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Rogue Rebalancing 4.8x translations

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#1 Wisp

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 04:10 PM

RR v4.80 will have a number of new strings, in the form of BG2 strings needed to correct string issues on BG: EE and probably also on IWD: EE. The strings will need to work on vanilla BG2 as well, so please do not make any EE-specific adaptations to them. I will remove the usability sections in the EE-version of the strings. If you have other EE-specific changes you'd want to make, please provide them as a second string.
@10006 = ~You cannot cast this spell until the current casting has run out.~ // #74011
@10007 = ~Stricken by a foul disease~ // #39752
@10008 = ~Entangled~ // #334
@10009 = ~Spin already active.~ // #32087
@10010 = ~Snare - here~ // #22461
@10011 = ~Summon Shambling Mound~ // #3899
@10012 = ~Blinded~ // #1474
@10013 = ~Buckler +1~ // #39971
@10014 = ~A buckler is a small shield of wood or metal that fastens to the forearm.  Because of its size it is light and can be worn with very little restriction to movement.  This buckler has some form of generic enchantment, making it more resistant to blows.


Armor Class Bonus:  2
Special:  No Missile/Piercing Attack Protection
Weight:  2
Requires: 4 Strength
Unusable By:
 Mage~ // #39970
@10015 = ~Spell Ineffective~ // #4742
@10016 = ~Magnetized~ // #8325
@10017 = ~Slowed~ // #335
@10018 = ~Wakizashi~ // #7526
@10019 = ~Wakizashi
The wakizashi, or companion sword is extremely important to samurai.  It is worn at all times, even indoors, and is near the samurai when he sleeps at night.  As finely made as the katana, the wakizashi, a shorter sword with a length between 12 and 24 inches, is a dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled user.


Damage:  1D8
Damage type:  piercing
Weight:  3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type:  1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:
 Mage~ // #36181
@10020 = ~Ninja-To~ // #7529
@10021 = ~Ninja-To
The sword of the ninja, the ninja-to, is of lower quality than other Kara-Tur blades such as the katana.  The ninja-to is short with a straight blade, making it ideal for the subterfuge of the ninja.  The ninja-to is also more suited to fighting in closed places, sometimes giving the ninja an advantage over the longer blades that the samurai used.


Damage:  1D8
Damage type:  slashing
Weight:  5
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type:  1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:
 Mage~ // #39467
The comment gives the string reference on BG2: ToB.

#2 Graoumf

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 02:42 AM

Here are the strings in french:

@10006 = ~Vous ne pouvez pas lancer ce sort tant que le précédent fait encore effet.~ // #74011
@10007 = ~Victime d'une grave maladie~ // #39752
@10008 = ~Empêtré~ // #334
@10009 = ~Vous êtes déjà en position.~ // #32087
@10010 = ~Piège... ici~ // #22461
@10011 = ~Invoquer tertre errant~ // #3899
@10012 = ~Aveuglé~ // #1474
@10013 = ~Targe +1~ // #39971
@10014 = ~Une targe est un petit bouclier de bois ou de métal, qui se fixe à l'avant-bras. Sa petite taille et son faible poids permettent de le porter sans être trop encombré. La targe possède un certain type d'enchantement générique qui la rend plus résistante aux chocs.


Bonus de Classe d'Armure : 2
Spécial : ne protège pas contre les attaques de type Missiles ou Perforantes.
Poids : 2
Force nécessaire : 4
Non utilisable par : 
 Magicien~ // #39970
@10015 = ~Sort inefficace~ // #4742
@10016 = ~Magnétisé~ // #8325
@10017 = ~Ralenti~ // #335
@10018 = ~Wakizashi~ // #7526
@10019 = ~Wakizashi
Le wakizashi est une arme essentielle pour tout samouraï. C'est l'arme qu'il porte en permanence, même en intérieur, et qu'il garde à portée de main pendant son sommeil. Fabriqué de la même façon que le katana, le wakizashi est, malgré sa plus petite taille, une arme redoutable entre les mains d'un pratiquant accompli.


Dégâts : 1D8
Type de dégât : perforant
Poids : 3
Facteur de vitesse : 3
Type de compétence : cimeterre/wakizashi/ninja-to
Type : arme à 1 main
Force nécessaire : 5
Inutilisable par :
 Mage~ // #36181
@10020 = ~Ninja-To~ // #7529
@10021 = ~Ninja-To
L'épée du ninja, le ninja-to est de qualité inférieure aux autres lames de Kara-Tur, comme le katana. Le ninja-to est court et sa lame est droite, ce qui le rend idéal pour la dissimulation. Il est aussi plus approprié pour le combat en espace confiné, donnant parfois l'avantage aux ninjas sur les lames plus longues utilisées par les samouraïs.


Dégâts : 1D8
Type de dégât : tranchant
Poids : 5
Facteur de vitesse : 4
Type de compétence : cimeterre/wakizashi/ninja-to
Type : arme à 1 main
Force nécessaire : 6
Inutilisable par :
 Mage~ // #39467 


#3 ilot

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 11:00 AM

Here is the italian translation:

Attached Files

Edited by ilot, 25 January 2015 - 11:21 AM.

Italian mods tanslator!!!!

#4 Wisp

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 11:51 AM

Here is the italian translation:
Can you provide the translation as something other than a DOC file?

#5 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 01:30 PM

Here's the spanish (español) translation (all stolen from BG2:ToB with .tlk files in spanish).
@10006=~No puedes ejecutar este conjuro hasta que expire el último que has lanzado.~
@10007=~Aquejado de una terrible enfermedad~
@10009=~El giro ya está activado.~
@10010=~Trampa - aquí~
@10011=~Convocar masa bamboleante~
@10013=~Rodela +1~
@10014=~Una rodela (o broquel) es un pequeño escudo de madera o metal que se sujeta al antebrazo. Gracias a su tamaño, es ligera y puede transportarte sin sufrir grandes restricciones al movimiento. Esta rodela posee un encantamiento genérico que la hace más resistente a los golpes.


Bonificador a la Clase de Armadura: +2
Especial: protección contra ataques perforantes (no procedentes de proyectiles)
Peso: 4
No Permitido a:
@10015=~Conjuro ineficaz~
El wakizashi, o "espada compañera", es muy importante para un samurái. Se lleva en todo momento, incluso por dentro, y está cerca del samurái mientras duerme por la noche. El wakizashi tiene tanta calidad como la katana, aunque es más corta; mide entre 30 y 60 centímetros, resultando un arma peligrosa en manos expertas.


Daño: 1D8
Tipo de daño: Cortante
Peso: 3
Factor de velocidad: 3
Talento marcial: Cimitarra/Wakizashi/Ninja-to
Tipo: una mano
No permitido a:
La espada ninja, ninja-to, es de peor calidad que otras espadas de Kara-Tur, como la katana. Ésta es corta y tiene una hoja recta que la hace ideal para el subterfugio de los ninja. También es más fácil de blandir en espacios cerrados, lo que en ocasiones proporciona ventaja al ninja sobre las espadas largas que utilizan los samuráis.


Daño: 1D8
Tipo de daño: Cortante
Peso: 5
Factor de velocidad: 4
Talento marcial: Cimitarra/Wakizashi/Ninja-to
Tipo: una mano
No permitido a:

#6 Wisp

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 09:48 AM

If someone Spanish-speaking feels so inclined, I also noticed that some of the kit descriptions are out of date (Blade and Assassin, for instance). It'd be just terrific if someone could go over at least those parts and make sure they match their English counterparts.


Edit: it also occurs to me that Spanish is currently lagging these strings, too:

@10000 = ~Harp~ // #38789
@10001 = ~Harps are stringed instruments often used by bards.  This small harp is ideal for the travelling warbler or tales and ballads.~ // #39668
@10002 = ~Ioun Stone~ // #8181
@10003 = ~This is a small stone that floats in an orbit around the owner's head.  Simply equip the stone to set it in its orbit.  These obviously magical stones have different properties depending on their color.~ // #5770
@10004 = ~Thieves' Hood~ // #66467
@10005 = ~Although this hood does not confer any noticeable advantages on its wearer, it does have an aura of latent magic.
Usable by:
Thieves~ // #66466

Edited by Wisp, 26 January 2015 - 12:12 PM.

#7 ilot

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:13 AM

Pardon Wisp, It's ok now? If there are problems let me know!



@10006 = ~Non puoi lanciare questo incantesimo fino a che il precedente non è terminato.~ // #74011
@10007 = ~Colpito da una terribile malattia~ // #39752
@10008 = ~Intrappolato~ // #334
@10009 = ~Rotazione già attiva.~ // #32087
@10010 = ~Una trappola - qui~ // #22461
@10011 = ~Evocare Shambling Mound~ // #3899
@10012 = ~Accecato~ // #1474
@10013 = ~Scudo+1~ // #39971
@10014 = ~Questo è un piccolo scudo di legno o metallo che si tiene sull'avambraccio. A causa della sua dimensione è
leggero e può essere indossato con poca restrizione dei movimenti. Questo scudo è dotato qualche forma di incantesimo
generico, che lo rende più resistente ai colpi.
Bonus classe armatura: 2
Speciali: Nessuna protezione contro attacchi a proiettile e da punta
Peso: 2
Non utilizzabile da:
Mago~ // #39970
@10015 = ~Incantesimo Inefficace~ // #4742
@10016 = ~Magnetizzato~ // #8325
@10017 = ~Rallentato~ // #335
@10018 = ~Wakizashi~ // #7526
@10019 = ~La wakizashi, o spada compagna, è estremamente importante per il samurai. Viene portata sempre, 
anche all'interno di un edificio, e si trova accanto al samurai quando dorme la notte. Costruita altrettanto
accuratamente quanto una katana, la wakizashi è una spada più corta, lunga tra i 30 ed i 60 cm., ed è un'arma
pericolosa in mano a chi sa usarla.
Danni: 1d8
Tipo di danno: da taglio
Peso: 3
Fattore-Velocità: 3
Tipo di Competenza: Scimitarra/Wakizashi/Ninja-to
Tipo: a 1 mano
Non utilizzabile da:
Mago ~ // #36181
@10020 = ~Ninja-To~ // #7529
@10021 = ~Ninjia-to
La spada del ninja, la ninja-to, è di qualità inferiore rispetto alle altre spade Kara-Tur come la katana.
la ninja-to è corta e ha una lama dritta, l'ideale per i sotterfugi dei ninja. Essa è più adatta ai luoghi chiusi
e a volte avvantaggia il ninja rispetto alle spade più lunghe usate dal samurai.
Danni: 1d8
Tipo di danno: da taglio
Peso: 5
Fattore-Velocità: 4
Tipo di Competenza: Scimitarra/Wakizashi/Ninjia-to
Tipo: a 1 mano
Non utilizzabile da:
Mago ~ // #39467

Edited by ilot, 26 January 2015 - 10:19 AM.

Italian mods tanslator!!!!

#8 Wisp

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 12:15 PM

Thank you, girls, guys or preferred designations.

#9 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 05:38 PM

If someone Spanish-speaking feels so inclined, I also noticed that some of the kit descriptions are out of date (Blade and Assassin, for instance). It'd be just terrific if someone could go over at least those parts and make sure they match their English counterparts.
Edit: it also occurs to me that Spanish is currently lagging these strings, too:

@10000 = ~Harp~ // #38789
@10001 = ~Harps are stringed instruments often used by bards.  This small harp is ideal for the travelling warbler or tales and ballads.~ // #39668
@10002 = ~Ioun Stone~ // #8181
@10003 = ~This is a small stone that floats in an orbit around the owner's head.  Simply equip the stone to set it in its orbit.  These obviously magical stones have different properties depending on their color.~ // #5770
@10004 = ~Thieves' Hood~ // #66467
@10005 = ~Although this hood does not confer any noticeable advantages on its wearer, it does have an aura of latent magic.
Usable by:
Thieves~ // #66466

Here they are:
@10001=~Las arpas son instrumentos de cuerda utilizados a menudo por los bardos. Esta pequeña arpa es ideal para cantores itinerantes o relatos y baladas.~
@10002=~Piedra ioun~
@10003=~Es una pequeña piedra que gira alrededor de la cabeza del propietario. Sólo tienes que equiparte con ella para que ésta empiece a recorrer su órbita. Estas piedras, obviamente mágicas, tienen diferentes propiedades dependiendo de su color.~
@10004=~Capucha de los ladrones~
@10005=~Aunque esta capucha no confiere ninguna ventaja ostensible a quien la lleva, posee un aura de magia latente.

Permitida a:
I have updated and corrected a big part of the game.tra file, including the Assassin's, the Bounty Hunter's, the Jester's and many other strings with minor incoherences or mistakes (can't let errors go by... OCD). Rarely, the Blade's description was updated already, just not correctly formatted (i've fixed that too).
I haven't touched the UTF-8 files for the EEs, nor the ones for OS X/Unix.
Attached File  tra files.zip   69.58K   249 downloads
You owe the Oracle one hundred and seventy five Zorkmids.

#10 Wisp

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 04:25 PM


#11 Lisandro

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Posted 09 January 2016 - 01:55 PM

Hi there... a long time has passed... when I entered the forum I see how many things have grown and changed ... Good for you all people.


Thank you Wisp for think about me in spanish translations.... I need to find out how many great things are... and I bought BGEE 1 and 2... Ok... let's start!