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Need help with Weidu on mac/installing BGT


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#1 -Hereward-

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Posted 16 January 2015 - 05:17 PM

Hello, I have run into several problems trying to install BGT on mac. I am afraid my knowledge of coding and modding is quite limited.

I have BG1 EE, and BG2 complete (non-ee). Don't know if this is a problem.

They have been installed separately, and I do not have a windows partition (would highly prefer not to make one).

My main source for instructions on how to install BGT on the mac have revolved around this page http://www.weidu.org/Mac.html.

On this page, it lists two solutions. I will paste both and describe my problems with each.

" Copying Option.

    Copy weidu-mac over Setup-Foo.exe (where Foo is something like Solaufein or Tactics or whatever is appropriate for the mod you are installing).
    Run Setup-Foo.exe (you may have to type ./Setup-Foo.exe to do so) "

If I try this option, the weidu terminal window tells me that I am not installing in a valid game directory. I have tried opening the files in the directories contents/resources/ and contents/resources/drive-c/GOG games/Baldur's Gate 2.

" Hand-Installation Option.

    Run weidu-mac Setup-Foo.tp2 --tlkout dialog.tlk "

I am afraid I do not know exactly what this means. I am not very familiar with the correct commands to type in the standard mac terminal or the weidu terminal. If it means that I should run a mac weidu file in the above directories and then try to run setup-bgt.tp2 within the weidu terminal window, I get the result

sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

This is when I type 'weidu setup-bgt.tp2' in the weidu terminal. If I try to identify the precise address of the file, e.g. /Applications/Baldur's Gate 2/Baldur's Gate 2.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/GOG Games/Baldur's Gate 2, the terminal says there is no such address - it seems to have a problem with locating a file within a .app file - the 'wrong address' feedback cuts off the address at /Applications/Baldur's Gate 2/Baldur's Gate 2.app.

Sorry for a complicated question on what must be an awkward subject, but I have tried my hardest to try to solve the problem.

#2 hook71

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:19 AM

BGT is not compatible with the EE versions of BG. You'll have to get the original version of BG1 to make it work with BGT.

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