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Looking to create/build a very simple armor equipping key and could re

Baldurs Gate equip key armor key Near Infinity equip armor key equip clothes key equip items key equip clothing key equip item key

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#1 -Zirus Blackheart-

-Zirus Blackheart-
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Posted 12 December 2014 - 09:18 PM

Looking to create/build a very simple armor equipping key for myself for Baldurs Gate and could really use some advise :-)

Hay everyone :-)

I'm looking to create some kind of script/mod for myself for Baldurs Gate that will allow me to hit a key and equip a full set of armor and items that I have pre-defined :-)
I'm very new to modding but have done lots of work in the past on Ultima Online, editing cfg files and writing some eScript although I would prefere it if I didn't need to code too much or even code at all for this :-) I have downloaded and been looking at Near Infinity which I think will allow me to do it?
I have had reccomended to do it as a spell or even an inate ability? Which makes sense.

My reason for wanting to do this is I want to create a fighter/Mage/thief chr to solo the game with :-) and in combat I want to be able to swap between each chr type by hitting a key. So say I go in and backstab with a qstaff and wearing the good thief leather armor I bought in beregahst and the boots that buffs all the thief skills then hit a key and swap into full plate and a halberd and hit again then hit a key and equip my Mage robe and fast cheetah boots n run back and cast magic arrow for instance :-)
very similar to the mod I was running on Elder Scrolls Oblivion that let me do the same thing :-)

So I'm looking for advice on how to go about this such as which modding program would be best for me? As I said I already have Near Infinity which has no coding which I like :-)
Is there a mod already out there somewhere that does this? Or has a similar backbone to it that I could just edit instead of writing something completely from scratch?

What pointers, tips do you have and pitfalls should I look out for when writing it?

If someone could give me a quick run down from A to B of what I'll need to do in Near Infinity that would of course be like finding venus's arms or the holy grail hehe :-)

Thx loads for any help and guidance everyone! :-D

Take it easy :-)

Sign:- Zirus Blackheart

#2 Zirus Blackheart

Zirus Blackheart
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Posted 12 December 2014 - 09:36 PM

Just set Follow topic :-)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Baldurs Gate, equip key, armor key, Near Infinity, equip armor key, equip clothes key, equip items key, equip clothing key, equip item key