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help with create bard kit

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#1 composter

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Posted 09 October 2014 - 11:32 AM

Hello everybody.

I want to create bard kit. I read about create kit "Selune". But i have some questions.

I open CLABBA04.2DA and it have only 2 ablities. Other ablilties he receives from pure bard. Where i can see abilities for pure bard?

I want to combine skald song and jester song.I found that it use different projectile file.I found that only one adress for bard song, and song use spl which you add later.

Is it real to combine skald song and jester song?


#2 subtledoctor

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:01 AM

A bars song that affects allies and enemies differently is... very difficult. I've managed to do it in my Loresinger kit but it is not for the faint of heart. Basically you need to use a projectile that affects both, and differentiate effects via .effs targeted at different .ids groups.