters look good in game and that the description are indeed adapted to BGEE.


However I noticed the code intending to display the readme in the selected language is not working, I got English readme. The order of parameters is reversed, so that English is selected and the translated version is only searched for if the English readme doesn't exist. Use this order instead:

README "thalan/readme_%LANGUAGE%.txt" "thalan/readme.txt"

I also noticed the readme is using a mixed end of line codes from Windows (for the main part) and from Linux/Mac OSX (for the edited part regarding V4 and up). The default text viewer on Windows (notepad) does not handle Linux end of lines properly, so that there is no new line and the texts for V4 and V4.1 history are added at the end of the last line of history for V3.7. This doesn't look good on Windows. I don't know how using the Windows end of line impacts display on Linux/Mac OSX.


Finally, two last comments:

  • unfortunately, the archive include an additional level preventing extraction straight into the game directory, as for other mods
  • there is no setup-thalan.exe, contrary to the history mentioning updating the WeiDU executable

This is not easy to use for players. But maybe you intend to fix that once you have enough feedback from testers.


Here are updated versions of the French readme and two translations files. Mostly typos and WeiDU prompts, plus the end of line mixup in the readme.


Thank you for your work.

Attached Files

Edited by Isaya, 22 March 2015 - 08:56 AM.

#19 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 24 March 2015 - 03:32 PM

The polish game.tra file uses BG II encoding. If you have a text editor that allows to switch encoding, you can view the file using ANSI with Wincodw-1250 or CP1250 extended code to watch it with the BG II encoding. On Windows, notepad++ allows that.
If you see characters with a dashed l in a weapon description, as in the second word below:

Rodzaj biegłości:

as in text @2 (it seems to be used for profeciency), this is BG II encoding for polish.

I have been using a Hex editor and iconv for that, but I was asking about the encoding used on the BG1 polish version, or is it the same with some changed characters? I'll try making a diff on BG1UB's files.
BG1 UB provides BG II encoding texts, as is stated with the "BG2engine" marker in each tra file. The function included is based on game detection to determine the conversion. If the tra file includes the marker matching the required encoding at the beginning, no conversion is done.
For Thalanty upgrade, you would have to add the "BG2engine" marker in game.tra and thalan.tra, and you could get rid of the thalanPL-BG1.tra file and the code in the tp2 when compiling the dialog.
OK, will do. Thanks.
To get back to your initial call for testers, I installed the mod in French on BGEE. I can confirm that the characters look good in game and that the description are indeed adapted to BGEE.
Nice! Thank you!  :new_thumbs:
However I noticed the code intending to display the readme in the selected language is not working, I got English readme. The order of parameters is reversed, so that English is selected and the translated version is only searched for if the English readme doesn't exist. Use this order instead:
README "thalan/readme_%LANGUAGE%.txt" "thalan/readme.txt"
I also noticed the readme is using a mixed end of line codes from Windows (for the main part) and from Linux/Mac OSX (for the edited part regarding V4 and up). The default text viewer on Windows (notepad) does not handle Linux end of lines properly, so that there is no new line and the texts for V4 and V4.1 history are added at the end of the last line of history for V3.7. This doesn't look good on Windows. I don't know how using the Windows end of line impacts display on Linux/Mac OSX.

Unix-likes (like GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, etc) have no problem with CR/NL newlines instead of just NL newlines, but I always forget about that thing one Windows. Maaan, just why the hell doesn't Windows make it (just a bit) easier for people working on a different system?
Finally, two last comments:
  • unfortunately, the archive include an additional level preventing extraction straight into the game directory, as for other mods
  • there is no setup-thalan.exe, contrary to the history mentioning updating the WeiDU executable

Number 1) is as per request of the BWS guys, and about 2) I'll get it done, since I've already been asked about that before (by the BWS guys).
This is not easy to use for players. But maybe you intend to fix that once you have enough feedback from testers.
Here are updated versions of the French readme and two translations files. Mostly typos and WeiDU prompts, plus the end of line mixup in the readme.
Thank you for your work.
Your welcome :)

#20 Beleg33


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 09:06 PM

You may have a compatibility issue with BGT according to the D file I was provided in the thread for the Vault in this same subforum. 


In fact state2 is only run once the first time you encounter him then the global ThalantyrRumours us set to 1 preventing that state to trigger again. You need to extend state 35 with your new reply for BGT.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Thalantyr, item upgrade, bgee, V4.0