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[MOD] Distinguishable clubs WEIDU

Distinguishable Club BG:EE Weapon BAM

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#1 artificial_sunlight

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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:18 AM

Posted Image

File Name: Distinguishable clubs WEIDU
File Submitter: artificial_sunlight
File Submitted: 13 Oct 2014
File Category: BG:EE Mods

Since the release of BG:EE there where more magical clubs spread around the Sword Coast. But If you found them they looked like plain and simple clubs. This was partly fixed in v1.2 by setting them unidentified. But this was no solution for inventory management, because they still shared the same graphic.


This led me to creating one of my first mod's. I made new BAM's for the Club +1(light green) , Mighty oak (dark green) and Night Club (dark blue).


And to make the Night Club somewhat nicer, I recolored the paperdoll/ingame animation. It's now black! The +2 at night makes a lot more sense now, you won't see it comming.


It's Weidu and it patches the ITM files, so it should be compatible with other mods.

Click here to download this file

#2 Miloch



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 02:55 PM

Nifty. Though I have to say, those first two clubs are rather dark. I didn't even realize there were icons there until I squinted at the graphic. It is hard to do "black" icons though, given the dark background. Usually, I crank up the contrast so you can see the highlights at least.

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#3 artificial_sunlight

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Posted 14 October 2014 - 11:02 PM

In game they are better (at my system), and the pic in this topic is not right. If you click on it in the downloads page, you see all the clubs.


But maybe I can can enhance the Bam's

#4 smeagolheart

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Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:55 AM

would you be interested in porting these clubs to IWDEE?


Like adding them to Conlan's inventory or something for sale?

#5 artificial_sunlight

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:13 AM

Smeagolheart put my mod in his IWDEE mod http://www.shsforums...dee-tweak-pack/

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Distinguishable, Club, BG:EE, Weapon, BAM