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Please help me with some pre-install questions

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#1 spanyam

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 05:24 PM

Hi guys!
I am finally ready to play a megamod game for the first time, and I am excited to get into it. Before I start, I would like your feedback on a few of my mod choices and your help in clearing up some doubts.
This will be a BGT install using the GOG.com versions of the original games. I made my mod selections giving priority (in order) to the following:

  • Stability (minimize crashes / glitches)
  • Challenge (SCS for AI, avoiding OP items and companions, avoiding OP rules / tweaks)
  • Balance (if there is some imbalance, I prefer that it be slightly against me rather than in my favor)
  • Should be able to finish the game (so no enormous mods)
  • I enjoy planning and building the best party compositions, but not to the point of powergaming or dualing a Kensai at lvl 25
  • Well Made Content (particularly interested in NPCs)

So with the above in mind, I have decided to make a few notable omissions. Let me know if I should rethink any of the following choices.
Notable Mods Skipped:


Here are the big choices that I am confused about:
SCS v28 or SCS(I/II) v21? - Answered by kreso. Looks like SCS v28 has some good advantages over v21 and also has workarounds for the major issues. Thanks kreso!
I would much rather give priority to stability than needing to take a bit of extra effort during installation. I have read that there are still many pending bugs with SCS v28 (as mentioned here http://www.shsforums...ogram/?p=571962), and the mod has not been updated in many months. So is it worth the extra trouble (pausing BWS, manually installing, unpausing) to install SCS v21 or is it better to go with v28? Is there any danger with using v21? This relates to the next doubt as well...





Don't use "better calls for help" if it bugs you, or just play a "I kill everything" game and you won't notice the glitch.


Use the old version and SCS on top of it with the fixes above (you don't need Lich Breach fix with SR).


Yeah. In my selection, I didn't (I hope!) select a few components - example Imp. Mind Flayers since they cause extreme lag for at least two people (myself and Polytope), I didn't include "harder Abazigal lair" since it's way harder (imo) than most of other components, and similar. You may and probably will witness some bugs, but nothing "omg what do I do now". SCSv28 has a huge advantage over SCS21 due to new functions it brings (kit enforcement being imo the prime example, since it made AI oponnents benefit from any kit changes). So a few bugs here and there can be forgiven I'd guess...

BP-Ascension ok to use with SCS? - Answered by kreso. I'll stick with regular Ascension-WeiDU, as that seems most compatible with SCS.
I do not want any AI from BP, but I do want Ascension. I have read many posts in the baldurs gate forums from people claiming that BP-Ascension should now work with SCS. The other thing is that prior to v28, SCS overrode BP scripts in the interest of stability. But as of the latest version, the SCS changelog notes that since the BP main component has been split up quite a bit, it is no longer necessary to overwrite BP scripts, so SCS no longer does that. So if I use the older v21 (which does override scripts), do I run into risk of instability with BP-Ascension?

I really can't understand why people constantly "advise" to use BP-Ascension....especially if they never played through it with SCS. Use the old version and SCS on top of it with the fixes above (you don't need Lich Breach fix with SR).
BP version; just like the mod, suffers from very bad bugs; and until it's updated and fixed I wouldn't reccomend any part of it.

Should I use Lvl 1 NPCS? - Answered by The Imp. Looks like it's not too much of a concern, so I will use just the "NPCs match player experience" component of this mod.
I like the idea behind this mod, as it allows me to almost have a second PC to customize to my heart's content. But since this applies to EVERY NPC, I am afraid that I will miss out on experiencing NPCs "as they were intended." What is your opinion on this mod?

Well, in my opinion, the game itself kinda ruins the adventure challenge in that it allows the veteran player gain veteran characters when ever they join him because it checks what level the player is on and sets the joining characters level to a set number(observe the NPCLEVEL.2da file).
But don't worry, the Level 1 NPCs can fix this if you cheat the NPCs xp after they join as they are still at level 1. :P

Please help me out with the above! For reference, here is my full mod selection list (can't figure out how to do hidden text in the post): https://www.evernote...4d8e4e8685d58a9. If you have a minute, please scan through it and let me know if I have by mistake included any mods that introduce overpowered items or make the game too easy or too hard.

Edited by spanyam, 22 September 2014 - 12:31 PM.

#2 Nightfarer

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 07:16 PM

Taking a look at your mod list:


Garrick - Tales of a Troubador is actually french only. v1.20 english translation under proofreading.

Houyi: that depends upon the version. v1 chinese only, v2 chinese and english.

#3 spanyam

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 07:20 PM

Okay, thanks for pointing those out. I have removed them (didn't care for them much).

#4 The Imp

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 10:09 PM

(can't figure out how to do hidden text in the post):
Well, you just use teh spoilers tags:
Should I use Lvl 1 NPCS?
Well, the primary purpose of this mod(the actual NPC components) are not actually used in BWS, as you need to make the selection by hand(manual install).
And should you use them, definitely, or how else could you get Sarevok to be a Kensai Assassin ? Ouh yeah, you also need to make that kit combo with the Multiclass Multikit Builder to archive all of that, when you pause the BWS before the Generalized Biffing, but your brother is a special case. Well, unless you wish to make Aerie into a ... and Jaheira to... I'll let your thoughts run wild here, but I believe I have hit the golden vein of all kit parties.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#5 spanyam

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 10:17 PM

Well, the primary purpose of this mod(the actual NPC components) are not actually used in BWS, as you need to make the selection by hand(manual install).
And should you use them, definitely, or how else could you get Sarevok to be a Kensai Assassin ? Ouh yeah, you also need to make that kit combo with the Multiclass Multikit Builder to archive all of that, when you pause the BWS before the Generalized Biffing, but your brother is a special case. Well, unless you wish to make Aerie into a ... and Jaheira to... I'll let your thoughts run wild here, but I believe I have hit the golden vein of all kit parties.
Hehe, no intention of throwing any kit parties here :P. I'm just talking about the part that makes NPC's start at lvl 1 and match player experience. Does this make the game too easy (letting NPCs join at higher levels than intended) or ruin the flavor of any NPCs by resetting their unique skill set / proficiencies?
Well, you just use teh spoilers tags:
Ahh thanks!

Edited by spanyam, 19 September 2014 - 10:51 PM.

#6 The Imp

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 10:34 PM

I'm just talking about the part that makes NPC's start at lvl 1 and match player experience. Does this make the game too easy (letting NPCs join at higher levels than intended) or ruin the flavor of any NPCs by resetting their unique skill set / proficiencies?

Well, in my opinion, the game itself kinda ruins the adventure challenge in that it allows the veteran player gain veteran characters when ever they join him because it checks what level the player is on and sets the joining characters level to a set number(observe the NPCLEVEL.2da file).

But don't worry, the Level 1 NPCs can fix this if you cheat the NPCs xp after they join as they are still at level 1. :P

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#7 spanyam

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 10:44 PM

Ah so if I feel that an NPC is getting too much XP, I can use SK to lower it before leveling it up. Thanks, that makes sense! I will update the OP with your answer.

#8 spanyam

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Posted 21 September 2014 - 03:39 PM

Updated OP. Leaning more towards SCS(I/II) v21, due to more and more bugs I found reported in the SCS forum, e.g. http://forums.gibber...showtopic=26559


I would appreciate feedback on my first two questions from anyone who has experience on this subject. Thanks! 

#9 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 02:02 AM





Don't use "better calls for help" if it bugs you, or just play a "I kill everything" game and you won't notice the glitch.


I really can't understand why people constantly "advise" to use BP-Ascension....especially if they never played through it with SCS. Use the old version and SCS on top of it with the fixes above (you don't need Lich Breach fix with SR).

BP version; just like the mod, suffers from very bad bugs; and until it's updated and fixed I wouldn't reccomend any part of it.


As per your mods, read here (it's slightly outdated but still..)

Note, new versions of IR and SR are very likely to be released before the end of this month, read here

I'm also in the process of doing a slight revision to Megamod "reccomended" install options (call it "k's 500 ways NOT to ruin your game :P) , I have the mods and install file ready to upload ; but have to write several pages of notes of whys and how-tos about them (I wanted to wait for SCS upgrade but...); that is on my to-do list as soon as IR/SR are out of testing phase and out in the open. 

#10 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 02:25 AM

Anyway, since I can't give any promises on SR/IR, here's my selection, being fairly close to vanilla game, with mods I'd reccomend to play through at least once since they're of decent enough quality and content. This does not include IR/SR/Kit Revisons due to beta stages, so if you're inpatient go ahead and use this. 

What I can promise you with this selection is:

a) no gamebreaking bugs  (use SCS fixes above)

b) no AI stupidity

c) no imbalanced equipment/spells/kits

d) no crappy NPCs 

e) not straying too far from original game

f) no nonsense mods

g) a crapload of fun  :)

h) tested out (you might run into minor bugs tho)


Download the file, copy it to your Big World folder, and under "options" select "import selection from file"; "k'selection". 

Or, be patient for a week or so and have a go with new IR/SR mods. They're a blast :D. (selection will be updated as well, as well as sort of a "readme" for whys and why nots).

#11 Sergio

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 08:21 AM

Thank you. I've had problems with the mod you've selected, 1pp elemental and solars. I wouldn't recommend it because it crashed my game when meeeting, for example, the fire elemental inside the firkraag's ruin.

I'll wait for your selection, though.

I fully agree about not using Bp ascension. It breaks a lot of stuff.

Edited by Sergio, 22 September 2014 - 08:22 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#12 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 08:48 AM

Thank you. I've had problems with the mod you've selected, 1pp elemental and solars. I wouldn't recommend it because it crashed my game when meeeting, for example, the fire elemental inside the firkraag's ruin.

I'll wait for your selection, though.

I fully agree about not using Bp ascension. It breaks a lot of stuff.

I did report the 1PP elemental crash ages ago (can't find post tho), it seemed to work fine for most of the people. Then it started working fine for me as well. I have zero idea what causes that I'm afraid, graphic mods I know very little about. 3D acceleration should be on for 1PP, but I somehow assume that shouldn't be a problem. What one can do is skip this component and install it after BWS is done, then you can uninstall it quickly if it doesn't work. 

Oh, and the selection above does NOT include Generalizd Biffing. So, after you  use it, re-run Level1NPCs (DO NOT RE-INSTALL ANYTHING), make them into what you want them, run Generalized Biffing and you're good to go.

#13 spanyam

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 10:18 AM

Don't use "better calls for help" if it bugs you, or just play a "I kill everything" game and you won't notice the glitch.
I really can't understand why people constantly "advise" to use BP-Ascension....especially if they never played through it with SCS. Use the old version and SCS on top of it with the fixes above (you don't need Lich Breach fix with SR).
BP version; just like the mod, suffers from very bad bugs; and until it's updated and fixed I wouldn't reccomend any part of it.
As per your mods, read here (it's slightly outdated but still..)
Note, new versions of IR and SR are very likely to be released before the end of this month, read here
I'm also in the process of doing a slight revision to Megamod "reccomended" install options (call it "k's 500 ways NOT to ruin your game :P) , I have the mods and install file ready to upload ; but have to write several pages of notes of whys and how-tos about them (I wanted to wait for SCS upgrade but...); that is on my to-do list as soon as IR/SR are out of testing phase and out in the open. 


Anyway, since I can't give any promises on SR/IR, here's my selection, being fairly close to vanilla game, with mods I'd reccomend to play through at least once since they're of decent enough quality and content. This does not include IR/SR/Kit Revisons due to beta stages, so if you're inpatient go ahead and use this. 
What I can promise you with this selection is:
a) no gamebreaking bugs  (use SCS fixes above)
b) no AI stupidity
c) no imbalanced equipment/spells/kits
d) no crappy NPCs 
e) not straying too far from original game
f) no nonsense mods
g) a crapload of fun  :)
h) tested out (you might run into minor bugs tho)
Download the file, copy it to your Big World folder, and under "options" select "import selection from file"; "k'selection". 
Or, be patient for a week or so and have a go with new IR/SR mods. They're a blast :D. (selection will be updated as well, as well as sort of a "readme" for whys and why nots).

Thanks so much, Kreso. After reading through both of your posts, I think I will indeed wait for SR/IR to be released. I've read through the proposed changes on both, and they look fantastic! I will post over in the respective forums and help to test them in the meantime. I am no expert, but as a software developer, I have seen that sometimes having a total novice use the system can generate good feedback.

Oh, and the selection above does NOT include Generalizd Biffing. So, after you use it, re-run Level1NPCs (DO NOT RE-INSTALL ANYTHING), make them into what you want them, run Generalized Biffing and you're good to go.


Okay, thanks. I don't intend to majorly bork any of the game's NPCs, so I will only use it to make minor adjustments that can be done via level up. I will simply use the "Joinable NPCs more closely match the player character's experience" component and leave it at that. If that's the case, can Generalized Biffing be included in the main selection itself?

Edited by spanyam, 22 September 2014 - 10:27 AM.

#14 The Imp

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 10:38 AM

If that's the case, can Generalized Biffing be included in the main selection itself?
It's actually included in BWP/BWS so yeah.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#15 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 10:56 AM

If that's the case, can Generalized Biffing be included in the main selection itself?
It's actually included in BWP/BWS so yeah.

Yeah, you can include it.  I didn't put it in the selection for  a number of reasons, but nothing really serious.

#16 spanyam

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 11:07 AM

Yeah, you can include it. I didn't put it in the selection for a number of reasons, but nothing really serious.
Okay thanks.
Don't use "better calls for help" if it bugs you, or just play a "I kill everything" game and you won't notice the glitch.
I really can't understand why people constantly "advise" to use BP-Ascension....especially if they never played through it with SCS. Use the old version and SCS on top of it with the fixes above (you don't need Lich Breach fix with SR).
So in your opinion, it's okay to go through with SCS v28 if these fixes are applied?

Edited by spanyam, 22 September 2014 - 11:16 AM.

#17 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 11:35 AM

So in your opinion, it's okay to go through with SCS v28 if these fixes are applied?

Yeah. In my selection, I didn't (I hope!) select a few components - example Imp. Mind Flayers since they cause extreme lag for at least two people  (myself and Polytope), I didn't include "harder Abazigal lair" since it's way harder (imo) than most of other components, and similar. You may and probably will witness some bugs, but nothing "omg what do I do now". SCSv28 has a huge advantage over SCS21 due to new functions it brings (kit enforcement being imo the prime example, since it made AI oponnents benefit from any kit changes). So a few bugs here and there can be forgiven I'd guess...

#18 spanyam

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 12:05 PM

Yeah. In my selection, I didn't (I hope!) select a few components - example Imp. Mind Flayers since they cause extreme lag for at least two people  (myself and Polytope), I didn't include "harder Abazigal lair" since it's way harder (imo) than most of other components, and similar. You may and probably will witness some bugs, but nothing "omg what do I do now". SCSv28 has a huge advantage over SCS21 due to new functions it brings (kit enforcement being imo the prime example, since it made AI oponnents benefit from any kit changes). So a few bugs here and there can be forgiven I'd guess...

Okay that makes the choice much more clear, thank you. Regarding the lag, is there a risk if I am running it on a moderately fast machine (sandy bridge i5 with 8gb ram on an ssd)? And is the Abazigal lair difficult to the point of unfairness (winnable heavily based on luck) or super challenging but doable with practice and preparation? The former is frustrating and not rewarding, whereas the latter could actually be fun.

#19 kreso

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 12:17 PM

Okay that makes the choice much more clear, thank you. Regarding the lag, is there a risk if I am running it on a moderately fast machine (sandy bridge i5 with 8gb ram on an ssd)? And is the Abazigal lair difficult to the point of unfairness (winnable heavily based on luck) or super challenging but doable with practice and preparation? The former is frustrating and not rewarding, whereas the latter could actually be fun.

I'm afraid the machine has nothing to do with that particular issue. Abazigal; well, I don't find fighting 5+ Dragons fun. With no rest in between. (I think the number of dragons in this damn game is too high!)

It's doable, some would say easy, but imo requires quite a bit of metagame knowledge - similar to Kangaxx or such stuff. I don't really like that.

There's also the  point that Abazigal is one of the last battles in game usually. When I get there, I usually just "want to get it over with". Hence, I skipped that component.

Oh, and another mod (you can use this to improve Flayers and such) - Polytweak. Goes after SCS, so you can easilly install it as last, just before biffing.  Reccomended. 

#20 spanyam

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 12:29 PM

I'm afraid the machine has nothing to do with that particular issue. Abazigal; well, I don't find fighting 5+ Dragons fun. With no rest in between. (I think the number of dragons in this damn game is too high!)
It's doable, some would say easy, but imo requires quite a bit of metagame knowledge - similar to Kangaxx or such stuff. I don't really like that.
There's also the  point that Abazigal is one of the last battles in game usually. When I get there, I usually just "want to get it over with". Hence, I skipped that component.
Oh, and another mod (you can use this to improve Flayers and such) - Polytweak. Goes after SCS, so you can easilly install it as last, just before biffing.  Reccomended. 

Okay, I'll skip mind flayers in SCS. Polytweak creature improvements look great! I will try it out for sure.