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#1 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:17 AM

I just released BWP v14.2:

I aimed to solve some compatibility issues. So the most complex part are some changes in the install order. Also I added a few mods again.

I stumbled about some unsolved issues:

Aran Whitehand beta 4: For some reason only the main component can be installed automatically. If you want to install one of the other components you have to install this mod manually. The aranw_aware add-on cannot be installed at all.

I wanted to add 1PP’s High quality music, however, High quality music for BGT deletes all music files added by other mods.

kreso pointed out a problem with the current install order regarding Spell Pack. This turns out to be a complex matter because of the many dependencies so I will change this only with the next release.
Of course Spellpack should be moved after all quest mods because of their trap scripts. But what about Rogue ReBalancing and Ding0's Tweak Pack? They also handle with traps. Should they come before SpellPack or after?

Note: In the current installation you will run into problems when you either choose the subrace mod or Psionics Unleashed.

Please post your comments and suggestions for further versions here.

#2 Sergio

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:34 AM

Thanks for the new release.
When it comes to clashing between mods, would it be hard to add a sort of "reminder" while the mods get installed if there are overlapping features? Before they get installed?

For example. Traps script between the following mods "*****" clash. Please choose the order on which they should be installed, or let the installpack sort it automatically (and the installpack will choose the "preferite" - now up to you what preferite means) option.


Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#3 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:06 AM

This feature is included in the new Installpack v14.2.

#4 tomkaz

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:47 PM

Hi Leonardo:

Great job. I mess with BiG World Install.bat so I see how difficult it is to put together a program that encompasses all the mods. I really appreciate your efforts because I do not think I could ever put together a mega-mod game without BWP.

I read through BiG World Project v14.2 English.pdf and noticed there are later issues of some mods and some new mods. Here is a list I am interested in.

BiG World Project English v14.2 ------------------- Mods I have
(Numbers are from BiG World Project English v14.2)

7.1 Vault v7.2 ---------------------------------- Vault v7.2a
8.4 TeamBG Armor Pack v1.01 --------------------- TeamBG Armor Pack v1.03
8.5 TeamBG Weapon Pack v1.01 -------------------- TeamBG Weapon Pack v1.03
11.5 Every Mod and Dog v6 ------------------------ Every Mod and Dog v7
11.13 Assassinations v9 --------------------------- Assassinations v10
11.18 Tales of the Deep Gardens v9.3 -------------- Tales of the Deep Gardens v10.0
11.19 Innershade v6 ------------------------------- Innershade v7
11.25 Eilistaree's Song v3.3 ---------------------- Eilistaree's Song v3.4
13.43 Lavalt! v2.1 -------------------------------- Lavalt! v2.2
20.2 Big Picture v1.81 --------------------------- Big Picture v1.81_4611
25.13 Ding0's Tweak Pack v20 ---------------------- Ding0's Tweak Pack v21
25.18 BP Series v0.3079 --------------------------- BP Series v0.3121
25.20 aTweaks v4.03 ------------------------------- aTweaks v4.31
25.26 Item Randomizer v6.7 ------------------------ Item Randomizer v6.8

Mods I need

1.13 Almateria's Restoration Project v6.4
4.3 Baldur's Gate Trilogy Graphics Overhaul v1.7
6.6 Drizzt Saga v3.0
10.1 BG1 Unfinished Business v13.1
11.26 Fishing for Trouble v3.0
23.10 Rouge Rebalancing v4.71
25.2 Multistronghold
25.24 Difficulty and Tweaks v6
26.6 Aurora ToB NPC Patch
26.17 BP-BGT Worldmap v10.0.2
26.19 Restored BG1 Sounds v3.2

I know that BWP makes corrections and fixes to some problems. Since some mods are later issues of those listed in BiG World Project v14.2 English.pdf will the corrections and fixes work with the later versions I have? Would you recommend I use all the latest versions with BiG World Install.bat?

The second have of the list is mods I currently do not have, but will get before I make a new mega-mod game. I am currently using BWP v14.1 and all the latest mods as of July 2014. There are still many problems with the way the mods were written (not with BWP). So I will start a new mega-mod game soon.

One suggestion I have (and it does not involve any detailed programming) is to modify List.bat to output the results to a file along with to the screen. I did the modification and this helps me check what is installed and what did not get installed. May not be useful for a small megs-mod game, but I have over 200 mods added to the game.

Thanks again for your efforts in making BWP easy to use and a great help in cleaning up mod problems.


Edited by tomkaz, 20 August 2014 - 05:54 AM.

#5 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:05 PM

I wasn't aware of these new mod verions. I will update BWP as soon as possible.


One suggestion I have (and it does not involve any detailed programming) is to modify List.bat to output the results to a file along with to the screen.

The new Installpack offers you this option.

#6 tomkaz

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:42 AM

Hi Leonardo: It seems like you have thought of everything. Thanks for making Baldur's Gate mega-mod games easy to make and fun to play. Tom

#7 Tash

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 07:23 PM

Thanks for the new release! And I guess I should thank you for including rBG1s :hug:.


I just want to make a note that it's perfectly safe to install the newest version (3.42), as I played through the first portion of BGT using 3.2 and I noticed (and later fixed) minor annoyances with some of the changes I made. Also, I removed the option to reduce the volume of repdown; I'm not even sure it was ever needed by anything other than my buggy EAX drivers.


Install order is fine, but please remember that it's not a super smart code and if another mod changes sounds for the default spells, these will be patched at the end by my mod. For me, this would be desirable, but I just want you to keep it in mind. I believe that only Lost Crossroads Spell Pack makes such changes, though.

#8 -Roboghost-

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 01:37 PM

This mod looks cool to add which is defined under Infinity Engine Modlist as a mod for "BG Rules and Tweaks":


"New travel system between Baldur's Gate City areas"


Have not tried yet, but will give it a go for my next BGT install...going for your individual.bat install!  This will be fun ;)


Oh - be warned that:
1) BGT will not install with version 236.02 beta of WeiDU
2) Almateria's Restoration Project 7.2 requires WeiDU 236.02 beta or install will fail


#9 -Roboghost-

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 02:10 PM

Note: TeamBG's Armor Pack and Item Pack are both up to v1.05.

#10 SergeTroy

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 03:41 PM

Looking for a little clarification on the initial install path & directories for GoG's digital dl of BG1 & 2 (apologies in advance, I just hate making those small mistakes)


I've downloaded the GoG downloader to "C:Games:GoG.com" and the setup files are in the MyDocuments space (GoG.Com Downloads).  When I initially run the setup for BG2 , the default download directory / install path is "C:\GoG Games\Baldur's Gate 2".  From reading the BWP Guide 14.2, it looks like the main thing that it prefers I change is "...Baldur's Gate 2" to "...BGII - SoA".  The question I have is whether it's okay for the Big World Project and BGT to have it as, "C:\GoG Games\BGII - SoA" or should it be "C:\Games\BGII - SoA"


Apologies again, it may be that the directory name ("BGII - SoA") is the only important thing, but I've read a fair bit about some messed up installs and I'd just like to minimize the screw ups I'll be making :)   Thanks again.


From the Guide, pg. 15

The default directory for BGII using gog.com is: "...\GOG.com\Baldurs Gate II" (no quotes). Therefore, the directory
name needs to be changed to "BGII - SoA" (a space before and after the hyphen).
(Not needed when using the BiG World Install.bat as of v10.1).
You must also change the Baldur.ini. Open it with a text editor. Under the line "alias" you will have to change the lines
for HD0 and CD1-CD6 to reflect the proper path to the directory. (will be executed by the BiG World Install.bat)

#11 tomkaz

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 04:05 PM

Hi Leonardo: Before I create my game with v14.2, I need to find some mods. I would appreciate any help in finding these. Item Revisions 3 Beta 1.14. I can only find v2 at Gibberlings 3. That is the version number in the readme file. Planar Sphere v2.6e. I found Planar Sphere v2.6e Beta. Is that the same one you are using? I Shall Never Forget v3.1. I am having trouble finding this earlier version. I did find v4.1. Lavalt! v2.1. Again I cannot find this earlier version. The site only has v2.2 Big Picture v1.81. There a lot of files in SHS that this could be. Please be more specific about the version? I think that is all I need. I expect to have the game together and started in about a week. Thanks, Tom

#12 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 04:30 PM

The question I have is whether it's okay for the Big World Project and BGT to have it as, "C:\GoG Games\BGII - SoA" or should it be "C:\Games\BGII - SoA"


Apologies again, it may be that the directory name ("BGII - SoA") is the only important thing,

It can take either, there's a problem if the game directory is in the Program Files folder, because the Windows gives fights about that.

The directory name was important in the past, but it's no longer so.

The only real important thing is, that the baldur.ini file in the game directory(you can open it with Notepad) points to the actual directory the game and it's files are in the [Alias] section.

Edited by The Imp, 24 August 2014 - 03:50 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#13 SergeTroy

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:35 PM

Ah good, thanks Imp! Have had some issues in the past with modding games and I'm getting a little too freaked by the details.  Rest pf the guide read pretty easy, looking forward to the game.  Thanks again!

#14 micbaldur


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 03:02 AM

Nice work on BWP Leonardo. :cheers:


Thanks for that individual bat-file install.


This pre-selection looks nice:



It's for the really big BWP dudes. :P


Tempted to make test install with it (after that BGT issue is solved).


I haven't found that Multistronghold mod yet though.

Edited by micbaldur, 24 August 2014 - 04:37 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#15 micbaldur


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 05:02 AM

I have couple of questions about BWP.


What are reasons for reboot (other than codepage for IA)?


Are you sure about install order of NEJ and TS. Quote from BiG World Project v14.2 English.pdf:


TS v7.04is designed to be installed after NEJ!


You could confirm (maybe you have confirmed, i don't know) that from Vlad, he's around nowadays. Hopely finishing NEJ (adding part 3).

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#16 tomkaz

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Posted 24 August 2014 - 09:38 AM

Hi Leonardo:

I have become unhappy with BiG World Installpack v14.2. I have not used it yet, but I am in the process of creating a mega-mod game. There are several components I do not like and do not want in my game.

Previously, I would edit BiG World Install.bat. For example, the following lines are in BiG World Install.bat V14.1:

Call %INST% bg2fixpack "0"
%IFE% Call %INSTI% bg2fixpack "1000"
Call %INST% bg2fixpack "3 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108"
Call %INST% bg2fixpack "109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116"

I did not want components #15 and #16 so I would change the lines to:

Call %INST% bg2fixpack "0"
%IFE% Call %INSTI% bg2fixpack "1000"
Call %INST% bg2fixpack "3 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108"
:: Call %INST% bg2fixpack "109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116"
Call %INST% bg2fixpack "109 110 111 112 113 114"

In BiG World Installpack v14.2, I cannot do this. I have found several programs which can be edited. They are compilation.bat, individual.bat and process.bat. Please tell me where I can find the instructions to edit the installation or which files to edit.



Please excuse the mess. Lately my posts are getting messed up. Dropping all the spaces and return charaters. Is it my browser (IE v8)? Does SHS have a problem?


After I edited the post, it looked OK


My apologies. I found you edit individual.bat.


Edited by tomkaz, 24 August 2014 - 09:46 AM.

#17 -Roboghost-

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Posted 24 August 2014 - 10:15 AM


Two things needed to be done for the below mods if going to use:


1.13) ARP v7.2 - need to pause the batch and add 236.02 beta WeiDU version setup-arestorationp.exe to BGII - SoA folder and then install by hand.  BGT will down-date it to 236.00, so it will fail to install.


4.2) BGT Music - put a pause after this install since the next mod will not install after this for some reason.

4.3) BGT Graphics Overhaul v1.7 - install this mod by hand since it refuses to install after Music mod - I mentioned in past post, but it is still acting up here for some reason!


These are the only major problems so far...I'll report more if I bump into any.  Yes btw, you can install other stuff whist the individual.bat is paused...whew.

#18 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:23 PM

@ micbaldur


What are reasons for reboot (other than codepage for IA)?

This shall prevent an occasional issue, that a random file was not copied. Error message: [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

This is an issue what often happened to many players. I don't know what exactly goes wrong because I'm no computer expert, at least not for windows. But it seems that casually the pathnames of single files are not correctly updated when you copy a huge amount of files.
Anyhow, when I start a new installation, I always copy all my unpacked mods into a clean installed BGII - SoA folder. Without a restart there is a chance that the installation of a mod fails because of a missing file. After a restart you can be absolutely sure that this doesn't happen.


Are you sure about install order of NEJ and TS.

TS has code for NEJ (TS\mess\NeJ and TS\mess\noNeJ) but not vice versa

@ Roboghost:


"New travel system between Baldur's Gate City areas"

That sounds interesting. I will try it.

I can't understand your problems with BGT Music and BGT Graphics Overhaul v1.7. I made several tests and didn't have any problems.

Edited by Leonardo Watson, 24 August 2014 - 12:27 PM.

#19 micbaldur


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 01:43 PM

@ Leonardo


Thanks for the clarification of reboot. That makes sense actually.


About that NEJ and TS install order i'm still not convinced but hopely new NEJ (with added Part 3) comes and settles this issue.


I have installed TS first and NEJ second so i shall see if there's any problems.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#20 -Roboghost-

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Posted 24 August 2014 - 04:31 PM


I just did BGT install from scratch and the install chokes {for me} just after BGT - Music.  The Debug.txt ends with:
'SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED ... (WARNING: patches BGMain.exe)'.  Note in past that I tried to put a couple of pauses so that BGTGO doesn't go right into its install, but it still exits the DOS screen and terminates the install after the Music install.  I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate and shut off anti-virus, so not sure what is causing the program to blank out.  I checked patches and there is only a minor error with the BW Fixpack bggraphics.tph.patch - it adds an extra '//If BGT' after the BEGIN and then adds '//If BG:EE' after AR3300.  This last should be cut and pasted over the second '//If BGT'.  Not the cause of the choked of course :)


btw BGTGO's .tp2 shows version 1.6, but it is up to v1.7.