File Submitter: K4thos
File Submitted: 30 Jul 2014
File Category: BG:EE Mods
Portraits collection (all made by Isandir) seamlessly integrated into the game.
Please visit the artist site:
- Component 0: CHARNAME menu portraits (BG1, ToTSC, BG2, ToB, BG:EE, BG2:EE)
Portrait pack by Isandir in a style similar to vanilla BG1 portraits and few in BG2 style. In Enhanced Edition games you will be able to choose new portraits right from the GUI menu, like the vanilla ones (new references are added into BGEE.sql). In non EE games all portraits will be just copied to Portraits folder, so you will need to choose them from the Custom menu.
- Component 1: Ust Natha BG2 NPC Portraits (BG2, ToB, BG2:EE)
This component implements Ust Natha BG2 NPC Portraits during Underdark questline. Normal ones will be swapped with Ust Natha version as soon as Adalon casts her illusion spells. When the illusion is over (when you attack Adalon or when leaving the Underdark) the portraits will be changed back to normal ones. Currently the follwing vanilla NPCs don't have Ust Natha portraits: Dorn, Neera, Yoshimo, Hexxat, Rasaad, Sarevok. If Isandir decides to make them they will be included in future versions of the mod.
In "art" folder you can see all portraits that come with this mod in XL size.
The "bmp/foldername/alt" directories also contain alternative portraits that are not used by the mod, but you can swap them manually if you like them better.
The mod is compatible with NPC Damage mod by khayman and SConrad (damage portrait swap is disabled during the Ust Natha illusion).
This mod forces to use default portraits for NPCs, so it will conflict visually with mods that change these (Ust Natha version of the portraits use default portraits as the base).
- Isandir - for all these awesome portraits.
- khayman and SConrad - for NPC Damage mod.
- SHS - for hosting my mods.
K4thos: PM me on SHS (K4thos) or official forum (swit)
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