Maybe I'll be a nostalgic, maybe I'll also be a purist, but I think that the BG1 map remains unsurpassed. If it were up to me, i would install BGT forcing it to not change in any way the original maps, but this is not possible. There remain two only options: either accept the BP-BGT default worldmap or... draw a new one by myself and put it in the Worlmap so that it may recognize it.
Now, given that I really don’t like the BP-BGT graphic style and i really want a general map in the sepia and old scroll style of the first BG, I need to know these three things:
1) in which files of the mod the map is and how to replace it.
2) where the landmark icons are put in and how to replace them with others of my creation. The new icons will be drawn to more correctly blend into the background and not to resemble foreign objects badly stuck on it.
3) how to eliminate that horrible red-flashing disco light effect that starts by moving the mouse cursor on the icons, and how to replace it with a more serious and discreet highlight by consistent colors.
The end use of the new map would be very personal, but if other people are interested in having a BG1-style map and the authors are available to integrate a new alternative map option into BP-BGT, we can discuss of making it a public domain.