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#41 tomkaz

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Posted 08 September 2014 - 08:43 AM

Hi Leonardo:


Being a self taught programmer from a long time ago, I really do appreciate the effort that you put into the BiG World Project.  I have learned a lot about DOS from your work.  I started with DOS on my 48K Apple ][+.  You could do a lot with that computer.


I used strings.txt as a format for this reply.  I realize the strings may not be in the sequence that executes, but I hope my comments make sense.  (Sometimes no one understands me.)  But here it is.  My comments are in blue.


You have manipulated the Installpack!
Don't complain if the installation fails
or some mods don't work as intended!


 I did edit the Installpack file individual.bat just as I always edited BiG World Install.bat to get the mods and

components I wanted.


G A M E - S E L E C T I O N

[1]   only BG1 with the BG2 engine?
[2]   only BG2?
[3]   BGT [BG1 + BG2]?


 This was easy.  I always choose BGT.


C H O O S E   Y O U R   L A N G U A G E



 I always choose EN because that is the only language I speak.


B G 1 - C H E C K


 My game passed.


B G 2 - C H E C K


 My game passed.


M O D S - C H E C K


 My game passed.



You are about to execute the individual.bat edited
by yourself. Don't complain if the installation
fails or some mods don't work as intended!


 I did edit individual.bat and I do take all responsibility for the game failing due to my edits.




You have edited the compilation.bat!
Don't complain if the installation fails
or some mods don't work as intended!


 I did not edit compilation.bat.




You have changed the process.bat!
This file must not be changed!
Replace it again with the original file!


 I did not edit process.bat.


The folder "BiG World Fixpack" does not exist.
The file "BiG World Fixpack.bat" does not exist.


 They both exist.


Either the folder "BiG World Textpack" does not exist or
it does not fit to the selected language.


 The folder exist and the language was selected.


The file "BiG World Textpack.bat" does not exist.


 The file exists.


The listed mods are mandatory.
Please copy them into your BGII - SoA directory and then continue.


 No mods were listed so I assume they were all installed.


Kit conflict:


 No warning.


AI conflict:


 No Warning.


You have as well SCS as BP in your main directory.
Because the AI from BP and SCS is different, using both
of them may lead to some glitches.

[1]   Do you want to install the AI from BP?
[2]   Do you want to install the AI from SCS?


 My answer was 2.


Rule conflict:

You have as well Item Revisions as Full Plate and Packing Steel in your
main directory. Their Heavy Armor components are not compatible.

[1]   Do you want to install the components from Item Revisions?
[2]   Do you want to install the components from Full Plate and Packing Steel?


 I did not select anything.


T E X T - A D A P T A T I O N


Widescreen mod:

This mod allows you to play the game at any desired resolution.

Do you want to install the Widescreen mod?

Enter your X coordinate (the greater value for the screen width).
Then press enter to continue.

 I used 1152

Enter your Y coordinate (the smaller value for the screen height).
Then press enter to continue.

 I used 864

[1]   Do you agree with your settings?
[2]   Do you want to resize your settings?


 I agreed.


[1]   Do you agree with your settings?
[2]   Do you want to repeat your settings?


 I agreed.


T O O L - C H E C K


At least one mod requires the installation of the Trimpack.
Otherwise, some mods or components would not be installed correctly.

GUI conflict:

You have different GUIs in your main folder. They are not compatible


[1]   Do you want to hold the GUI from BGT
[2]   Do you want to install the GUI with the improved optics of BG2 from 1PP?
[3]   Do you want to install the classic BG1 look from BG1Tutu?
[4]   Do you want to install the (unfinished) circular menu from W_GUI?


 I selected 2.


Mods conflict:


 No mod conflicts.


C L E A N - U P


With this tool you can delete no longer needed files at the end of the
installation. You can reduce the size of your game folder up to the half.

You will no longer be able to install any component afterward. (which is
not recommended anyway.) All files are saved for uninstall and debugging.

Do you want to run the Clean-Up?
Be sure that you have completed your installation before starting this tool.


 I did not intentionally do the Mod Clean-Up.




Generalized_biffing biffs all the stuff in your override folder. That
enables you to play the game without any stuttering.

But it also creates a backup of the ENTIRE override to help you uninstall
again (which should be avoided in something as massive as the BWP.)
You can save up to 6 GB of space on your hard drive by deleting this backup
However you will no longer be able to re-install or uninstall any mod!

Do you want to clear gen_biff?


 I did clear gen_biff when I did Mod Clean-Up.


For a few minutes it seems that nothing happens. Please be patient!

Don't worry about the "not found" messages!
Answer "N" will quit this tool.




[1]   exit this tool?
[2]   make a change-log?
[3]   list the components of a mod?
[4]   traify a mod?
[5]   delete no longer needed files?


 I wanted to choose 3 and 5.




The next steps will guide you through the settings.

You have already defined your settings.


[1]   Do you want to use your already existing settings?
[2]   Do you want to create new ones?


 I thought I already defined my settings.


[1]   Do you want to choose a preselection?
[2]   Do you want to filter the mods according to various parameters?
[3]   Do you want to pause at mods with several components and select them
      yourself manually?
      (Use this feature with caution! Don't complain if the components
      you have edited ruin your installation.)
[4]   Do you want to use an installer changed by your own and skip the settings?
      WARNING: This option should only be used by very experienced and keen on
      experimenting players. You probably will run into problems and therefore
      you should be able to use NearInfinity!
[5]   Do you want to install all you can get? (not recommended)


 Here is where I got lost.  All I wanted was to follow my edits in individual.bat.


Which kind of preselection do you want to install?


[1]   Total happiness - adds mods that fit with the existing game content.
      Bigger additions are left out. It is preferred by many players.
[2]   Total happiness plus - additional well-chosen NPCs and quests will be
      installed. Bigger additions are left out.
[3]   Do you want to use the personal mod selection from one of the experienced


 More confusion here.
 Which mods are in the Total Happiness group?
 Where do I find the list of Happiness group?
 What if I only want some of the mods in the group?
 What if I do not want all the components in the mods?

Which kind of quest mods do you want to install?

Please select each of the following you want to install.

      large quests?
      medium quests?
      small quests?


 I have seen some mods refereed to as "large" but not any as "medium" or "small".  The same problem as above.
 Which mods are in the "large quests" mods?
 Which mods are in the "medium quests" mods?
 Which mods are in the "small quests" mods?
 Where do I find the list of these mod groups?
 What if I only want some of the mods in each of the groups?
 What if I do not want all the components from the mods?


Please choose the difficulty for the quests:
(each one includes the afore-mentioned)


[1]   easy
[2]   standard
[3]   hard
[4]   expert


 I assume "hard" is the old "tactic". So, I selected that.


Which kind of NPC mods do you want to install?
Please select each of the following you want to install.

      new introduced NPCs?
      continuing NPCs?
      These kind of mods add NPC's from the original BGI to BGII.
      NPC Banter?
      One-Day NPCs?
      only NPCs with content for SoA and ToB?
      only voiced NPCs?
      Do you want to install companions?
      Do you want to install new items?
      Do you want to install new spells?
      Please choose the strength for items and spells:
      (each one includes the afore-mentioned)


 I do not like NPC mods.  I install very few if any.


[1]   easy
[2]   standard
[3]   overpowered


 "easy", "standard" and "overpowered" are terms that have different meanings to each person.  For me, I would like

something between "standard" and "overpowered".


Do you want to install correction and restauration mods?
Do you want to install kits?
Do you want to install tactic mods and tweaks?
Please choose the degree of tactical challenges:


[1]   easy
[2]   medium
[3]   hard
[4]   very hard
[5]   extreme


 "easy", "medium", "hard", "very hard" and "extreme" are terms that have different meanings to each person.  For me, I

would like "hard" as I liked the old "tactic".


Which kind of tweaks do you want to install?
Please select each of the following you want to install.

      Item Tweaks
      Spell Tweaks
      Kit Tweaks
      Gameplay Tweaks
      AI Tweaks
      XP Tweaks
      HLA Tweaks
      PnP Tweaks
      IWD Style Tweaks
      Rule Tweaks
      Misc Tweaks
      Convenience Tweaks
      Please choose the strength for tweaks


 I think most tweaks make your enemies tougher and weaken your armor and weapons.  So I avoid almost all tweaks except

those that restore the game to its original mode. 


[1]   very easy (may be considered as cheat)
[2]   easy
[3]   standard
[4]   heavy
[5]   extreme


 "very easy", "easy", "standard", "heavy" and "extreme" are terms that have different meanings to each person.  For me, I

would like "heavy" as I liked the old "tactic". 


Do you want to install skripts?
Do you want to install portrait mods?
Do you also want to install fun mods?
Do you also want to install adult content?
Some mods include love scenes or vulgar expressions that may hurt
the sensibility of some of you. If you object to it, do not play
these mods.
Do you also want to install beta versions?
Please choose the rate for the mods:
(each one includes the afore-mentioned)


 I avoid "skripts" and "portrait" mods.  The others are good.


[1]   Do you want to install only top-rated mods?
[2]   Do you want to install also middle-rated mods?
[3]   Do you want to install also low-rated mods?
[4]   Do you want to install also not rated mods?

      Please enter 1 or 2
      Please enter 1 or 2 or 3
      Please enter 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
      Please enter Y or N
      Please enter 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5


 I am sure my definitions of "top-rated", "middle rated", "low rated", and "not rated" are different than most other

players definitions.

 So now I should have the following picked:

 Items and Spells:
 Tactic mods:
 Strength for tweaks:

 Just too many options.  The choices have ambiguous meanings for me.


Do you also want to install incongruous mods?
Do you also want to install buggy mods and components?
Do you also want to install mods for experienced players?
Maybe in some cases the mod does not work as expected or the game
is broken. You should know how to use the CLUA console and the
NearInfinity tool.
Do you also want to install cheat mods and components?


 These may be questions for one's selection or for a mod to be installed.


Do you want to install graphic mods?


Which variant of "all you can get" do you want to install?

[1]   BP AI and BP encounters, original Ascension, BG1NPCSoA unfavored,
      Spellpack, CliffHistory
[2]   BP AI and BP encounters, BP Ascension, BG1NPCSoA favored,
      SpellRev, Multistronghold
[3]   SCS AI and SCS encounters, original Ascension, BG1NPCSoA unfavored,
      Spellpack, CliffHistory
[4]   SCS AI and SCS encounters, BP Ascension, BG1NPCSoA favored,
      SpellRev, Multistronghold


 I really do not understand the above choices.  I do not like any of them.


[1]   phlaphee's modlist - aims to install not too much new content, no big
      mods, as many improvements and bug fixes as possible, only NPCs who
      truely have personality.
[2]   Arkenor's Adventure Picks - seems to be the best compromise between
      balance and lot of new stuff. Adds the maximum amount of adventure while
      leaving out items and mods that make the game just easier, unbalanced or
      more unstable. It uses the BiG Picture AI rather than SCS. This selection
      does not have big and small quest mods or new npcs etc.
[3]   Februarius BWP-selection - adds as much quest related mods as possible
      without unbalancing the game, but without most item mods and similar
      stuff that may be unbalanced. The main difference from Arkenors picks is
      that it adds much more content.
[4]   Jourin's modlist - is predominantly a BG1 game. Some overpowered
      equipment exists. This install has scarcely BG2 mods.
[5]   micbaldur's modlist - tries to max out the BWP at the best. It also
      includes big mods, additional items, npcs and a lot of tweaks.
      WARNING: You probably will run into problems and therefore you should
      be able to use NearInfinity!


 I do not know what is in any of these mod lists.  I assume I do not read enough SHS posts.




Here is how I made my mega-mod game. I used BWP v14.1.2 programs and the install order from v14.2.


 1) Edited the BiG World Install.bat
  a) Fixed it so that only the mods and components I want got installed.
  b) Added a routine to create folders for file names for found, notfound, installed and notinstalled mods
  c) Added a routine to create a folder and copy Baldur.err, Baldur.log, BiG World Debug.txt and Big World
Explanation.txt to it.  Big World Cleanup.bat still erases these files along with language.txt. Language.txt is needed to

configure the game.
  d) Added date and time of the edits so I can trace what I did.


 2) Edited list.bat to copy found, notfound, installed and notinstalled mod names to those folders.


Except for 1a, the rest takes about 5 minutes (if you do not make typing errors).


I hope some of my comments help.  Right now I will stay with the method I used because it was easy for me.  I could find everything I needed in the BWP files.  The installation process was logical and simple and all 190 mods installed without errors.  BWP did all the work for me.  I cannot ask for a better install program.  I certainly could not have installed the mega-mod game manually.  The Big World Project pdf documents are irreplaceable.  An excellent example of how a professional program is documented and instructions given for its use.  Too many corrections that BWP supplies which make the mods work together.


I did have one problem, but it was not due to BWP.  I had to use an earlier version of one mod (Alteria's Restoration Project) because of the problem with WeiDU v23602.  I used WeiDU v23600 which I found out does not work with some mods.


Thanks for all the hard work you have out into BWP,



#42 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 10 September 2014 - 07:27 AM

Many of the strings are depending on the choices you met before and will only be displayed under certain circumstances. „rated“ mods are not displayed at all. This feature is planned but not realized yet.

#43 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 13 September 2014 - 11:26 PM

Hi everybody, especially Leonardo and The Imp,


Not seing yet the end of my copy/paste mod folders and other set-up.exe to prepare my megainstall I' m now facing  the mod Druidic Sorcerer kit 1.9 page 195 of the BWP.pdf v14.2.

It's written :


Copy the folder DruidicSorcererKit and the files Setup-DruidicSorcererKit.exe, Setup-DruidicSorcererKit.tp2 and
Druidic_Sorcerer_Kit_Description.pdf into your main SoA directory.

Cool but as I extract the mod I've not only those content but also another file named XPcap.2DA...

What the hell shall I do with this file ? Copy and paste it like the other in main BGII-SOA directory or what ? The readme doesn't help at all... :angry:


Thx for any help.

Edited by colonel klinck, 13 September 2014 - 11:51 PM.

Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !

#44 frostnatt

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 03:56 AM

I got the following error,  Error : Invalid input area name, during the step BG1->BG2 Area Fileset Converter. 


I use the latest version of BWP, GOG versions of the games, have not edited the .bat files and all mods are (to my knowledge) updated to latest versions.


Everything previous worked without any errors. 


[---     BG1->BG2 Area Fileset Converter     ---]
[---                                         ---]
[---   ©KDiamond, Dec 2006, version 1.1    ---]
Usage : tis2bg2 [options] input_area_name output_area_name
Options :   -s silent mode
            -sw suppress warning messages
            -h save TIS header (for \override\ use)
            -d delete input area tileset after conversion
            -l write log file (tis2bg2.log)
Examples :   tis2bg2 -h AR3300 myfolder1\AR6700
             tis2bg2 -l myfolder1\AR3300 myfolder2\AR6700 -s -h -d
This program handles area's .wed, .tis, .mos and .bmp's.
For a complete area conversion .are and .bcs should be provided separately.
Error : Invalid input area name
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 4189 files for [SETUP-BGT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: error copying [bgt/backup/0/MINSCJ.dlg]
ERROR: error copying [bgt/backup/0/MINSCP.dlg]
ERROR: error copying [bgt/backup/0/EDWINJ.dlg]
ERROR: error copying [bgt/backup/0/EDWINP.dlg]
ERROR: error copying [bgt/backup/0/BEDWIN.dlg]
Uninstalled    4189 files for [SETUP-BGT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(_, "system", "")
PLEASE post the file  SETUP-BGT.DEBUG to http://forums.spellh...p?showforum=261
Automatically Skipping [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[./dialog.tlk] created, 106930 string entries
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
Uninstallation complete.  Please restore dialog.tlk
Press ENTER to exit.

#45 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 04:07 AM

What ... shall I do with this files ?
Copy only the other files, the xpcap.2da is there for the reason you don't install any other rule sets(like TDD, BP, BG2 tweak packs... plah, plah plah) for custom build game(you can put it in the override folder for that, but it then conflicts with all the other ruleset installs ), but the mod itself doesn't use the file during the install. Checked this from the .tp2 file, so it's for sure.

Edited by The Imp, 14 September 2014 - 04:09 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#46 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 16 September 2014 - 07:43 AM

Ok thx once more the Imp...


Then now let's see SCSv28. The BWP.Pdf v14.2  page 125 said : "Copy the folders stratagems and the files stratagems.bat and weidu.exe into your main SoA directory"


First problem I found the SCSv28 mod in the G3 site in a .exe autoextraction form. So I've to extract it in a dummy folder. The result was that I have to quite before installing the whole mod despite the fact  that it was browesd in an empty (dummy) folder...

Now I 've  :

a folder named stratagems

a second folder named stratagems_external 

a set-up.stratagems.exe file

a stratagems.bat file

a weidu.exe file

a readme file...

Shall I copy paste all those items in my main BGII-Soa directory or do I have mad stg wrong ? :crazy:

Edited by colonel klinck, 16 September 2014 - 07:45 AM.

Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !

#47 The Imp

The Imp

    Not good, see EVIL is better. You'll LIVE.

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:23 AM

Ok thx once more the Imp...
Then now let's see SCSv28. The BWP.Pdf v14.2  page 125 said : "Copy the folders stratagems and the files stratagems.bat and weidu.exe into your main SoA directory"
First problem I found the SCSv28 mod in the G3 site in a .exe autoextraction form. So I've to extract it in a dummy folder. The result was that I have to quite before installing the whole mod despite the fact  that it was browesd in an empty (dummy) folder...
Now I 've  :
a folder named stratagems
a second folder named stratagems_external 
a set-up.stratagems.exe file
a stratagems.bat file
a weidu.exe file
a readme file...
Shall I copy paste all those items in my main BGII-Soa directory or do I have mad stg wrong ? :crazy:
Yes... in a BWP install. But you could just use the BWS and it will do all the necessary steps from downloading mods to installing them for you, so you wouldn't have to wade through a war with install instructions that are not always the most updated ones...

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#48 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:47 AM

Thx for the advice The Imp,

I'm already planning to use the BW install.bat. Till there I was used to manually install all of this. :crazy:

I'm not mentally ready now to use the BWS system.... :crying:

Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !